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1 wk
Test Coverage
 * EXPERIMENTAL Informix database driver, based on PDO. 
 * 04/18/2010 BG NonQuery new, because Query-String contans to much  "  
 * 04/18/2010 BG mostly working 
 * 04/16/2010 BG start to change  
 * Known bugs
 * 04/18/2010 BG numbers / dates not working with german setting (DMY4.), only US/english with (DBDATA / DBMONEY) 
 * programming completly based on
 * - generic PDO adapter    (Marcos Sanchez)  --> unchanged base 
 * - PostgreSql PDO adapater (Marcos Sanchez)  --> base of this file 
 * - InformixSql adapter (PHP-ifx_xxx   functions ) Josue Balbuena --> copied SQLs and some PHP-Lines 
 * the old Postgres-Code remains, but commented
 * the copies from the InformixSql is signed 
/** BG
 * Definition of the Informix PDO-Connection 
            define('DB_CONNECTION_1', serialize(array(
                'adapter'   => 'InformixPDO',
                'host'      => 'maxdata',     // IP of the Computer (Informix naming) 
                'server'    => 'maxdata',     // Informix-Server    (Informix-naming)
                'service'   =>  9088,         // same as port       (Informix-naming)
                'protocol'  => 'onsoctcp',    // Informix Special: 
                'database'  => 'festival',
                'username'  => 'prinzBernhard',
                'password'  => 'eisenherz',
                'profiling' => false)));
        Additionally, the following two constants MUST be defined 
        to the special needs of the actual server 
                define(__INFORMIX_TRANSLATION__, "/home/informix/lib/esql/igo4a304.so"); 
                define(__INFORMIX_DRIVER__, "/home/informix/lib/cli/libifdmr.so");        

/** BG 
 * aprox Line 105 Informix-Libs must be adapted to the actual need at the Informix-Server    

 * mainly based on: PDO_PGSQL database driver
 * @author Marcos S�nchez [marcosdsanchez at thinkclear dot com dot ar]
 * EXPERIMENTAL Informix database driver bases (via copy) on this work: 
 * Copyright (C) 2009
 * Josue Balbuena - Ajusco Technology Developers, S.C. <josue.balbuena@gmail.com>
 * Database Adapter for Informix SQL Server
 * Utilizes the Informix extension : ESQL/C is now part of the Informix Client SDK
 * @author BG = Bernhard Gramberg [qcubed@gramberg.de]
 * @package DatabaseAdapters
class QInformixPdoDatabase extends QPdoDatabase {
        const Adapter = 'Informix PDO Database Adapter';
        const PDO_INFORMXIX_DSN_IDENTIFIER = 'informix'; // BG needed ?  

        public function Connect() {
                // Lookup Adapter-Specific Connection Properties
                // $strDsn = sprintf("%s:host=%s;dbname=%s;port=%s",QInformixPdoDatabase::PDO_PGSQL_DSN_IDENTIFIER, $this->Server, $this->Database, $this->Port);

                $strDsn = $this->getInformixPdoDsn($this->Database, $this->Host, $this->Server, $this->Service, $this->Protocol); // BG 
                // Connect to the Database Server
                try {
                        $this->objPdo = new PDO($strDsn, $this->Username, $this->Password);
                } catch (PDOException $expPgSql) {
                        throw new QInformixDatabaseException(sprintf("Unable to connect to Database: %s",$expPgSql->getMessage()), -1, null);
                // BG Informix specific PDO setting 
                $this->objPdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_WARNING); // BG get some warnings as well
                $this->objPdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_CASE, PDO::CASE_LOWER);         // BG downshift letters in fields: ABC -> abc
                // Update Connected Flag
                $this->blnConnectedFlag = true;

        public function Close()

