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     * The QJsTimer class (and related classes) reside here.
     * This control does not produce any visible element. It only launches timer based events on the client side.
     * Javascript is generated by QCubed.
     * @package Controls
     * @filesource

     * Use this event with the QJsTimer control
     * this event is trigger after a
     * delay specified in QJsTimer (param DeltaTime)
    class QTimerExpiredEvent extends QEvent {
        /** Event's name. Used by QCubed framework for its internal purpose */
        const EventName = 'timerexpiredevent';

     * Timer Control:
     * This control uses a javascript timer to execute Actions after a defined time
     * Periodic or one shot timers are possible.
     * You can add only one type of Event to to this control: QTimerExpiredEvent
     * but multiple actions can be registered for this event
     * @property int     $DeltaTime Time till the timer fires and executes the Actions added.
     * @property boolean $Periodic  <ul>
     *                      <li><strong>true</strong>: timer is restarted after firing</li>
     *                      <li><strong>false</strong>: you have to restart the timer by calling Start()</li>
     *                              </ul>
     * @property boolean $Started <strong>true</strong>: timer is running / <strong>false</strong>: stopped
     * @property boolean $RestartOnServerAction After a 'Server Action' (QServerAction) the executed java script
     *                                                        (including the timer) is stopped!
     *                                                        Set this parameter to true to restart the timer automatically.
     * @notes <ul><li>You do not need to render this control!</li>
     *            <li>QTimerExpiredEvent - condition and delay parameters of the constructor are ignored (for now) </li>
    class QJsTimerBase extends QControl {
        // Values determining the state of the timer
        /** Constant used to indicate that the timer has stopped */
        const Stopped = 0;
        /** Constant used to indicate that the timer has started */
        const Started = 1;
        /** Constant used to indicate that the timer has autostart enabled (starts with the page load) */
        const AutoStart = 2;

        /** @var bool does the timer run periodically once started? */
        protected $blnPeriodic = true;
        /** @var int The duration after which the timer will fire (in milliseconds) */
        protected $intDeltaTime = 0;
        /** @var int default state in which timer will be (stopped) */
        protected $intState = QJsTimer::Stopped;
        /** @var bool should the timer start after a QServerAction occurrs. */
        protected $blnRestartOnServerAction = false;

         * @param QForm|QControl $objParentObject the form or parent control
         * @param int $intTime timer interval in ms
         * @param boolean $blnPeriodic if true the timer is "restarted" automatically after it has fired
         * @param boolean $blnStartNow starts the timer automatically after adding the first action
         * @param string $strTimerId
         * @throws QCallerException
         * @return QJsTimer
        public function __construct($objParentObject, $intTime = 0, $blnPeriodic = true, $blnStartNow = true, $strTimerId = null) {
            try {
                parent::__construct($objParentObject, $strTimerId);
            } catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
                throw $objExc;

            $this->intDeltaTime = $intTime;
            $this->blnPeriodic = $blnPeriodic;
            if ($intTime != QJsTimer::Stopped && $blnStartNow) {
                $this->intState = QJsTimer::AutoStart;
            } //prepare to start the timer after the first action gets added

         * Returns the callback string
         * @return string
        private function callbackString() {
            return "qcubed._objTimers['" . $this->strControlId . "_cb']";

         * Returns a timer ID (string) as an element of the 'qcubed._objTimers' javascript array.
         * This array is used to start and stop timers (and keep track)
         * @return string
        private function tidString() {
            return "qcubed._objTimers['" . $this->strControlId . "_tId']";

         * @param int $intTime (optional)
         *              sets the interval/delay, after that the timer executes the registered actions
         *              if no parameter is given the time stored in $intDeltaTime is used
         * @throws QCallerException
         * @return void
        public function Start($intTime = null) {
            if ($intTime != null && is_int($intTime)) {
                $this->intDeltaTime = $intTime;
            $event = $this->getEvent();
            if (!$event) {
                throw new QCallerException("Can't start the timer: add an Event/Action first!");

