# Copyright (c) 2016-2023 The Ruby-Eth Contributors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
require "rbsecp256k1"
# Provides the {Eth} module.
module Eth
# Defines handy tools for verifying and recovering signatures.
module Signature
extend self
# Provides a special signature error if signature is invalid.
class SignatureError < StandardError; end
# EIP-191 prefix byte 0x19
EIP191_PREFIX_BYTE = "\x19".freeze
# EIP-712 version byte 0x01
EIP712_VERSION_BYTE = "\x01".freeze
# Prefix message as per EIP-191 with `0x19` to ensure the data is not
# valid RLP and thus not mistaken for a transaction.
# EIP-191 Version byte: `0x45` (`E`)
# Ref:
# @param message [String] the message string to be prefixed.
# @return [String] an EIP-191 prefixed string.
def prefix_message(message)
"#{EIP191_PREFIX_BYTE}Ethereum Signed Message:\n#{message.bytesize}#{message}"
# Dissects a signature blob of 65+ bytes into its `r`, `s`, and `v`
# values.
# @param signature [String] a concatenated Secp256k1 signature string.
# @return [String, String, String] the `r`, `s`, and `v` values.
# @raise [SignatureError] if signature is of unknown size.
def dissect(signature)
signature = Util.bin_to_hex signature unless Util.hex? signature
signature = Util.remove_hex_prefix signature
if signature.size < 130
raise SignatureError, "Unknown signature length #{signature.size}!"
r = signature[0, 64]
s = signature[64, 64]
v = signature[128..]
return r, s, v
# Recovers a signature from arbitrary data without validation on a given chain.
# @param blob [String] that arbitrary data to be recovered.
# @param signature [String] the hex string containing the signature.
# @param chain_id [Integer] the chain ID the signature should be recovered from.
# @return [String] a hexa-decimal, uncompressed public key.
# @raise [SignatureError] if signature is of invalid size or invalid v.
def recover(blob, signature, chain_id = Chain::ETHEREUM)
context =
r, s, v = dissect signature
v = v.to_i(16)
if !Chain.ledger? v and !Chain.legacy? v
min_v = 2 * chain_id + 35
raise SignatureError, "Invalid signature v byte #{v} for chain ID #{chain_id}!" if v < min_v
recovery_id = Chain.to_recovery_id v, chain_id
signature_rs = Util.hex_to_bin "#{r}#{s}"
recoverable_signature = context.recoverable_signature_from_compact signature_rs, recovery_id
public_key = recoverable_signature.recover_public_key blob
Util.bin_to_hex public_key.uncompressed
# Recovers a public key from a prefixed, personal message and
# a signature on a given chain. (EIP-191)
# Ref:
# @param message [String] the message string.
# @param signature [String] the hex string containing the signature.
# @param chain_id [Integer] the chain ID the signature should be recovered from.
# @return [String] a hexa-decimal, uncompressed public key.
def personal_recover(message, signature, chain_id = Chain::ETHEREUM)
prefixed_message = prefix_message message
hashed_message = Util.keccak256 prefixed_message
recover hashed_message, signature, chain_id
# Recovers a public key from a typed data structure and a signature
# on a given chain. (EIP-712)
# Ref:
# @param typed_data [Array] all the data in the typed data structure to be recovered.
# @param signature [String] the hex string containing the signature.
# @param chain_id [Integer] the chain ID the signature should be recovered from.
# @return [String] a hexa-decimal, uncompressed public key.
def recover_typed_data(typed_data, signature, chain_id = Chain::ETHEREUM)
hash_to_sign = Eip712.hash typed_data
recover hash_to_sign, signature, chain_id
# Verifies a signature for a given public key or address.
# @param blob [String] that arbitrary data to be verified.
# @param signature [String] the hex string containing the signature.
# @param public_key [String] either a public key or an Ethereum address.
# @param chain_id [Integer] the chain ID used to sign.
# @return [Boolean] true if signature matches provided public key.
# @raise [SignatureError] if it cannot determine the type of data or public key.
def verify(blob, signature, public_key, chain_id = Chain::ETHEREUM)
recovered_key = nil
if blob.instance_of? Array or blob.instance_of? Hash
# recover Array from sign_typed_data
recovered_key = recover_typed_data blob, signature, chain_id
elsif blob.instance_of? String and blob.encoding != Encoding::ASCII_8BIT
# recover message from personal_sign
recovered_key = personal_recover blob, signature, chain_id
elsif blob.instance_of? String and (Util.hex? blob or blob.encoding == Encoding::ASCII_8BIT)
# if nothing else, recover from arbitrary signature
recovered_key = recover blob, signature, chain_id
# raise if we cannot determine the data format
raise SignatureError, "Unknown data format to verify: #{blob}" if recovered_key.nil?
if public_key.instance_of? Address
# recovering using an Eth::Address
address = public_key.to_s
recovered_address = Util.public_key_to_address(recovered_key).to_s
return address == recovered_address
elsif public_key.instance_of? Secp256k1::PublicKey
# recovering using an Secp256k1::PublicKey
public_hex = Util.bin_to_hex public_key.uncompressed
return public_hex == recovered_key
elsif public_key.size == 42
# recovering using an address String
address =
recovered_address = Util.public_key_to_address(recovered_key).to_s
return address == recovered_address
elsif public_key.size == 130
# recovering using an uncompressed public key String
return public_key == recovered_key
# raise if we cannot determine the public key format used
raise SignatureError, "Invalid public key or address supplied #{public_key}!"