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     * Dialog Base Class
     * The QDialogBase class defined here provides an interface between the generated
     * QDialogGen class and QCubed. This file is part of the core and will be overwritten
     * when you update QCubed. To override, make your changes to the QDialog.class.php file instead.
     * Special event to handle button clicks. 
     * Add an action to this event to get a button click.
     * The action parameter will be the id of the button that was clicked.
     * @usage     $dlg->AddAction(new QDialog_ButtonEvent(), new QAjaxAction($this, 'ButtonClick'));
    class QDialog_ButtonEvent extends QEvent {
        /** Event Name */
        const EventName = 'QDialog_Button';
        const JsReturnParam = 'ui'; // ends up being the button id

     * Implements a JQuery UI Dialog
     * A QDialog is a QPanel that pops up on the screen and implements an "in window" dialog.
     * There are a couple of ways to use the dialog. The simplest is as follows:
     * In your Form_Create():
     * <code>
     * $this->dlg = new QDialog($this);
     * $this->dlg->AutoOpen = false;
     * $this->dlg->Modal = true;
     * $this->dlg->Text = 'Show this on the dialog.'
     * $this->dlg->AddButton ('OK', 'ok');
     * $this->dlg->AddAction (new QDialog_ButtonEvent(), new QHideDialog());
     * </code>
     * When you want to show the dialog:
     * <code>
     * $this->dlg->Open();
     * </code>
     * And, also remember to draw the dialog in your form template:
     * <code>
     * $this->dlg->Render();
     * </code>
     * Since QDialog is a descendant of QPanel, you can do anything you can to a normal QPanel,
     * including add QControls and use a template. When you want to hide the dialog, call <code>Close()</code>
     * @property boolean $HasCloseButton Disables (false) or enables (true) the close X in the upper right corner of the title. Can be set when initializing the dialog.
     *     Can be set when initializing the dialog. Also enables or disables the ability to close the box by pressing the ESC key.
     * @property-read integer $ClickedButton Returns the id of the button most recently clicked. (read-only)
     * @property-write string $DialogState Set whether this dialog is in an error or highlight (info) state. Choose on of QDialog::StateNone, QDialogState::StateError, QDialogState::StateHighlight (write-only)
     * @link http://jqueryui.com/dialog/
     * @package Controls\Base
    class QDialogBase extends QDialogGen
        // enumerations

        /** Default dialog state */
        const StateNone = '';
        /** Display using the Themeroller error state */
        const StateError = 'ui-state-error';
        /** Display using the Themeroller highlight state */
        const StateHighlight = 'ui-state-highlight';

        /** The control id to use for the reusable global alert dialog. */
        const MessageDialogId = 'qAlertDialog';

        /** @var bool default to auto open being false, since this would be a rare need, and dialogs are auto-rendered. */
        protected $blnAutoOpen = false;
        /** @var  string Id of last button clicked. */
        protected $strClickedButtonId;
        /** @var bool Should we draw a close button on the top? */
        protected $blnHasCloseButton = true;
        /** @var bool records whether dialog is open */
        protected $blnIsOpen = false;
        /** @var array whether a button causes validation */
        protected $blnValidationArray = array();
        /** @var bool */
        protected $blnUseWrapper = true;
        /** @var  string state of the dialog for special display */
        protected $strDialogState;
        /** @var bool  */
        protected $blnAutoRender = true;
        /** @var bool Whether to show the dialog as a modal dialog. Most dialogs are modal, so this defaults to true. */
        protected $blnModal = true;
        /** @var bool Whether to automatically remove the dialog from the form when it closes. */
        protected $blnAutoRemove = false;

        public function __construct($objParentObject = null, $strControlId = null) {
            // Detect which mode we are going to display in, whether to show right away, or wait for later.
            if ($objParentObject === null) {
                // The dialog will be shown right away, and then when closed, removed from the form.
                global $_FORM;
                $objParentObject = $_FORM;    // The parent object should be the form. Prevents spurious redrawing.
                $this->blnDisplay = true;
                $this->blnAutoOpen = true;
                $this->blnAutoRemove = true;
            else {
                $this->blnDisplay = false;
            parent::__construct($objParentObject, $strControlId);
            $this->mixCausesValidation = $this;
            if ($this->blnAutoRemove) {
                // We need to immediately detect a close so we can remove it from the form
                // Delay in an attempt to make sure this is the very last thing processed for the dialog.
                // If you want to do something just before closing, trap the QDialog_BeforeCloseEvent
                $this->AddAction(new QDialog_CloseEvent(10), new QAjaxControlAction($this, 'dialog_Close'));

