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version 4

gravity 0 -9.81 0

// Segment representing the wheelchair (without wheel)
segment Wheelchair
    rt 0 0 0 xyz 0 0.35 0
    translations x
        -10 10
    mass 89.64  // Mass of the wheelchair segment
        0.0484311488 0 0
        0 0.0484311488 0
        0 0 0.0484311488
    com 0.10537237661758142 0.31566042659527 0  // Center of mass position of the wheelchair segment
   mesh 0.65000 -0.25000 0.00000
mesh 0.64511 -0.21910 0.00000
mesh 0.63090 -0.19122 0.00000
mesh 0.60878 -0.16910 0.00000
mesh 0.58090 -0.15489 0.00000
mesh 0.55000 -0.15000 0.00000
mesh 0.51910 -0.15489 0.00000
mesh 0.49122 -0.16910 0.00000
mesh 0.46910 -0.19122 0.00000
mesh 0.45489 -0.21910 0.00000
mesh 0.45000 -0.25000 0.00000
mesh 0.45489 -0.28090 0.00000
mesh 0.46910 -0.30878 0.00000
mesh 0.49122 -0.33090 0.00000
mesh 0.51910 -0.34511 0.00000
mesh 0.55000 -0.35000 0.00000
mesh 0.58090 -0.34511 0.00000
mesh 0.60878 -0.33090 0.00000
mesh 0.63090 -0.30878 0.00000
mesh 0.64511 -0.28090 0.00000
mesh 0.65000 -0.25000 0.00000
mesh -0.05000 0.40000 0.00000
mesh 0.35000 0.40000 0.00000
mesh 0.35000 0.35000 0.00000
mesh -0.05000 0.35000 0.00000
mesh -0.05000 0.40000 0.00000
mesh -0.05000 0.70000 0.00000
mesh -0.05000 0.70000 0.00000
mesh -0.05000 0.40000 0.00000
mesh 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
mesh 0.55000 0.10000 0.00000
mesh 0.10000 0.30000 0.00000
mesh 0.10000 0.35000 0.00000

segment Wheel
    parent Wheelchair
    rtinmatrix 0
    rt 0 0 0 xyz 0 0 0
    rotations z
        -10*pi 10*pi
    mass 3.79  // Mass of the wheel segment
        0 0 0
        0 0 0
        0 0 0.16
    com 0 0 0  // Center of mass position of the wheel segment
    mesh 0.35000 0.00000 0.00000
    mesh 0.34931 0.02198 0.00000
    mesh 0.34724 0.04387 0.00000
    mesh 0.34380 0.06558 0.00000
    mesh 0.33900 0.08704 0.00000
    mesh 0.33287 0.10816 0.00000
    mesh 0.32542 0.12884 0.00000
    mesh 0.31669 0.14902 0.00000
    mesh 0.30671 0.16861 0.00000
    mesh 0.29551 0.18754 0.00000
    mesh 0.28316 0.20572 0.00000
    mesh 0.26968 0.22310 0.00000
    mesh 0.25514 0.23959 0.00000
    mesh 0.23959 0.25514 0.00000
    mesh 0.22310 0.26968 0.00000
    mesh 0.20572 0.28316 0.00000
    mesh 0.18754 0.29551 0.00000
    mesh 0.16861 0.30671 0.00000
    mesh 0.14902 0.31669 0.00000
    mesh 0.12884 0.32542 0.00000
    mesh 0.10816 0.33287 0.00000
    mesh 0.08704 0.33900 0.00000
    mesh 0.06558 0.34380 0.00000
    mesh 0.04387 0.34724 0.00000
    mesh 0.02198 0.34931 0.00000
    mesh -0.00000 0.35000 0.00000
    mesh -0.02198 0.34931 0.00000
    mesh -0.04387 0.34724 0.00000
    mesh -0.06558 0.34380 0.00000
    mesh -0.08704 0.33900 0.00000
    mesh -0.10816 0.33287 0.00000
    mesh -0.12884 0.32542 0.00000
    mesh -0.14902 0.31669 0.00000
    mesh -0.16861 0.30671 0.00000
    mesh -0.18754 0.29551 0.00000
    mesh -0.20572 0.28316 0.00000
    mesh -0.22310 0.26968 0.00000
    mesh -0.23959 0.25514 0.00000
    mesh -0.25514 0.23959 0.00000
    mesh -0.26968 0.22310 0.00000
    mesh -0.28316 0.20572 0.00000
    mesh -0.29551 0.18754 0.00000
    mesh -0.30671 0.16861 0.00000
    mesh -0.31669 0.14902 0.00000
    mesh -0.32542 0.12884 0.00000
    mesh -0.33287 0.10816 0.00000
    mesh -0.33900 0.08704 0.00000
    mesh -0.34380 0.06558 0.00000
    mesh -0.34724 0.04387 0.00000
    mesh -0.34931 0.02198 0.00000
    mesh -0.35000 -0.00000 0.00000
    mesh -0.34931 -0.02198 0.00000
    mesh -0.34724 -0.04387 0.00000
    mesh -0.34380 -0.06558 0.00000
    mesh -0.33900 -0.08704 0.00000
    mesh -0.33287 -0.10816 0.00000
    mesh -0.32542 -0.12884 0.00000
    mesh -0.31669 -0.14902 0.00000
    mesh -0.30671 -0.16861 0.00000
    mesh -0.29551 -0.18754 0.00000
    mesh -0.28316 -0.20572 0.00000
    mesh -0.26968 -0.22310 0.00000
    mesh -0.25514 -0.23959 0.00000
    mesh -0.23959 -0.25514 0.00000
    mesh -0.22310 -0.26968 0.00000
    mesh -0.20572 -0.28316 0.00000
    mesh -0.18754 -0.29551 0.00000
    mesh -0.16861 -0.30671 0.00000
    mesh -0.14902 -0.31669 0.00000
    mesh -0.12884 -0.32542 0.00000
    mesh -0.10816 -0.33287 0.00000
    mesh -0.08704 -0.33900 0.00000
    mesh -0.06558 -0.34380 0.00000
    mesh -0.04387 -0.34724 0.00000
    mesh -0.02198 -0.34931 0.00000
    mesh -0.00000 -0.35000 0.00000
    mesh 0.02198 -0.34931 0.00000
    mesh 0.04387 -0.34724 0.00000
    mesh 0.06558 -0.34380 0.00000
    mesh 0.08704 -0.33900 0.00000
    mesh 0.10816 -0.33287 0.00000
    mesh 0.12884 -0.32542 0.00000
    mesh 0.14902 -0.31669 0.00000
    mesh 0.16861 -0.30671 0.00000
    mesh 0.18754 -0.29551 0.00000
    mesh 0.20572 -0.28316 0.00000
    mesh 0.22310 -0.26968 0.00000
    mesh 0.23959 -0.25514 0.00000
    mesh 0.25514 -0.23959 0.00000
    mesh 0.26968 -0.22310 0.00000
    mesh 0.28316 -0.20572 0.00000
    mesh 0.29551 -0.18754 0.00000
    mesh 0.30671 -0.16861 0.00000
    mesh 0.31669 -0.14902 0.00000
    mesh 0.32542 -0.12884 0.00000
    mesh 0.33287 -0.10816 0.00000
    mesh 0.33900 -0.08704 0.00000
    mesh 0.34380 -0.06558 0.00000
    mesh 0.34724 -0.04387 0.00000
    mesh 0.34931 -0.02198 0.00000
    mesh 0.35000 0.00000 0.00000

