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    function QcubedHandleCodeGenParseError($__exc_errno, $__exc_errstr, $__exc_errfile, $__exc_errline) {
        $strErrorString = str_replace("SimpleXMLElement::__construct() [<a href='function.SimpleXMLElement---construct'>function.SimpleXMLElement---construct</a>]: ", '', $__exc_errstr);
        QCodeGen::$RootErrors .= sprintf("%s\r\n", $strErrorString);

    function GO_BACK($intNumChars) {
        $content_so_far = ob_get_contents();
        $content_so_far = substr($content_so_far, 0, strlen($content_so_far) - $intNumChars);
        print $content_so_far;

    // returns true if $str begins with $sub
    function beginsWith( $str, $sub ) {
        return ( substr( $str, 0, strlen( $sub ) ) == $sub );

    // return tru if $str ends with $sub
    function endsWith( $str, $sub ) {
        return ( substr( $str, strlen( $str ) - strlen( $sub ) ) == $sub );

    // trims off x chars from the front of a string
    // or the matching string in $off is trimmed off
    function trimOffFront( $off, $str ) {
        if( is_numeric( $off ) )
            return substr( $str, $off );
            return substr( $str, strlen( $off ) );

    // trims off x chars from the end of a string
    // or the matching string in $off is trimmed off
    function trimOffEnd( $off, $str ) {
        if( is_numeric( $off ) )
            return substr( $str, 0, strlen( $str ) - $off );
            return substr( $str, 0, strlen( $str ) - strlen( $off ) );

     * This is the CodeGen class which performs the code generation
     * for both the Object-Relational Model (e.g. Data Objects) as well as
     * the draft Forms, which make up simple HTML/PHP scripts to perform
     * basic CRUD functionality on each object.
     * @package Codegen
     * @property string $Errors List of errors
     * @property string $Warnings List of warnings
    abstract class QCodeGenBase extends QBaseClass {
        // Class Name Suffix/Prefix
        /** @var string Class Prefix, as specified in the codegen_settings.xml file */
        protected $strClassPrefix;
        /** @var string Class suffix, as specified in the codegen_settings.xml file */
        protected $strClassSuffix;

        /** @var string Errors and Warnings collected during the process of codegen **/
        protected $strErrors;

        /** @var string Warnings collected during the codegen process. */
        protected $strWarnings;

         * PHP Reserved Words.  They make up:
         * Invalid Type names -- these are reserved words which cannot be Type names in any user type table
         * Invalid Table names -- these are reserved words which cannot be used as any table name
         * Please refer to : http://php.net/manual/en/reserved.php
        const PhpReservedWords = 'new, null, break, return, switch, self, case, const, clone, continue, declare, default, echo, else, elseif, empty, exit, eval, if, try, throw, catch, public, private, protected, function, extends, foreach, for, while, do, var, class, static, abstract, isset, unset, implements, interface, instanceof, include, include_once, require, require_once, abstract, and, or, xor, array, list, false, true, global, parent, print, exception, namespace, goto, final, endif, endswitch, enddeclare, endwhile, use, as, endfor, endforeach, this';

         * @var array The list of template base paths to search, in order, when looking for a particular template. Set this
         * to insert new template paths. If not set, the default will be the project template path, following by the qcubed core path.
        public static $TemplatePaths;

         * DebugMode -- for Template Developers
         * This will output the current evaluated template/statement to the screen
         * On "eval" errors, you can click on the "View Rendered Page" to see what currently
         * is being evaluated, which should hopefully aid in template debugging.
        const DebugMode = false;

         * This static array contains an array of active and executed codegen objects, based
         * on the XML Configuration passed in to Run()
         * @var QCodeGen[] array of active/executed codegen objects
        public static $CodeGenArray;

         * This is the array representation of the parsed SettingsXml
         * for reportback purposes.
         * @var string[] array of config settings
        protected static $SettingsXmlArray;

         * This is the SimpleXML representation of the Settings XML file
         * @var SimpleXmlElement the XML representation
        protected static $SettingsXml;

        public static $SettingsFilePath;

         * Application Name (from CodeGen Settings)
         * @var string $ApplicationName
        public static $ApplicationName;

         * Preferred Render Method (from CodeGen Settings)
         * @var string $PreferredRenderMethod
        public static $PreferredRenderMethod;

         * Create Method (from CodeGen Settings)
         * @var string $CreateMethod
        public static $CreateMethod;

         * Default Button Class (from CodeGen Settings)
         * @var string $DefaultButtonClass
        public static $DefaultButtonClass;

        public static $RootErrors = '';

         * @var string[] array of directories to be excluded in codegen (lower cased)
         * @access protected
        protected static $DirectoriesToExcludeArray = array('.','..','.svn','svn','cvs','.git');

         * Gets the settings in codegen_settings.xml file and returns its text without comments
         * @return string
        public static function GetSettingsXml() {
            $strCrLf = "\r\n";

            $strToReturn = sprintf('<codegen>%s', $strCrLf);
            $strToReturn .= sprintf('    <name application="%s"/>%s', QCodeGen::$ApplicationName, $strCrLf);
            $strToReturn .= sprintf('    <render preferredRenderMethod="%s"/>%s', QCodeGen::$PreferredRenderMethod, $strCrLf);
            $strToReturn .= sprintf('    <dataSources>%s', $strCrLf);
            foreach (QCodeGen::$CodeGenArray as $objCodeGen)
                $strToReturn .= $strCrLf . $objCodeGen->GetConfigXml();
            $strToReturn .= sprintf('%s    </dataSources>%s', $strCrLf, $strCrLf);
            $strToReturn .= '</codegen>';

            return $strToReturn;

