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 * This is a base class to support classes that are derived from QHtmlTable. The methods here support the use
 * of QHtmlTable derived classes as a list connector, something that displays a list of records from a database,
 * and optionally allows the user to do CRUD operations on individual records.

abstract class QHtmlTable_CodeGenerator extends QControl_CodeGenerator implements QDataList_CodeGenerator_Interface {

     * dtg stands for "DataGrid", a QCubed historical name for tables displaying data. Override if you want something else.
     * @param string $strPropName
     * @return string
    public function VarName($strPropName) {
        return 'dtg' . $strPropName;

     * The following functions generate the ListGen code that will go into the generated/connector_base directory

     * Generate the text to insert into the "ConnectorGen" class comments. This would typically be "property" PHPDoc
     * declarations for __get and __set properties declared in the class.
     * @param QCodeGenBase $objCodeGen
     * @param QSqlTable $objTable
     * @return string
    public function DataListConnectorComments(QCodeGenBase $objCodeGen, QSqlTable $objTable) {
        $strCode = <<<TMPL
 * @property QQCondition     \$Condition Any condition to use during binding
 * @property QQClauses         \$Clauses Any clauses to use during binding

        return $strCode;

     * The main entry point for generating all the "ConnectorGen" code that defines the generated list connector
     * in the generated/connector_base directory.
     * @param QCodeGenBase $objCodeGen
     * @param QSqlTable $objTable
    public function DataListConnector(QCodeGenBase $objCodeGen, QSqlTable $objTable) {
        $strCode = $this->DataListMembers($objCodeGen, $objTable);
        $strCode .= $this->DataListConstructor($objCodeGen, $objTable);
        $strCode .= $this->DataListCreatePaginator($objCodeGen, $objTable);
        $strCode .= $this->DataListCreateColumns($objCodeGen, $objTable);
        $strCode .= $this->DataListDataBinder($objCodeGen, $objTable);
        $strCode .= $this->DataListGet($objCodeGen, $objTable);
        $strCode .= $this->DataListSet($objCodeGen, $objTable);

        return $strCode;

     * Generate the member variables for the "ConnectorGen" class.
     * @param QCodeGenBase $objCodeGen
     * @param QSqlTable $objTable
     * @return string
    protected function DataListMembers(QCodeGenBase $objCodeGen, QSqlTable $objTable) {
        $strCode = <<<TMPL
     * @var null|QQCondition    Condition to use to filter the list.
     * @access protected
    protected \$objCondition;

     * @var null|QQClause[]        Clauses to attach to the query.
     * @access protected
    protected \$objClauses;

        $strCode .= $this->DataListColumnDeclarations($objCodeGen, $objTable);
        return $strCode;

     * Generate member variables for the columns that will be created later. This implementation makes the columns
     * public so that classes can easily manipulate the columns further after construction.
     * @param QCodeGenBase $objCodeGen
     * @param QSqlTable $objTable
     * @return string
     * @throws Exception
    protected function DataListColumnDeclarations(QCodeGenBase $objCodeGen, QSqlTable $objTable) {

        $strCode = <<<TMPL
    // Publicly accessible columns that allow parent controls to directly manipulate them after creation.

        foreach ($objTable->ColumnArray as $objColumn) {
            if (isset($objColumn->Options['FormGen']) && ($objColumn->Options['FormGen'] == QFormGen::None)) continue;
            if (isset($objColumn->Options['NoColumn']) && $objColumn->Options['NoColumn']) continue;
            $strColVarName = 'col' . $objCodeGen->ModelConnectorPropertyName($objColumn);
            $strCode .= <<<TMPL
    /** @var QHtmlTableNodeColumn */
    public \${$strColVarName};


        foreach ($objTable->ReverseReferenceArray as $objReverseReference) {
            $strColVarName = 'col' . $objReverseReference->ObjectDescription;

            if ($objReverseReference->Unique) {
                $strCode .= <<<TMPL
    /** @var QHtmlTableNodeColumn {$strColVarName} */
    public \${$strColVarName};