            // Update Connected Flag
            $this->blnConnectedFlag = false;

        function getInformixPdoDsn($database, $host, $server, $service, $protocol) {
                /** Informix naming convention:
                 * host     = IP-Adresse of the Server, where the Informix-Server is running
                 * server   = Internal Informix-Name of the Informix-Instance 
                 * service  = Port, where Informix is listening 
                 * protocol = like ONSOCTCP, informix specific protocols 
                // build PDO-dsn-String 
                $scroll = "EnableScrollableCursors=1"; // Scroll-Cursor an machen
                $dsn = "informix:host=$host;service=$service;";
                $dsn .= "database=$database;protocol=$protocol;server=$server;$scroll;;";
                $dsn .= "TRANSLATIONDLL=" . __INFORMIX_TRANSLATION__ . ";Driver=" . __INFORMIX_DRIVER__ . ";;";
                return $dsn;

        public function SqlVariable($mixData, $blnIncludeEquality = false, $blnReverseEquality = false) {
                // Are we SqlVariabling a BOOLEAN value?
                if (is_bool($mixData)) {
                        // Yes
                        if ($blnIncludeEquality) {
                                // We must include the inequality

                                if ($blnReverseEquality) {
                                        // Do a "Reverse Equality"

                                        // Check against NULL, True then False
                                        if (is_null($mixData))
                                                return 'IS NOT NULL';
                                        else if ($mixData)
                                                return "= '0'";
                                                return "!= '0'";
                                } else {
                                        // Check against NULL, True then False
                                        if (is_null($mixData))
                                                return 'IS NULL';
                                        else if ($mixData)
                                                return "!= '0'";
                                                return "= '0'";
                        } else {
                                // Check against NULL, True then False
                                if (is_null($mixData))
                                        return 'NULL';
                                else if ($mixData)
                                        return "'1'";
                                        return "'0'";

                // Check for Equality Inclusion
                if ($blnIncludeEquality) {
                        if ($blnReverseEquality) {
                                if (is_null($mixData))
                                        $strToReturn = 'IS NOT ';
                                        $strToReturn = '!= ';
                        } else {
                                if (is_null($mixData))
                                        $strToReturn = 'IS ';
                                        $strToReturn = '= ';
                } else
                        $strToReturn = '';

                // Check for NULL Value
                if (is_null($mixData))
                        return $strToReturn . 'NULL';

                // Check for NUMERIC Value
                if (is_integer($mixData) || is_float($mixData))
                        return $strToReturn . sprintf('%s', $mixData);

                // Check for DATE Value
                if ($mixData instanceof QDateTime) {
                        if ($mixData->IsTimeNull())
                                return $strToReturn . sprintf("'%s'", $mixData->__toString('YYYY-MM-DD'));
                                return $strToReturn . sprintf("'%s'", $mixData->__toString(QDateTime::FormatIso));

                // Assume it's some kind of string value
                return $strToReturn . sprintf("'%s'", addslashes($mixData));

        public function SqlLimitVariableSuffix($strLimitInfo) {
                // BG changed, in the ifx-adapter, LIMIt is via Prefix 
                // Informix uses Limit by prefix (via a LIMIT clause)
                return null;

        public function SqlLimitVariablePrefix($strLimitInfo) {
                // Setup limit suffix (if applicable) via a LIMIT clause
                if (strlen($strLimitInfo)) {
                        if (strpos($strLimitInfo, ';') !== false)
                                throw new Exception('Invalid Semicolon in LIMIT Info');
                        if (strpos($strLimitInfo, '`') !== false)
                                throw new Exception('Invalid Backtick in LIMIT Info');

                        // First figure out if we HAVE an offset
                        $strArray = explode(',', $strLimitInfo);

                        if (count($strArray) == 2) {
                                // Yep -- there's an offset
                                // 04/18/2010  BG   LIMIT OFFSET --> SKIP LIMIT  
                                return sprintf('SKIP %s LIMIT %s ', $strArray[1], $strArray[0]);
                        } else if (count($strArray) == 1) {
                                return sprintf('LIMIT %s', $strArray[0]);
                        } else {
                                throw new QInformixDatabaseException('Invalid Limit Info: ' . $strLimitInfo, 0, null);

                return null;

        public function SqlSortByVariable($strSortByInfo) {
                // Setup sorting information (if applicable) via a ORDER BY clause
                if (strlen($strSortByInfo)) {
                        if (strpos($strSortByInfo, ';') !== false)
                                throw new Exception('Invalid Semicolon in ORDER BY Info');
                        if (strpos($strSortByInfo, '`') !== false)
                                throw new Exception('Invalid Backtick in ORDER BY Info');

