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Test Coverage
     * This file contains the QCheckBoxList class.
     * @package Controls

     * This class will render a List of HTML Checkboxes (inhereting from ListControl).
     * By definition, checkbox lists are multiple-select ListControls.
     * So assuming you have a list of 10 items, and you have RepeatColumn set to 3:
     *    RepeatDirection::Horizontal would render as:
     *    1    2    3
     *    4    5    6
     *    7    8    9
     *    10
     *    RepeatDirection::Vertical would render as:
     *    1    5    8
     *    2    6    9
     *    3    7    10
     *    4
     * @package Controls
     * @property string $Text is used to display text that is displayed next to the checkbox.  The text is rendered as an html "Label For" the checkbox.
     * @property integer $CellPadding specified the HTML Table's CellPadding
     * @property integer $CellSpacing specified the HTML Table's CellSpacing
     * @property integer $RepeatColumns specifies how many columns should be rendered in the HTML Table
     * @property string $RepeatDirection pecifies which direction should the list go first...
     * @property boolean $HtmlEntities
    class QCheckBoxList extends QListControl {
        const ButtonModeNone = 0;    // Uses the RepeatColumns and RepeateDirection settings to make a structure
        const ButtonModeJq = 1;        // a list of individual jquery ui buttons
        const ButtonModeSet = 2;    // a jqueryui button set
        const ButtonModeList = 3;    // just a vanilla list of checkboxes with no row or column styling

        // Private Member Variables
        // APPEARANCE
        protected $strTextAlign = QTextAlign::Right;
        // BEHAVIOR
        protected $blnHtmlEntities = true;

        // LAYOUT
        protected $intCellPadding = -1;
        protected $intCellSpacing = -1;
        protected $intRepeatColumns = 1;
        protected $strRepeatDirection = QRepeatDirection::Vertical;
        protected $objItemStyle = null;
        protected $intButtonMode;
        protected $strMaxHeight; // will create a scroll pane if height is exceeded
        public function __construct($objParentObject, $strControlId = null) {
            parent::__construct($objParentObject, $strControlId);

        // Methods
         * Parses the post data. Many different scenarios are covered. See below.
        public function ParsePostData() {
            $val = $this->objForm->CheckableControlValue($this->strControlId);
            if (empty($val)) {
            else {
                $this->SetSelectedItemsByIndex($val, false);

         * Return the javascript associated with the control.
         * @return string
        public function GetEndScript() {
            $ctrlId = $this->ControlId;
            if ($this->intButtonMode == self::ButtonModeSet) {
                QApplication::ExecuteControlCommand($ctrlId, 'buttonset', QJsPriority::High);
            } elseif ($this->intButtonMode == self::ButtonModeJq) {
                QApplication::ExecuteSelectorFunction(["input:checkbox", "#" . $ctrlId], 'button', QJsPriority::High);
            $strScript = parent::GetEndScript();
            return $strScript;

         * Return the HTML for the given item.
         * @param QListItem $objItem
         * @param integer $intIndex
         * @param string $strTabIndex
         * @param boolean $blnWrapLabel
         * @return string
        protected function GetItemHtml(QListItem $objItem, $intIndex, $strTabIndex, $blnWrapLabel) {
            $objLabelStyles = new QTagStyler();
            if ($this->objItemStyle) {
                $objLabelStyles->Override($this->objItemStyle); // default style
            if ($objItemStyle = $objItem->ItemStyle) {
                $objLabelStyles->Override($objItemStyle); // per item styling

            $objStyles = new QTagStyler();
            $objStyles->SetHtmlAttribute('type', 'checkbox');
            $objStyles->SetHtmlAttribute('name', $this->strControlId . '[]');
            $objStyles->SetHtmlAttribute('value', $intIndex);

            $strIndexedId = $objItem->Id;
            $objStyles->SetHtmlAttribute('id', $strIndexedId);
            if ($strTabIndex) {
                $objStyles->TabIndex = $strTabIndex;
            if (!$this->Enabled) {
                $objStyles->Enabled = false;

            $strLabelText = $objItem->Label;
            if (empty($strLabelText)) {
                $strLabelText = $objItem->Name;
            if ($this->blnHtmlEntities) {
                $strLabelText = QApplication::HtmlEntities($strLabelText);

            if ($objItem->Selected) {
                $objStyles->SetHtmlAttribute('checked', 'checked');

            if (!$blnWrapLabel) {
                $objLabelStyles->SetHtmlAttribute('for', $strIndexedId);


            $strHtml = QHtml::RenderLabeledInput(
                $this->strTextAlign == QTextAlign::Left,

            return $strHtml;

