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 * The QDataRepeater is a generic html base object for creating an object that contains a list of items tied
 * to the database. To specify how to draw the items, you can either create a template file, override the
 * GetItemHtml method, override the GetItemInnerHtml and GetItemAttributes methods, or specify
 * corresponding callbacks for those methods.
 * The callbacks below can be specified as either a string, or an array. If a string, it should be the name of a
 * public method in the parent form. If an array, it should be a PHP callable array. If your callback is a method in
 * a form, do NOT pass the form object in to the array, but rather just pass the name of the method as a string.
 * (This is due to a problem PHP has with serializing recursive objects.) If its a method in a control, pass an array
 * with the control and method name, i.e. [$objControl, 'RenderMethod']
 * @package Controls
 * @property-read     integer $CurrentItemIndex    The zero-based index of the item being drawn.
 * @property         string  $TagName            The tag name to be used as the main object
 * @property         string  $ItemTagName        The tag name to used for each item (if Template is not defined)
 * @property         string     $Template            A php template file that will be evaluated for each item. The template will have
 *                                                 $_ITEM as the item in the DataSource array, $_CONTROL as this control, and $_FORM as
 *                                                 the form object. If you provide a template, the callbacks will not be used.
 * @property-write     callable $ItemHtmlCallback    A PHP callable which will be called to get the html for each item.
 *                                                 Parameters passed are the item from the DataSource array, and the index of the
 *                                                 item being drawn. The callback should return the entire html for the item. If
 *                                                 you provide this callback, the ItemAttributesCallback and ItemInnerHtmlCallback
 *                                                 will not be used.
 * @property-write     callable $ItemAttributesCallback    A PHP callable which will be called to get the attributes for each item.
 *                                                 Use this with the ItemInnerHtmlCallback and the ItemTagName. The callback
 *                                                 will be passed the item and the index of the item. It should return key/value
 *                                                 pairs which will be used as the attributes for the item's tag. Use only
 *                                                 if you are not using a Template or the ItemHtmlCallback.
 * @property-write     callable $ItemInnerHtmlCallback    A PHP callable which will be called to get the inner html for each item.
 *                                                 Use this with the ItemAttributesCallback and the ItemTagName. The callback
 *                                                 will be passed the item and the index of the item. It should return the complete
 *                                                 text to appear inside the open and close tags for the item.     *
class QDataRepeater extends QPaginatedControl {
    // Private Member Variables

    /** @var string */
    protected $strTemplate = null;
    /** @var integer */
    protected $intCurrentItemIndex = null;

    /** @var string  */
    protected $strTagName = 'div';
    /** @var string  */
    protected $strItemTagName = 'div';

    /** @var  callable */
    protected $itemHtmlCallback;
    /** @var  callable */
    protected $itemAttributesCallback;
    /** @var  callable */
    protected $itemInnerHtmlCallback;

    // Methods
    public function ParsePostData() {}

     * Returns the html corresponding to a given item. You have many ways of rendering an item:
     *     - Specify a template that will get evaluated for each item. See EvaluateTemplate for more info.
     *  - Specify a HtmlCallback callable to be called for each item to get the html for the item.
     *  - Override this routine.
     *  - Specify the item's tag name, and then use the helper functions or callbacks to return just the
     *    attributes and/or inner html of the object.
     * @param $objItem
     * @return string
     * @throws QCallerException
    protected function GetItemHtml($objItem) {
        if ($this->strTemplate) {
            return $this->EvaluateTemplate($this->strTemplate);
        } elseif ($this->itemHtmlCallback) {
            return call_user_func($this->itemHtmlCallback, $objItem, $this->intCurrentItemIndex);

        if (!$this->strItemTagName) {
            throw new QCallerException ("You must specify an item tag name before rendering the list.");

        $strToReturn = QHtml::RenderTag($this->strItemTagName, $this->GetItemAttributes($objItem), $this->GetItemInnerHtml($objItem));
        return $strToReturn;

     * Return the attributes that go in the item tag, as an array of key=>value pairs. Values will be escaped for you.
     * If you define AttributesCallback, it will be used to determine
     * the attributes.
     * @param $objItem
     * @return array
    protected function GetItemAttributes ($objItem) {
        if ($this->itemAttributesCallback) {
            return call_user_func($this->itemAttributesCallback, $objItem, $this->intCurrentItemIndex);
        return null;