                        return "ORDER BY $strSortByInfo";

                return null;

        public function GetTables() {
            // Postgres / $objResult = $this->Query("SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = current_schema() ORDER BY TABLE_NAME ASC");
            // BG copy fom  InformixSql  
            $objResult = $this->Query(
                "SELECT tabname FROM systables 
                         WHERE tabname NOT LIKE 'sys%' 
                             AND tabname NOT LIKE ' GL_%' 
                             AND tabname NOT LIKE ' VERSION'
                 ORDER BY tabname ASC"
            $strToReturn = array();
            while ($strRowArray = $objResult->FetchRow())
                    array_push($strToReturn, $strRowArray[0]);
            return $strToReturn;
        // BG New, modified Copy of InformixSql 
        public function GetTableForId($intTableId) {
            $intTableId = $this->SqlVariable($intTableId);
            $strQuery = sprintf('
                    SELECT tabname
                    FROM systables
                    WHERE tabid = %s
                ', $intTableId);
            $objResult = $this->Query($strQuery);
            // $objRow = $objResult->FetchRow(); /ifx 
            $objRow = $objResult->GetNextRow();  // BG changed 
                    // print ("$strQuery <br> ") ;  // BG Testing 
                    // print_r( $objRow) ;          // BG Testing 
            return $objRow->GetColumn('tabname');  // BG Changed to PDO access 
        public function GetFieldsForTable($strTableName) {
                $strTableName = $this->SqlVariable($strTableName);
                /** Postgres 
                 *         $strQuery = sprintf('
                 *                 SELECT
                 *                     table_name,
                 *                     column_name,
                 *                     ordinal_position,
                 *                     column_default,
                 *                     is_nullable,
                 *                     data_type,
                 *                     character_maximum_length,
                 *                     (pg_get_serial_sequence(table_name,column_name) IS NOT NULL) AS is_serial
                 *                 FROM
                 *                     INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS
                 *                 WHERE
                 *                     table_schema = current_schema()
                 *                 AND
                 *                     table_name = %s
                 *                 ORDER BY ordinal_position
                 *             ', $strTableName);
                // BG copy from InformixSql 
                $strQuery = sprintf('
                SELECT syscolumns.*
                    FROM syscolumns,    systables
                 WHERE systables.tabname = %s    
                                     AND systables.tabid = syscolumns.tabid
                ORDER BY colno ASC ', 
                $objResult = $this->Query($strQuery);

                $objFields = array();

                while ($objRow = $objResult->GetNextRow()) {
                        array_push($objFields, new QInformixPdoDatabaseField($objRow, $this));

                return $objFields;

        public function InsertId($strTableName = null, $strColumnName = null) {
                /** Postgres 
                 *         $strQuery = sprintf('
                 *                 SELECT currval(pg_get_serial_sequence(%s, %s))
                 *             ', $this->SqlVariable($strTableName), $this->SqlVariable($strColumnName));
                 *         $objResult = $this->Query($strQuery);
                 *         $objRow = $objResult->FetchRow();
                 *         return $objRow[0];
                 return $this->lastId; // BG ???? Correct ? 

        private function ParseColumnNameArrayFromKeyDefinition($strKeyDefinition) {
                $strKeyDefinition = trim($strKeyDefinition);

                // Get rid of the opening "(" and the closing ")"
                $intPosition = strpos($strKeyDefinition, '(');
                if ($intPosition === false)
                        throw new Exception("Invalid Key Definition: $strKeyDefinition");
                $strKeyDefinition = trim(substr($strKeyDefinition, $intPosition + 1));

                $intPosition = strpos($strKeyDefinition, ')');
                if ($intPosition === false)
                        throw new Exception("Invalid Key Definition: $strKeyDefinition");
                $strKeyDefinition = trim(substr($strKeyDefinition, 0, $intPosition));
                $strKeyDefinition = str_replace(" ","",$strKeyDefinition);

                // Create the Array
                // TODO: Current method doesn't support key names with commas or parenthesis in them!
                $strToReturn = explode(',', $strKeyDefinition);

                // Take out trailing and leading '"' character in each name (if applicable)
                for ($intIndex = 0; $intIndex < count($strToReturn); $intIndex++) {
                        $strColumn = $strToReturn[$intIndex];

                        if (substr($strColumn, 0, 1) == '"')
                                $strColumn = substr($strColumn, 1, strpos($strColumn, '"', 1) - 1);

