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<?= '<?php' ?>
     * <?= $objJqDoc->strQcClass ?>Gen File
     * The abstract <?= $objJqDoc->strQcClass ?>Gen class defined here is
     * code-generated and contains options, events and methods scraped from the
     * documentation Web site. It is not generated by the typical
     * codegen process, but rather is generated periodically by the core QCubed
     * team and checked in. However, the code to generate this file is
     * in the assets/_core/php/_devetools/jquery_ui_gen/jq_control_gen.php file
     * and you can regenerate the files if you need to.
     * The comments in this file are taken from the api reference site, so they do
     * not always make sense with regard to QCubed. They are simply provided
     * as reference. Note that this is very low-level code, and does not always
     * update QCubed state variables. See the <?= $objJqDoc->strQcClass ?>Base 
     * file, which contains code to interface between this generated file and QCubed.
     * Because subsequent re-code generations will overwrite any changes to this
     * file, you should leave this file unaltered to prevent yourself from losing
     * any information or code changes.  All customizations should be done by
     * overriding existing or implementing new methods, properties and variables
     * in the <?= $objJqDoc->strQcClass ?> class file.

    /* Custom event classes for this control */
<?php foreach ($objJqDoc->events as $event) { ?>
<?= jq_indent($event->description, 1, true); ?>
    class <?= $event->eventClassName ?> extends QJqUiEvent {
        const EventName = '<?= $event->eventName ?>';
<?php } ?>

    /* Custom "property" event classes for this control */
<?php foreach ($objJqDoc->options as $option) { ?>
<?php     if ($option instanceof Event) { ?>
<?= jq_indent($option->description, 1, true); ?>
    class <?= $option->eventClassName ?> extends QJqUiPropertyEvent {
        const EventName = '<?= $option->eventName ?>';
        protected $strJqProperty = '<?= $option->name ?>';

<?php     } ?>
<?php } ?>

     * Generated <?= $objJqDoc->strQcClass ?>Gen class.
     * This is the <?= $objJqDoc->strQcClass ?>Gen class which is automatically generated
     * by scraping the JQuery UI documentation website. As such, it includes all the options
     * as listed by the JQuery UI website, which may or may not be appropriate for QCubed. See
     * the <?= $objJqDoc->strQcClass ?>Base class for any glue code to make this class more
     * usable in QCubed.
     * @see <?= $objJqDoc->strQcClass ?>Base
     * @package Controls\Base
<?php foreach ($objJqDoc->options as $option) { ?>
     * @property <?= $option->phpType ?> $<?= $option->propName ?>

<?= jq_indent($option->description, 1, true); ?>

<?php } ?>

    <?= $objJqDoc->strAbstract ?>class <?= $objJqDoc->strQcClass ?>Gen extends <?= $objJqDoc->strQcBaseClass ?>    {
        protected $strJavaScripts = __JQUERY_EFFECTS__;
        protected $strStyleSheets = __JQUERY_CSS__;
<?php foreach ($objJqDoc->options as $option) { ?>
        /** @var <?= $option->phpType ?> */
<?php     if (!$option->defaultValue) { ?>
        protected $<?= $option->varName ?>;
<?php     } ?>
<?php     if ($option->defaultValue) { ?>
        protected $<?= $option->varName ?> = null;
<?php     } ?>
<?php } ?>

         * Builds the option array to be sent to the widget constructor.
         * @return array key=>value array of options
        protected function MakeJqOptions() {
<?php if (method_exists($objJqDoc->strQcBaseClass, 'MakeJqOptions')) { ?>
            $jqOptions = parent::MakeJqOptions();
<?php } ?>
<?php if (!method_exists($objJqDoc->strQcBaseClass, 'MakeJqOptions')) { ?>
            $jqOptions = null;
<?php } ?>
<?php foreach ($objJqDoc->options as $option) { ?>
            if (!is_null($val = $this-><?= $option->propName ?>)) {$jqOptions['<?= $option->name ?>'] = $val;}
<?php } ?>
            return $jqOptions;

         * Return the JavaScript function to call to associate the widget with the control.
         * @return string
        public function GetJqSetupFunction() {
            return '<?= $objJqDoc->strJqSetupFunc ?>';

