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 * This script generates the Jq*Gen classes by scraping the JQueryUI documentation web site.
 * Current version: JQueryUI 1.11


class HtmlJqDoc extends JqDoc {

    public function description($desc_node) {
        $description = '';
        while ($desc_node) {
            if (strpos($desc_node->plaintext, 'Code examples:') !== false) {
//            if ($description)
//                $description .= "\n";
            $text = $desc_node->outertext();
            $text = preg_replace('/<(\w+)[^>]*>\s*/', '<$1>', $text);
            $text = preg_replace('/\s*<\/(\w+)>/', '</$1>', $text);
            $text = preg_replace('/<\/code>\s*<code>/', '', $text);
            $text = preg_replace('/<div>/', '', $text);
            $text = preg_replace('/<\/div>/', '', $text);

            $text = preg_replace('/<strong>/', '', $text);
            $text = preg_replace('/<\/strong>/', '', $text);

            $description .= $text;
            $desc_node = $desc_node->next_sibling();
        return $description;

    public function __construct($strUrl, $strJqClass = null, $strJqSetupFunc = null, $strQcClass = null, $strQcBaseClass = 'QPanel')
        $this->hasDisabledProperty = false;
        $html = file_get_html($strUrl);

        if ($strJqClass === null) {
            $nodes = $html->find('h1.entry-title');
            $strJqClass = preg_replace('/ .*/', '', $nodes[0]->plaintext);

        parent::__construct($strJqClass, $strJqSetupFunc, $strQcClass, $strQcBaseClass);

        $htmlOptions = $html->find('section[id=options] div.api-item');

        foreach ($htmlOptions as $htmlOption) {
            $type = $this->add_option($htmlOption);
            if ($this->is_event_option($type)) {
                $this->add_event($htmlOption, $type);

        $htmlEvents = $html->find('section[id=events] div.api-item');
        foreach ($htmlEvents as $htmlEvent) {

        $htmlMethods = $html->find('section[id=methods] div.api-item');
        foreach ($htmlMethods as $htmlMethod) {

    public function add_option($htmlOption) {
        $nodes = $htmlOption->find('h3');
        $name_node = $nodes[0];
        $origName = $name = preg_replace('/\W.*/', '', $name_node->innertext());

        $nodes = $htmlOption->find('div.option-type');
        $type = preg_replace('/Type: /', '', $nodes[0]->plaintext);
        $type = trim($type);
        if ($this->is_event_option($type))
            return $type;

        // sometimes jQuery controls (e.g. tabs) uses the same property name for more than one options
        $name = $this->unique_name($name);

        $defaultValue = null;
        $nodes = $htmlOption->find('div.default');
        if ($nodes) {
            $desc_node = $nodes[0]->next_sibling();
            $nodes = $nodes[0]->find('code');
            $defaultValue = html_entity_decode($nodes[0]->plaintext, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
        } else {
            $desc_node = $name_node->next_sibling();
        $description = $this->description($desc_node);
        if ($name == 'disabled') {
            $this->hasDisabledProperty = true;

        $this->options[] = new Option($name, $origName, $type, $defaultValue, $description);
        return $type;

    public function is_event_option($type) {
        return stripos($type, 'function') !== false && strpos($type, ' or ') === false;

    public function add_event($htmlEvent, $type = null) {
        $nodes = $htmlEvent->find('h3');
        $name_node = $nodes[0];
        $origName = $name = preg_replace('/\W.*/', '', $name_node->innertext());
        if (substr($name, 0, 2) !== "on") {
            $name = "on" . ucfirst($name);

        if ($type == null) {
            $nodes = $htmlEvent->find('span.returns');
            $type = preg_replace('/Type: /', '', $nodes[0]->plaintext);
        $type = trim($type);

        // sometimes jQuery controls (e.g. tabs) uses the same property name for more than one options
        $name = $this->unique_name($name);

        $desc_node = $name_node->next_sibling();
        $description = $this->description($desc_node);

        if (stripos($type, 'function') === 0) { // this can only be declared at init time
            $this->options[] = new Event($this->strQcClass, $name, $origName, $type, $description);
        } else {
            $this->events[] = new Event($this->strQcClass, $name, $origName, $type, $description);

    public function add_method($htmlMethod) {
        $nodes = $htmlMethod->find('h3');
        $name_node = $nodes[0];
        $origName = $name = preg_replace('/\W.*/', '', $name_node->innertext());
        if ($origName === "widget") {
            // the widget method doesn't make much sense in our context
            // skip it

        $signature = preg_replace('/\).*/', ')', $name_node->innertext());
        $signature = str_replace('[,', ',[', $signature);

        // sometimes jQuery controls (e.g. tabs) uses the same property name for more than one options
        $name = $this->unique_name($name);

        $desc_node = $name_node->next_sibling();
        $description = $this->description($desc_node);

        $this->methods[] = new Method($name, $origName, $signature, $description);

$aryPathsList  = array();

function CamelCaseFromDash($strName) {
    $strToReturn = '';