                        $strToReturn[$intIndex] = $strColumn;

                return $strToReturn;

        public function GetIndexesForTable($strTableName) {
                $objIndexArray = array();

                 *         $objResult = $this->Query(sprintf('
                 *                 SELECT
                 *                     c2.relname AS indname,
                 *                     i.indisprimary,
                 *                     i.indisunique,
                 *                     pg_catalog.pg_get_indexdef(i.indexrelid) AS inddef
                 *                 FROM
                 *                     pg_catalog.pg_class c,
                 *                     pg_catalog.pg_class c2,
                 *                     pg_catalog.pg_index i
                 *                 WHERE
                 *                     c.relname = %s
                 *                 AND
                 *                     pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid)
                 *                 AND
                 *                     c.oid = i.indrelid
                 *                 AND
                 *                     i.indexrelid = c2.oid
                 *                 ORDER BY
                 *                     c2.relname
                 *             ', $this->SqlVariable($strTableName)));
                 // BG yopy of InformixSql 
                // Query sysindexes & sysconstraints to get a list of indexes by TableId
        $strQuery = sprintf(
                                    'SELECT a.idxname, a.idxtype, a.tabid, b.constrtype, b.constrid 
                                         FROM sysindexes a, sysconstraints b, systables c 
                                        WHERE a.idxname = b.idxname 
                                            AND a.tabid = b.tabid 
                                            AND a.tabid = c.tabid 
                                            AND c.tabname = %s', $this->SqlVariable($strTableName));
        $objResult = $this->Query($strQuery); 

                while ($objRow = $objResult->GetNextRow()) {    
                        /** POstgres 
                     *             $strIndexDefinition = $objRow->GetColumn('inddef');
                     *             $strKeyName = $objRow->GetColumn('indname');
                     *             $blnPrimaryKey = $objRow->GetColumn('indisprimary');
                     *             $blnUnique = $objRow->GetColumn('indisunique');
                     *             $strColumnNameArray = $this->ParseColumnNameArrayFromKeyDefinition($strIndexDefinition);
                        // BG copy of informixSql 
                        $strKeyName = $objRow->GetColumn('idxname');
            $strIndexType = $objRow->GetColumn('idxtype');
            $intTableId = $objRow->GetColumn('tabid');
            $strConstraintType = $objRow->GetColumn('constrtype');
            $intConstraintId = $objRow->GetColumn('constrid');
                        $blnPrimaryKey = (strpos($strConstraintType, 'P') !== false);
            $blnUnique = (strpos($strIndexType, 'U') !== false);
            //$strColumnNameArray = explode(', ', $objRow->GetColumn('index_keys'));
            $strColumnNameArray = $this->GetColumnsForConstraint($intConstraintId, $intTableId);
                        // BG postgres + Informix 
                        $objIndex = new QDatabaseIndex($strKeyName, $blnPrimaryKey, $blnUnique, $strColumnNameArray);
                        array_push($objIndexArray, $objIndex);

                return $objIndexArray;
        // BG New: modified Copy of InformixSql 
        public function GetColumnsForConstraint($intConstraintId, $intTableId){
            $strColumnNameArray = array();
            $strQuery = sprintf("
                            SELECT a.constrid, b.* 
                                FROM sysconstraints a, sysindexes b 
                             WHERE a.idxname = b.idxname 
                                 AND a.tabid = b.tabid 
                                 AND a.constrid = %d 
                                 AND a.tabid = %d", 
                            $intConstraintId, $intTableId);
            $objResult = $this->Query($strQuery);
            $objRow = $objResult->GetNextRow($objResult);  // BG instead of FetchRow 
            //each column in the index is stored in a separate column Part1 thru Part16
            for($i = 1; $i <= 16; $i++){
                $intIndexColumnId = $objRow->GetColumn("part$i");
                if ($intIndexColumnId > 0) {
                    $objIndexColumn = $this->Query(sprintf(
                                                    'SELECT colname 
                                                         FROM syscolumns 
                                                         WHERE colno = %d 
                                                             AND tabid = %d', 
                                                    $intIndexColumnId, $intTableId));
                    while ($strRowArray = $objIndexColumn->GetNextRow() )   // BG        FetchRow())
                        array_push($strColumnNameArray, $strRowArray->GetColumn('colname'));
            return $strColumnNameArray;        
        public function GetForeignKeysForTable($strTableName) {
                $objForeignKeyArray = array();