         * The function which actually performs the steps for code generation
         * Code generation begins here.
         * @param string $strSettingsXmlFilePath Path to the settings file
        public static function Run($strSettingsXmlFilePath) {
            define ('__CODE_GENERATING__', true);
            QCodeGen::$CodeGenArray = array();
            QCodeGen::$SettingsFilePath = $strSettingsXmlFilePath;

            if (!file_exists($strSettingsXmlFilePath)) {
                QCodeGen::$RootErrors = 'FATAL ERROR: CodeGen Settings XML File (' . $strSettingsXmlFilePath . ') was not found.';

            if (!is_file($strSettingsXmlFilePath)) {
                QCodeGen::$RootErrors = 'FATAL ERROR: CodeGen Settings XML File (' . $strSettingsXmlFilePath . ') was not found.';

            // Try Parsing the Xml Settings File
            try {
                QApplication::SetErrorHandler('QcubedHandleCodeGenParseError', E_ALL);
                QCodeGen::$SettingsXml = new SimpleXMLElement(file_get_contents($strSettingsXmlFilePath));
            } catch (Exception $objExc) {
                QCodeGen::$RootErrors .= 'FATAL ERROR: Unable to parse CodeGenSettings XML File: ' . $strSettingsXmlFilePath;
                QCodeGen::$RootErrors .= "\r\n";
                QCodeGen::$RootErrors .= $objExc->getMessage();

            // Application Name
            QCodeGen::$ApplicationName = QCodeGen::LookupSetting(QCodeGen::$SettingsXml, 'name', 'application');

            // Codegen Defaults
            QCodeGen::$PreferredRenderMethod = QCodeGen::LookupSetting(QCodeGen::$SettingsXml, 'formgen', 'preferredRenderMethod');
            QCodeGen::$CreateMethod = QCodeGen::LookupSetting(QCodeGen::$SettingsXml, 'formgen', 'createMethod');
            QCodeGen::$DefaultButtonClass = QCodeGen::LookupSetting(QCodeGen::$SettingsXml, 'formgen', 'buttonClass');

            if (!QCodeGen::$DefaultButtonClass) {
                QCodeGen::$RootErrors .= "CodeGen Settings XML Fatal Error: buttonClass was not defined\r\n";

            // Iterate Through DataSources
            if (QCodeGen::$SettingsXml->dataSources->asXML())
                foreach (QCodeGen::$SettingsXml->dataSources->children() as $objChildNode) {
                    switch (dom_import_simplexml($objChildNode)->nodeName) {
                        case 'database':
                            QCodeGen::$CodeGenArray[] = new QDatabaseCodeGen($objChildNode);
                        case 'restService':
                            QCodeGen::$CodeGenArray[] = new QRestServiceCodeGen($objChildNode);
                            QCodeGen::$RootErrors .= sprintf("Invalid Data Source Type in CodeGen Settings XML File (%s): %s\r\n",
                                $strSettingsXmlFilePath, dom_import_simplexml($objChildNode)->nodeName);

         * This will lookup either the node value (if no attributename is passed in) or the attribute value
         * for a given Tag.  Node Searches only apply from the root level of the configuration XML being passed in
         * (e.g. it will not be able to lookup the tag name of a grandchild of the root node)
         * If No Tag Name is passed in, then attribute/value lookup is based on the root node, itself.
         * @param SimpleXmlElement $objNode
         * @param string $strTagName
         * @param string $strAttributeName
         * @param string $strType
         * @return mixed the return type depends on the QType you pass in to $strType
        static public function LookupSetting($objNode, $strTagName, $strAttributeName = null, $strType = QType::String) {
            if ($strTagName)
                $objNode = $objNode->$strTagName;

            if ($strAttributeName) {
                switch ($strType) {
                    case QType::Integer:
                        try {
                            $intToReturn = QType::Cast($objNode[$strAttributeName], QType::Integer);
                            return $intToReturn;
                        } catch (Exception $objExc) {
                            return null;
                    case QType::Boolean:
                        try {
                            $blnToReturn = QType::Cast($objNode[$strAttributeName], QType::Boolean);
                            return $blnToReturn;
                        } catch (Exception $objExc) {
                            return null;
                        $strToReturn = trim(QType::Cast($objNode[$strAttributeName], QType::String));
                        return $strToReturn;
            } else {
                $strToReturn = trim(QType::Cast($objNode, QType::String));
                return $strToReturn;

         * @return array
        public static function GenerateAggregate() {
            $objDbOrmCodeGen = array();
            $objRestServiceCodeGen = array();

            foreach (QCodeGen::$CodeGenArray as $objCodeGen) {
                if ($objCodeGen instanceof QDatabaseCodeGen)
                    array_push($objDbOrmCodeGen, $objCodeGen);
                if ($objCodeGen instanceof QRestServiceCodeGen)
                    array_push($objRestServiceCodeGen, $objCodeGen);

            $strToReturn = array();
            array_merge($strToReturn, QDatabaseCodeGen::GenerateAggregateHelper($objDbOrmCodeGen));
//            array_push($strToReturn, QRestServiceCodeGen::GenerateAggregateHelper($objRestServiceCodeGen));

            return $strToReturn;

