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# Morpheus

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Morpheus is a library to encrypt and decrypt data in colors of a picture. Process also known as steganography.

The library works regardless with imageMagick or GD library.

### Installing via Composer

The recommended way to install Morpheus is through [Composer](

composer require pyrou/morpheus

After installing, you need to require Composer's autoloader:

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

### How to use it

With GD library

# write data in image
$im = imagecreatefrompng("source.png");
Morpheus\Data::write("Helloworld", $im);
imagepng($im, "output.png");

# read data from image
$im = imagecreatefrompng("output.png");
assert("Helloworld" === Morpheus\Data::read($im));

With Image Magick

# write data in image
$im = new Imagick("source.png");
Morpheus\Data::write("Helloworld", $im);

# read data from image
$im = new Imagick("output.png");
assert("Helloworld" === Morpheus\Data::read($im));

### How does it work ?

Let's explain how it works with an example. Consider this beautiful octocat.


require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$im = imagecreatefrompng("source.png");
$data = base64_encode(
    "L'homme est un homme tant qu'il s'évertue ".
    "à s'élever au dessus de la nature, et cette ".
    "nature est à la fois intérieure et extérieure.");
Morpheus\Data::write($data, $im);
imagepng($im, "output.png");

Bellow is how humans and computers \(or perspicuous humans\) can see the `output.png` file.

| source.png | output.png | `--debug`\* |
| --- | --- | --- |
| ![input]( | ![output.png]( | ![What library sees]( |

In fact, the library has slightly changed the coloration of each pixels in upper-half of the file. So slightly that human eyes are NOT able to detect it.

\*For understand what Morpheus did, and what he sees now.