    // If entire underscore string is all uppercase, force to all lowercase
    // (mixed case and all lowercase can remain as is)
    if ($strName == strtoupper($strName))
        $strName = strtolower($strName);

    while (($intPosition = strpos($strName, "-")) !== false) {
        // Use 'ucfirst' to create camelcasing
        $strName = ucfirst($strName);
        if ($intPosition == 0) {
            $strName = substr($strName, 1);
        } else {
            $strToReturn .= substr($strName, 0, $intPosition);
            $strName = substr($strName, $intPosition + 1);

    $strToReturn .= ucfirst($strName);
    return $strToReturn;

function jq_control_gen($strUrl, $strQcClass = null, $strQcBaseClass = 'QPanel') {
    global $aryPathsList;

    $strOutDirControls = __QCUBED_CORE__ . "/../install/project/includes/controls";
    $strOutDirControlsBase = __QCUBED_CORE__ . "/base_controls";

    $jqControlGen = new JqControlGen();
    $objJqDoc = new HtmlJqDoc($strUrl, null, null, $strQcClass, $strQcBaseClass);
    $jqControlGen->GenerateControl($objJqDoc, $strOutDirControls, $strOutDirControlsBase);
    foreach ($objJqDoc->events as $event) {
        $aryPathsList[strtolower($event->eventClassName)] = 
            sprintf("__QCUBED_CORE__ . '/base_controls/%sGen.class.php'", $objJqDoc->strQcClass);
    foreach ($objJqDoc->options as $option) {
        if ($option instanceof Event) {
            $aryPathsList[strtolower($option->eventClassName)] =
                sprintf("__QCUBED_CORE__ . '/base_controls/%sGen.class.php'", $objJqDoc->strQcClass);
    $aryPathsList[strtolower($objJqDoc->strQcClass) . 'gen'] =
        sprintf("__QCUBED_CORE__ . '/base_controls/%sGen.class.php'", $objJqDoc->strQcClass);

    $aryPathsList[strtolower($objJqDoc->strQcClass) . 'base'] = 
            sprintf("__QCUBED_CORE__ . '/base_controls/%sBase.class.php'", $objJqDoc->strQcClass);
    $aryPathsList[strtolower($objJqDoc->strQcClass)] = 
            sprintf("__INCLUDES__ . '/controls/%s.class.php'", $objJqDoc->strQcClass);

// generate an include file for use by the ui classes
function jq_inc_gen() {
    $html = file_get_html('http://jqueryui.com/themeroller/');
    $nodes = $html->find('#icons', 0)->children();

    $aNames = array();
    foreach ($nodes as $node) {
        $name = $node->title;
        $aNames[] = substr($name, 9);    // delete '.ui-icon-'
    $strOutFileName = __QCUBED_CORE__ . '/base_controls/'. '_jq_ui.inc.php';
    $strResult = "// Generated include file for JQuery UI related classes.\n\n// JQuery UI icon names scraped from the themeroller website.\n\n";
    $strResult .= "abstract class JqIcon {\n";
    foreach ($aNames as $name) {
        $strVarName = CamelCaseFromDash($name);
        if ($strVarName == 'Print') {
            $strVarName = 'Jq' . $strVarName;    // avoid reserved word
        $strResult .= sprintf("\tconst %s = 'ui-icon-%s';\n", $strVarName, $name);
    $strResult .= "}";
    $strResult = "<?php\n" . $strResult . "\n?>";
    file_put_contents($strOutFileName, $strResult);

$baseUrl = "http://api.jqueryui.com";

// QBlock control uses these differently to make these capabilities a part of any block control

jq_control_gen($baseUrl."/Draggable", null, 'QControl');
jq_control_gen($baseUrl."/Droppable", null, 'QControl');
jq_control_gen($baseUrl."/Resizable", null, 'QControl');


jq_control_gen($baseUrl."/Autocomplete", null, 'QTextBox');
jq_control_gen($baseUrl."/Button", 'QJqButton', 'QButton');
jq_control_gen($baseUrl."/Button", 'QJqCheckBox', 'QCheckBox');
jq_control_gen($baseUrl."/Button", 'QJqRadioButton', 'QRadioButton');
jq_control_gen($baseUrl."/Datepicker", 'QDatepickerBox', 'QTextBox');
jq_control_gen($baseUrl."/Spinner", null, 'QTextBox');
jq_control_gen($baseUrl."/SelectMenu", 'QSelectMenu', 'QListBox');
//jq_control_gen($baseUrl."/Tooltip"); A JQuery UI tool tip is not a control, but rather is straight javascript that changes how tooltips work on a whole page. Implementation would need to be very different.


// additional auto-includes
$aryPathsList["qautocompletelistitem"] = "__QCUBED_CORE__ . '/base_controls/QAutocompleteBase.class.php'";
$aryPathsList["jqicon"] = "__QCUBED_CORE__ . '/base_controls/_jq_ui.inc.php'";

$strResult = '';
foreach ($aryPathsList as $class=>$path) { 
    $strResult .= "QApplicationBase::\$ClassFile['$class'] = $path;\n";

$strResult = "<?php\n" . $strResult . "\n?>";

$strOutFileName = __QCUBED_CORE__ . '/'. '_jq_paths.inc.php';

file_put_contents($strOutFileName, $strResult);