         * Given a template prefix (e.g. db_orm_, db_type_, rest_, soap_, etc.), pull
         * all the _*.tpl templates from any subfolders of the template prefix
         * in QCodeGen::TemplatesPath and QCodeGen::TemplatesPathCustom,
         * and call GenerateFile() on each one.  If there are any template files that reside
         * in BOTH TemplatesPath AND TemplatesPathCustom, then only use the TemplatesPathCustom one (which
         * in essence overrides the one in TemplatesPath)
         * @param string  $strTemplatePrefix the prefix of the templates you want to generate against
         * @param mixed[] $mixArgumentArray  array of arguments to send to EvaluateTemplate
         * @throws Exception
         * @throws QCallerException
         * @return boolean success/failure on whether or not all the files generated successfully
        public function GenerateFiles($strTemplatePrefix, $mixArgumentArray) {
            // If you are editing core templates, and getting EOF errors only on the travis build, this may be your problem. Scan your files and remove short tags.
            if (QCodeGen::DebugMode && ini_get ('short_open_tag')) _p("Warning: PHP directive short_open_tag is on. Using short tags will cause unexpected EOF on travis build.\n", false);

            // Default the template paths
            if (!static::$TemplatePaths) {
                static::$TemplatePaths = array (
                    __QCUBED_CORE__ . '/codegen/templates/',
                    __QCUBED__ . '/codegen/templates/'

            // validate the template paths
            foreach (static::$TemplatePaths as $strPath) {
                if (!is_dir($strPath)) {
                    throw new Exception(sprintf("Template path: %s does not appear to be a valid directory.", $strPath));

            // Create an array of arrays of standard templates and custom (override) templates to process
            // Index by [module_name][filename] => true/false where
            // module name (e.g. "class_gen", "form_delegates) is name of folder within the prefix (e.g. "db_orm")
            // filename is the template filename itself (in a _*.tpl format)
            // true = override (use custom) and false = do not override (use standard)
            $strTemplateArray = array();

            // Go through standard templates first, then override in order
            foreach (static::$TemplatePaths as $strPath) {
                $this->buildTemplateArray($strPath . $strTemplatePrefix, $strTemplateArray);

            // Finally, iterate through all the TemplateFiles and call GenerateFile to Evaluate/Generate/Save them
            $blnSuccess = true;
            foreach ($strTemplateArray as $strModuleName => $strFileArray) {
                foreach ($strFileArray as $strFilename => $strPath) {
                    if (!$this->GenerateFile($strTemplatePrefix . '/' . $strModuleName, $strPath, $mixArgumentArray)) {
                        $blnSuccess = false;

            return $blnSuccess;

        protected function buildTemplateArray ($strTemplateFilePath, &$strTemplateArray) {
            if (!$strTemplateFilePath) return;
            if (substr( $strTemplateFilePath, -1 ) != '/') {
                $strTemplateFilePath .= '/';
            if (is_dir($strTemplateFilePath)) {
                $objDirectory = opendir($strTemplateFilePath);
                while ($strModuleName = readdir($objDirectory)) {
                    if (!in_array(strtolower($strModuleName), QCodeGen::$DirectoriesToExcludeArray) &&
                            is_dir($strTemplateFilePath . $strModuleName)) {
                        $objModuleDirectory = opendir($strTemplateFilePath . $strModuleName);
                        while ($strFilename = readdir($objModuleDirectory)) {
                            if ((QString::FirstCharacter($strFilename) == '_') &&
                                (substr($strFilename, strlen($strFilename) - 8) == '.tpl.php')
                            ) {
                                $strTemplateArray[$strModuleName][$strFilename] = $strTemplateFilePath . $strModuleName . '/' . $strFilename;

         * Returns the settings of the template file as SimpleXMLElement object
         * @param null|string $strTemplateFilePath Path to the file
         * @param null|string $strTemplate         Text of the template (if $strTemplateFilePath is null, this field must be string)
         * @deprecated
         * @return SimpleXMLElement
         * @throws Exception
        protected function getTemplateSettings($strTemplateFilePath, &$strTemplate = null) {
            if ($strTemplate === null)
                $strTemplate = file_get_contents($strTemplateFilePath);
            $strError = 'Template\'s first line must be <template OverwriteFlag="boolean" DocrootFlag="boolean" TargetDirectory="string" DirectorySuffix="string" TargetFileName="string"/>: ' . $strTemplateFilePath;
            // Parse out the first line (which contains path and overwriting information)
            $intPosition = strpos($strTemplate, "\n");
            if ($intPosition === false) {
                throw new Exception($strError);

            $strFirstLine = trim(substr($strTemplate, 0, $intPosition));

            $objTemplateXml = null;
            // Attempt to Parse the First Line as XML
            try {
                @$objTemplateXml = new SimpleXMLElement($strFirstLine);
            } catch (Exception $objExc) {}

            if (is_null($objTemplateXml) || (!($objTemplateXml instanceof SimpleXMLElement)))
                throw new Exception($strError);
            $strTemplate = substr($strTemplate, $intPosition + 1);
            return $objTemplateXml;

         * Generates a php code using a template file
         * @param string  $strModuleSubPath
         * @param string  $strTemplateFilePath Path to the template file
         * @param mixed[] $mixArgumentArray
         * @param boolean $blnSave             whether or not to actually perform the save
         * @throws QCallerException
         * @throws Exception
         * @return mixed returns the evaluated template or boolean save success.
        public function GenerateFile($strModuleSubPath, $strTemplateFilePath, $mixArgumentArray, $blnSave = true) {
            // Setup Debug/Exception Message
            if (QCodeGen::DebugMode) _p("Evaluating $strTemplateFilePath<br/>", false);

            // Check to see if the template file exists, and if it does, Load It
            if (!file_exists($strTemplateFilePath))
                throw new QCallerException('Template File Not Found: ' . $strTemplateFilePath);

            // Evaluate the Template
            // make sure paths are set up to pick up included files from the various directories.
            // Must be the reverse of the buildTemplateArray order
            $a = array();
            foreach (static::$TemplatePaths as $strTemplatePath) {
                array_unshift($a,  $strTemplatePath . $strModuleSubPath);
            $strSearchPath = implode (PATH_SEPARATOR, $a) . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path();
            $strOldIncludePath = set_include_path ($strSearchPath);
            if ($strSearchPath != get_include_path()) {
                throw new QCallerException ('Can\'t override include path. Make sure your apache or server settings allow include paths to be overridden. ' );

