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Test Coverage
    class ExampleForm extends QForm {
        /** @var QDraggable */
        protected $Draggable;
        /** @var QDroppable */
        protected $Droppable;
        /** @var QResizable */
        protected $Resizable;
        /** @var QSelectable */
        protected $Selectable;
        /** @var QSortable */
        protected $Sortable;
        /** @var QAccordion */
        protected $Accordion;
        /** @var QAutocomplete */
        protected $Autocomplete;
        /** @var QAutocomplete */
        protected $AjaxAutocomplete;
        /** @var QJqButton */
        protected $Button;
        /** @var QJqCheckBox */
        protected $CheckBox;
        /** @var QJqRadioButton */
        protected $RadioButton;
        /** @var QJqButton */
        protected $IconButton;
        /** @var QCheckBoxList */
        protected $CheckList1;
        /** @var QCheckBoxList */
        protected $CheckList2;
        /** @var QRadioButtonList */
        protected $RadioList1;
        /** @var QRadioButtonList */
        protected $RadioList2;
        /** @var QSelectMenu */
        protected $SelectMenu;

        /** @var QDatepicker */
        protected $Datepicker;
        /** @var QDatepickerBox */
        protected $DatepickerBox;
        /** @var QDialog */
        protected $Dialog;
        /** @var QProgressbar */
        protected $Progressbar;
        /** @var QSlider */
        protected $Slider;
        protected $Slider2;
        /** @var QTabs */
        protected $Tabs;
        /** @var  QJqButton */
        protected $btnShowDialog;
        /** @var  QTextBox */
        protected $txtDlgTitle;
        /** @var  QTextBox */
        protected $txtDlgText;

        // Array we'll use to demonstrate the autocomplete functionality
        static private $LANGUAGES = array("c++", "java", "php",
            "coldfusion", "javascript", "asp", "ruby");

        protected function Form_Create() {
            $this->Draggable = new QPanel($this);
            $this->Draggable->Text = 'Drag me';
            $this->Draggable->CssClass = 'draggable';
            $this->Draggable->Moveable = true;
            //$this->Draggable->AddAction(new QDraggable_StopEvent(), new QJavascriptAction("alert('Dragged to ' + ui.position.top + ',' + ui.position.left)"));
            $this->Draggable->AddAction(new QDraggable_StopEvent(), new QAjaxAction("drag_stop"));
            // Dropable
            $this->Droppable = new QPanel($this);
            $this->Droppable->Text = "Drop here";
            //$this->Droppable->AddAction(new QDroppable_DropEvent(), new QJavascriptAction("alert('Dropped ' + ui.draggable.attr('id'))"));
            $this->Droppable->AddAction(new QDroppable_DropEvent(), new QAjaxAction("droppable_drop"));
            $this->Droppable->CssClass = 'droppable';
            $this->Droppable->Droppable = true;
            // Resizable
            $this->Resizable = new QPanel($this);
            $this->Resizable->CssClass = 'resizable';
            $this->Resizable->Resizable = true;
            $this->Resizable->AddAction (new QResizable_StopEvent(), new QAjaxAction ('resizable_stop'));

            // Selectable
            $this->Selectable = new QSelectable($this);
            $this->Selectable->AutoRenderChildren = true;
            $this->Selectable->CssClass = 'selectable';
            for ($i = 1; $i <= 5; ++$i) {
                $pnl = new QPanel($this->Selectable);
                $pnl->Text = 'Item '.$i;
                $pnl->CssClass = 'selitem';
            $this->Selectable->Filter = 'div.selitem';
            $this->Selectable->SelectedItems = array ($pnl->ControlId);    // pre-select last item
            $this->Selectable->AddAction(new QSelectable_StopEvent(), new QAjaxAction ('selectable_stop'));

