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// Define the Qform with all our Qcontrols
class ExamplesForm extends QForm {

    // Local declarations of our Qcontrols
    protected $lblMessage;
    protected $btnButton;

    // Initialize our Controls during the Form Creation process
    protected function Form_Create() {
        // Define the Label
        // When we define any QControl, we must specify the control's ParentObject.
        // Note: a QControl's ParentObject is the object that is responsible for rendering
        // the control.  In most cases, the ParentObject is just the form itself, e.g. "$this",
        // because the form is what ends up calling control->Render() in its HTML template include file.
        // You can see this call being made in the intro.tpl.php file.  (As you get into more complex forms,
        // you may have QControl objects who's parents are other QControl objects.)
        $this->lblMessage = new QLabel($this);
        $this->lblMessage->Text = 'Click the button to change my message.';

        // Define the Button
        $this->btnButton = new QButton($this);
        $this->btnButton->Text = 'Click Me!';

        // Add a Click event handler to the button -- the action to run is a ServerAction (e.g. PHP method)
        // called "btnButton_Click"
        $this->btnButton->AddAction(new QClickEvent(), new QServerAction('btnButton_Click'));

    // The "btnButton_Click" Event handler
    protected function btnButton_Click($strFormId, $strControlId, $strParameter) {
        $this->lblMessage->Text = 'Hello, world!';

// Run the Form we have defined
// The QForm engine will look to intro.tpl.php to use as its HTML template include file