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Test Coverage
 * White HTML Filter
 * https://github.com/lincanbin/White-HTML-Filter
 * Copyright 2017 Canbin Lin (lincanbin@hotmail.com)
 * http://www.94cb.com/
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0:
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * A php-based HTML tag and attribute whitelist filter.

class WhiteHTMLFilterConfig
    public $KeepText = true;
    public $WhiteListTag = array(
        "#cdata-section" => array(),
        "#comment"       => array(),
        "#text"          => array(),
        "img"            => array("alt", "src", "height", "width"),
        "a"              => array("href", "rel", "target", "download", "type"),
        "div"            => array(),
        "table"          => array("sortable", "width"),
        "tbody"          => array(),
        "caption"        => array(),
        "tr"             => array(),
        "td"             => array("valign", "colspan", "rowspan"),
        "th"             => array("width"),
        "br"             => array(),
        "p"              => array(),
        "b"              => array(),
        "strong"         => array(),
        "i"              => array(),
        "u"              => array(),
        "em"             => array(),
        "span"           => array(),
        "ol"             => array(),
        "ul"             => array(),
        "li"             => array("value"),
        "blockquote"     => array("cite"),
        //"object"         => array(),
        //"param"          => array(),
        "embed"          => array("type", "pluginspage", "src", "width", "height", "wmode", "play", "loop", "menu", "allowscriptaccess", "allowfullscreen"),
        "pre"            => array(),
        "hr"             => array(),
        "h1"             => array(),
        "h2"             => array(),
        "h3"             => array(),
        "h4"             => array(),
        "h5"             => array(),
        "h6"             => array(),
        "video"          => array("autoplay", "controls", "height", "loop", "muted", "poster", "preload", "src", "width"),
        "source"         => array("src", "srcset", "media", "sizes", "type"),
        "audio"          => array("autoplay", "controls", "loop", "muted", "preload", "src")

    public $WhiteListHtmlGlobalAttributes = array(
        "class", "style", "title", "data-*"
    public $WhiteListStyle = array();
    public $WhiteListCssClass = array();

     * Get attributes whitelist of some tag
     * @param string $tagName Tag name
     * @return array Attributes whitelist of some tag
    public function getWhiteListAttr($tagName)
        if (!empty($this->WhiteListTag[$tagName])) {
            return $this->WhiteListTag[$tagName];
        return array();

    public function removeAllAllowTag()
        $this->WhiteListTag = array(
            "#cdata-section" => array(),
            "#comment"       => array(),
            "#text"          => array(),

    public function removeFromTagWhiteList($tagName)
        if (is_string($tagName)) {
            $tagName = array($tagName);
        foreach ($tagName as $val) {
            if (array_key_exists($val, $tagName)) {


    public function modifyTagWhiteList(array $config)
        foreach ($config as $tagName => $val) {
            if (is_array($val)) {
                $this->WhiteListTag[strtolower(trim($tagName))] = $val;