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# Full author list can be found in .zenodo.json file
# DOI:10.5281/zenodo.3475498
# DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release. Distribution is
# unlimited.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
"""Default routines for projecting values onto vectors for pysat instruments."""

import numpy as np
import warnings

def add_ram_pointing_sc_attitude_vectors(inst):
    """Add attitude vectors for spacecraft assuming ram pointing.

    Presumes spacecraft is pointed along the velocity vector (x), z is
    generally nadir pointing (positive towards Earth), and y completes the
    right handed system (generally southward).

    inst : pysat.Instrument
        Instrument object

    Modifies pysat.Instrument object in place to include S/C attitude
    unit vectors, expressed in ECEF basis. Vectors are named
    sc_xhat_ecef_x is the spacecraft unit vector along x (positive along
    velocity vector) reported in ECEF, ECEF x-component.

    Expects velocity and position of spacecraft in Earth Centered
    Earth Fixed (ECEF) coordinates to be in the instrument object
    and named velocity_ecef_(x,y,z) and position_ecef_(x,y,z)

    Adds attitude vectors for spacecraft in the ECEF basis by calculating
    the scalar product of each attitude vector with each component of ECEF.


    # Ram pointing is along velocity vector
    inst[['sc_xhat_ecef_x', 'sc_xhat_ecef_y', 'sc_xhat_ecef_z']] = normalize(
        inst[['velocity_ecef_x', 'velocity_ecef_y', 'velocity_ecef_z']])

    # Begin with z along Nadir (towards Earth)
    # if orbit isn't perfectly circular, then the s/c z vector won't
    # point exactly along nadir. However, nadir pointing is close enough
    # to the true z (in the orbital plane) that we can use it to get y,
    # and use x and y to get the real z
    inst[['sc_zhat_ecef_x', 'sc_zhat_ecef_y', 'sc_zhat_ecef_z']] = normalize(
        -inst[['position_ecef_x', 'position_ecef_y', 'position_ecef_z']])

    # get y vector assuming right hand rule
    # Z x X = Y
    inst[['sc_yhat_ecef_x', 'sc_yhat_ecef_y', 'sc_yhat_ecef_z']] = np.cross(
        inst[['sc_zhat_ecef_x', 'sc_zhat_ecef_y', 'sc_zhat_ecef_z']],
        inst[['sc_xhat_ecef_x', 'sc_xhat_ecef_y', 'sc_xhat_ecef_z']],
    # Normalize since Xhat and Zhat from above may not be orthogonal
    inst[['sc_yhat_ecef_x', 'sc_yhat_ecef_y', 'sc_yhat_ecef_z']] = normalize(
        inst[['sc_yhat_ecef_x', 'sc_yhat_ecef_y', 'sc_yhat_ecef_z']])

    # Strictly, need to recalculate Zhat so that it is consistent with RHS
    # just created
    # Z = X x Y
    inst[['sc_zhat_ecef_x', 'sc_zhat_ecef_y', 'sc_zhat_ecef_z']] = np.cross(
        inst[['sc_xhat_ecef_x', 'sc_xhat_ecef_y', 'sc_xhat_ecef_z']],
        inst[['sc_yhat_ecef_x', 'sc_yhat_ecef_y', 'sc_yhat_ecef_z']],

    # Adding metadata
    for v in ['x', 'y', 'z']:
        for u in ['x', 'y', 'z']:
            inst.meta['sc_{:}hat_ecef_{:}'.format(v, u)] = {
                inst.meta.labels.units: '',
       'SC {:}-unit vector, ECEF-{:}'.format(
                    v, u),
                inst.meta.labels.desc: ' '.join((
                    'S/C attitude ({:}-direction, ram) unit vector,'.format(v),
                    'expressed in ECEF basis, {:}-component'.format(u)))}

    # Check what magnitudes we get
    mag = np.linalg.norm(
        inst[['sc_zhat_ecef_x', 'sc_zhat_ecef_y', 'sc_zhat_ecef_z']],
    idx, = np.where(np.abs(mag - 1) > 1e-9)
    if len(idx) > 0:
        raise RuntimeError(' '.join(('Unit vector generation failure for ,'
                                     '{:} points. Not'.format(len(idx)),
                                     'sufficently orthogonal.')))


def calculate_ecef_velocity(inst):
    """Calculate spacecraft velocity in ECEF frame.

