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namespace Morpheus;

include_once __DIR__.'/Region.php';
include_once __DIR__.'/CoordinatesIterator.php';
include_once __DIR__.'/Color.php';

abstract class Image {

    const NUL = "\x00";
    const SOH = "\x01";
    const STX = "\x02";
    const ETX = "\x03";
    const EOT = "\x04";

    private $image;
    private $coordinates;
    private $offset = 0;
    private $length = 0;

     * Create a new Morpheus\Image instance.
     * @param resource|Imagick GD Resource or Imagick instance or Intervention
     * @return Morpheus\Image
    static function create($im) {

        if(is_resource($im) && get_resource_type($im)) {
            return new ImageGD($im);
        if($im instanceof \Imagick) {
            return new ImageImagick($im);
        if($im instanceof \Intervention\Image\Image) {
            return new Intervention($im);

    abstract function getWidth();
    abstract function getHeight();
    abstract function getColor($x, $y);
    abstract function setColor($x, $y, Color $color);

     * Image object can't be instanciate directly.
     * Use Morpheus\Image::create() method instead.
     * @see Morpheus\Image::create
    protected function __construct() {
        $region = new Region(0, 0, $this->getWidth(), $this->getHeight());
        $this->coordinates = new CoordinatesIterator($region);

     * Calculate the XOR parity of the given byte.
     * @param integer byte between 0x00 and 0xFF
     * @return bool
    private function parity($byte) {
        $parity = 0;
        for($i=7; $i>=0; $i--) {
            $parity ^= ($byte >> $i) & 1;
        return (bool) $parity;

     * Store a byte at the current coordinates pointer
     * @param integer byte between 0x00 and 0xFF
    private function writeByte($byte) {
        // byte :    0b11010100
        // parity :          0b1
        // pixel 1 :   110
        // pixel 2 :      101
        // pixel 3 :         001

        list($x, $y) = $this->coordinates->current();
        $color = $this->getColor($x, $y);
        $color->writeBits(($byte>>5) & 7);
        $this->setColor($x, $y, $color);

        list($x, $y) = $this->coordinates->current();
        $color = $this->getColor($x, $y);
        $color->writeBits(($byte>>2) & 7);
        $this->setColor($x, $y, $color);

        list($x, $y) = $this->coordinates->current();
        $color = $this->getColor($x, $y);
        $color->writeBits(($byte<<1) & 7 | $this->parity($byte));
        $this->setColor($x, $y, $color);


     * Write a binary payload in the image.
     * Consider using serialize/unserialize for storing mixed payloads
     * @param string $payload
     * @return boolean Return FALSE in case of failure
    public function write($payload) {

        $size = strlen($payload);

        $header = pack("aVa", self::SOH, $size, self::STX);
        $footer = pack("aa", self::ETX, self::EOT);
        $payload = $header.$payload.$header;
        $size += strlen($header.$footer);

        if(ceil(count($this->coordinates) / 3) < $size) {
            // Image too small
            return false;

         for($cursor = 0; $cursor < $size; $cursor ++) {
            $byte = ord($payload[$cursor]);

        return true;

    public function read() {

        $payload = "";

        for($cursor = 0; $cursor < 6; $cursor ++) {
            $byte = $this->readByte();
            $payload .= chr($byte);

        $header = unpack("aSOH/Vlength/aSTX", $payload);
        $payload = "";

        for($cursor = 0; $cursor < $header['length']; $cursor ++) {
            $byte = $this->readByte();
            $payload .= chr($byte);

        return $payload;

    private function readByte() {

        list($x, $y) = $this->coordinates->current();
        $color = $this->getColor($x, $y);
        $byte = $color->readBits() << 5;

        list($x, $y) = $this->coordinates->current();
        $color = $this->getColor($x, $y);
        $byte += $color->readBits() << 2;

        list($x, $y) = $this->coordinates->current();
        $color = $this->getColor($x, $y);
        $bits = $color->readBits();
        $byte += $bits >> 1;
        $parity = $bits & 1;


        return $byte;

    public function clear() {

        foreach($this->coordinates as $pixel) {
            list($x, $y) = $pixel;
            $color = $this->getColor($x, $y);
            $this->setColor($x, $y, $color);

class ImageGD extends Image {

    protected $im;

    protected function __construct($im) {
        $this->im = $im;
        imagealphablending($im, false);
         imagesavealpha($im, true);

    function getWidth() {
        return imagesx($this->im);

    function getHeight() {
        return imagesy($this->im);

    function getColor($x, $y) {
        $color = imagecolorat($this->im, $x, $y);
        $a = ($color >> 24) & 0x7F;
        $r = ($color >> 16) & 0xFF;
        $g = ($color >> 8) & 0xFF;
        $b = ($color >> 0) & 0xFF;
        return new Color($r, $g, $b, $a);

    function setColor($x, $y, Color $color) {
        $r = (int) $color->r;
        $g = (int) $color->g;
        $b = (int) $color->b;
        $a = (int) $color->a;

        if($a > 0) {
            $im_color = imagecolorallocatealpha($this->im,$r,$g,$b,$a);
        } else {
            $im_color = imagecolorallocate($this->im,$r,$g,$b);
        imagecolordeallocate($this->im, $im_color);

class ImageImagick extends Image {

    protected $im;

    protected function __construct(\Imagick $im) {
        $this->im = $im;

    function getWidth() {
        return $this->im->getImageWidth();

    function getHeight() {
        return $this->im->getImageHeight();

    function getColor($x, $y) {
        $pixel = $this->im->getImagePixelColor($x, $y);
        $colors = $pixel->getColor();

        // Determine alpha value
        $ncolors = $pixel->getColor($normalized = true);
        $alpha = round($ncolors['a'] * 0xFF);

        return new Color($colors['r'], $colors['g'], $colors['b'], $alpha);

    function setColor($x, $y, Color $color) {
        $pixel = $this->im->getImagePixelColor($x, $y);

        $pixel->setColorValue(\Imagick::COLOR_RED,   $color->r / 0xFF);
        $pixel->setColorValue(\Imagick::COLOR_GREEN, $color->g / 0xFF);
        $pixel->setColorValue(\Imagick::COLOR_BLUE,  $color->b / 0xFF);
        $pixel->setColorValue(\Imagick::COLOR_ALPHA, max($color->a, 1) / 0xFF);

        $draw  = new \ImagickDraw();
        $draw->point($x, $y);


class Intervention extends Image {

    protected $im;

    protected function __construct(\Intervention\Image\Image $im) {
        $this->im = $im;

    function getWidth() {
        return $this->im->width();

    function getHeight() {
        return $this->im->height();

    function getColor($x, $y) {
        $colors = $this->im->pickColor($x, $y);
        $alpha = round($colors['3'] * 0xFF);
        return new Color($colors[0], $colors[1], $colors[2], $alpha);

    function setColor($x, $y, Color $color) {
        $r = (int) $color->r;
        $g = (int) $color->g;
        $b = (int) $color->b;
        $a = max((int) $color->a, 1) / 0xFF;

        $this->im->pixel([$r, $g, $b, $a], $x, $y);