        $strCode .= "\n";
        return $strCode;

     * Generate a constructor for a subclass of itself.
     * @param QCodeGenBase $objCodeGen
     * @param QSqlTable $objTable
    protected function DataListConstructor(QCodeGenBase $objCodeGen, QSqlTable $objTable) {
        $strClassName = $this->GetControlClass();

        $strCode = <<<TMPL

     * {$strClassName} constructor. The default creates a paginator, sets a default data binder, and sets the grid up
     * watch the data. Columns are set up by the parent control. Feel free to override the constructor to do things differently.
     * @param QControl|QForm \$objParent
     * @param null|string \$strControlId
    public function __construct(\$objParent, \$strControlId = false) {
        parent::__construct(\$objParent, \$strControlId);
        \$this->SetDataBinder('BindData', \$this);

        return $strCode;

     * @param QCodeGenBase $objCodeGen
     * @param QSqlTable $objTable
     * @return string
    public function DataListCreatePaginator(QCodeGenBase $objCodeGen, QSqlTable $objTable)
        $strCode = <<<TMPL
     * Creates the paginator. Override to add an additional paginator, or to remove it.
    protected function CreatePaginator() {
        \$this->Paginator = new QPaginator(\$this);
        \$this->ItemsPerPage = __FORM_LIST_ITEMS_PER_PAGE__;

        return $strCode;

     * Creates the columns as part of the datagrid subclass.
     * @param QCodeGenBase $objCodeGen
     * @param QSqlTable $objTable
     * @return string
     * @throws Exception
    public function DataListCreateColumns(QCodeGenBase $objCodeGen, QSqlTable $objTable)
        $strVarName = $objCodeGen->DataListVarName($objTable);

        $strCode = <<<TMPL
     * Creates the columns for the table. Override to customize, or use the ModelConnectorEditor to turn on and off 
     * individual columns. This is a public function and called by the parent control.
    public function CreateColumns() {


        foreach ($objTable->ColumnArray as $objColumn) {
            if (isset($objColumn->Options['FormGen']) && ($objColumn->Options['FormGen'] == QFormGen::None)) continue;
            if (isset($objColumn->Options['NoColumn']) && $objColumn->Options['NoColumn']) continue;

            $strCode .= <<<TMPL
        \$this->col{$objCodeGen->ModelConnectorPropertyName($objColumn)} = \$this->CreateNodeColumn("{$objCodeGen->ModelConnectorControlName($objColumn)}", QQN::{$objTable->ClassName}()->{$objCodeGen->ModelConnectorPropertyName($objColumn)});



        foreach ($objTable->ReverseReferenceArray as $objReverseReference) {
            if ($objReverseReference->Unique) {
                $strCode .= <<<TMPL
        \$this->col{$objReverseReference->ObjectDescription} = \$this->CreateNodeColumn("{$objCodeGen->ModelConnectorControlName($objReverseReference)}", QQN::{$objTable->ClassName}()->{$objReverseReference->ObjectDescription});


        $strCode .= <<<TMPL


        return $strCode;

     * Generates a data binder that can be called from the parent control, or called directly by this control.
     * @param QCodeGenBase $objCodeGen
     * @param QSqlTable $objTable
     * @return string
    protected function DataListDataBinder(QCodeGenBase $objCodeGen, QSqlTable $objTable) {
        $strObjectType = $objTable->ClassName;
        $strCode = <<<TMPL
    * Called by the framework to access the data for the control and load it into the table. By default, this function will be
    * the data binder for the control, with no additional conditions or clauses. To change what data is displayed in the list,
    * you have many options:
    * - Override this method in the Connector.
    * - Set ->Condition and ->Clauses properties for semi-permanent conditions and clauses
    * - Override the GetCondition and GetClauses methods in the Connector.
    * - For situations where the data might change every time you draw, like if the data is filtered by other controls,
    *   you should call SetDataBinder after the parent creates this control, and in your custom data binder, call this function,
    *   passing in the conditions and clauses you want this data binder to use.
    *    This binder will automatically add the orderby and limit clauses from the paginator, if present.
    public function BindData(\$objAdditionalCondition = null, \$objAdditionalClauses = null) {
        \$objCondition = \$this->GetCondition(\$objAdditionalCondition);
        \$objClauses = \$this->GetClauses(\$objAdditionalClauses);

        if (\$this->Paginator) {
            \$this->TotalItemCount = {$strObjectType}::QueryCount(\$objCondition, \$objClauses);