         * Validate the child items if the dialog is visible and the clicked button requires validation.
         * This piece of magic makes validation specific to the dialog if an action is coming from the dialog,
         * and prevents the controls in the dialog from being validated if the action is coming from outside
         * the dialog.
         * @return bool
        public function ValidateControlAndChildren() {
            if ($this->blnIsOpen) {    // don't validate a closed dialog
                if (!empty($this->mixButtons)) {    // using built-in dialog buttons
                    if (!empty ($this->blnValidationArray[$this->strClickedButtonId])) {
                        return parent::ValidateControlAndChildren();
                } else {    // using QButtons placed in the control
                    return parent::ValidateControlAndChildren();
            return true;

         * Returns the control id for purposes of jQuery UI.
         * @return string
        public function getJqControlId() {
            return $this->GetWrapperId();

         * Overrides the parent to add code to cause the default button to be fired if an enter key is pressed
         * on a control. This purposefully does not include textarea controls, which should get the enter key to
         * insert a newline.
         * @return string

        public function GetEndScript() {
            $strJS = parent::GetEndScript();
            $strControlId = $this->GetJqControlId();
            QApplication::ExecuteJsFunction('qc.dialog', $strControlId, QJsPriority::High);

            return $strJS;

         * Add additional javascript to the dialog creation to further format the dialog.
         * This will set the class of the title bar to the strDialogState value and add an
         * icon to implement a dialog state. Override and restyle for a different look.
         * @return string
        protected function StylingJs() {
            $strJs = '';
            if ($this->strDialogState) {
                // Move the dialog class to the header of dialog to improve the appearance over the default.
                // Also add an appropriate icon.
                // Override this if you want your dialogs to look different.
                switch ($this->strDialogState) {
                    case QDialog::StateError:
                        $strIcon = 'alert';

                    case QDialog::StateHighlight:
                        $strIcon = 'info';
                $strIconJs = sprintf('<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-%s" ></span>', $strIcon);

                $strJs .= sprintf (
                    $this->getJqControlId(), $this->strDialogState, $strIconJs);
            return $strJs;

         * Implements QCubed specific dialog functions. Makes sure dialog is put at the end of the form
         * to fix an overlay problem with jQuery UI.
         * @return string
        protected function MakeJqOptions() {
            $jqOptions = parent::MakeJqOptions();

            $controlId = $this->ControlId;
            $strFormId = $this->Form->FormId;

            if (!$this->blnHasCloseButton) {
                $strHideCloseButtonScript = '$j(this).prev().find(".ui-dialog-titlebar-close").hide();';
            else {
                $strHideCloseButtonScript = '';

            $jqOptions['open'] = new QJsClosure (
                sprintf ('qcubed.recordControlModification("%s", "_IsOpen", true);
                %s', $controlId, $strHideCloseButtonScript)
                , ['event', 'ui']);
            $jqOptions['close'] = new QJsClosure (sprintf (
                'qcubed.recordControlModification("%s", "_IsOpen", false);
                ', $controlId), ['event', 'ui']);
            $jqOptions['appendTo'] = "#{$strFormId}";

            // By doing the styling at creation time, we ensure that it gets done only once.
            if ($strCreateJs = $this->StylingJs()) {
                $jqOptions['create'] =  new QJsClosure($strCreateJs);
            return $jqOptions;

