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<?php foreach ($objTable->ColumnArray as $objColumn) { ?>
    $strConstName = strtoupper($objColumn->Name);    // Produce an uppercase name in the PHP const style
         * Protected member variable that maps to the database <?php if ($objColumn->PrimaryKey) print 'PK '; ?><?php if ($objColumn->Identity) print 'Identity '; ?>column <?= $objTable->Name ?>.<?= $objColumn->Name ?>

<?php if ($objColumn->Comment) { ?>         * <?= $objColumn->Comment ?>
<?php } ?>
         * @var <?= $objColumn->VariableType ?> <?= $objColumn->VariableName ?>

<?php if ($objCodeGen->PrivateColumnVars) { ?>
        private $<?= $objColumn->VariableName ?>;
<?php } else { ?>
        protected $<?= $objColumn->VariableName ?>;
<?php   } ?>
<?php if (($objColumn->VariableType == QType::String) && (is_numeric($objColumn->Length))) { ?>
        const <?= $objColumn->PropertyName ?>MaxLength = <?= $objColumn->Length ?>;
<?php } ?>

        const <?= $objColumn->PropertyName ?>Default = <?php
    if (is_null($objColumn->Default)) {
        print 'null';
    elseif ($objColumn->Default === 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP') {
        print 'QDateTime::Now';
    elseif (strtoupper($objColumn->Default) === 'TRUE' || (
            is_numeric($objColumn->Default) &&
            $objColumn->Default == 1 &&
            $objColumn->DbType == QDatabaseFieldType::Bit)
        ) {
        print 'true';
    elseif (strtoupper($objColumn->Default) === 'FALSE' || (
            is_numeric($objColumn->Default) &&
            $objColumn->Default == 0 &&
            $objColumn->DbType == QDatabaseFieldType::Bit)
    ) {
        print 'false';
    elseif (is_numeric($objColumn->Default)) {
        print $objColumn->Default;
    else {
        print "'" . addslashes($objColumn->Default) . "'";
        const <?= $strConstName ?>_FIELD = '<?= addslashes($objColumn->Name) ?>';

<?php if ((!$objColumn->Identity) && ($objColumn->PrimaryKey)) { ?>

         * Protected internal member variable that stores the original version of the PK column value (if restored)
         * Used by Save() to update a PK column during UPDATE and Reload() to reload the PK.
         * @var <?= $objColumn->VariableType ?> __<?= $objColumn->VariableName ?>;
        protected $__<?= $objColumn->VariableName ?>;
<?php } ?>

<?php } ?>
<?php foreach ($objTable->ManyToManyReferenceArray as $objReference) { ?>
        $objAssociatedTable = $objCodeGen->GetTable($objReference->AssociatedTable);
        if (is_a($objAssociatedTable, 'QTypeTable')) {
         * Protected member variable that stores a <?= $objReference->VariableType ?> id,
         * if this <?= $objTable->ClassName ?> object was restored with
         * an expansion on the <?= $objReference->Table ?> association table.
         * @var integer _int<?= $objReference->ObjectDescription ?>;
        protected $_int<?= $objReference->ObjectDescription ?>;

         * Protected member variable that stores an array of <?= $objReference->VariableType ?> ids,
         * if this <?= $objTable->ClassName ?> object was restored with
         * an ExpandAsArray on the <?= $objReference->ObjectDescription ?> association table.
         * @var integer[] _int<?= $objReference->ObjectDescription ?>Array;
        protected $_int<?= $objReference->ObjectDescription ?>Array = null;

<?php     } else { ?>
         * Protected member variable that stores a reference to a single <?= $objReference->ObjectDescription ?> object
         * (of type <?= $objReference->VariableType ?>), if this <?= $objTable->ClassName ?> object was restored with
         * an expansion on the <?= $objReference->Table ?> association table.
         * @var <?= $objReference->VariableType ?> _obj<?= $objReference->ObjectDescription ?>;
        protected $_obj<?= $objReference->ObjectDescription ?>;

         * Protected member variable that stores a reference to an array of <?= $objReference->ObjectDescription ?> objects
         * (of type <?= $objReference->VariableType ?>[]), if this <?= $objTable->ClassName ?> object was restored with
         * an ExpandAsArray on the <?= $objReference->Table ?> association table.
         * @var <?= $objReference->VariableType ?>[] _obj<?= $objReference->ObjectDescription ?>Array;
        protected $_obj<?= $objReference->ObjectDescription ?>Array = null;
<?php     } ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php foreach ($objTable->ReverseReferenceArray as $objReference) { ?><?php if (!$objReference->Unique) { ?>
         * Protected member variable that stores a reference to a single <?= $objReference->ObjectDescription ?> object
         * (of type <?= $objReference->VariableType ?>), if this <?= $objTable->ClassName ?> object was restored with
         * an expansion on the <?= $objReference->Table ?> association table.
         * @var <?= $objReference->VariableType ?> _obj<?= $objReference->ObjectDescription ?>;
        protected $_obj<?= $objReference->ObjectDescription ?>;

         * Protected member variable that stores a reference to an array of <?= $objReference->ObjectDescription ?> objects
         * (of type <?= $objReference->VariableType ?>[]), if this <?= $objTable->ClassName ?> object was restored with
         * an ExpandAsArray on the <?= $objReference->Table ?> association table.
         * @var <?= $objReference->VariableType ?>[] _obj<?= $objReference->ObjectDescription ?>Array;
        protected $_obj<?= $objReference->ObjectDescription ?>Array = null;

<?php } ?><?php } ?>
         * Protected array of virtual attributes for this object (e.g. extra/other calculated and/or non-object bound
         * columns from the run-time database query result for this object).  Used by InstantiateDbRow and
         * GetVirtualAttribute.
         * @var string[] $__strVirtualAttributeArray
        protected $__strVirtualAttributeArray = array();

         * Protected internal member variable that specifies whether or not this object is Restored from the database.
         * Used by Save() to determine if Save() should perform a db UPDATE or INSERT.
         * @var bool __blnRestored;
        protected $__blnRestored;

         * Protected internal array that records which fields are dirty.
         * Used by Save() to optimize the Update or Insert function.
         * @var bool[] __blnDirty;
        private $__blnDirty;

         * Protected internal array that records which fields are valid.
         * Used by getters to prevent accidentally reading data that was not taken from the database.
         * @var bool[] __blnDirty;
        private $__blnValid;