            // Is the timer periodic or runs only once?
            if ($this->blnPeriodic) {
                // timer is periodic. We will set the interval
                $strJS = $this->tidString() . ' = window.setInterval("' . $this->callbackString() . '()", ' . $this->intDeltaTime . ');';
            } else {
                // timer is not periodic. We will set the timeout
                $strJS = $this->tidString() . ' = window.setTimeout("' . $this->callbackString() . '()", ' . $this->intDeltaTime . ');';
            $this->intState = QJsTimer::Started;

         * stops the timer
        public function Stop() {
            $event = $this->getEvent();
            if (!$event) {
                throw new QCallerException('Can\'t stop the timer: no Event/Action present!');
            // Is timer periodic or one-time?
            if ($this->blnPeriodic) {
                // Periodic timer. We should clear the interval we had set beforehand
                $strJS = 'window.clearInterval(' . $this->tidString() . ');';
            } else {
                // One-time timer. We should clear the timeout we had set beforehand
                $strJS = 'window.clearTimeout(' . $this->tidString() . ');';
            $this->intState = QJsTimer::Stopped;

         * Adds an action to the control
         * @param QEvent  $objEvent has to be an instance of QTimerExpiredEvent
         * @param QAction $objAction Only a QTimerExpiredEvent can be added,
         *                                         but multiple Actions using the same event are possible!
         * @throws QCallerException
         * @return void
        public function AddAction($objEvent, $objAction) {
            if (!($objEvent instanceof QTimerExpiredEvent)) {
                throw new QCallerException('First parameter of QJsTimer::AddAction is expecting an object of type QTimerExpiredEvent');
            if (!($objAction instanceof QAction)) {
                throw new QCallerException('Second parameter of AddAction is expecting an object of type QAction');

            $strEventName = $objEvent->EventName;
            if (!count($this->objActionArray)) {
                //no event registerd yet
                $this->objActionArray[$strEventName] = array();

            // Store the Event object in the Action object
            $objAction->Event = $objEvent;

            array_push($this->objActionArray[$strEventName], $objAction);

            if ($this->intState === QJsTimer::AutoStart && $this->intDeltaTime != 0) {
            } //autostart the timer

            $this->blnModified = true;


         * Returns all actions connected/attached to the timer
         * @param string $strEventType
         * @param null   $strActionType
         * @return array
        public function GetAllActions($strEventType, $strActionType = null) {
            if (($strEventType == 'QTimerExpiredEvent' && $this->blnPeriodic == false) &&
                (($strActionType == 'QAjaxAction' && $this->objForm->CallType == QCallType::Ajax) ||
                    ($strActionType == 'QServerAction' && $this->objForm->CallType == QCallType::Server))
            ) {
                //if we are in an ajax or server post and our timer is not periodic
                //and this method gets called then the timer has finished(stopped) --> set the State flag to "stopped"
                $this->intState = QJsTimer::Stopped;
            return parent::GetAllActions($strEventType, $strActionType);

         * Remove all actions attached to the timer
         * @param null $strEventName
        public function  RemoveAllActions($strEventName = null) {
            $this->Stop(); //no actions are registered for this timer stop it

         * @return null|
        public function GetEvent() {
            if (!count($this->objActionArray)) {
                return null;
            // point to the first action in the list
            $arrActions = reset($this->objActionArray);
            return reset($arrActions)->Event;

         * Returns all action attributes
         * @return string
        public function RenderActionScripts() {
            $strToReturn = $this->callbackString() . " = ";
            if (!count($this->objActionArray)) {
                return $strToReturn . 'null;';