            $strTemplate = $this->EvaluatePHP($strTemplateFilePath, $mixArgumentArray, $templateSettings);

            $blnOverwriteFlag = QType::Cast($templateSettings['OverwriteFlag'], QType::Boolean);
            $blnDocrootFlag = QType::Cast($templateSettings['DocrootFlag'], QType::Boolean);
            $strTargetDirectory = QType::Cast($templateSettings['TargetDirectory'], QType::String);
            $strDirectorySuffix = QType::Cast($templateSettings['DirectorySuffix'], QType::String);
            $strTargetFileName = QType::Cast($templateSettings['TargetFileName'], QType::String);

            if (is_null($blnOverwriteFlag) || is_null($strTargetFileName) || is_null($strTargetDirectory) || is_null($strDirectorySuffix) || is_null($blnDocrootFlag))  {
                throw new Exception('the template settings cannot be null');

            if ($blnSave && $strTargetDirectory) {
                // Figure out the REAL target directory
                if ($blnDocrootFlag)
                    $strTargetDirectory = __DOCROOT__ . $strTargetDirectory . $strDirectorySuffix;
                    $strTargetDirectory = $strTargetDirectory . $strDirectorySuffix;

                // Create Directory (if needed)
                if (!is_dir($strTargetDirectory))
                    if (!QApplication::MakeDirectory($strTargetDirectory, 0777))
                        throw new Exception('Unable to mkdir ' . $strTargetDirectory);

                // Save to Disk
                $strFilePath = sprintf('%s/%s', $strTargetDirectory, $strTargetFileName);
                if ($blnOverwriteFlag || (!file_exists($strFilePath))) {
                    $intBytesSaved = file_put_contents($strFilePath, $strTemplate);

                    return ($intBytesSaved == strlen($strTemplate));
                } else
                    // Because we are not supposed to overwrite, we should return "true" by default
                    return true;

            // Why Did We Not Save?
            if ($blnSave) {
                // We WANT to Save, but QCubed Configuration says that this functionality/feature should no longer be generated
                // By definition, we should return "true"
                return true;
            // Running GenerateFile() specifically asking it not to save -- so return the evaluated template instead
            return $strTemplate;

         * Sets the file permissions (Linux only) for a file generated by the Code Generator
         * @param string $strFilePath Path of the generated file
         * @throws QCallerException
        protected function setGeneratedFilePermissions($strFilePath) {
            // CHMOD to full read/write permissions (applicable only to nonwindows)
            // Need to ignore error handling for this call just in case
            if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) !== 'WIN') {
                chmod($strFilePath, 0666);

         * Returns the evaluated PHP
         * @param $strFilename
         * @param $mixArgumentArray
         * @param null $templateSettings
         * @return mixed|string
        protected function EvaluatePHP($strFilename, $mixArgumentArray, &$templateSettings = null)  {
            // Get all the arguments and set them locally
            if ($mixArgumentArray) foreach ($mixArgumentArray as $strName=>$mixValue) {
                $$strName = $mixValue;
            global $_TEMPLATE_SETTINGS;
            $_TEMPLATE_SETTINGS = null;

            // Of course, we also need to locally allow "objCodeGen"
            $objCodeGen = $this;

            // Get Database Escape Identifiers
            $strEscapeIdentifierBegin = QApplication::$Database[$this->intDatabaseIndex]->EscapeIdentifierBegin;
            $strEscapeIdentifierEnd = QApplication::$Database[$this->intDatabaseIndex]->EscapeIdentifierEnd;

            // Store the Output Buffer locally
            $strAlreadyRendered = ob_get_contents();

            if (ob_get_level()) ob_clean();
            $strTemplate = ob_get_contents();

            $templateSettings = $_TEMPLATE_SETTINGS;

            // Restore the output buffer and return evaluated template

            // Remove all \r from the template (for Win/*nix compatibility)
            $strTemplate = str_replace("\r", '', $strTemplate);
            return $strTemplate;


         * Given a table name, returns the name of the class for the corresponding model object.
         * @param string $strTableName
         * @return string
        protected function ModelClassName($strTableName) {
            $strTableName = $this->StripPrefixFromTable($strTableName);
            return sprintf('%s%s%s',

         * Given a table name, returns a variable name that will be used to represent the corresponding model object.
         * @param string $strTableName
         * @return string
        public function ModelVariableName($strTableName) {
            $strTableName = $this->StripPrefixFromTable($strTableName);
            return QConvertNotation::PrefixFromType(QType::Object) .

         * Given a table name, returns the variable name that will be used to refer to the object in a
         * reverse reference context (many-to-one).
         * @param string $strTableName
         * @return string
        protected function ModelReverseReferenceVariableName($strTableName) {
            $strTableName = $this->StripPrefixFromTable($strTableName);
            return $this->ModelVariableName($strTableName);

         * Given a table name, returns the variable type of the object in a
         * reverse reference context (many-to-one).
         * @param $strTableName
         * @return string
        protected function ModelReverseReferenceVariableType($strTableName) {
            $strTableName = $this->StripPrefixFromTable($strTableName);
            return $this->ModelClassName($strTableName);

         * Given a column, returns the name of the variable used to represent the column's value inside
         * the model object.
         * @param QSqlColumn $objColumn
         * @return string
        protected function ModelColumnVariableName(QSqlColumn $objColumn) {
            return QConvertNotation::PrefixFromType($objColumn->VariableType) .