         * Return the html to draw the base control.
         * @return string
        protected function GetControlHtml() {
            /* Deprecated. Use Margin and Padding on the ItemStyle attribute.
            if ($this->intCellPadding >= 0)
                $strCellPadding = sprintf('cellpadding="%s" ', $this->intCellPadding);
                $strCellPadding = "";

            if ($this->intCellSpacing >= 0)
                $strCellSpacing = sprintf('cellspacing="%s" ', $this->intCellSpacing);
                $strCellSpacing = "";

            if ($this->intButtonMode == self::ButtonModeSet || $this->intButtonMode == self::ButtonModeList) {
                return $this->RenderButtonSet();
            else {
                $strToReturn = $this->RenderButtonTable();

            return $strToReturn;


         * Renders the button group as a table, paying attention to the number of columns wanted.
         * @return string
        public function RenderButtonTable() {
            $strToReturn = '';
            if ($this->ItemCount > 0) {
                // Figure out the number of ROWS for this table
                $intRowCount = floor($this->ItemCount / $this->intRepeatColumns);
                $intWidowCount = ($this->ItemCount % $this->intRepeatColumns);
                if ($intWidowCount > 0)

                // Iterate through Table Rows
                for ($intRowIndex = 0; $intRowIndex < $intRowCount; $intRowIndex++) {
                    // Figure out the number of COLUMNS for this particular ROW
                    if (($intRowIndex == $intRowCount - 1) && ($intWidowCount > 0))
                        // on the last row for a table with widowed-columns, ColCount is the number of widows
                        $intColCount = $intWidowCount;
                        // otherwise, ColCount is simply intRepeatColumns
                        $intColCount = $this->intRepeatColumns;

                    // Iterate through Table Columns
                    $strRowHtml = '';
                    for ($intColIndex = 0; $intColIndex < $intColCount; $intColIndex++) {
                        if ($this->strRepeatDirection == QRepeatDirection::Horizontal)
                            $intIndex = $intColIndex + $this->intRepeatColumns * $intRowIndex;
                            $intIndex = (floor($this->ItemCount / $this->intRepeatColumns) * $intColIndex)
                                + min(($this->ItemCount % $this->intRepeatColumns), $intColIndex)
                                + $intRowIndex;

                        $strItemHtml = $this->GetItemHtml($this->objListItemArray[$intIndex], $intIndex, $this->GetHtmlAttribute('tabindex'), $this->blnWrapLabel);
                        $strRowHtml .= $strItemHtml;

                    $strRowHtml = QHtml::RenderTag('div', ['class'=>'qc-tableRow'], $strRowHtml);
                    $strToReturn .= $strRowHtml;

                if ($this->strMaxHeight) {
                    // wrap table in a scrolling div that will end up being the actual object
                    //$objStyler = new QTagStyler();
                    $this->SetCssStyle('max-height', $this->strMaxHeight, true);
                    $this->SetCssStyle('overflow-y', 'scroll');

                    $strToReturn = QHtml::RenderTag('div', ['class'=>'qc-table'], $strToReturn);
                } else {
                    $this->AddCssClass('qc-table'); // format as a table

            return $this->RenderTag ('div', ['id'=>$this->strControlId], null, $strToReturn);

         * Renders the checkbox list as a buttonset, rendering just as a list of checkboxes and allowing css or javascript
         * to format the rest.
         * @return string
        public function RenderButtonSet() {
            $count = $this->ItemCount;
            $strToReturn = '';
            for ($intIndex = 0; $intIndex < $count; $intIndex++) {
                $strToReturn .= $this->GetItemHtml($this->objListItemArray[$intIndex], $intIndex, $this->GetHtmlAttribute('tabindex'), $this->blnWrapLabel) . "\n";
            $strToReturn = $this->RenderTag('div', ['id'=>$this->strControlId], null, $strToReturn);
            return $strToReturn;

         * Render as a single column. This implementation simply wraps the columns in divs.
         * @return string
        public function RenderButtonColumn() {
            $count = $this->ItemCount;
            $strToReturn = '';
            for ($intIndex = 0; $intIndex < $count; $intIndex++) {
                $strHtml = $this->GetItemHtml($this->objListItemArray[$intIndex], $intIndex, $this->GetHtmlAttribute('tabindex'), $this->blnWrapLabel);
                $strToReturn .= QHtml::RenderTag('div', null, $strHtml);
            $strToReturn = $this->RenderTag('div', ['id'=>$this->strControlId], null, $strToReturn);
            return $strToReturn;

         * Validate the control.
         * @return bool
        public function Validate() {
            if ($this->blnRequired) {
                if ($this->SelectedIndex == -1) {
                    $this->ValidationError = QApplication::Translate($this->strName) . ' ' . QApplication::Translate('is required');
                    return false;
            return true;

         * Override of superclass that will update the selection using javascript so that the whole control does
         * not need to be redrawn.
        protected function RefreshSelection() {
            $indexes = $this->SelectedIndexes;
            QApplication::ExecuteSelectorFunction(['input', '#' . $this->ControlId], 'val', $indexes);
            if ($this->intButtonMode == self::ButtonModeSet ||
                $this->intButtonMode == self::ButtonModeJq) {
                QApplication::ExecuteSelectorFunction(['input', '#' . $this->ControlId], 'button', "refresh");

