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    /** @noinspection PhpIncludeInspection */

    // adding the javascript return parameter to the event is one 
    // possibility to retrieve values/objects/arrays via an Ajax or Server Action
    class MyQSlider_ChangeEvent extends QEvent {
        const EventName = 'slidechange';
        const JsReturnParam = 'arguments[1].value';

    class ExampleForm extends QForm {
        /** @var QResizable */
        protected $Resizable;
        /** @var QSelectable */
        protected $Selectable;
        /** @var QSortable */
        protected $Sortable;
        /** @var QSlider */
        protected $Slider;
        /** @var QButton */
        protected $btnSubmit;
        /** @var QSortable */
        protected $Sortable2;

        /** @var QPanel */
        protected $SortableResult;
        /** @var QPanel */
        protected $Sortable2Result;
        /** @var QPanel */
        protected $ResizableResult;
        /** @var QPanel */
        protected $SelectableResult;
        /** @var QPanel */
        protected $SubmitResult;
        /** @var QPanel */
        protected $SliderResult;

        protected function Form_Create() {
            $strServerActionJsParam = "";

            $this->btnSubmit = new QButton($this);
            $this->btnSubmit->Text = "ServerAction Submit";
            $this->SubmitResult = new QPanel($this);

            // Slider
            $this->Slider = new QSlider($this);
            $this->Slider->Max = 1250;
            $this->Slider->AddAction(new MyQSlider_ChangeEvent(), new QAjaxAction('onSlide'));
            $this->SliderResult = new QPanel($this);

            // Resizable
            $this->Resizable = new QPanel($this);
            $this->Resizable->CssClass = 'resizable';
            $this->Resizable->Resizable = true;
            $this->ResizableResult = new QPanel($this);
            $strJsParam = '{ 
                "width": $j("#' . $this->Resizable->ControlId . '").width(), 
                "height": $j("#' . $this->Resizable->ControlId . '").height() 
            $this->Resizable->AddAction(new QResizable_StopEvent(), new QAjaxAction("onResize", "default", null, $strJsParam));
            $this->ResizableResult = new QPanel($this);

            $strServerActionJsParam = '{"resizable": ' . $strJsParam . ', ';

            // Selectable
            $this->Selectable = new QSelectable($this);
            $this->Selectable->AutoRenderChildren = true;
            $this->Selectable->CssClass = 'selectable';
            for ($i = 1; $i <= 5; ++$i) {
                $pnl = new QPanel($this->Selectable);
                $pnl->Text = 'Item ' . $i;
                $pnl->CssClass = 'selitem';
            $this->Selectable->Filter = 'div.selitem';

            * if your objects to return get more complex you can define a javascript function that returns your
            * object. the essential thing is the ".call()", this executes the function that you have just defined
            * and returns your object.
            * In this example a function is uesd to temporary store jquery's search result for selected items,
            * because it is needed twice. then the ids are stored to objRet.ids as a comma-separated string and
            * the contents of the selected items are stored to objRet.content as an array.
            $this->SelectableResult = new QPanel($this);
            $strJsParam = 'function() { 
                objRet = new Object(); 
                selection = $j("#' . $this->Selectable->ControlId . '")
                objRet.ids = selection.map(function(){
                        return this.id;
                objRet.content = selection.map(function() { 
                    return $j(this).html();
                return objRet;
            $this->Selectable->AddAction(new QSelectable_StopEvent(), new QAjaxAction("onSelect", "default", null, $strJsParam));

            $strServerActionJsParam .= '"selectable": ' . $strJsParam . ', ';

            // Sortable
            $this->Sortable = new QSortable($this);
            $this->Sortable->AutoRenderChildren = true;
            $this->Sortable->CssClass = 'sortable';
            for ($i = 1; $i <= 5; ++$i) {
                $pnl = new QPanel($this->Sortable);
                $pnl->Text = 'Item ' . $i;
                $pnl->CssClass = 'sortitem';
            $this->Sortable->Items = 'div.sortitem';

            $this->SortableResult = new QPanel($this);
            $strJsParam = '$j("#' . $this->Sortable->ControlId . '").
                map(function() { 
                    return $j(this).html()
            $this->Sortable->AddAction(new QSortable_UpdateEvent(), new QAjaxAction("onSort", "default", null, $strJsParam));

            $strServerActionJsParam .= '"sortable": ' . $strJsParam . '}';

            //a second Sortable that can receive items from the first Sortable
            //when an item is dragged over from the first sortable an receive event is triggered
            $this->Sortable2 = new QSortable($this);
            $this->Sortable2->AutoRenderChildren = true;
            $this->Sortable2->CssClass = 'sortable';
            for ($i = 6; $i <= 10; ++$i) {
                $pnl = new QPanel($this->Sortable2);
                $pnl->Text = 'Item ' . $i;
                $pnl->CssClass = 'sortitem';
            $this->Sortable2->Items = 'div.sortitem';

            //allow dragging from Sortable to Sortable2
            $this->Sortable->ConnectWith = '#' . $this->Sortable2->ControlId;
            //enable the following line to allow dragging Sortable2 child items to the Sortable list
            // $this->Sortable2->ConnectWith = '#' . $this->Sortable->ControlId;

            //using a QJsClosure as the ActionParameter for Sortable2 to return a Js object
            //the ActionParameter is used for every ajax / server action defined on this control
            $this->Sortable2->ActionParameter = 
                new QJsClosure('return $j("#' . $this->Sortable2->ControlId . '")
                    .map(function() { 
                        return $j(this).html()

            //(the list of names from the containing items) is returned for the following two Ajax Actions
            $this->Sortable2->AddAction(new QSortable_UpdateEvent(), new QAjaxAction("onSort2"));
            //$this->Sortable2->AddAction(new QSortable_ReceiveEvent() ,new QAjaxAction("onSort2"));

            $this->Sortable2Result = new QPanel($this);

            $this->btnSubmit->AddAction(new QClickEvent(), new QServerAction("onSubmit", null, $strServerActionJsParam));

        public function onSort($formId, $objId, $objParam) {
            $this->SortableResult->Text = print_r($objParam, true);

        public function onSort2($formId, $objId, $objParam) {
            $this->Sortable2Result->Text = print_r($objParam, true);

        public function onResize($formId, $objId, $objParam) {
            $this->ResizableResult->Text = print_r($objParam, true);

        public function onSelect($formId, $objId, $objParam) {
            $this->SelectableResult->Text = print_r($objParam, true);

        public function onSubmit($formId, $objId, $objParam) {
            $this->SubmitResult->Text = print_r($objParam, true);

        public function onSlide($formId, $objId, $objParam) {
            $this->SliderResult->Text = print_r($objParam, true);
