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    // Create an installation status message.
    $arrInstallationMessages = QInstallationValidator::Validate();
    $strConfigStatus = ($arrInstallationMessages) ?
        '<span class="warning">' . count($arrInstallationMessages).' problem(s) found. <a href="' . __VIRTUAL_DIRECTORY__ . __DEVTOOLS_ASSETS__ . '/config_checker.php">Click here</a> to view details.</span>' :
        '<span class="success">all OK.</span>';
    $strPageTitle = 'QCubed Development Framework - Start Page';
    require(__CONFIGURATION__ . '/header.inc.php');
    <h1 class="page-title">Welcome to QCubed!</h1>
    <div class="install-status">
        <p><strong>If you are seeing this, the framework has been successfully installed.</strong></p>
        <p>Current installation status:  <?php _p($strConfigStatus, false) ?></p>
    <h2>Next Steps</h2>
    <ul class="link-list">
        <li><a href="<?php _p(__VIRTUAL_DIRECTORY__ . __DEVTOOLS_ASSETS__) ?>/codegen.php">Code Generator</a> - to create ORM model objects that map to tables in your database, and ModelConnectors
            and form drafts to edit and display the data.</li>
        <li><a href="<?php _p(__VIRTUAL_DIRECTORY__ . __DEVTOOLS_ASSETS__) ?>/form_drafts.php">View Form Drafts</a> - to view the generated files (after you run the Code Generator).</li>
        <li><a href="<?php _p(__VIRTUAL_DIRECTORY__ . __EXAMPLES__) ?>/index.php">QCubed Examples</a> - learn QCubed by studying and modifying the example files locally.</li>
        <li><a href="<?php _p(__VIRTUAL_DIRECTORY__ . __DEVTOOLS_ASSETS__) ?>/plugin_manager.php">Plugin Manager</a> - to extend QCubed with community-contributed plugins.</li>
        <li><a href="<?php _p(__VIRTUAL_DIRECTORY__ . __PHP_ASSETS__) ?>/qcubed_unit_tests.php">QCubed Unit Tests</a> - set of tests that QCubed developers use to verify the integrity of the framework.
            You must install the test SQL database and codegen_options.json file to run the tests. These can be found in the <?php _p(__VIRTUAL_DIRECTORY__ . __PHP_ASSETS__ . '/examples')?> directory.</li>
<?php if (!QApplication::IsRemoteAdminSession()) { ?>
    <pre><code><?php QApplication::VarDump(); ?></code></pre>
<?php } ?>
<?php require(__CONFIGURATION__ . '/footer.inc.php'); ?>