     * Returns the HTML between the item tags. Uses __toString on the object by default. Will use the
     * InnerHtmlCallback if provided.
     * @param $objItem
     * @return mixed
    protected function GetItemInnerHtml($objItem) {
        if ($this->itemInnerHtmlCallback) {
            return call_user_func($this->itemInnerHtmlCallback, $objItem, $this->intCurrentItemIndex);
        return $objItem->__toString();    // default to rendering a database object

     * Returns the HTML for the control.
     * @return string
    protected function GetControlHtml() {

        // Iterate through everything
        $this->intCurrentItemIndex = 0;
        $strEvalledItems = '';
        $strToReturn = '';
        if ($this->objDataSource) {
            global $_FORM;
            global $_CONTROL;
            global $_ITEM;

            $objCurrentControl = $_CONTROL;
            $_CONTROL = $this;

            foreach ($this->objDataSource as $objObject) {
                $_ITEM = $objObject;
                $strEvalledItems .= $this->GetItemHtml($objObject);

            $_CONTROL = $objCurrentControl;

        $strToReturn = $this->RenderTag($this->strTagName,

        $this->objDataSource = null;
        return $strToReturn;

     * Fix up possible embedded reference to the form.
    public function Sleep() {
        $this->itemHtmlCallback = QControl::SleepHelper($this->itemHtmlCallback);
        $this->itemAttributesCallback = QControl::SleepHelper($this->itemAttributesCallback);
        $this->itemInnerHtmlCallback = QControl::SleepHelper($this->itemInnerHtmlCallback);

     * Restore serialized references.
     * @param QForm $objForm
    public function Wakeup(QForm $objForm) {
        $this->itemHtmlCallback = QControl::WakeupHelper($objForm, $this->itemHtmlCallback);
        $this->itemAttributesCallback = QControl::WakeupHelper($objForm, $this->itemAttributesCallback);
        $this->itemInnerHtmlCallback = QControl::WakeupHelper($objForm, $this->itemInnerHtmlCallback);

    // Public Properties: GET
     * PHP magic method
     * @param string $strName Name of the property
     * @return int|mixed|string
     * @throws Exception|QCallerException
    public function __get($strName) {
        switch ($strName) {
            // APPEARANCE
            case "Template": return $this->strTemplate;
            case "CurrentItemIndex": return $this->intCurrentItemIndex;
            case "TagName": return $this->strTagName;
            case "ItemTagName": return $this->strItemTagName;

                try {
                    return parent::__get($strName);
                } catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
                    throw $objExc;

    // Public Properties: SET
     * PHP magic method
     * @param string $strName  Property name
     * @param string $mixValue Property value
     * @return mixed|void
     * @throws Exception|QCallerException|QInvalidCastException
    public function __set($strName, $mixValue) {
        switch ($strName) {
            // APPEARANCE
            case "Template":
                try {
                    $this->blnModified = true;
                    if ($mixValue) {
                        if (file_exists($strPath = $this->GetTemplatePath($mixValue))) {
                            $this->strTemplate = QType::Cast($strPath, QType::String);
                        } else {
                            throw new QCallerException('Could not find template file: ' . $mixValue);
                    } else {
                        $this->strTemplate = null;
                } catch (QInvalidCastException $objExc) {
                    throw $objExc;

            case "TagName":
                try {
                    $this->blnModified = true;
                    $this->strTagName = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::String);
                } catch (QInvalidCastException $objExc) {
                    throw $objExc;

            case 'ItemTagName':
                try {
                    $this->blnModified = true;
                    $this->strItemTagName = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::String);
                } catch (QInvalidCastException $objExc) {
                    throw $objExc;

            case 'ItemHtmlCallback':
                try {
                    $this->blnModified = true;
                    $this->itemHtmlCallback = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::CallableType);
                } catch (QInvalidCastException $objExc) {
                    throw $objExc;

            case 'ItemAttributesCallback':    // callback should return an array of key/value items
                $this->blnModified = true;
                $this->itemAttributesCallback = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::CallableType);;

            case 'ItemInnerHtmlCallback':
                $this->blnModified = true;
                $this->itemInnerHtmlCallback = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::CallableType);;

                try {
                    parent::__set($strName, $mixValue);
                } catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
                    throw $objExc;