                /** Postgres 
                         *         // Use Query to pull the FKs
                         *         $strQuery = sprintf('
                         *                 SELECT pc.conname,    pg_catalog.pg_get_constraintdef(pc.oid, true) AS consrc
                         *                 FROM    pg_catalog.pg_constraint pc
                         *                 WHERE    pc.conrelid =
                         *                     (SELECT    oid FROM pg_catalog.pg_class
                         *                         WHERE relname=%s
                         *                         AND relnamespace = (
                         *                                 SELECT oid FROM    pg_catalog.pg_namespace
                         *                                 WHERE nspname=current_schema()
                         *                             )
                         *                     )
                         *                 AND    pc.contype = \'f\'
                         *             ', $this->SqlVariable($strTableName));
                // BG copy of InformixSql    
                // Use Query to pull the FKs
                $strQuery = sprintf(
                        "SELECT a.constrid, a.constrname, a.tabid, b.primary pconstrid, b.ptabid, pk_tables.tabname pk_table, fk_tables.tabname fk_table
                        FROM sysconstraints a, sysreferences b, systables pk_tables, systables fk_tables
                        WHERE a.constrid = b.constrid 
                                AND b.ptabid = pk_tables.tabid 
                                AND a.tabid = fk_tables.tabid 
                                AND fk_tables.tabname = %s", 

                $objResult = $this->Query($strQuery);

                 *         while ($objRow = $objResult->GetNextRow()) {
                 *             $strKeyName = $objRow->GetColumn('conname');
                 *             // Remove leading and trailing '"' characters (if applicable)
                 *             if (substr($strKeyName, 0, 1) == '"')
                 *                 $strKeyName = substr($strKeyName, 1, strlen($strKeyName) - 2);
                 *             // By the end of the following lines, we will end up with a strTokenArray
                 *             // Index 1: the list of columns that are the foreign key
                 *             // Index 2: the table which this FK references
                 *             // Index 3: the list of columns which this FK references
                 *             $strTokenArray = split('FOREIGN KEY ', $objRow->GetColumn('consrc'));
                 *             $strTokenArray[1] = split(' REFERENCES ', $strTokenArray[1]);
                 *             $strTokenArray[2] = $strTokenArray[1][1];
                 *             $strTokenArray[1] = $strTokenArray[1][0];
                 *             $strTokenArray[2] = explode("(", $strTokenArray[2]);
                 *             $strTokenArray[3] = "(".$strTokenArray[2][1];
                 *             $strTokenArray[2] = $strTokenArray[2][0];
                 *             // Remove leading and trailing '"' characters (if applicable)
                 *             if (substr($strTokenArray[2], 0, 1) == '"')
                 *                 $strTokenArray[2] = substr($strTokenArray[2], 1, strlen($strTokenArray[2]) - 2);
                 *             $strColumnNameArray = $this->ParseColumnNameArrayFromKeyDefinition($strTokenArray[1]);
                 *             $strReferenceTableName = $strTokenArray[2];
                 *             $strReferenceColumnNameArray = $this->ParseColumnNameArrayFromKeyDefinition($strTokenArray[3]);
                 *             $objForeignKey = new QDatabaseForeignKey(
                 *                     $strKeyName,
                 *                     $strColumnNameArray,
                 *                     $strReferenceTableName,
                 *                     $strReferenceColumnNameArray);
                 *             array_push($objForeignKeyArray, $objForeignKey);
                 *         }
                 // Bg copy of InformixSql 
                $strKeyName = '';
                while ($objRow = $objResult->GetNextRow()) {
                        if ($strKeyName != $objRow->GetColumn('constrname')) {
                                if ($strKeyName) {
                                    $objForeignKey = new QDatabaseForeignKey(
                                    array_push($objForeignKeyArray, $objForeignKey);
                                $strKeyName = $objRow->GetColumn('constrname');
                                $intConstraintId = $objRow->GetColumn('constrid');
                                $intTableId = $objRow->GetColumn('tabid');
                                $strReferenceTableName = $objRow->GetColumn('pk_table');
                                $intReferenceConstraintId = $objRow->GetColumn('pconstrid');
                                $intReferenceTableId = $objRow->GetColumn('ptabid');
                                $strColumnNameArray = array();
                                $strReferenceColumnNameArray = array();
                    $strColumnNameArray = $this->GetColumnsForConstraint($intConstraintId, $intTableId); 
                    $strReferenceColumnNameArray = $this->GetColumnsForConstraint($intReferenceConstraintId, $intReferenceTableId);

