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# Full author list can be found in .zenodo.json file
# DOI:10.5281/zenodo.3475498
# DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release. Distribution is
# unlimited.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
"""Methods to convert orbital information for propagators."""

import numpy as np
import warnings

def _check_orbital_params(kwargs):
    """Check that a complete set of unconflicted orbital parameters exist.

    kwargs : dict or NoneType
        Dictionary of optional kwargs passed through upon initialization
        of pysat instrument.


    req_elements = list(kwargs['load'].keys())

    keplerians = ['alt_periapsis', 'inclination']
    tles = ['tle1', 'tle2']
    errmsg = 'Insufficient kwargs.  Kwarg group requires {:}'
    for group in [tles, keplerians]:
        bools = [item in req_elements for item in group]

        # Check if group is incomplete.
        if any(bools) and not all(bools):
            raise KeyError(errmsg.format(', '.join(group)))
    if (all(item in req_elements for item in tles)
            and all(item in req_elements for item in keplerians)):
        warnings.warn(' '.join(['Cannot use both Keplerians and TLEs.',
                                'Defaulting to Keplerians.']))


def _get_constants(planet='earth'):
    """Retrieve planetary constants for calculations.

    planet : str
        The name of the planet of interest.

    radius : float (km)
        The average radius to the surface of a planet.
    mass : float (kg)
        The average mass of the planet.
    gravity : float (m**3 kg / s**2)
        Newton's gravitational constant


    radius = {'earth': 6371.2}
    mass = {'earth': 5.9722e24}
    gravity = 6.6743e-11

    if planet not in radius.keys():
        raise KeyError('{:} is not yet a supported planet!'.format(planet))

    return radius[planet], mass[planet], gravity

def convert_to_keplerian(alt_periapsis, alt_apoapsis=None, planet='earth'):
    """Calculate orbital eccentricity from periapsis and apoapsis.

    alt_periapsis : float
        The lowest altitude from the mean planet surface along the orbit (km)
    alt_apoapsis : float or NoneType
        The highest altitude from the mean planet surface along the orbit (km)
        If None, assumed to be equal to periapsis. (default=None)
    planet : str
        The name of the planet of interest.  Used for radial calculations and
        mass. (default='earth')

    eccentricity : float
        The eccentricty of the orbit (unitless)
    mean_motion : float
        The mean angular speed of the orbit (rad/minute)


    radius, mass, gravity = _get_constants(planet)
    if alt_apoapsis is None:
        alt_apoapsis = alt_periapsis

    rad_apoapsis = alt_apoapsis + radius
    rad_periapsis = alt_periapsis + radius
    semimajor = 0.5 * (rad_apoapsis + rad_periapsis)

    eccentricity = ((rad_apoapsis - rad_periapsis)
                    / (rad_apoapsis + rad_periapsis))

    # Convert axis to m, mean_motion to rad / minute
    mean_motion = np.sqrt(gravity * mass / (1000 * semimajor)**3) * 60

    return eccentricity, mean_motion

def convert_from_keplerian(eccentricity, mean_motion, planet='earth'):
    """Calculate orbital eccentricity from periapsis and apoapsis.

    eccentricity : float
        The eccentricty of the orbit (unitless)
    mean_motion : float
        The mean angular speed of the orbit (rad/minute)
    planet : str
        The name of the planet of interest.  Used for radial calculations.

    alt_periapsis : float
        The lowest altitude from the mean planet surface along the orbit (km)
    alt_apoapsis : float
        The highest altitude from the mean planet surface along the orbit (km)


    radius, mass, gravity = _get_constants(planet)

    # Convert mean_motion to rad / second before computing
    semimajor = (gravity * mass / (mean_motion / 60)**2)

    # Convert distance to km
    semimajor = semimajor**(1 / 3) / 1000

    rad_apoapsis = semimajor * (1 + eccentricity)
    rad_periapsis = semimajor * (1 - eccentricity)

    alt_apoapsis = rad_apoapsis - radius
    alt_periapsis = rad_periapsis - radius

    return alt_periapsis, alt_apoapsis