require(LanguagePath . 'forgot.php');
$Message = '';
//var_dump(preg_replace('/([\w\-\.]{1})([\w\-\.]{0,})@([\w\-\.]+(\.\w+)+)$/', '\1*****@\3', ''));
$UserName = strtolower(Request('Post', 'UserName'));
$Email = strtolower(Request('Post', 'Email'));
$VerifyCode = intval(Request('Post', 'VerifyCode'));
$UserInfo = array();
if (!ReferCheck(Request('Post', 'FormHash'))) {
AlertMsg($Lang['Error_Unknown_Referer'], $Lang['Error_Unknown_Referer'], 403);
if ($UserName && $Email && $VerifyCode) {
$Session_VerifyCode = isset($_SESSION[PREFIX . 'VerificationCode']) ? intval($_SESSION[PREFIX . 'VerificationCode']) : '';
unset($_SESSION[PREFIX . 'VerificationCode']);
if ($VerifyCode === $Session_VerifyCode) {
$UserInfo = $DB->row('SELECT * FROM ' . PREFIX . 'users
Where UserName=:UserName', array(
'UserName' => $UserName
if ($UserInfo) {
if ($Email === $UserInfo['UserMail']) {
//生成有效期2小时的Access Token
$TokenExpirationTime = 7200 + $TimeStamp;
$AccessToken = base64_encode($UserName . '|' . $TokenExpirationTime . '|' . md5($UserInfo['Password'] . $UserInfo['Salt'] . md5($TokenExpirationTime) . md5(SALT)));
$ResetPasswordURL = $CurProtocol . $Config['MainDomainName'] . $Config['WebsitePath'] . '/reset_password/' . $AccessToken;
require(LibraryPath . 'PHPMailer.smtp.class.php');
require(LibraryPath . 'PHPMailer.class.php');
$MailObject = new PHPMailer;
//$MailObject->SMTPDebug = 3;// Enable verbose debug output
$MailObject->isSMTP(); // Set mailer to use SMTP
$MailObject->CharSet = "utf-8"; //设置字符集编码
$MailObject->Host = $Config['SMTPHost']; // Specify main and backup SMTP servers
$MailObject->SMTPAuth = ($Config['SMTPAuth'] === 'true' ? true : false); // $Config['SMTPAuth'] Enable SMTP authentication
$MailObject->Username = $Config['SMTPUsername']; // SMTP username
$MailObject->Password = $Config['SMTPPassword']; // SMTP password
$MailObject->SMTPSecure = $Config['SMTPEncr'] ? $Config['SMTPEncr'] : 'ssl'; // Enable TLS encryption, `ssl` also accepted
$MailObject->Port = intval($Config['SMTPPort']); // TCP port to connect to
$MailObject->From = $Config['SMTPUsername'];
$MailObject->FromName = $Config['SiteName'];
$MailObject->addAddress($UserInfo['UserMail'], $UserName); // Add a recipient
$MailObject->addAddress('');// Name is optional
$MailObject->addReplyTo('', 'Information');
$MailObject->addAttachment('/var/tmp/file.tar.gz');// Add attachments
$MailObject->addAttachment('/tmp/image.jpg', 'new.jpg');// Optional name
$MailObject->isHTML(true); // Set email format to HTML
$MailObject->Subject = str_replace('{{UserName}}', $UserName, str_replace('{{SiteName}}', $Config['SiteName'], $Lang['Mail_Template_Subject']));
$MailObject->Body = str_replace('{{UserName}}', $UserName, str_replace('{{ResetPasswordURL}}', $ResetPasswordURL, $Lang['Mail_Template_Body']));
//$MailObject->AltBody = 'This is the body in plain text for non-HTML mail clients';
if (!$MailObject->send()) {
$Message = $Lang['Email_Could_Not_Be_Sent'] . 'Mailer Error: ' . $MailObject->ErrorInfo;
} else {
$Message = $Lang['Email_Has_Been_Sent'];
} else {
$UserMail = preg_replace('/([\w\-\.]{1})([\w\-\.]{0,})@([\w\-\.]+(\.\w+)+)$/', '\1*****@\3', $UserInfo['UserMail']);
$Message = str_replace('{{UserMail}}', $UserMail, $Lang['Email_Error']);
} else {
$Message = $Lang['User_Does_Not_Exist'];
} else {
$Message = $Lang['Verification_Code_Error'];
} else {
$Message = $Lang['Forms_Can_Not_Be_Empty'];
$PageTitle = $Lang['Forgot_Password'];
$ContentFile = $TemplatePath . 'forgot.php';
include($TemplatePath . 'layout.php');