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     * Autocomplete Base File
     * The QAutocompleteBase class defined here provides an interface between the generated
     * QAutocompleteGen class, and QCubed. This file is part of the core and will be overwritten
     * when you update QCubed. To override, make your changes to the QAutocomplete.class.php file instead.

     * @deprecated since Qcubed 2.1.1. Please use QListItem
     * List items that can be sent to an autocomplete in non-ajax mode. Put them in an array and send to ->Source.
    class QAutocompleteListItem extends QListItem {
         * @deprecated since Qcubed 2.1.1. Please use QListItem
         * @param $strName
         * @param $strValue
         * @param bool $blnSelected
         * @param null $strItemGroup
         * @param null $strOverrideParameters
        public function __construct($strName, $strValue, $blnSelected = false, $strItemGroup = null, $strOverrideParameters = null) {
            parent::__construct($strName, $strValue, $blnSelected, $strItemGroup, $strOverrideParameters);
            trigger_error("QAutocompleteListItem has been deprecated. Please use QListItem", E_USER_NOTICE);

         * @deprecated since Qcubed 2.1.1. Please use QListItem
         * @return string
        public function toJsObject() {
            trigger_error("QAutocompleteListItem has been deprecated. Please use QListItem", E_USER_NOTICE);
            return JavaScriptHelper::toJsObject(array("value" => $this->Name, "id" => $this->Value));

     * Special event to handle source ajax callbacks
    class QAutocomplete_SourceEvent extends QEvent {
        /** Event Name */
        const EventName = 'QAutocomplete_Source';
        const JsReturnParam = 'ui'; // ends up being the request.term value

     * Implements the JQuery UI Autocomplete widget
     * The Autocomplete is JQuery UIs version of a field with an attached drop down menu. As you type in
     * the field, the menu appears, and the items in the menu are filtered by what the user types. This class allows
     * you to use an array of QListItems, or an array of database objects as the source. You can also pass this array
     * statically in the Source parameter at creation time, or dynamically via Ajax by using SetDataBinder, and then
     * in your data binder function, setting the DataSource parameter.
     * @property string $SelectedId the id of the selected item. When QAutocompleteListItem objects are used for the DataSource, this corresponds to the Value of the item
     * @property boolean $MustMatch if true, non matching values are not accepted by the input
     * @property string $MultipleValueDelimiter if set, the Autocomplete will keep appending the new selections to the previous term, delimited by this string.
     *    This is useful when making QAutocomplete handle multiple values (see http://jqueryui.com/demos/autocomplete/#multiple ).
     * @property boolean $DisplayHtml if set, the Autocomplete will treat the 'label' portion of each data item as Html.
     * @property-write array $Source an array of strings, QListItem's, or data objects. To be used at creation time. {@inheritdoc }
     * @property-write array $DataSource an array of strings, QListItem's, or data objects
     * @link http://jqueryui.com/autocomplete/
     * @access private
     * @package Controls\Base
    class QAutocompleteBase extends QAutocompleteGen
        /** @var string */
        protected $strSelectedId = null;
        /** @var boolean */
        protected $blnUseAjax = false;

        /* Moved to QAutoComplete2 plugin */
        //protected $blnMustMatch = false;
        //protected $strMultipleValueDelimiter = null;
        //protected $blnDisplayHtml = false;

        public function __construct($objParentObject, $strControlId = null) {
            parent::__construct($objParentObject, $strControlId);

            $this->AddJavascriptFile(__JS_ASSETS__ . '/qcubed.autocomplete.js');

         * When this filter is passed to QAutocomplete::UseFilter, only the items in the source list that contain the typed term will be shown in the drop-down
         * This is the default filter used by the jQuery autocomplete. Useful when resetting from a previousely set filter.
         * @see QAutocomplete::UseFilter
        const FILTER_CONTAINS ='return $j.ui.autocomplete.escapeRegex(term);'; // this is the default filter
         * When this filter is passed to QAutocomplete::UseFilter, only the items in the source list that begin with the typed term will be shown in the drop-down
         * @see QAutocomplete::UseFilter
        const FILTER_STARTS_WITH ='return ("^" + $j.ui.autocomplete.escapeRegex(term));';

         * Set a filter to use when using a simple array as a source (in non-ajax mode). Note that ALL non-ajax autocompletes on the page
         * will use the new filter.
         * @static
         * @throws QCallerException
         * @param string|QJsClosure $filter represents a closure that will be used as the global filter function for jQuery autocomplete.
         * The closure should take two arguments - array and term. array is the list of all available choices, term is what the user typed in the input box.
         * It should return an array of suggestions to show in the drop-down.
         * <b>Example:</b> <code>QAutocomplete::UseFilter(QAutocomplete::FILTER_STARTS_WITH)</code>
         * @return void
         * @see QAutocomplete::FILTER_CONTAINS
         * @see QAutocomplete::FILTER_STARTS_WITH
        static public function UseFilter($filter) {
            if (is_string($filter)) {
                $filter =  new QJsClosure ($filter, ['term']);
            else if (!($filter instanceof QJsClosure)) {
                throw new QCallerException("filter must be either a string or an instance of QJsClosure");
            QApplication::ExecuteJsFunction('qcubed.acUseFilter', $filter);