         * Returns the script that attaches the JQueryUI widget to the html object.
         * @return string
        public function GetEndScript() {
            $strId = $this->GetJqControlId();
            $jqOptions = $this->makeJqOptions();
            $strFunc = $this->getJqSetupFunction();

            if ($strId !== $this->ControlId && QApplication::$RequestMode == QRequestMode::Ajax) {
                // If events are not attached to the actual object being drawn, then the old events will not get
                // deleted during redraw. We delete the old events here. This must happen before any other event processing code.
                QApplication::ExecuteControlCommand($strId, 'off', QJsPriority::High);

            // Attach the javascript widget to the html object
            if (empty($jqOptions)) {
                QApplication::ExecuteControlCommand($strId, $strFunc, QJsPriority::High);
            } else {
                QApplication::ExecuteControlCommand($strId, $strFunc, $jqOptions, QJsPriority::High);

            return parent::GetEndScript();

<?php foreach ($objJqDoc->methods as $method) { ?>
         * <?= str_replace("\n", "\n\t\t * ", wordwrap(trim($method->description))) ?>

<?php foreach ($method->requiredArgs as $reqArg) { ?>
<?php     if ($reqArg{0} != '"') { ?>
         * @param <?= $reqArg ?>

<?php     } ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php foreach ($method->optionalArgs as $optArg) { ?>
         * @param <?= $optArg ?>

<?php } ?>
        public function <?= $method->phpSignature ?> {
                $args = array();
                foreach ($method->requiredArgs as $reqArg) {
                    $args[] = $reqArg;
                foreach ($method->optionalArgs as $optArg) {
                    $args[] = $optArg;
                $strArgs = join(", ", $args);
            QApplication::ExecuteControlCommand($this->getJqControlId(), $this->getJqSetupFunction(), <?= $strArgs; ?>, QJsPriority::Low);
<?php } ?>

        public function __get($strName) {
            switch ($strName) {
<?php foreach ($objJqDoc->options as $option) { ?>
                case '<?= $option->propName ?>': return $this-><?= $option->varName ?>;
<?php } ?>
                    try { 
                        return parent::__get($strName); 
                    } catch (QCallerException $objExc) { 
                        throw $objExc; 

        public function __set($strName, $mixValue) {
            switch ($strName) {
<?php     foreach ($objJqDoc->options as $option) { ?>
                case '<?= $option->propName ?>':
<?php         if (!$option->phpQType) { ?>
                    $this-><?= $option->varName ?> = $mixValue;
<?php             if (!($option instanceof Event)) { ?>
                    $this->AddAttributeScript($this->getJqSetupFunction(), 'option', '<?= $option->name ?>', $mixValue);
<?php             } ?>
<?php         } ?>
<?php         if ($option->phpQType) { ?>
                    try {
<?php             if (!($option instanceof Event)) { ?>
                        $this-><?= $option->varName ?> = QType::Cast($mixValue, <?= $option->phpQType ?>);
                        $this->AddAttributeScript($this->getJqSetupFunction(), 'option', '<?= $option->name ?>', $this-><?= $option->varName ?>);
<?php             } ?>
<?php             if ($option instanceof Event) { ?>
                        $this-><?= $option->varName ?> = new QJsClosure($mixValue, array("<?= join('","', $option->arrArgs) ?>"));
<?php             } ?>
                    } catch (QInvalidCastException $objExc) {
                        throw $objExc;
<?php         } ?>

<?php     } ?>

<?php     if ($objJqDoc->hasDisabledProperty) { ?>
                case 'Enabled':
                    $this->Disabled = !$mixValue;    // Tie in standard QCubed functionality
                    parent::__set($strName, $mixValue);
<?php     } ?>
                    try {
                        parent::__set($strName, $mixValue);
                    } catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
                        throw $objExc;

        * If this control is attachable to a codegenerated control in a ModelConnector, this function will be
        * used by the ModelConnector designer dialog to display a list of options for the control.
        * @return QModelConnectorParam[]
        public static function GetModelConnectorParams() {
            return array_merge(parent::GetModelConnectorParams(), array(
<?php foreach ($objJqDoc->options as $option) { ?>
<?php     if ($option->phpQType) { ?>
                new QModelConnectorParam (get_called_class(), '<?= $option->propName ?>', '<?= addslashes(trim(str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), '', $option->description))) ?>', <?= $option->phpQType ?>),
<?php     } ?>
<?php } ?>            ));