        // If a column is selected to be sorted, and if that column has a OrderByClause set on it, then let's add
        // the OrderByClause to the \$objClauses array
        if (\$objClause = \$this->OrderByClause) {
            \$objClauses[] = \$objClause;

        // Add the LimitClause information, as well
        if (\$objClause = \$this->LimitClause) {
            \$objClauses[] = \$objClause;

        \$this->DataSource = {$strObjectType}::QueryArray(\$objCondition, \$objClauses);


        $strCode .= $this->DataListGetCondition($objCodeGen, $objTable);
        $strCode .= $this->DataListGetClauses($objCodeGen, $objTable);

        return $strCode;

     * @param QCodeGenBase $objCodeGen
     * @param QSqlTable $objTable
     * @return string
    protected function DataListGetCondition(QCodeGenBase $objCodeGen, QSqlTable $objTable)
        $strCode = <<<TMPL
     * Returns the condition to use when querying the data. Default is to return the condition put in the local
     * objCondition member variable. You can also override this to return a condition. 
     * @return QQCondition
    protected function GetCondition(\$objAdditionalCondition = null) {
        // Get passed in condition, possibly coming from subclass or enclosing control or form
        \$objCondition = \$objAdditionalCondition;
        if (!\$objCondition) {
            \$objCondition = QQ::All();
        // Get condition more permanently bound
        if (\$this->objCondition) {
            \$objCondition = QQ::AndCondition(\$objCondition, \$this->objCondition);

        return \$objCondition;

        return $strCode;

     * @param QCodeGenBase $objCodeGen
     * @param QSqlTable $objTable
     * @return string
    protected function DataListGetClauses(QCodeGenBase $objCodeGen, QSqlTable $objTable) {
        $strCode = <<<TMPL
     * Returns the clauses to use when querying the data. Default is to return the clauses put in the local
     * objClauses member variable. You can also override this to return clauses.
     * @return QQClause[]
    protected function GetClauses(\$objAdditionalClauses = null) {
        \$objClauses = \$objAdditionalClauses;
        if (!\$objClauses) {
            \$objClauses = [];
        if (\$this->objClauses) {
            \$objClauses = array_merge(\$objClauses, \$this->objClauses);

        return \$objClauses;

        return $strCode;

     * @param QCodeGenBase $objCodeGen
     * @param QSqlTable $objTable
     * @return string
    protected function DataListGet(QCodeGenBase $objCodeGen, QSqlTable $objTable) {
        $strCode = <<<TMPL
     * This will get the value of \$strName
     * @param string \$strName Name of the property to get
     * @return mixed
    public function __get(\$strName) {
        switch (\$strName) {
            case 'Condition':
                return \$this->objCondition;
            case 'Clauses':
                return \$this->objClauses;
                try {
                    return parent::__get(\$strName);
                } catch (QCallerException \$objExc) {
                    throw \$objExc;

        return $strCode;

     * @param QCodeGenBase $objCodeGen
     * @param QSqlTable $objTable
     * @return string
    protected function DataListSet(QCodeGenBase $objCodeGen, QSqlTable $objTable) {
        $strCode = <<<TMPL
     * This will set the property \$strName to be \$mixValue
     * @param string \$strName Name of the property to set
     * @param string \$mixValue New value of the property
     * @return mixed
    public function __set(\$strName, \$mixValue) {
        switch (\$strName) {
            case 'Condition':
                try {
                    \$this->objCondition = QType::Cast(\$mixValue, 'QQCondition');
                } catch (QCallerException \$objExc) {
                    throw \$objExc;
            case 'Clauses':
                try {
                    \$this->objClauses = QType::Cast(\$mixValue, QType::ArrayType);
                } catch (QCallerException \$objExc) {
                    throw \$objExc;
                try {
                    parent::__set(\$strName, \$mixValue);
                } catch (QCallerException \$objExc) {
                    throw \$objExc;

        return $strCode;

     * Parent Gen
     * The following functions generate code that is to be used by the parent object to instantiate and initialize this object.