                if ($strKeyName) {
                    $objForeignKey = new QDatabaseForeignKey(
                    array_push($objForeignKeyArray, $objForeignKey);

                // --- BG End of Copy 
                // Return the Array of Foreign Keys
                return $objForeignKeyArray;

        protected function ExecuteQuery($strQuery) {
                $strQuery = $this->QueryStringToInformixSyntax ($strQuery);  

                // echo "$strQuery <br>" ;
                // $objResult = $this->objPdo->query($strQuery);
                try {
                        $objResult = $this->objPdo->query($strQuery);
                } catch (PDOException $expPgSql) {
                        # throw new QInformixDatabaseException(sprintf("Unable to connect to Database: %s",$expPgSql->getMessage()), -1, null);
                            echo "Catched ERROR: $strQuery <br>" ;
                            throw new QPdoDatabaseException($this->objPdo->errorInfo(), $this->objPdo->errorCode(), $strQuery);
        if ($objResult === false)
            echo "$strQuery <br>" ;
            throw new QPdoDatabaseException($this->objPdo->errorInfo(), $this->objPdo->errorCode(), $strQuery);

                // Return the Result
                $this->objMostRecentResult = $objResult;
                $objPdoStatementDatabaseResult = new QInformixPdoDatabaseResult($objResult, $this);
                return $objPdoStatementDatabaseResult;

        // BG Copied from generic PDO-adapter, because SQL-String not comaptible with Informix (to much  " )  
        protected function ExecuteNonQuery($strNonQuery) {
                $strNonQuery = $this->QueryStringToInformixSyntax ($strNonQuery);  

                // Perform the Query
                $objResult = $this->objPdo->query($strNonQuery);
                if ($objResult === false)
                        throw new QPdoDatabaseException($this->objPdo->errorInfo(), $this->objPdo->errorCode(), $strNonQuery);
                $this->objMostRecentResult = $objResult;
        function QueryStringToInformixSyntax ( $strQuery ) {
                $strQuery = str_replace('"','',$strQuery); //
                //remove backslash from escaped characters like \" and \\
                $strQuery = stripslashes($strQuery);
                // Informix does not accept the word AS to alias a table
                $strQuery = str_replace(' AS ',' ',$strQuery);

                return $strQuery ;  
} // end of class 

 * QInformixPdoDatabaseResult: Class to handle results sent by database upon querying
class QInformixPdoDatabaseResult extends QPdoDatabaseResult {

        public function GetNextRow() {
                $strColumnArray = $this->FetchArray();

                if ($strColumnArray)
                        return new QInformixPdoDatabaseRow($strColumnArray);
                        return null;

        public function FetchFields() {
                $objArrayToReturn = array();
                while ($objField = $this->FetchColumn()) {
                        array_push($objArrayToReturn, new QInformixPdoDatabaseField($objField, $this->objDb));
                return $objArrayToReturn;

        public function FetchField() {
                if ($objField = $this->FetchColumn())
                        return new QInformixPdoDatabaseField($objField, $this->objDb);

 * QInformixPdoDatabaseRow
class QInformixPdoDatabaseRow extends QDatabaseRowBase {
        protected $strColumnArray;

        public function __construct($strColumnArray) {
                $this->strColumnArray = $strColumnArray;