         * Return the name of the property corresponding to the given column name as used in the getter and setter of
         * the model object.
         * @param string $strColumnName
         * @return string
        protected function ModelColumnPropertyName($strColumnName) {
            return QConvertNotation::CamelCaseFromUnderscore($strColumnName);

         * Return the name of the property corresponding to the given column name as used in the getter and setter of
         * a Type object.
         * @param string $strColumnName Column name
         * @return string
        protected function TypeColumnPropertyName($strColumnName) {
            return QConvertNotation::CamelCaseFromUnderscore($strColumnName);

         * Given the name of a column that is a foreign key to another table, returns a kind of
         * virtual column name that would refer to the object pointed to. This new name is used to refer to the object
         * version of the column by json and other encodings, and derivatives
         * of this name are used to represent a variable and property name that refers to this object that will get stored
         * in the model.
         * @param string $strColumnName
         * @return string
        protected function ModelReferenceColumnName($strColumnName) {
            $intNameLength = strlen($strColumnName);

            // Does the column name for this reference column end in "_id"?
            if (($intNameLength > 3) && (strtolower(substr($strColumnName, $intNameLength - 3)) == "_id")) {
                // It ends in "_id" but we don't want to include the "Id" suffix
                // in the Variable Name.  So remove it.
                $strColumnName = substr($strColumnName, 0, $intNameLength - 3);
            } else {
                // Otherwise, let's add "_object" so that we don't confuse this variable name
                // from the variable that was mapped from the physical database
                // E.g., if it's a numeric FK, and the column is defined as "person INT",
                // there will end up being two variables, one for the Person id integer, and
                // one for the Person object itself.  We'll add Object to the name of the Person object
                // to make this deliniation.
                $strColumnName = sprintf("%s_object", $strColumnName);

            return $strColumnName;

         * Given a column name to a foreign key, returns the name of the variable that will represent the foreign object
         * stored in the model.
         * @param string $strColumnName
         * @return string
        protected function ModelReferenceVariableName($strColumnName) {
            $strColumnName = $this->ModelReferenceColumnName($strColumnName);
            return QConvertNotation::PrefixFromType(QType::Object) .

         * Given a column name to a foreign key, returns the name of the property that will be used in the getter and setter
         * to represent the foreign object stored in the model.
         * @param string $strColumnName
         * @return string
        protected function ModelReferencePropertyName($strColumnName) {
            $strColumnName = $this->ModelReferenceColumnName($strColumnName);
            return QConvertNotation::CamelCaseFromUnderscore($strColumnName);

        protected function ParameterCleanupFromColumn(QSqlColumn $objColumn, $blnIncludeEquality = false) {
            if ($blnIncludeEquality)
                return sprintf('$%s = $objDatabase->SqlVariable($%s, true);',
                    $objColumn->VariableName, $objColumn->VariableName);
                return sprintf('$%s = $objDatabase->SqlVariable($%s);',
                    $objColumn->VariableName, $objColumn->VariableName);

        // To be used to list the columns as input parameters, or as parameters for sprintf
        protected function ParameterListFromColumnArray($objColumnArray) {
            return $this->ImplodeObjectArray(', ', '$', '', 'VariableName', $objColumnArray);

        protected function ImplodeObjectArray($strGlue, $strPrefix, $strSuffix, $strProperty, $objArrayToImplode) {
            $strArrayToReturn = array();
            if ($objArrayToImplode) foreach ($objArrayToImplode as $objObject) {
                array_push($strArrayToReturn, sprintf('%s%s%s', $strPrefix, $objObject->__get($strProperty), $strSuffix));

            return implode($strGlue, $strArrayToReturn);

        protected function TypeTokenFromTypeName($strName) {
            $strToReturn = '';
            for($intIndex = 0; $intIndex < strlen($strName); $intIndex++)
                if (((ord($strName[$intIndex]) >= ord('a')) &&
                     (ord($strName[$intIndex]) <= ord('z'))) ||
                    ((ord($strName[$intIndex]) >= ord('A')) &&
                     (ord($strName[$intIndex]) <= ord('Z'))) ||
                    ((ord($strName[$intIndex]) >= ord('0')) &&
                     (ord($strName[$intIndex]) <= ord('9'))) ||
                    ($strName[$intIndex] == '_'))
                    $strToReturn .= $strName[$intIndex];

            if (is_numeric(QString::FirstCharacter($strToReturn)))
                $strToReturn = '_' . $strToReturn;
            return $strToReturn;

         * Returns the control label name as used in the ModelConnector corresponding to this column or table.
         * @param QSqlColumn|QReverseReference|QManyToManyReference $objColumn
         * @return string
        public static function ModelConnectorControlName ($objColumn) {
            if (($o = $objColumn->Options) && isset ($o['Name'])) { // Did developer default?
                return $o['Name'];
            return QConvertNotation::WordsFromCamelCase(QCodeGen::ModelConnectorPropertyName($objColumn));

         * The property name used in the ModelConnector for the given column, virtual column or table
         * @param QSqlColumn|QReverseReference|QManyToManyReference $objColumn
         * @return string
         * @throws Exception
        public static function ModelConnectorPropertyName ($objColumn) {
            if ($objColumn instanceof QSqlColumn) {
                if ($objColumn->Reference) {
                    return $objColumn->Reference->PropertyName;
                } else {
                    return $objColumn->PropertyName;
            elseif ($objColumn instanceof QReverseReference) {
                if ($objColumn->Unique) {
                    return ($objColumn->ObjectDescription);
                else {
                    return ($objColumn->ObjectDescriptionPlural);
            elseif ($objColumn instanceof QManyToManyReference) {
                return $objColumn->ObjectDescriptionPlural;
            else {
                throw new Exception ('Unknown column type.');