         * Set the data binder for ajax filtering
         * Call this at creation time to set the data binder of the item list you will display. The data binder 
         * will be an AjaxAction function, and so will receive the following parameters:
         * - FormId
         * - ControlId
         * - Parameter
         * The Parameter in particular will be the term that you should use for filtering. There are situations
         * where the term will not be the same as the contents of the field.
         * @param string         $strMethodName    Name of the method which has to be bound
         * @param QForm|QControl $objParentControl The parent control on which the action is to be bound
        public function SetDataBinder($strMethodName, $objParentControl = null) {
            if ($objParentControl) {
                $objAction = new QAjaxControlAction($objParentControl, $strMethodName, 'default', null, 'ui');
            } else {
                $objAction = new QAjaxAction($strMethodName, 'default', null, 'ui');
            $this->AddAction(new QAutocomplete_SourceEvent(), $objAction);

            $this->mixSource = new QJsVarName('qcubed.acSourceFunction');

            $this->blnUseAjax = true;
            $this->blnModified = true;

        // These functions are used to keep track of the selected value, and to implement
        // optional autocomplete functionality.
         * Gets the Javascript part of the control which is sent to the client side upon the completion of Render
         * @return string The JS string
        public function GetEndScript() {
            $strJS = parent::GetEndScript();
            QApplication::ExecuteJsFunction('qc.autocomplete', $this->GetJqControlId(), QJsPriority::High);

            return $strJS;
        // Response to an ajax request for data
        protected function prepareAjaxList($dataSource) {
            if (!$dataSource) {
                $dataSource = array();
            QApplication::ExecuteJsFunction('qc.acSetData', $this->getJqControlId(), $dataSource, QJsPriority::Exclusive);

        public function SetEmpty() {
            $this->Text = '';
            $this->SelectedId = null;

         * Control subclasses should return their state data that they will use to restore later.
         * @return mixed
        protected function GetState() {
            $state = parent::GetState();
            return $state;

         * Restore the state of the control. The control will have already been
         * created and initialized. Subclasses should verify that the restored state is still valid for the data
         * available.
         * @param mixed $state
        protected function PutState($state) {
            if (isset($state['selectedId'])) {
                $this->SelectedId = $state['selectedId'];

         * PHP __set Magic method
         * @param string $strName Property Name
         * @param string $mixValue Property Value
         * @throws Exception|QInvalidCastException
        public function __set($strName, $mixValue) {
            switch ($strName) {
                case 'DataSource':
                    // Assign data to a DataSource from within the data binder function only.
                    // Data should be array items that at a minimum contain a 'value' and an 'id'
                    // They can also contain a 'label', which will be displayed in the popup menu only
                    if ($this->blnUseAjax) {
                    } else {
                        $this->Source = $mixValue;
                case "SelectedValue":    // mirror list control
                case "Value":
                case 'SelectedId':
                    // Set this at creation time to initialize the selected id. 
                    // This is also set by the javascript above to keep track of subsequent selections made by the user.
                    try {
                        if ($mixValue == 'null') {
                            $this->strSelectedId = null;
                        } else {
                            $this->strSelectedId = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::String);
                    } catch (QInvalidCastException $objExc) {
                        throw $objExc;
                case 'Source':
                    try {
                        if (is_array ($mixValue) && count($mixValue) > 0 && $mixValue[0] instanceof QListItem) {
                            // figure out what item is selected
                            foreach ($mixValue as $objItem) {
                                if ($objItem->Selected) {
                                    $this->strSelectedId = $objItem->Value;
                                    $this->Text = $objItem->Name;
                        parent::__set($strName, $mixValue);
                    } catch (QInvalidCastException $objExc) {
                        throw $objExc;

                    try {
                        parent::__set($strName, $mixValue);
                    } catch (QInvalidCastException $objExc) {
                        throw $objExc;

         * PHP __get magic method implementation
         * @param string $strName Name of the property
         * @return mixed
         * @throws Exception|QCallerException
        public function __get($strName) {
            switch ($strName) {
                case "SelectedValue":    // mirror list control
                case "Value": // most common situation
                case 'SelectedId': return $this->strSelectedId;

                    try { 
                        return parent::__get($strName); 
                    } catch (QCallerException $objExc) { 
                        throw $objExc; 

         * If this control is attachable to a codegenerated control in a ModelConnector, this function will be
         * used by the ModelConnector designer dialog to display a list of options for the control.
         * @return QModelConnectorParam[]
        public static function GetModelConnectorParams() {
            return array_merge(parent::GetModelConnectorParams(), array(
                new QModelConnectorParam (QModelConnectorParam::GeneralCategory, 'NoAutoLoad', 'Prevent automatically populating a list type control. Set this if you are doing more complex list loading.', QType::Boolean)
