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     * A helper class used by the QCubed Code Generator to describe a table's column
     * @package Codegen
     * @property QSqlTable|QTypeTable $OwnerTable             Table in which this column exists
     * @property boolean           $PrimaryKey             Is the column a (part of) primary key
     * @property string            $Name                   Column name
     * @property string            $PropertyName           Corresponding property name for the table
     * @property string            $VariableName           Corresponding variable name (in ORM class and elsewhere)
     * @property string            $VariableType           Type of data this column is supposed to store (constant from QType class)
     * @property string            $VariableTypeAsConstant Variable type expressed as QType casted string (integer column would have this value as: "QType::Integer")
     * @property string            $DbType                 Type in the database
     * @property int               $Length                 If applicable, the length of data to be stored (useful for varchar data types)
     * @property mixed             $Default                Default value of the column
     * @property boolean           $NotNull                Is this column a "NOT NULL" column?
     * @property boolean           $Identity               Is this column an Identity column?
     * @property boolean           $Indexed                Is there a single column index on this column?
     * @property boolean           $Unique                 Does this column have a 'Unique' key defined on it?
     * @property boolean           $Timestamp              Can this column contain a timestamp value?
     * @property QReference        $Reference              Reference to another column (if this one is a foreign key)
     * @property array             $Options                Options for codegen
     * @property string            $Comment                Comment on the column
    class QSqlColumn extends QBaseClass {

        // Protected Member Variables

         * @var QSqlTable The table in which this column exists.
        protected $objOwnerTable;

         * Specifies whether or not the column is a Primary Key
         * @var bool PrimaryKey
        protected $blnPrimaryKey;

         * Name of the column as defined in the database
         * So for example, "first_name"
         * @var string Name
        protected $strName;

         * Name of the column as an object Property
         * So for "first_name", it would be FirstName
         * @var string PropertyName
        protected $strPropertyName;

         * Name of the column as an object protected Member Variable
         * So for "first_name VARCHAR(50)", it would be strFirstName
         * @var string VariableName
        protected $strVariableName;

         * The type of the protected member variable (uses one of the string constants from the QType class)
         * @var string VariableType
        protected $strVariableType;

         * The type of the protected member variable (uses the actual constant from the Type class)
         * @var string VariableType
        protected $strVariableTypeAsConstant;

         * The actual type of the column in the database (uses one of the string constants from the DatabaseType class)
         * @var string DbType
        protected $strDbType;

         * Length of the column as defined in the database
         * @var int Length
        protected $intLength;

         * The default value for the column as defined in the database
         * @var mixed Default
        protected $mixDefault;

         * Specifies whether or not the column is specified as "NOT NULL"
         * @var bool NotNull
        protected $blnNotNull;

         * Specifies whether or not the column is an identiy column (like auto_increment)
         * @var bool Identity
        protected $blnIdentity;

         * Specifies whether or not the column is a single-column Index
         * @var bool Indexed
        protected $blnIndexed;

         * Specifies whether or not the column is a unique
         * @var bool Unique
        protected $blnUnique;

         * Specifies whether or not the column is a system-updated "timestamp" column
         * @var bool Timestamp
        protected $blnTimestamp;

         * If the table column is foreign keyed off another column, then this
         * Column instance would be a reference to another object
         * @var QReference Reference
        protected $objReference;

         * The string value of the comment field in the database.
         * @var string Comment
        protected $strComment;

         * Various overrides and options embedded in the comment for the column as a json object.
         * @var array Overrides
        protected $options = array();

         * For Timestamp columns, will add to the sql code to set this field to NOW whenever there is a save
         * @var boolean
        protected $blnAutoUpdate;

        // Public Overriders

         * Override method to perform a property "Get"
         * This will get the value of $strName
         * @param string $strName Name of the property to get
         * @throws Exception
         * @throws QCallerException
         * @return mixed
        public function __get($strName) {
            switch ($strName) {
                case 'OwnerTable':
                    return $this->objOwnerTable;
                case 'PrimaryKey':
                    return $this->blnPrimaryKey;
                case 'Name':
                    return $this->strName;
                case 'PropertyName':
                    return $this->strPropertyName;
                case 'VariableName':
                    return $this->strVariableName;
                case 'VariableType':
                    return $this->strVariableType;
                case 'VariableTypeAsConstant':
                    return $this->strVariableTypeAsConstant;
                case 'DbType':
                    return $this->strDbType;
                case 'Length':
                    return $this->intLength;
                case 'Default':
                    return $this->mixDefault;
                case 'NotNull':
                    return $this->blnNotNull;
                case 'Identity':
                    return $this->blnIdentity;
                case 'Indexed':
                    return $this->blnIndexed;
                case 'Unique':
                    return $this->blnUnique;
                case 'Timestamp':
                    return $this->blnTimestamp;
                case 'Reference':
                    return $this->objReference;
                case 'Comment':
                    return $this->strComment;
                case 'Options':
                    return $this->options;
                case 'AutoUpdate':
                    return $this->blnAutoUpdate;
                    try {
                        return parent::__get($strName);
                    } catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
                        throw $objExc;

         * Override method to perform a property "Set"
         * This will set the property $strName to be $mixValue
         * @param string $strName Name of the property to set
         * @param string $mixValue New value of the property
         * @throws Exception
         * @throws QCallerException
         * @return mixed
        public function __set($strName, $mixValue) {
            try {
                switch ($strName) {
                    case 'OwnerTable':
                        //return $this->objOwnerTable = QType::cast($mixValue, 'QSqlTable');
                        // $mixValue might be a QSqlTable or a QTypeTable
                        return $this->objOwnerTable = $mixValue;
                    case 'PrimaryKey':
                        return $this->blnPrimaryKey = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::Boolean);
                    case 'Name':
                        return $this->strName = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::String);
                    case 'PropertyName':
                        return $this->strPropertyName = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::String);
                    case 'VariableName':
                        return $this->strVariableName = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::String);
                    case 'VariableType':
                        return $this->strVariableType = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::String);
                    case 'VariableTypeAsConstant':
                        return $this->strVariableTypeAsConstant = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::String);
                    case 'DbType':
                        return $this->strDbType = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::String);
                    case 'Length':
                        return $this->intLength = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::Integer);
                    case 'Default':
                        if ($mixValue === null || (($mixValue === '' || $mixValue === '0000-00-00 00:00:00' || $mixValue === '0000-00-00') && !$this->blnNotNull))
                            return $this->mixDefault = null;
                        else if (is_int($mixValue))
                            return $this->mixDefault = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::Integer);
                        else if (is_numeric($mixValue))
                            return $this->mixDefault = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::Float);
                            return $this->mixDefault = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::String);
                    case 'NotNull':
                        return $this->blnNotNull = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::Boolean);
                    case 'Identity':
                        return $this->blnIdentity = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::Boolean);
                    case 'Indexed':
                        return $this->blnIndexed = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::Boolean);
                    case 'Unique':
                        return $this->blnUnique = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::Boolean);
                    case 'Timestamp':
                        return $this->blnTimestamp = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::Boolean);
                    case 'Reference':
                        return $this->objReference = QType::Cast($mixValue, 'QReference');
                    case 'Comment':
                        return $this->strComment = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::String);
                    case 'Options':
                        return $this->options = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::ArrayType);
                    case 'AutoUpdate':
                        return $this->blnAutoUpdate = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::Boolean);
                        return parent::__set($strName, $mixValue);
            } catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
                throw $objExc;