segment ContactFrame
    parent Wheel
    rtinmatrix 0
    rt 0 0 0.2 xyz 0 0 0
    mass 0
        0 0 0
        0 0 0
        0 0 0
    com 0 0 0  // Center of mass position of the wheel segment
    mesh 0.30000 0.00000 0.00000
    mesh 0.29941 0.01884 0.00000
    mesh 0.29763 0.03760 0.00000
    mesh 0.29469 0.05621 0.00000
    mesh 0.29057 0.07461 0.00000
    mesh 0.28532 0.09271 0.00000
    mesh 0.27893 0.11044 0.00000
    mesh 0.27145 0.12773 0.00000
    mesh 0.26289 0.14453 0.00000
    mesh 0.25330 0.16075 0.00000
    mesh 0.24271 0.17634 0.00000
    mesh 0.23115 0.19123 0.00000
    mesh 0.21869 0.20536 0.00000
    mesh 0.20536 0.21869 0.00000
    mesh 0.19123 0.23115 0.00000
    mesh 0.17634 0.24271 0.00000
    mesh 0.16075 0.25330 0.00000
    mesh 0.14453 0.26289 0.00000
    mesh 0.12773 0.27145 0.00000
    mesh 0.11044 0.27893 0.00000
    mesh 0.09271 0.28532 0.00000
    mesh 0.07461 0.29057 0.00000
    mesh 0.05621 0.29469 0.00000
    mesh 0.03760 0.29763 0.00000
    mesh 0.01884 0.29941 0.00000
    mesh -0.00000 0.30000 0.00000
    mesh -0.01884 0.29941 0.00000
    mesh -0.03760 0.29763 0.00000
    mesh -0.05621 0.29469 0.00000
    mesh -0.07461 0.29057 0.00000
    mesh -0.09271 0.28532 0.00000
    mesh -0.11044 0.27893 0.00000
    mesh -0.12773 0.27145 0.00000
    mesh -0.14453 0.26289 0.00000
    mesh -0.16075 0.25330 0.00000
    mesh -0.17634 0.24271 0.00000
    mesh -0.19123 0.23115 0.00000
    mesh -0.20536 0.21869 0.00000
    mesh -0.21869 0.20536 0.00000
    mesh -0.23115 0.19123 0.00000
    mesh -0.24271 0.17634 0.00000
    mesh -0.25330 0.16075 0.00000
    mesh -0.26289 0.14453 0.00000
    mesh -0.27145 0.12773 0.00000
    mesh -0.27893 0.11044 0.00000
    mesh -0.28532 0.09271 0.00000
    mesh -0.29057 0.07461 0.00000
    mesh -0.29469 0.05621 0.00000
    mesh -0.29763 0.03760 0.00000
    mesh -0.29941 0.01884 0.00000
    mesh -0.30000 -0.00000 0.00000
    mesh -0.29941 -0.01884 0.00000
    mesh -0.29763 -0.03760 0.00000
    mesh -0.29469 -0.05621 0.00000
    mesh -0.29057 -0.07461 0.00000
    mesh -0.28532 -0.09271 0.00000
    mesh -0.27893 -0.11044 0.00000
    mesh -0.27145 -0.12773 0.00000
    mesh -0.26289 -0.14453 0.00000
    mesh -0.25330 -0.16075 0.00000
    mesh -0.24271 -0.17634 0.00000
    mesh -0.23115 -0.19123 0.00000
    mesh -0.21869 -0.20536 0.00000
    mesh -0.20536 -0.21869 0.00000
    mesh -0.19123 -0.23115 0.00000
    mesh -0.17634 -0.24271 0.00000
    mesh -0.16075 -0.25330 0.00000
    mesh -0.14453 -0.26289 0.00000
    mesh -0.12773 -0.27145 0.00000
    mesh -0.11044 -0.27893 0.00000
    mesh -0.09271 -0.28532 0.00000
    mesh -0.07461 -0.29057 0.00000
    mesh -0.05621 -0.29469 0.00000
    mesh -0.03760 -0.29763 0.00000
    mesh -0.01884 -0.29941 0.00000
    mesh -0.00000 -0.30000 0.00000
    mesh 0.01884 -0.29941 0.00000
    mesh 0.03760 -0.29763 0.00000
    mesh 0.05621 -0.29469 0.00000
    mesh 0.07461 -0.29057 0.00000
    mesh 0.09271 -0.28532 0.00000
    mesh 0.11044 -0.27893 0.00000
    mesh 0.12773 -0.27145 0.00000
    mesh 0.14453 -0.26289 0.00000
    mesh 0.16075 -0.25330 0.00000
    mesh 0.17634 -0.24271 0.00000
    mesh 0.19123 -0.23115 0.00000
    mesh 0.20536 -0.21869 0.00000
    mesh 0.21869 -0.20536 0.00000
    mesh 0.23115 -0.19123 0.00000
    mesh 0.24271 -0.17634 0.00000
    mesh 0.25330 -0.16075 0.00000
    mesh 0.26289 -0.14453 0.00000
    mesh 0.27145 -0.12773 0.00000
    mesh 0.27893 -0.11044 0.00000
    mesh 0.28532 -0.09271 0.00000
    mesh 0.29057 -0.07461 0.00000
    mesh 0.29469 -0.05621 0.00000
    mesh 0.29763 -0.03760 0.00000
    mesh 0.29941 -0.01884 0.00000
    mesh 0.30000 0.00000 0.00000