        // Public Properties: GET
        public function __get($strName) {
            switch ($strName) {
                // APPEARANCE
                case "TextAlign": return $this->strTextAlign;

                // BEHAVIOR
                case "HtmlEntities": return $this->blnHtmlEntities;

                // LAYOUT
                case "CellPadding": return $this->intCellPadding;
                case "CellSpacing": return $this->intCellSpacing;
                case "RepeatColumns": return $this->intRepeatColumns;
                case "RepeatDirection": return $this->strRepeatDirection;
                case "ItemStyle": return $this->objItemStyle;
                case "ButtonMode": return $this->intButtonMode;
                case "MaxHeight": return $this->strMaxHeight;
                    try {
                        return parent::__get($strName);
                    } catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
                        throw $objExc;

        // Public Properties: SET
        public function __set($strName, $mixValue) {
            switch ($strName) {
                // APPEARANCE
                case "TextAlign":
                    try {
                        if ($this->strTextAlign !== ($mixValue = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::String))) {
                            $this->blnModified = true;
                            $this->strTextAlign = $mixValue;
                    } catch (QInvalidCastException $objExc) {
                        throw $objExc;

                case "HtmlEntities":
                    try {
                        if ($this->blnHtmlEntities !== ($mixValue = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::Boolean))) {
                            $this->blnModified = true;
                            $this->blnHtmlEntities = $mixValue;
                    } catch (QInvalidCastException $objExc) {
                        throw $objExc;

                // LAYOUT
                case "CellPadding":
                    try {
                        if ($this->intCellPadding !== ($mixValue = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::Integer))) {
                            $this->blnModified = true;
                            $this->intCellPadding = $mixValue;
                    } catch (QInvalidCastException $objExc) {
                        throw $objExc;
                case "CellSpacing":
                    try {
                        if ($this->intCellSpacing !== ($mixValue = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::Integer))) {
                            $this->blnModified = true;
                            $this->intCellSpacing = $mixValue;
                    } catch (QInvalidCastException $objExc) {
                        throw $objExc;
                case "RepeatColumns":
                    try {
                        if ($this->intRepeatColumns !== ($mixValue = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::Integer))) {
                            $this->blnModified = true;
                            $this->intRepeatColumns = $mixValue;
                    } catch (QInvalidCastException $objExc) {
                        throw $objExc;
                    if ($this->intRepeatColumns < 1)
                        throw new QCallerException("RepeatColumns must be greater than 0");
                case "RepeatDirection":
                    try {
                        if ($this->strRepeatDirection !== ($mixValue = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::String))) {
                            $this->blnModified = true;
                            $this->strRepeatDirection = $mixValue;
                    } catch (QInvalidCastException $objExc) {
                        throw $objExc;
                case "ItemStyle":
                    try {
                        $this->blnModified = true;
                        $this->objItemStyle = QType::Cast($mixValue, "QTagStyler");
                    } catch (QInvalidCastException $objExc) {
                        throw $objExc;

                case "ButtonMode":
                    try {
                        if ($this->intButtonMode !== ($mixValue = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::Integer))) {
                            $this->blnModified = true;
                            $this->intButtonMode = $mixValue;
                    } catch (QInvalidCastException $objExc) {
                        throw $objExc;

                case "MaxHeight":
                    try {
                        if (empty ($mixValue)) {
                            $this->strMaxHeight = null;
                        else {
                            $this->strMaxHeight = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::String);
                        $this->blnModified = true;
                    } catch (QInvalidCastException $objExc) {
                        throw $objExc;

                    try {
                        parent::__set($strName, $mixValue);
                    } catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
                        throw $objExc;

         * Returns a description of the options available to modify by the designer for the code generator.
         * @return QModelConnectorParam[]
        public static function GetModelConnectorParams() {
            return array_merge(parent::GetModelConnectorParams(), array(
                new QModelConnectorParam (get_called_class(), 'TextAlign', '', QModelConnectorParam::SelectionList,
                    array (null=>'Default',
                new QModelConnectorParam (get_called_class(), 'HtmlEntities', 'Set to false to have the browser interpret the labels as HTML', QType::Boolean),
                new QModelConnectorParam (get_called_class(), 'RepeatColumns', 'The number of columns of checkboxes to display', QType::Integer),
                new QModelConnectorParam (get_called_class(), 'RepeatDirection', 'Whether to repeat horizontally or vertically', QModelConnectorParam::SelectionList,
                    array (null=>'Default',
                new QModelConnectorParam (get_called_class(), 'ButtonMode', 'How to display the buttons', QModelConnectorParam::SelectionList,
                    array (null=>'Default',
                        'QCheckBoxList::ButtonModeJq'=>'JQuery UI Buttons',
                        'QCheckBoxList::ButtonModeSet'=>'JQuery UI Buttonset'
                new QModelConnectorParam (get_called_class(), 'MaxHeight', 'If set, will wrap it in a scrollable pane with the given max height', QType::Integer)