            // Sortable
            $this->Sortable = new QSortable($this);
            $this->Sortable->AutoRenderChildren = true;
            $this->Sortable->CssClass = 'sortable';
            for ($i = 1; $i <= 5; ++$i) {
                $pnl = new QPanel($this->Sortable);
                $pnl->Text = 'Item '.$i;
                $pnl->CssClass = 'sortitem';
            $this->Sortable->Items = 'div.sortitem';
            $this->Sortable->AddAction(new QSortable_StopEvent(), new QAjaxAction ('sortable_stop'));
            // Accordion
            $this->Accordion = new QAccordion($this, 'accordionCtl');
            $lbl = new QLinkButton($this->Accordion);
            $lbl->Text = 'Header 1';
            $pnl = new QPanel($this->Accordion);
            $pnl->Text = 'Section 1';
            $lbl = new QLinkButton($this->Accordion);
            $lbl->Text = 'Header 2';
            $pnl = new QPanel($this->Accordion);
            $pnl->Text = 'Section 2';
            $lbl = new QLinkButton($this->Accordion);
            $lbl->Text = 'Header 3';
            $pnl = new QPanel($this->Accordion);
            $pnl->Text = 'Section 3';
            $this->Accordion->AddAction (new QChangeEvent(), new QAjaxAction ('accordion_change'));

            // Autocomplete

            // Both autocomplete controls below will use the mode
            // "match only on the beginning of the word"

            // Client-side only autocomplete
            $this->Autocomplete = new QAutocomplete($this);
            $this->Autocomplete->Source = self::$LANGUAGES;
            $this->Autocomplete->Name = "Standard Autocomplete";

            // Ajax Autocomplete
            // Note: To show the little spinner while the ajax search is happening, you
            // need to define the .ui-autocomplete-loading class in a style sheet. See
            // header.inc.php for an example.
            $this->AjaxAutocomplete = new QAutocomplete($this);
            $this->AjaxAutocomplete->AddAction (new QAutocomplete_ChangeEvent(), new QAjaxAction ('ajaxautocomplete_change'));
            $this->AjaxAutocomplete->AutoFocus = true;
            $this->AjaxAutocomplete->Name = 'With AutoFocus';

            // Button
            $this->Button = new QJqButton($this);
            $this->Button->Label = "Click me";    // Label overrides Text
            $this->Button->AddAction(new QClickEvent, new QServerAction("button_click"));

            $this->CheckBox = new QJqCheckBox($this);
            $this->CheckBox->Text = "CheckBox";
            $this->RadioButton = new QJqRadioButton($this);
            $this->RadioButton->Text = "RadioButton";

            $this->IconButton = new QJqButton($this);
            $this->IconButton->Text = "Sample";
            $this->IconButton->ShowText = false;
            $this->IconButton->Icons = array ("primary"=>JqIcon::Lightbulb);
            // Lists
            $this->CheckList1 = new QCheckBoxList($this);
            $this->CheckList1->Name = "CheckBoxList with buttonset";
            foreach (self::$LANGUAGES as $strLang) {
                $this->CheckList1->AddItem ($strLang);
            $this->CheckList1->ButtonMode = QCheckBoxList::ButtonModeSet;

            $this->CheckList2 = new QCheckBoxList($this);
            $this->CheckList2->Name = "CheckBoxList with button style";
            foreach (self::$LANGUAGES as $strLang) {
                $this->CheckList2->AddItem ($strLang);
            $this->CheckList2->ButtonMode = QCheckBoxList::ButtonModeJq;
            $this->CheckList2->RepeatColumns = 4;
            $this->RadioList1 = new QRadioButtonList($this);
            $this->RadioList1->Name = "RadioButtonList with buttonset";
            foreach (self::$LANGUAGES as $strLang) {
                $this->RadioList1->AddItem ($strLang);
            $this->RadioList1->ButtonMode = QCheckBoxList::ButtonModeSet;