         * Return a variable name corresponding to the given column, including virtual columns like
         * QReverseReference and QManyToMany references.
         * @param QSqlColumn|QReverseReference|QManyToManyReference $objColumn
         * @return string
        public function ModelConnectorVariableName($objColumn) {
            $strPropName = static::ModelConnectorPropertyName($objColumn);
            $objControlHelper = $this->GetControlCodeGenerator($objColumn);
            return $objControlHelper->VarName ($strPropName);

         * Returns a variable name for the "label" version of a control, which would be the read-only version
         * of viewing the data in the column.
         * @param QSqlColumn|QReverseReference|QManyToManyReference $objColumn
         * @return string
        public function ModelConnectorLabelVariableName($objColumn) {
            $strPropName = static::ModelConnectorPropertyName($objColumn);
            return QLabel_CodeGenerator::Instance()->VarName($strPropName);

         * Returns the class for the control that will be created to edit the given column,
         * including the 'virtual' columns of reverse references (many to one) and many-to-many references.
         * @param QSqlColumn|QReverseReference|QManyToManyReference $objColumn
         * @return string Class name of control which can handle this column's data
         * @throws Exception
        protected function ModelConnectorControlClass($objColumn) {

            // Is the class specified by the developer?
            if ($o = $objColumn->Options) {
                if (isset ($o['FormGen']) && $o['FormGen'] == QFormGen::LabelOnly) {
                    return 'QLabel';
                if (isset($o['ControlClass'])) {
                    return $o['ControlClass'];

            // otherwise, return the default class based on the column
            if ($objColumn instanceof QSqlColumn) {
                if ($objColumn->Identity)
                    return 'QLabel';

                if ($objColumn->Timestamp)
                    return 'QLabel';

                if ($objColumn->Reference)
                    return 'QListBox';

                switch ($objColumn->VariableType) {
                    case QType::Boolean:
                        return 'QCheckBox';
                    case QType::DateTime:
                        return 'QDateTimePicker';
                    case QType::Integer:
                        return 'QIntegerTextBox';
                    case QType::Float:
                        return 'QFloatTextBox';
                        return 'QTextBox';
            elseif ($objColumn instanceof QReverseReference) {
                if ($objColumn->Unique) {
                    return 'QListBox';
                } else {
                    return 'QCheckBoxList';    // for multi-selection
            elseif ($objColumn instanceof QManyToManyReference) {
                return 'QCheckBoxList';    // for multi-selection
            throw new Exception('Unknown column type.');

        public function DataListControlClass (QSqlTable $objTable) {
            // Is the class specified by the developer?
            if ($o = $objTable->Options) {
                if (isset($o['ControlClass'])) {
                    return $o['ControlClass'];

            // Otherwise, return a default
            return 'QDataGrid';

         * Returns the control label name as used in the data list panel corresponding to this column.
         * @param QSqlTable $objTable
         * @return string
        public static function DataListControlName (QSqlTable $objTable) {
            if (($o = $objTable->Options) && isset ($o['Name'])) { // Did developer default?
                return $o['Name'];
            return QConvertNotation::WordsFromCamelCase($objTable->ClassNamePlural);

         * Returns the name of an item in the data list as will be displayed in the edit panel.
         * @param QSqlTable $objTable
         * @return string
        public static function DataListItemName (QSqlTable $objTable) {
            if (($o = $objTable->Options) && isset ($o['ItemName'])) { // Did developer override?
                return $o['ItemName'];
            return QConvertNotation::WordsFromCamelCase($objTable->ClassName);

        public function DataListVarName (QSqlTable $objTable) {
            $strPropName = self::DataListPropertyNamePlural($objTable);
            $objControlHelper = $this->GetDataListCodeGenerator($objTable);
            return $objControlHelper->VarName($strPropName);

        public static function DataListPropertyName (QSqlTable $objTable) {
            return $objTable->ClassName;

        public static function DataListPropertyNamePlural (QSqlTable $objTable) {
            return $objTable->ClassNamePlural;

         * Returns the class for the control that will be created to edit the given column,
         * including the 'virtual' columns of reverse references (many to one) and many-to-many references.
         * @param QSqlColumn|QReverseReference|QManyToManyReference $objColumn
         * @return AbstractControl_CodeGenerator helper object
         * @throws Exception
        public function GetControlCodeGenerator($objColumn) {
            $strControlClass = $this->ModelConnectorControlClass($objColumn);

            if (method_exists($strControlClass, 'GetCodeGenerator')) {
                return call_user_func($strControlClass.'::GetCodeGenerator');

            switch ($strControlClass) {
                case 'QLabel': return QLabel_CodeGenerator::Instance();
                case 'QListBox': return new QListBox_CodeGenerator();
                case 'QCheckBox': return new QCheckBox_CodeGenerator();
                case 'QDateTimePicker': return new QDateTimePicker_CodeGenerator();
                case 'QTextBox': return new QTextBox_CodeGenerator();
                case 'QIntegerTextBox': return new QIntegerTextBox_CodeGenerator();
                case 'QFloatTextBox': return new QFloatTextBox_CodeGenerator();
                case 'QCheckBoxList': return new QCheckBoxList_CodeGenerator();
                default: break;