            $strToReturn .= 'function() {';

            foreach (reset($this->objActionArray) as $objAction) {
                /** @var QAction $objAction */
                $strToReturn .= ' ' . $objAction->RenderScript($this);
            if ($this->ActionsMustTerminate) {
                if (QApplication::IsBrowser(QBrowserType::InternetExplorer_6_0)) {
                    $strToReturn .= ' qc.terminateEvent(event);';
                } else {
                    $strToReturn .= ' return false;';
            $strToReturn .= ' }; ';
            return $strToReturn;

         * Returns all Javscript that needs to be executed after rendering of this control
         * (It overrides the GetEndScript of the parent to handle specific case of QJsTimers)
         * @return string
        public function GetEndScript() {
            if ($this->objForm->CallType == QCallType::Server) {
                //this point is not reached on initial rendering
                if ($this->blnRestartOnServerAction && $this->intState === QJsTimer::Started) {
                } //restart after a server action
                else {
                    $this->intState = QJsTimer::Stopped;
            return parent::GetEndScript();

         * PHP magic function to get value of properties of an object of this class
         * @param string $strName Name of the properties
         * @return array|bool|int|mixed|null|QControl|QForm|string
         * @throws QCallerException
        public function __get($strName) {
            switch ($strName) {
                case 'DeltaTime':
                    return $this->intDeltaTime;
                case 'Periodic':
                    return $this->blnPeriodic;
                case 'Started':
                    return ($this->intState === QJsTimer::Started);
                case 'RestartOnServerAction':
                    return $this->blnRestartOnServerAction;
                case 'Rendered':
                    return true;
                    try {
                        return parent::__get($strName);
                    } catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
                        throw $objExc;

         * PHP Magic function to set property values for an object of this class
         * @param string $strName Name of the property
         * @param string $mixValue Value of the property
         * @return mixed
         * @throws QCallerException
         * @throws QInvalidCastException
        public function __set($strName, $mixValue) {
            switch ($strName) {
                case "DeltaTime":
                    try {
                        $this->intDeltaTime = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::Integer);
                    } catch (QInvalidCastException $objExc) {
                        throw $objExc;
                case 'Periodic':
                    try {
                        $newMode = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::Boolean);
                        if ($this->blnPeriodic != $newMode) {
                            if ($this->intState === QJsTimer::Started) {
                                $this->blnPeriodic = $newMode;
                            } else {
                                $this->blnPeriodic = $newMode;
                    } catch (QInvalidCastException $objExc) {
                        throw $objExc;
                case 'RestartOnServerAction':
                    try {
                        $this->blnRestartOnServerAction = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::Boolean);
                    } catch (QInvalidCastException $objExc) {
                        throw $objExc;
                case "Rendered": //ensure that the control is marked as Rendered to get js updates
                    $this->blnRendered = true;
                    try {
                        parent::__set($strName, $mixValue);
                    } catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
                        throw $objExc;

         * Render function for the Control (must not be called becasue QJsTimer is not for being rendered)
         * @param bool $blnDisplayOutput useless in this case
         * @return string|void
         * @throws QCallerException
        public function Render($blnDisplayOutput = true) {
            throw new QCallerException('Do not render QJsTimer!');

         * Add a child control to the current control (useless because QJsTimer cannot have children)
         * @param QControl $objControl
         * @throws QCallerException
        public function  AddChildControl(QControl $objControl) {
            throw new QCallerException('Do not add child-controls to an instance of QJsTimer!');

         * Remove the child controls (useless)
         * Since QJsTimer cannot have children, removing child controls does not yeild anything
         * @param string $strControlId
         * @param bool   $blnRemoveFromForm
        public function RemoveChildControl($strControlId, $blnRemoveFromForm) {

         * Get the HTML for the control (blank in this case becuase QJsTimer cannot be rendered)
         * @return string
        protected function GetControlHtml() {
            // no control html
            return "";

         * This function would typically parse the data posted back by the control.
        public function  ParsePostData() {

         * Validation logic for control. Since we never render, we must return true to continue using the control.
         * @return bool
        public function  Validate() {
            return true;