            $this->RadioList2 = new QRadioButtonList($this);
            $this->RadioList2->Name = "RadioButtonList with button style";
            foreach (self::$LANGUAGES as $strLang) {
                $this->RadioList2->AddItem ($strLang);
            $this->RadioList2->ButtonMode = QCheckBoxList::ButtonModeJq;
            $this->RadioList2->RepeatColumns = 4;

            $this->SelectMenu = new QSelectMenu($this);
            $this->SelectMenu->Name = "SelectMenu";
            $this->SelectMenu->Width = 200;
            foreach (self::$LANGUAGES as $strLang) {
                $this->SelectMenu->AddItem ($strLang);

            // Datepicker
            $this->Datepicker = new QDatepicker($this);
            $this->Datepicker->AddAction (new QDatepicker_SelectEvent2(), new QAjaxAction('setDate'));
            $this->Datepicker->ActionParameter = 'Datepicker';
            // DatepickerBox
            $this->DatepickerBox = new QDatepickerBox($this);
            $this->DatepickerBox->AddAction(new QChangeEvent(), new QAjaxAction('setDate'));
            $this->DatepickerBox->ActionParameter = 'DatepickerBox';

            // Dialog
            $this->Dialog = new QDialog($this);
            $this->Dialog->Text = 'a non modal dialog';
            $this->Dialog->AddButton ('Cancel', 'cancel');
            $this->Dialog->AddButton ('OK', 'ok');
            $this->Dialog->AddAction (new QDialog_ButtonEvent(), new QAjaxAction ('dialog_press'));
            $this->Dialog->AutoOpen = false;

            $this->btnShowDialog = new QJqButton($this);
            $this->btnShowDialog->Text = 'Show Dialog';
            $this->btnShowDialog->AddAction (new QClickEvent(), new QShowDialog ($this->Dialog));

            $this->txtDlgTitle = new QTextBox($this);
            $this->txtDlgTitle->Name = "Set Title To:";
            $this->txtDlgTitle->AddAction (new QKeyPressEvent(10), new QAjaxAction('dlgTitle_Change'));
            $this->txtDlgTitle->AddAction (new QBackspaceKeyEvent(10), new QAjaxAction('dlgTitle_Change'));

            $this->txtDlgText = new QTextBox($this);
            $this->txtDlgText->Name = "Set Text To:";
            $this->txtDlgText->AddAction (new QKeyPressEvent(10), new QAjaxAction('dlgText_Change'));
            $this->txtDlgText->AddAction (new QBackspaceKeyEvent(10), new QAjaxAction('dlgText_Change'));

            // Progressbar
            $this->Progressbar = new QProgressbar($this);
            $this->Progressbar->Value = 37;
            // Slider
            $this->Slider = new QSlider($this);
            $this->Slider->AddAction (new QSlider_SlideEvent(), new QJavascriptAction (
                'jQuery("#' . $this->Progressbar->ControlId . '").progressbar ("value", ui.value)'
            $this->Slider->AddAction (new QSlider_ChangeEvent(), new QAjaxAction ('slider_change'));

            $this->Slider2 = new QSlider($this);
            $this->Slider2->Range = true;
            $this->Slider2->Values = array(10, 50);
            $this->Slider2->AddAction (new QSlider_ChangeEvent(), new QAjaxAction ('slider2_change'));
            // Tabs
            $this->Tabs = new QTabs($this);
            $tab1 = new QPanel($this->Tabs);
            $tab1->Text = 'First tab is active by default';
            $tab2 = new QPanel($this->Tabs);
            $tab2->Text = 'Tab 2';
            $tab3 = new QPanel($this->Tabs);
            $tab3->Text = 'Tab 3';
            $this->Tabs->Headers = array('One', 'Two', 'Three');
            $this->Tabs->AddAction (new QTabs_ActivateEvent(), new QAjaxAction('tabs_change'));

