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    // Creates the instance
    $db = new Db();
    // 3 ways to bind parameters :        
    // 1. Read friendly method    

    // 2. Bind more parameters

    // 3. Or just give the parameters to the method
    $DB->query("SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE firstname = :firstname AND age = :age", array("firstname"=>"John","age"=>"19"));

    //  Fetching data
    $person      =     $DB->query("SELECT * FROM Persons");

    // If you want another fetchmode just give it as parameter
    $persons_num =     $DB->query("SELECT * FROM Persons", null, PDO::FETCH_NUM);
    // Fetching single value
    $firstname     =     $DB->single("SELECT firstname FROM Persons WHERE Id = :id ", array('id' => '3' ) );
    // Single Row
    $id_age      =     $DB->row("SELECT Id, Age FROM Persons WHERE firstname = :f", array("f"=>"Zoe"));
    // Single Row with numeric index
    $id_age_num  =     $DB->row("SELECT Id, Age FROM Persons WHERE firstname = :f", array("f"=>"Zoe"),PDO::FETCH_NUM);
    // Column, numeric index
    $ages           =     $DB->column("SELECT age FROM Persons");

    // The following statemens will return the affected rows
    // Update statement
    $update        =  $DB->query("UPDATE Persons SET firstname = :f WHERE Id = :id",array("f"=>"Johny","id"=>"1")); 
    // Insert statement
//    $insert         =  $DB->query("INSERT INTO Persons(Firstname,Age)     VALUES(:f,:age)",array("f"=>"Vivek","age"=>"20"));
    // Delete statement
//    $delete         =  $DB->query("DELETE FROM Persons WHERE Id = :id",array("id"=>"6")); 
    function d($v,$t) 
        echo '<pre>';
        echo '<h1>' . $t. '</h1>';
        echo '</pre>';
    d($person, "All persons");
    d($firstname, "Fetch Single value, The firstname");
    d($id_age, "Single Row, Id and Age");
    d($ages, "Fetch Column, Numeric Index");