     * Return true if the data list has its own build-in filter. False will mean that a filter field will be created
     * by default. This is still controllable by the model connector.
     * @return bool
    public function DataListHasFilter() {
        return false;

     * Returns the code that creates the list object. This would be embedded in the pane
     * or form that is using the list object.
     * @param QSqlTable $objTable
     * @return mixed
    public function DataListInstantiate(QCodeGenBase $objCodeGen, QSqlTable $objTable)
        $strVarName = $objCodeGen->DataListVarName($objTable);

        $strCode = <<<TMPL

        return $strCode;

     * Generate the code that refreshes the control after a change in the filter. The default redraws the entire control.
     * If your control can refresh just a part of itself, insert that code here.
     * @param QCodeGenBase $objCodeGen
     * @param QSqlTable $objTable
    public function DataListRefresh(QCodeGenBase $objCodeGen, QSqlTable $objTable) {
        $strVarName = $objCodeGen->DataListVarName($objTable);
        $strCode = <<<TMPL

        return $strCode;


     * Generate additional methods for the enclosing control to interact with this generated control.
     * @param QCodeGenBase $objCodeGen
     * @param QSqlTable $objTable
     * @return string
    public function DataListHelperMethods(QCodeGenBase $objCodeGen, QSqlTable $objTable) {
        $strCode = $this->DataListParentCreate($objCodeGen, $objTable);
        $strCode .= $this->DataListParentCreateColumns($objCodeGen, $objTable);
        $strCode .= $this->DataListParentMakeEditable($objCodeGen, $objTable);
        $strCode .= $this->DataListGetRowParams($objCodeGen, $objTable);

        return $strCode;

     * Generates code for the enclosing control to create this control.
     * @param QCodeGenBase $objCodeGen
     * @param QSqlTable $objTable
     * @return string
    protected function DataListParentCreate(QCodeGenBase $objCodeGen, QSqlTable $objTable)
        $strPropertyName = $objCodeGen->DataListPropertyName($objTable);
        $strVarName = $objCodeGen->DataListVarName($objTable);

        $strCode = <<<TMPL
    * Creates the data grid and prepares it to be row clickable. Override for additional creation operations.
    protected function {$strVarName}_Create() {
        \$this->{$strVarName} = new {$strPropertyName}List(\$this);
        \$this->{$strVarName}->RowParamsCallback = [\$this, "{$strVarName}_GetRowParams"];


        if (($o = $objTable->Options) && isset ($o['Name'])) { // Did developer default?
            $strCode .= <<<TMPL
        \$this->{$strVarName}->Name = "{$o['Name']}";


        // Add options coming from the config file, including the LinkedNode
        $strCode .= $this->ConnectorCreateOptions($objCodeGen, $objTable, null, $strVarName);

        $strCode .= <<<TMPL

        return $strCode;

     * Generates a function to add columns to the list.
     * @param QCodeGenBase $objCodeGen
     * @param QSqlTable $objTable
     * @return string
    protected function DataListParentCreateColumns(QCodeGenBase $objCodeGen, QSqlTable $objTable) {
        $strVarName = $objCodeGen->DataListVarName($objTable);

        $strCode = <<<TMPL

    * Calls the list connector to add the columns. Override to customize column creation.
    protected function {$strVarName}_CreateColumns() {


        return $strCode;