         * Adds a button to the dialog. Use this to add buttons BEFORE bringing up the dialog.
         * @param string $strButtonName
         * @param string $strButtonId         Id associated with the button for detecting clicks. Note that this is not the id on the form.
         *                                    Different dialogs can have the same button id.
         *                                    To specify a control id for the button (for styling purposes for example), set the id in options.
         * @param bool   $blnCausesValidation If the button causes the dialog to be validated before the action is executed
         * @param bool   $blnIsPrimary        Whether this button will be automatically clicked if user presses an enter key.
         * @param string $strConfirmation     If set, will confirm with the given string before the click is sent
         * @param array  $options             Additional attributes to add to the button. Useful things to do are:
         *                                    array('class'=>'ui-button-left') to create a button on the left side.
         *                                    array('class'=>'ui-priority-primary') to style a button as important or primary.
        public function AddButton ($strButtonName, $strButtonId = null, $blnCausesValidation = false, $blnIsPrimary = false, $strConfirmation = null, $options = null) {
            if (!$this->mixButtons) {
                $this->mixButtons = array();
            $strJS = '';
            if ($strConfirmation) {
                $strJS .= sprintf ('if (confirm("%s"))', $strConfirmation);

            $controlId = $this->ControlId;

            if (!$strButtonId) {
                $strButtonId = $strButtonName;

            // Brackets are for possible "confirm" above
            $strJS .= sprintf('
                    qcubed.recordControlModification("%s", "_ClickedButton", "%s");
                    $j("#%s").trigger("QDialog_Button", $j(event.currentTarget).data("btnid"));
                ', $controlId, $strButtonId, $controlId);

            $btnOptions = array ('text'=>$strButtonName,
                'click'=>new QJsNoQuoteKey(new QJsClosure($strJS, array ('event'))),

            if ($options) {
                $btnOptions = array_merge($options, $btnOptions);

            if ($blnIsPrimary) {
                $btnOptions['type'] = 'submit';

            $this->mixButtons[] = $btnOptions;

            $this->blnValidationArray[$strButtonId] = $blnCausesValidation;

            $this->blnModified = true;

         * Remove the given button from the dialog.
         * @param $strButtonId
        public function RemoveButton ($strButtonId) {
            if (!empty($this->mixButtons)) {
                $this->mixButtons = array_filter ($this->mixButtons, function ($a) use ($strButtonId) {return $a['id'] == $strButtonId;});

            unset ($this->blnValidationArray[$strButtonId]);

            $this->blnModified = true;

         * Remove all the buttons from the dialog.
        public function RemoveAllButtons() {
            $this->mixButtons = array();
            $this->blnValidationArray = array();
            $this->blnModified = true;

         * Show or hide the given button. Changes the display attribute, so the buttons will reflow.
         * @param $strButtonId
         * @param $blnVisible
        public function ShowHideButton ($strButtonId, $blnVisible) {
            if ($blnVisible) {
                    sprintf ('$j("#%s").next().find("button[data-btnid=\'%s\']").show();',
                        $this->getJqControlId(), $strButtonId)
            } else {
                    sprintf ('$j("#%s").next().find("button[data-btnid=\'%s\']").hide();',
                        $this->getJqControlId(), $strButtonId)

         * Applies CSS styles to a button that is already in the dialog.
         * @param string $strButtonId Id of button to set the style on
         * @param array $styles Array of key/value style specifications
        public function SetButtonStyle ($strButtonId, $styles) {
                sprintf ('$j("#%s").next().find("button[data-btnid=\'%s\']").css(%s)', $this->getJqControlId(), $strButtonId, JavaScriptHelper::toJsObject($styles))

         * Adds a close button that just closes the dialog without firing the QDialogButton event. You can
         * detect this by adding an action to the QDialog_BeforeCloseEvent.
         * @param $strButtonName
        public function AddCloseButton ($strButtonName) {
            // This is an alternate button format supported by jQuery UI.
            $this->mixButtons[$strButtonName] = new QJsClosure('$j(this).dialog("close")');

         * Create a message dialog. Automatically adds an OK button that closes the dialog. To detect the close,
         * add an action on the QDialog_CloseEvent. To change the message, use the return value and set ->Text.
         * To detect a button click, add a QDialog_ButtonEvent.
         * If you specify no buttons, a close box in the corner will be created that will just close the dialog. If you
         * specify just a string in $strButtons, or just one string in the button array, one button will be shown that will just close the message.
         * If you specify more than one button, the first button will be the default button (the one pressed if the user presses the return key). In
         * this case, you will need to detect the button by adding a QDialog_ButtonEvent. You will also be responsible for calling "Close()" on
         * the dialog after detecting a button.
         * @param QForm $objForm    // The parent object, which should always be the form itself.
         * @param string $strMessage        // The message
         * @param string|string[]|null $strButtons
         * @param string|null $strControlId
         * @return QDialog
        public static function Alert($strMessage, $strButtons = null, $strControlId = null) {
            global $_FORM;