    .. deprecated:: 0.4.0
      This function is no longer needed with the deprecation of
      `missions_ephem`. Better calculations are available through geospacepy
      and skyfield. `calculate_ecef_velocity` will be removed in versions 0.5.0+

    inst : pysat.Instrument
        Instrument object

    Presumes that the spacecraft velocity in ECEF is in the input instrument
    object as position_ecef_(x,y,z). Uses a symmetric difference to calculate
    the velocity thus endpoints will be set to NaN. Routine should be run using
    pysat data padding feature to create valid end points.

    Modifies pysat.Instrument object in place to include ECEF velocity
    using naming scheme velocity_ecef_(x,y,z)


    warnings.warn(' '.join(("`calculate_ecef_velocity` has been deprecated and",
                            "will be removed in pysatMissions 0.5.0+.",
                            "Use `geospacepy` or `skyfield` instead.")),
                  DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)

    def get_vel_from_pos(x):
        vel = (x.values[2:] - x.values[0:-2]) / 2.
        return vel

    vel_x = get_vel_from_pos(inst['position_ecef_x'])
    vel_y = get_vel_from_pos(inst['position_ecef_y'])
    vel_z = get_vel_from_pos(inst['position_ecef_z'])

    inst[1:-1, 'velocity_ecef_x'] = vel_x
    inst[1:-1, 'velocity_ecef_y'] = vel_y
    inst[1:-1, 'velocity_ecef_z'] = vel_z

    for v in ['x', 'y', 'z']:
        inst.meta['velocity_ecef_{:}'.format(v)] = {
            inst.meta.labels.units: 'km/s',
   'ECEF {:}-velocity'.format(v),
            inst.meta.labels.desc: ' '.join(('Velocity of satellite calculated',
                                             'with respect to ECEF frame.'))}

def project_ecef_vector_onto_sc(inst, x_label, y_label, z_label,
                                new_x_label, new_y_label, new_z_label,
    """Express input vector using s/c attitude directions.

    x - ram pointing
    y - generally southward
    z - generally nadir

    x_label : string
        Label used to get ECEF-X component of vector to be projected
    y_label : string
        Label used to get ECEF-Y component of vector to be projected
    z_label : string
        Label used to get ECEF-Z component of vector to be projected
    new_x_label : string
        Label used to set X component of projected vector
    new_y_label : string
        Label used to set Y component of projected vector
    new_z_label : string
        Label used to set Z component of projected vector
    meta : array_like of dicts (None)
        Dicts contain metadata to be assigned.


    # TODO(#65): add checks for existence of ECEF variables in the Instrument

    xx = inst['sc_xhat_ecef_x']
    xy = inst['sc_xhat_ecef_y']
    xz = inst['sc_xhat_ecef_z']

    yx = inst['sc_yhat_ecef_x']
    yy = inst['sc_yhat_ecef_y']
    yz = inst['sc_yhat_ecef_z']

    zx = inst['sc_zhat_ecef_x']
    zy = inst['sc_zhat_ecef_y']
    zz = inst['sc_zhat_ecef_z']

    inst[new_x_label] = inst[x_label] * xx + inst[y_label] * xy + inst[
        z_label] * xz
    inst[new_y_label] = inst[x_label] * yx + inst[y_label] * yy + inst[
        z_label] * yz
    inst[new_z_label] = inst[x_label] * zx + inst[y_label] * zy + inst[
        z_label] * zz

    if meta is not None:
        inst.meta[new_x_label] = meta[0]
        inst.meta[new_y_label] = meta[1]
        inst.meta[new_z_label] = meta[2]


def normalize(vector):
    """Normalize a time-series of vectors.

    vector : pds.DataFrame
        A time-series consisting of vector components at each time step.

    norm_vector : pds.DataFrame
        The normalized version of vector


    norm_vector = vector.div(np.linalg.norm(vector, axis=1), axis=0)

    return norm_vector