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     * QListItemManagerager.trait.php contains the QListItemManager trait
     * @package Controls

     * This is a trait that presents an interface for managing an item list. It is used by the QListControl, QHListControl,
     * and the QHListItem classes, the latter because a QHListItem can itself contain a list of other items.
     * Note that some abstract methods are declared here that must be implemented by the using class:
     * GetId()    - returns the id
     * MarkAsModified() - marks the object as modified. Optional.
     * @package Controls
    trait QListItemManager {
        // Private Member Variables
        /** @var QListItemBase[] an array of subitems if this is a recursive item.  */
        protected $objListItemArray;

         * Add a base list item to the list.
         * @param QListItemBase $objListItem
        public function AddListItem(QListItemBase $objListItem) {
            if ($strControlId = $this->GetId()) {
                $num = 0;
                if ($this->objListItemArray) {
                    $num = count($this->objListItemArray);
                $objListItem->SetId($strControlId . '_' . $num);    // auto assign the id based on parent id
            $this->objListItemArray[] = $objListItem;

         * Allows you to add a ListItem at a certain index
         * Unlike AddItem, this will insert the ListItem at whatever index is passed to the function.  Additionally,
         * only a ListItem object can be passed (as opposed to an object or strings)
         * @param integer       $intIndex    index at which the item should be inserted
         * @param QListItemBase $objListItem the ListItem which shall be inserted
         * @throws QIndexOutOfRangeException
         * @throws Exception|QInvalidCastException
        public function AddItemAt($intIndex, QListItemBase $objListItem) {
            try {
                $intIndex = QType::Cast($intIndex, QType::Integer);
            } catch (QInvalidCastException $objExc) {
                throw $objExc;
            if ($intIndex >= 0 &&
                (!$this->objListItemArray && $intIndex == 0 ||
                    $intIndex <= count($this->objListItemArray))) {
                for ($intCount = count($this->objListItemArray); $intCount > $intIndex; $intCount--) {
                    $this->objListItemArray[$intCount] = $this->objListItemArray[$intCount - 1];
            } else {
                throw new QIndexOutOfRangeException($intIndex, "AddItemAt()");

            $this->objListItemArray[$intIndex] = $objListItem;

         * Reindex the ids of the items based on the current item. We manage all the ids in the list internally
         * to be able to get to an item in the list quickly, and to make sure the ids are unique.
        public function Reindex() {
            if ($this->GetId() && $this->objListItemArray) for ($i = 0; $i < $this->GetItemCount(); $i++) {
                $this->objListItemArray[$i]->SetId($this->GetId() . '_' . $i);    // assign the id based on parent id

         * Stub function. The including function needs to implement this.
        abstract public function MarkAsModified();

         * Returns the id of the item, however the item stores it.
         * @return string
        abstract public function GetId();

         * Adds an array of items,
         * @param QListItemBase[]  $objListItemArray          Array of QListItems or key=>val pairs.
         * @throws Exception|QInvalidCastException
        public function AddListItems(array $objListItemArray) {
            try {
                $objListItemArray = QType::Cast($objListItemArray, QType::ArrayType);
                if ($objListItemArray) {
                    if (!reset($objListItemArray) instanceof QListItemBase) {
                        throw new QCallerException ('Not an array of QListItemBase types');
            } catch (QInvalidCastException $objExc) {
                throw $objExc;

            if ($this->objListItemArray) {
                $this->objListItemArray = array_merge ($this->objListItemArray, $objListItemArray);
            } else {
                $this->objListItemArray = $objListItemArray;

         * Retrieve the ListItem at the specified index location
         * @param integer $intIndex
         * @throws QIndexOutOfRangeException
         * @throws Exception|QInvalidCastException
         * @return QListItem
        public function GetItem($intIndex) {
            try {
                $intIndex = QType::Cast($intIndex, QType::Integer);
            } catch (QInvalidCastException $objExc) {
                throw $objExc;
            if (($intIndex < 0) ||
                ($intIndex >= count($this->objListItemArray)))
                throw new QIndexOutOfRangeException($intIndex, "GetItem()");

            return $this->objListItemArray[$intIndex];

         * This will return an array of ALL the QListItems associated with this QListControl.
         * Please note that while each individual item can be altered, altering the array, itself,
         * will not affect any change on the QListControl.  So existing QListItems may be modified,
         * but to add / remove items from the QListControl, you should use AddItem() and RemoveItem().
         * @return QListItem[]
        public function GetAllItems() {
            return $this->objListItemArray;

         * Removes all the items in objListItemArray
        public function RemoveAllItems() {
            $this->objListItemArray = null;

         * Removes a ListItem at the specified index location
         * @param integer $intIndex
         * @throws QIndexOutOfRangeException
         * @throws Exception|QInvalidCastException
        public function RemoveItem($intIndex) {
            try {
                $intIndex = QType::Cast($intIndex, QType::Integer);
            } catch (QInvalidCastException $objExc) {
                throw $objExc;
            if (($intIndex < 0) ||
                ($intIndex > (count($this->objListItemArray) - 1)))
                throw new QIndexOutOfRangeException($intIndex, "RemoveItem()");
            for ($intCount = $intIndex; $intCount < count($this->objListItemArray) - 1; $intCount++) {
                $this->objListItemArray[$intCount] = $this->objListItemArray[$intCount + 1];

            $this->objListItemArray[$intCount] = null;

         * Replaces a QListItem at $intIndex. This combines the RemoveItem() and AddItemAt() operations.
         * @param integer   $intIndex
         * @param QListItem $objListItem
         * @throws Exception|QInvalidCastException
        public function ReplaceItem($intIndex, QListItem $objListItem) {
            try {
                $intIndex = QType::Cast($intIndex, QType::Integer);
            } catch (QInvalidCastException $objExc) {
                throw $objExc;
            $objListItem->SetId($this->GetId() . '_' . $intIndex);
            $this->objListItemArray[$intIndex] = $objListItem;

         * Return the count of the items.
         * @return int
        public function GetItemCount() {
            $count = 0;
            if ($this->objListItemArray) {
                $count = count($this->objListItemArray);
            return $count;

         * Finds the item by id recursively. Makes use of the fact that we maintain the ids in order to efficiently
         * find the item.
         * @param string $strId If this is a sub-item, it will be an id fragment
         * @return null|QListItem
        public function FindItem($strId) {
            if (!$this->objListItemArray) return null;
            $objFoundItem = null;
            $a = explode ('_', $strId, 3);
            if (isset($a[1]) &&
                    $a[1] < count ($this->objListItemArray)) {    // just in case
                $objFoundItem = $this->objListItemArray[$a[1]];
            if (isset($a[2])) { // a recursive list
                $objFoundItem = $objFoundItem->FindItem ($a[1] . '_' . $a[2]);

            return $objFoundItem;

         * Returns the first tiem found with the given value.
         * @param $strValue
         * @return null|QListItemBase
        public function FindItemByValue($strValue) {
            if (!$this->objListItemArray) return null;
            foreach ($this->objListItemArray as $objItem) {
                if ($objItem->Value == $strValue) {
                    return $objItem;
            return null;