            $strOrigControlClass = $strControlClass;
            $strControlCodeGeneratorClass = $strControlClass .'_CodeGenerator';
            while (!class_exists($strControlCodeGeneratorClass)) {
                $strControlClass = get_parent_class($strControlClass);
                if ($strControlClass === 'QControl') {
                    throw new QCallerException("Cannot find an appropriate subclass of AbstractControl_CodeGenerator for ".$strOrigControlClass);
                $strControlCodeGeneratorClass = $strControlClass .'_CodeGenerator';
            return new $strControlCodeGeneratorClass($strOrigControlClass);

        public function GetDataListCodeGenerator($objTable) {
            $strControlClass = $this->DataListControlClass($objTable);

            if (method_exists($strControlClass, 'GetCodeGenerator')) {
                return call_user_func($strControlClass.'::GetCodeGenerator');

            return new QDataGrid_CodeGenerator();

        protected function CalculateObjectMemberVariable($strTableName, $strColumnName, $strReferencedTableName) {
            return sprintf('%s%s%s%s',
                $this->CalculateObjectDescription($strTableName, $strColumnName, $strReferencedTableName, false),

        protected function CalculateObjectPropertyName($strTableName, $strColumnName, $strReferencedTableName) {
            return sprintf('%s%s%s',
                $this->CalculateObjectDescription($strTableName, $strColumnName, $strReferencedTableName, false),

        // TODO: These functions need to be documented heavily with information from "lexical analysis on fk names.txt"
        protected function CalculateObjectDescription($strTableName, $strColumnName, $strReferencedTableName, $blnPluralize) {
            // Strip Prefixes (if applicable)
            $strTableName = $this->StripPrefixFromTable($strTableName);
            $strReferencedTableName = $this->StripPrefixFromTable($strReferencedTableName);

            // Starting Point
            $strToReturn = QConvertNotation::CamelCaseFromUnderscore($strTableName);

            if ($blnPluralize)
                $strToReturn = $this->Pluralize($strToReturn);

            if ($strTableName == $strReferencedTableName) {
                // Self-referencing Reference to Describe

                // If Column Name is only the name of the referenced table, or the name of the referenced table with "_id",
                // then the object description is simply based off the table name.
                if (($strColumnName == $strReferencedTableName) ||
                    ($strColumnName == $strReferencedTableName . '_id'))
                    return sprintf('Child%s', $strToReturn);

                // Rip out trailing "_id" if applicable
                $intLength = strlen($strColumnName);
                if (($intLength > 3) && (substr($strColumnName, $intLength - 3) == "_id"))
                    $strColumnName = substr($strColumnName, 0, $intLength - 3);

                // Rip out the referenced table name from the column name
                $strColumnName = str_replace($strReferencedTableName, "", $strColumnName);

                // Change any double "_" to single "_"
                $strColumnName = str_replace("__", "_", $strColumnName);
                $strColumnName = str_replace("__", "_", $strColumnName);

                $strColumnName = QConvertNotation::CamelCaseFromUnderscore($strColumnName);

                // Special case for Parent/Child
                if ($strColumnName == 'Parent')
                    return sprintf('Child%s', $strToReturn);

                return sprintf("%sAs%s",
                    $strToReturn, $strColumnName);

            } else {
                // If Column Name is only the name of the referenced table, or the name of the referenced table with "_id",
                // then the object description is simply based off the table name.
                if (($strColumnName == $strReferencedTableName) ||
                    ($strColumnName == $strReferencedTableName . '_id'))
                    return $strToReturn;

                // Rip out trailing "_id" if applicable
                $intLength = strlen($strColumnName);
                if (($intLength > 3) && (substr($strColumnName, $intLength - 3) == "_id"))
                    $strColumnName = substr($strColumnName, 0, $intLength - 3);

                // Rip out the referenced table name from the column name
                $strColumnName = str_replace($strReferencedTableName, "", $strColumnName);

                // Change any double "_" to single "_"
                $strColumnName = str_replace("__", "_", $strColumnName);
                $strColumnName = str_replace("__", "_", $strColumnName);

                return sprintf("%sAs%s",

        // this is called for ReverseReference Object Descriptions for association tables (many-to-many)
        protected function CalculateObjectDescriptionForAssociation($strAssociationTableName, $strTableName, $strReferencedTableName, $blnPluralize) {
            // Strip Prefixes (if applicable)
            $strTableName = $this->StripPrefixFromTable($strTableName);
            $strAssociationTableName = $this->StripPrefixFromTable($strAssociationTableName);
            $strReferencedTableName = $this->StripPrefixFromTable($strReferencedTableName);

            // Starting Point
            $strToReturn = QConvertNotation::CamelCaseFromUnderscore($strReferencedTableName);

            if ($blnPluralize)
                $strToReturn = $this->Pluralize($strToReturn);

            // Let's start with strAssociationTableName

            // Rip out trailing "_assn" if applicable
            $strAssociationTableName = str_replace($this->strAssociationTableSuffix, '', $strAssociationTableName);

            // remove instances of the table names in the association table name
            $strTableName2 = str_replace('_', '', $strTableName); // remove underscores if they are there
            $strReferencedTableName2 = str_replace('_', '', $strReferencedTableName); // remove underscores if they are there

            if (beginsWith ($strAssociationTableName, $strTableName . '_')) {
                $strAssociationTableName = trimOffFront ($strTableName . '_', $strAssociationTableName);
            } elseif (beginsWith ($strAssociationTableName, $strTableName2 . '_')) {
                $strAssociationTableName = trimOffFront ($strTableName2 . '_', $strAssociationTableName);
            } elseif (beginsWith ($strAssociationTableName, $strReferencedTableName . '_')) {
                $strAssociationTableName = trimOffFront ($strReferencedTableName . '_', $strAssociationTableName);
            } elseif (beginsWith ($strAssociationTableName, $strReferencedTableName2 . '_')) {
                $strAssociationTableName = trimOffFront ($strReferencedTableName2 . '_', $strAssociationTableName);
            } elseif ($strAssociationTableName == $strTableName ||
                    $strAssociationTableName == $strTableName2 ||
                    $strAssociationTableName == $strReferencedTableName ||
                    $strAssociationTableName == $strReferencedTableName2) {
                $strAssociationTableName = "";