marker handrim_contact_point
    parent ContactFrame
    position 0 0.3 0

contact handrim_contact_point
    parent ContactFrame
    position 0 0.3 0
    axis yz

// Segment representing the upper arm segment (shoulder to elbow)
segment Arm
    parent Wheelchair
    rt 0 0 0 xyz 0 0.7710000000000001 0
    rotations z
        -pi 0
    mass 3.84  // Mass of the upper arm segment
        0.030711263616000004 0 0
        0 0.030711263616000004 0
        0 0 0.030711263616000004
    com  0.14910420000000002 0 0  // Center of mass position of the upper arm segment
    mesh 0 0 0
    mesh 0.271 0 0

// Marker 0: Origin marker for Arm
marker marker_0
    parent Arm
    position 0 0 0

// Marker 1: End marker for Arm
marker marker_1
    parent Arm
    position 0.271 0 0

// Segment representing the forearm segment
segment Forearm
    parent Arm
    rt 0 0 0 xyz 0.271 0 0
    rotations z
        -0.1 pi
    mass 3.68  // Mass of the forearm segment
        0.04297025777218477 0 0
        0 0.0002 0
        0 0 0.04297025777218477
    com 0.2100573304347826 0 0  // Center of mass position of the forearm segment
    mesh 0 0 0
    mesh 0.283 0 0

// Marker 3: Origin marker for Forearm
marker marker_3
    parent Forearm
    position 0 0 0

// Marker 4: End marker for Forearm
marker hand
    parent Forearm
    position 0.283 0 0