     * Generates a typical action to respond to row clicks.
     * @param QCodeGenBase $objCodeGen
     * @param QSqlTable $objTable
     * @return string
    protected function DataListParentMakeEditable(QCodeGenBase $objCodeGen, QSqlTable $objTable) {
        $strVarName = $objCodeGen->DataListVarName($objTable);

        $strCode = <<<TMPL

    protected function {$strVarName}_MakeEditable() {
        \$this->{$strVarName}->AddAction(new QCellClickEvent(0, null, null, true), new QAjaxControlAction(\$this, '{$strVarName}_CellClick', null, null, QCellClickEvent::RowValue));

    protected function {$strVarName}_CellClick(\$strFormId, \$strControlId, \$strParameter) {
        if (\$strParameter) {


        return $strCode;

     * Generates the row param callback that will enable row clicks to know what row was clicked on.
     * @param QCodeGenBase $objCodeGen
     * @param QSqlTable $objTable
     * @return string
    protected function DataListGetRowParams(QCodeGenBase $objCodeGen, QSqlTable $objTable) {
        $strVarName = $objCodeGen->DataListVarName($objTable);

        $strCode = <<<TMPL
    public function {$strVarName}_GetRowParams(\$objRowObject, \$intRowIndex) {
        \$strKey = \$objRowObject->PrimaryKey();
        \$params['data-value'] = \$strKey;
        return \$params;

        return $strCode;


     * Parent SUBCLASS
     * Generator code for the parent subclass. The subclass is a first-time generation only.

     * Generates an alternate create columns function that could be used by the list panel to create the columns directly.
     * This is designed to be added as commented out code in the list panel override class that the user can choose to use.
     * @param QCodeGenBase $objCodeGen
     * @param QSqlTable $objTable
     * @return string
    public function DataListSubclassOverrides(QCodeGenBase $objCodeGen, QSqlTable $objTable) {
        $strVarName = $objCodeGen->DataListVarName($objTable);
        $strPropertyName = QCodeGen::DataListPropertyName($objTable);

        $strCode = <<<TMPL
     Uncomment this block to directly create the columns here, rather than creating them in the {$strPropertyName}List connector.
     You can then modify the column creation process by editing the function below. Or, you can instead call the parent function 
     and modify the columns after the {$strPropertyName}List creates the default columns.

    protected function {$strVarName}_CreateColumns() {


        foreach ($objTable->ColumnArray as $objColumn) {
            if (isset($objColumn->Options['FormGen']) && ($objColumn->Options['FormGen'] == QFormGen::None)) continue;
            if (isset($objColumn->Options['NoColumn']) && $objColumn->Options['NoColumn']) continue;

            $strCode .= <<<TMPL
        \$col = \$this->{$strVarName}->CreateNodeColumn("{$objCodeGen->ModelConnectorControlName($objColumn)}", QQN::{$objTable->ClassName}()->{$objCodeGen->ModelConnectorPropertyName($objColumn)});



        foreach ($objTable->ReverseReferenceArray as $objReverseReference) {
            if ($objReverseReference->Unique) {
                $strCode .= <<<TMPL
        \$col = \$this->{$strVarName}->CreateNodeColumn("{$objCodeGen->ModelConnectorControlName($objReverseReference)}", QQN::{$objTable->ClassName}()->{$objReverseReference->ObjectDescription});


        $strCode .= <<<TMPL



        $strCode .= <<<TMPL
     Uncomment this block to use an Edit column instead of clicking on a highlighted row in order to edit an item.

        protected \$pxyEditRow;

        protected function {$strVarName}_MakeEditable () {
            \$this->>pxyEditRow = new QControlProxy(\$this);
            \$this->>pxyEditRow->AddAction(new QClickEvent(), new QAjaxControlAction(\$this, '{$strVarName}_EditClick'));
            \$this->{$strVarName}->CreateLinkColumn(QApplication::Translate('Edit'), QApplication::Translate('Edit'), \$this->>pxyEditRow, QQN::{$objTable->ClassName}()->Id, null, false, 0);

        protected function {$strVarName}_EditClick(\$strFormId, \$strControlId, \$param) {


        return $strCode;