            $dlg = new QDialog(null, $strControlId);
            $dlg->Modal = true;
            $dlg->Resizable = false;
            $dlg->Text = $strMessage;
            if ($strButtons) {
                $dlg->blnHasCloseButton = false;
                if (is_string($strButtons)) {
                elseif (count($strButtons) == 1) {
                else {
                    $strButton = array_shift($strButtons);
                    $dlg->AddButton($strButton, null, false, true);    // primary button

                    foreach ($strButtons as $strButton) {
            } else {
                $dlg->blnHasCloseButton = true;
                $dlg->Height = 100; // fix problem with jquery ui dialog making space for buttons that don't exist
            return $dlg;

         * A dialog is closing that is autoRemoved, so we remove the dialog from the form and the dom.
         * @param $strFormId
         * @param $strControlId
         * @param $strParameter
        public function dialog_Close($strFormId, $strControlId, $strParameter) {

         * Show the dialog.
         * @deprecated
        public function ShowDialogBox() {

         * Hide the dialog
        public function HideDialogBox() {

        public function Open() {
            $this->Visible = true;
            $this->Display = true;

         * Closes the dialog. To detect the close, use the QDialog_BeforeCloseEvent.
        public function Close() {
            QApplication::ExecuteControlCommand($this->getJqControlId(), $this->getJqSetupFunction(), "close", QJsPriority::Last);

         * PHP magic method
         * @param string $strName
         * @param string $mixValue
         * @throws Exception|QCallerException|QInvalidCastException
        public function __set($strName, $mixValue) {
            switch ($strName) {
                case '_ClickedButton': // Internal only. Do not use. Used by JS above to keep track of clicked button.
                    try {
                        $this->strClickedButtonId = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::String);
                    } catch (QInvalidCastException $objExc) {
                        throw $objExc;

                case '_IsOpen': // Internal only, to detect when dialog has been opened or closed.
                    try {
                        $this->blnIsOpen = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::Boolean);
                        $this->blnAutoOpen = $this->blnIsOpen;  // in case it gets redrawn
                    } catch (QInvalidCastException $objExc) {
                        throw $objExc;

                // set to false to remove the close x in upper right corner and disable the
                // escape key as well
                case 'HasCloseButton':
                    try {
                        $this->blnHasCloseButton = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::Boolean);
                        $this->blnCloseOnEscape = $this->blnHasCloseButton;
                        $this->blnModified = true;    // redraw
                    } catch (QInvalidCastException $objExc) {
                        throw $objExc;
                case 'Height':
                    try {
                        if ($mixValue == 'auto') {
                            $this->mixHeight = 'auto';
                            if ($this->Rendered) {
                                $this->CallJqUiMethod("option", $strName, $mixValue);
                        } else {
                            parent::__set($strName, $mixValue);
                    } catch (QInvalidCastException $objExc) {
                        throw $objExc;

                case 'Width':
                    try {
                        if ($mixValue == 'auto') {
                            $this->intWidth = 'auto';
                            if ($this->Rendered) {
                                $this->CallJqUiMethod("option", $strName, $mixValue);
                        } else {
                            parent::__set($strName, $mixValue);
                    } catch (QInvalidCastException $objExc) {
                        throw $objExc;

                case 'DialogState':
                    try {
                        $this->strDialogState = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::String);
                    } catch (QInvalidCastException $objExc) {
                        throw $objExc;

                    try {
                        parent::__set($strName, $mixValue);
                    } catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
                        throw $objExc;

         * PHP magic method
         * @param string $strName
         * @return mixed
         * @throws Exception|QCallerException
        public function __get($strName) {
            switch ($strName) {
                case 'ClickedButton': return $this->strClickedButtonId;
                case 'HasCloseButton' : return $this->blnHasCloseButton;
                    try { 
                        return parent::__get($strName); 
                    } catch (QCallerException $objExc) { 
                        throw $objExc; 