# Copyright (c) 2016-2023 The Ruby-Eth Contributors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Provides the {Eth} module.
module Eth
# Defines handy tools for encoding typed structured data as per EIP-712.
# Ref:
module Eip712
extend self
# Provides a special typed-data error if data structure fails basic
# verification.
class TypedDataError < StandardError; end
# Scans all dependencies of a given type recursively and returns
# either all dependencies or none if not found.
# @param primary_type [String] the primary type which we want to scan.
# @param types [Array] all existing types in the data structure.
# @param result [Array] found results from previous recursions.
# @return [Array] all dependent types for the given primary type.
def type_dependencies(primary_type, types, result = [])
if result.include? primary_type
# ignore if we already have the give type in results
return result
elsif types[primary_type.to_sym].nil?
# ignore if the type is not used, e.g., a string or address.
return result
# we found something
result.push primary_type
# recursively look for further nested dependencies
types[primary_type.to_sym].each do |t|
dependency = type_dependencies t[:type], types, result
return result
# Encode types as an EIP-712 confrom string, e.g.,
# `MyType(string attribute)`.
# @param primary_type [String] the type which we want to encode.
# @param types [Array] all existing types in the data structure.
# @return [String] an EIP-712 encoded type-string.
# @raise [TypedDataError] if non-primary type found.
def encode_type(primary_type, types)
# get all used types
all_dependencies = type_dependencies primary_type, types
# remove primary types and sort the rest alphabetically
filtered_dependencies = all_dependencies.delete_if { |type| type.to_s == primary_type }
sorted_dependencies = filtered_dependencies.sort
dependencies = [primary_type]
sorted_dependencies.each do |sorted|
dependencies.push sorted
# join them all in a string with types and field names
result = ""
dependencies.each do |type|
# dependencies should not have non-primary types (such as string, address)
raise TypedDataError, "Non-primary type found: #{type}!" if types[type.to_sym].nil?
result += "#{type}("
result += types[type.to_sym].map { |t| "#{t[:type]} #{t[:name]}" }.join(",")
result += ")"
return result
# Hashes an EIP-712 confrom type-string.
# @param primary_type [String] the type which we want to hash.
# @param types [Array] all existing types in the data structure.
# @return [String] a Keccak-256 hash of an EIP-712 encoded type-string.
def hash_type(primary_type, types)
encoded_type = encode_type primary_type, types
return Util.keccak256 encoded_type
# Recursively ABI-encodes all data and types according to EIP-712.
# @param primary_type [String] the primary type which we want to encode.
# @param data [Array] the data in the data structure we want to encode.
# @param types [Array] all existing types in the data structure.
# @return [String] an ABI-encoded representation of the data and the types.
def encode_data(primary_type, data, types)
# first data field is the type hash
encoded_types = ["bytes32"]
encoded_values = [hash_type(primary_type, types)]
# adds field contents
types[primary_type.to_sym].each do |field|
value = data[field[:name].to_sym]
type = field[:type]
raise NotImplementedError, "Arrays currently unimplemented for EIP-712." if type.end_with? "]"
if type == "string"
encoded_types.push "bytes32"
encoded_values.push Util.keccak256 value
elsif type == "bytes"
encoded_types.push "bytes32"
value = Util.hex_to_bin value
encoded_values.push Util.keccak256 value
elsif !types[type.to_sym].nil?
encoded_types.push "bytes32"
value = encode_data type, value, types
encoded_values.push Util.keccak256 value
encoded_types.push type
encoded_values.push value
# all data is abi-encoded
return Abi.encode encoded_types, encoded_values
# Recursively ABI-encodes and hashes all data and types.
# @param primary_type [String] the primary type which we want to hash.
# @param data [Array] the data in the data structure we want to hash.
# @param types [Array] all existing types in the data structure.
# @return [String] a Keccak-256 hash of the ABI-encoded data and types.
def hash_data(primary_type, data, types)
encoded_data = encode_data primary_type, data, types
return Util.keccak256 encoded_data
# Enforces basic properties to be represented in the EIP-712 typed
# data structure: types, domain, message, etc.
# @param data [Array] the data in the data structure we want to hash.
# @return [Array] the data in the data structure we want to hash.
# @raise [TypedDataError] if the data fails validation.
def enforce_typed_data(data)
data = JSON.parse data if Util.hex? data
raise TypedDataError, "Data is missing, try again with data." if data.nil? or data.empty?
raise TypedDataError, "Data types are missing." if data[:types].nil? or data[:types].empty?
raise TypedDataError, "Data primaryType is missing." if data[:primaryType].nil? or data[:primaryType].empty?
raise TypedDataError, "Data domain is missing." if data[:domain].nil?
raise TypedDataError, "Data message is missing." if data[:message].nil? or data[:message].empty?
raise TypedDataError, "Data EIP712Domain is missing." if data[:types][:EIP712Domain].nil?
return data
# Hashes a typed data structure with Keccak-256 to prepare a signed
# typed data operation respecting EIP-712.
# @param data [Array] all the data in the typed data structure.
# @return [String] a Keccak-256 hash of the EIP-712-encoded typed data.
def hash(data)
data = enforce_typed_data data
# EIP-191 prefix byte
buffer = Signature::EIP191_PREFIX_BYTE
# EIP-712 version byte
buffer += Signature::EIP712_VERSION_BYTE
# hashed domain data
buffer += hash_data "EIP712Domain", data[:domain], data[:types]
# hashed message data
buffer += hash_data data[:primaryType], data[:message], data[:types]
return Util.keccak256 buffer