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2 hrs
Test Coverage

    class ExampleForm extends QForm {
        protected $lstListbox;
        protected $txtItem;
        protected $btnAdd;

        protected $lblSelected;

        protected function Form_Create() {
            // Define the Controls
            $this->lstListbox = new QListBox($this);
            $this->lstListbox->Name = 'Items to Choose From';
            $this->lstListbox->Rows = 6;

            // When the the user changes the selection on the listbox, we'll call lstListbox_Change
            $this->lstListbox->AddAction(new QChangeEvent(), new QAjaxAction('lstListbox_Change'));
            $this->lstListbox->AddItem('Sample Item', 'Sample Item');

            $this->txtItem = new QTextBox($this);
            $this->txtItem->Name = 'Item to Add';

            $this->btnAdd = new QButton($this);
            $this->btnAdd->Text = 'Add Item';

            $this->lblSelected = new QLabel($this);
            $this->lblSelected->Name = 'Item Currently Selected';
            $this->lblSelected->Text = '<none>';

            // When we submit, we want to do the following actions:
            // * Immediately disable the button, textbox and listbox
            // * Perform the AddListItem action via AJAX
            $objSubmitListItemActions = array(
                new QToggleEnableAction($this->btnAdd, false),
                new QToggleEnableAction($this->txtItem, false),
                new QToggleEnableAction($this->lstListbox, false),
                new QAjaxAction('AddListItem')

            // Let's add this set of actions to the Add Button
            $this->btnAdd->AddActionArray(new QClickEvent(), $objSubmitListItemActions);

            // Let's add this set of actions to the Textbox, as a EnterKeyEvent
            $this->txtItem->AddActionArray(new QEnterKeyEvent(), $objSubmitListItemActions);
            // Because the enter key will also call form.submit() on some browsers, which we
            // absolutely DON'T want to have happen, let's be sure to terminate any additional
            // actions on EnterKey
            $this->txtItem->AddAction(new QEnterKeyEvent(), new QTerminateAction());

        protected function lstListbox_Change() {
            // Whenever the user changes the selected listbox item, let's
            // update the label to reflect the selected item
            $this->lblSelected->Text = $this->lstListbox->SelectedValue;

        protected function AddListItem() {
            // First off, let's make sure that data was typed in
            if (!strlen(trim($this->txtItem->Text))) {
                $this->txtItem->Warning = 'Nothing was entered';
            } else {            
                // Add the new item
                $this->lstListbox->AddItem(trim($this->txtItem->Text), trim($this->txtItem->Text));

            // Clear the textbox
            $this->txtItem->Text = '';

            // Let's re-enable all the controls;
            $this->txtItem->Enabled = true;
            $this->lstListbox->Enabled = true;
            $this->btnAdd->Enabled = true;