        protected function update_autocompleteList($strFormId, $strControlId, $strParameter) {
            $strLookup = $strParameter;
            $objControl = $this->GetControl ($strControlId);
            $cond = QQ::OrCondition (
                        QQ::Like (QQN::Person()->FirstName, '%' . $strLookup . '%'),
                        QQ::Like (QQN::Person()->LastName, '%' . $strLookup . '%')
            $clauses[] = QQ::OrderBy (QQN::Person()->LastName, QQN::Person()->FirstName);
            $lst = Person::QueryArray ($cond, $clauses);
             * If you implement Person::__toString in the model->Person.class.php file, you
             * could just pass the $lst to the DataSource. If you want to add a 'label' item
             * to the display, you can override toJsObject in the People.class.php file.
             * For puposes of this example, we will build a custom list using list items below.
            //$this->AjaxAutocomplete->DataSource = $lst; 
            $a = array();
            foreach ($lst as $objPerson) {
                $item = new QListItem ($objPerson->FirstName . ' ' . $objPerson->LastName, $objPerson->Id);
                $a[] = $item;
            $objControl->DataSource = $a;
        protected function ajaxautocomplete_change() {
            QApplication::DisplayAlert ('Selected item ID: ' . $this->AjaxAutocomplete->SelectedId);
        protected function button_click() {
            $dtt = $this->DatepickerBox->DateTime;
            if ($dtt) {
                QApplication::DisplayAlert ($dtt->qFormat('MM/DD/YY'));
        protected function slider_change() {
            QApplication::DisplayAlert ($this->Progressbar->Value . ', ' . $this->Slider->Value);
        protected function slider2_change() {
            $a = $this->Slider2->Values;
            QApplication::DisplayAlert ($a[0] . ', ' . $a[1]);
        public function dialog_press($strFormId, $strControlId, $strParameter) {
            $id = $this->Dialog->ClickedButton;
            QApplication::DisplayAlert ($id . ' was pressed');
        public function droppable_drop($strFormId, $strControlId, $strParameter) {
            $id = $this->Droppable->DropObj->DroppedId;
            QApplication::DisplayAlert ($id . ' was dropped.');
        public function resizable_stop($strFormId, $strControlId, $strParameter) {
            QApplication::DisplayAlert ( 'Width change = ' . $this->Resizable->ResizeObj->DeltaX . ', height change = ' . $this->Resizable->ResizeObj->DeltaY);

        public function drag_stop($strFormId, $strControlId, $strParameter) {
            $x = $this->Draggable->DragObj->DeltaX;
            $y = $this->Draggable->DragObj->DeltaY;
            QApplication::DisplayAlert ( 'Left change = ' . $x . ', top change = ' . $y);
        public function selectable_stop($strFormId, $strControlId, $strParameter) {
            $a = $this->Selectable->SelectedItems;
            $strItems = join (",", $a);
            QApplication::DisplayAlert ($strItems);
        public function sortable_stop($strFormId, $strControlId, $strParameter) {
            $a = $this->Sortable->ItemArray;
            $strItems = join (",", $a);
            QApplication::DisplayAlert ($strItems);

        protected function accordion_change() {
            QApplication::DisplayAlert ($this->Accordion->Active . ' selected.');

        protected function dlgTitle_Change($strFormId, $strControlId, $strParameter) {
            $strNewTitle = $this->txtDlgTitle->Text;
            $this->Dialog->Title = $strNewTitle;

        protected function dlgText_Change($strFormId, $strControlId, $strParameter) {
            $strNewText = $this->txtDlgText->Text;
            $this->Dialog->Text = $strNewText;

        protected function setDate($strFormId, $strControlId, $strParameter) {
            if ($strParameter == 'Datepicker') {
                $this->DatepickerBox->DateTime = $this->Datepicker->DateTime;
            } else {
                $this->Datepicker->DateTime = $this->DatepickerBox->DateTime;

        protected function tabs_change($strFormId, $strControlId, $strParameter) {
            $index = $this->Tabs->Active;
            $id = $this->Tabs->SelectedId;
            $strItems = $index . ', ' . $id;
            QApplication::DisplayAlert ($strItems);