            if (endsWith ($strAssociationTableName,  '_' . $strTableName)) {
                $strAssociationTableName = trimOffEnd ('_' . $strTableName, $strAssociationTableName);
            } elseif (endsWith ($strAssociationTableName, '_' . $strTableName2)) {
                $strAssociationTableName = trimOffEnd ('_' . $strTableName2, $strAssociationTableName);
            } elseif (endsWith ($strAssociationTableName,  '_' . $strReferencedTableName)) {
                $strAssociationTableName = trimOffEnd ('_' . $strReferencedTableName, $strAssociationTableName);
            } elseif (endsWith ($strAssociationTableName, '_' . $strReferencedTableName2)) {
                $strAssociationTableName = trimOffEnd ('_' . $strReferencedTableName2, $strAssociationTableName);
            } elseif ($strAssociationTableName == $strTableName ||
                    $strAssociationTableName == $strTableName2 ||
                    $strAssociationTableName == $strReferencedTableName ||
                    $strAssociationTableName == $strReferencedTableName2) {
                $strAssociationTableName = "";

            // Change any double "__" to single "_"
            $strAssociationTableName = str_replace("__", "_", $strAssociationTableName);
            $strAssociationTableName = str_replace("__", "_", $strAssociationTableName);
            $strAssociationTableName = str_replace("__", "_", $strAssociationTableName);

            // If we have nothing left or just a single "_" in AssociationTableName, return "Starting Point"
            if (($strAssociationTableName == "_") || ($strAssociationTableName == ""))
                return sprintf("%s%s%s",

            // Otherwise, add "As" and the predicate
            return sprintf("%s%sAs%s%s",

        // This is called by AnalyzeAssociationTable to calculate the GraphPrefixArray for a self-referencing association table (e.g. directed graph)
        protected function CalculateGraphPrefixArray($objForeignKeyArray) {
            // Analyze Column Names to determine GraphPrefixArray
            if ((strpos(strtolower($objForeignKeyArray[0]->ColumnNameArray[0]), 'parent') !== false) ||
                (strpos(strtolower($objForeignKeyArray[1]->ColumnNameArray[0]), 'child') !== false)) {
                $strGraphPrefixArray[0] = '';
                $strGraphPrefixArray[1] = 'Parent';
            } else if ((strpos(strtolower($objForeignKeyArray[0]->ColumnNameArray[0]), 'child') !== false) ||
                        (strpos(strtolower($objForeignKeyArray[1]->ColumnNameArray[0]), 'parent') !== false)) {
                $strGraphPrefixArray[0] = 'Parent';
                $strGraphPrefixArray[1] = '';
            } else {
                // Use Default Prefixing for Graphs
                $strGraphPrefixArray[0] = 'Parent';
                $strGraphPrefixArray[1] = '';

            return $strGraphPrefixArray;

         * Returns the variable type corresponding to the database column type
         * @param string $strDbType
         * @return string
         * @throws Exception
        protected function VariableTypeFromDbType($strDbType) {
            switch ($strDbType) {
                case QDatabaseFieldType::Bit:
                    return QType::Boolean;
                case QDatabaseFieldType::Blob:
                    return QType::String;
                case QDatabaseFieldType::Char:
                    return QType::String;
                case QDatabaseFieldType::Date:
                    return QType::DateTime;
                case QDatabaseFieldType::DateTime:
                    return QType::DateTime;
                case QDatabaseFieldType::Float:
                    return QType::Float;
                case QDatabaseFieldType::Integer:
                    return QType::Integer;
                case QDatabaseFieldType::Time:
                    return QType::DateTime;
                case QDatabaseFieldType::VarChar:
                    return QType::String;
                case QDatabaseFieldType::Json:
                    return QType::String;
                    throw new Exception("Invalid Db Type to Convert: $strDbType");

         * Return the plural of the given name. Override this and return the plural version of particular names
         * if this generic version isn't working for you.
         * @param string $strName
         * @return string
        protected function Pluralize($strName) {
            // Special Rules go Here
            switch (true) {
                case (strtolower($strName) == 'play'):
                    return $strName . 's';

            $intLength = strlen($strName);
            if (substr($strName, $intLength - 1) == "y")
                return substr($strName, 0, $intLength - 1) . "ies";
            if (substr($strName, $intLength - 1) == "s")
                return $strName . "es";
            if (substr($strName, $intLength - 1) == "x")
                return $strName . "es";
            if (substr($strName, $intLength - 1) == "z")
                return $strName . "zes";
            if (substr($strName, $intLength - 2) == "sh")
                return $strName . "es";
            if (substr($strName, $intLength - 2) == "ch")
                return $strName . "es";

            return $strName . "s";

        public function ReportError ($strError) {
            $this->strErrors .= $strError . "\r\n";

        // Public Overriders

         * Override method to perform a property "Get"
         * This will get the value of $strName
         * @param string $strName
         * @throws Exception|QCallerException
         * @return mixed
        public function __get($strName) {
            switch ($strName) {
                case 'Errors':
                    return $this->strErrors;
                case 'Warnings':
                    return $this->strWarnings;
                    try {
                        return parent::__get($strName);
                    } catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
                        throw $objExc;

         * PHP magic method to set class properties
         * @param string $strName
         * @param string $mixValue
         * @return mixed|void
        public function __set($strName, $mixValue) {
            try {
                switch($strName) {
                    case 'Errors':
                        return ($this->strErrors = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::String));
                    case 'Warnings':
                        return ($this->strWarnings = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::String));
                        return parent::__set($strName, $mixValue);
            } catch (QCallerException $objExc) {