         * Gets the value of a column from a result row returned by the database
         * @param string                  $strColumnName Name of te column
         * @param null|QDatabaseFieldType $strColumnType Data type
         * @return mixed
        public function GetColumn($strColumnName, $strColumnType = null) {
            if (!isset($this->strColumnArray[$strColumnName])) {
                return null;
            $strColumnValue = $this->strColumnArray[$strColumnName];
            switch ($strColumnType) {
                case QDatabaseFieldType::Bit:
                    if (!$strColumnValue) {
                        return false;
                    } else {
                        return ($strColumnValue) ? true : false;

                case QDatabaseFieldType::Blob:
                case QDatabaseFieldType::Char:
                case QDatabaseFieldType::VarChar:
                    return QType::Cast($strColumnValue, QType::String);

                case QDatabaseFieldType::Date:
                case QDatabaseFieldType::DateTime:
                case QDatabaseFieldType::Time:
                    return new QDateTime($strColumnValue);

                case QDatabaseFieldType::Float:
                    return QType::Cast($strColumnValue, QType::Float);

                case QDatabaseFieldType::Integer:
                    return QType::Cast($strColumnValue, QType::Integer);

                    return $strColumnValue;

         * Tells whether a particular column exists in a returned database row
         * @param string $strColumnName Name of te column
         * @return bool
        public function ColumnExists($strColumnName) {
            return array_key_exists($strColumnName, $this->strColumnArray);

        public function GetColumnNameArray() {
                return $this->strColumnArray;
 * QInformixPdoDatabaseField
 * BG complete copy from InformixSql 

class QInformixPdoDatabaseField extends QDatabaseFieldBase {
    public function __construct($mixFieldData, $objDb = null) {
        $objDatabaseRow = null;
        $objDatabaseRow = $mixFieldData ; // BG New 
 *         try {
 *             $objDatabaseRow = QType::Cast($mixFieldData, 'QInformixSqlDatabaseRow');
 *         } catch (InvalidCastException $objExc) {
 *         }

        if ($objDatabaseRow) {
            // Passed in field data is a row from select * from syscolumns for this table
            $intTableId = $objDatabaseRow->GetColumn('tabid');
            $this->strName = $objDatabaseRow->GetColumn('colname');
            $this->strOriginalName = $this->strName;
            $this->strTable = $objDb->GetTableForId($intTableId);
            $this->strOriginalTable = $this->strTable;
            $this->strDefault = null; /* Not Supported */
            // If the coltype contains a value greater than 256, it does not allow null values.
            $this->blnNotNull = ($objDatabaseRow->GetColumn('coltype')>=256) ? true : false;

            // Determine Primary Key
            $objResult = $objDb->Query(sprintf("
                SELECT a.constrid, a.constrname,  c.colname
                FROM sysconstraints a, sysindexes b, syscolumns c
                WHERE (a.idxname = b.idxname and b.part1 = c.colno and a.tabid = b.tabid and b.tabid = c.tabid)
                AND a.tabid = %d and a.constrtype = 'P'", $intTableId));
            while ($objRow = $objResult->GetNextRow()) {
                if ($objRow->GetColumn('colname') == $this->strName)
                $this->blnPrimaryKey = true;
            if (!$this->blnPrimaryKey)
            $this->blnPrimaryKey = false;

            // UNIQUE
            $objResult = $objDb->Query(sprintf("
                SELECT    a.idxname, a.idxtype, b.colname
                FROM sysindexes a, syscolumns b
                WHERE a.tabid = b.tabid and a.part1 = b.colno and a.part2 = 0 and a.tabid = %d", $intTableId));
            while ($objRow = $objResult->GetNextRow()) {
                if ($objRow->GetColumn('colname') == $this->strName && $objRow->GetColumn('idxtype') == 'U')
                $this->blnUnique = true;
            if (!$this->blnUnique)
            $this->blnUnique = false;

            /* Figure out Type, Maxlength and Identity by using syscolumns */

            $this->blnIdentity = false; // A serial is an identity column

            /* For each column in the tablea corresponding 'coltype' value will be given that is a numeric
            representation of the column type.

            0 = CHAR                8 = MONEY
            1 = SMALLINT           10 = DATETIME
            2 = INTEGER            11 = BYTE
            3 = FLOAT              12 = TEXT
            4 = SMALLFLOAT         13 = VARCHAR
            5 = DECIMAL            14 = INTERVAL
            6 = SERIAL             15 = NCHAR
            7 = DATE               16 = NVARCHAR


            $intColType =$objDatabaseRow->GetColumn('coltype', QDatabaseFieldType::Integer );
            $this->intMaxLength = $objDatabaseRow->GetColumn('collength', QDatabaseFieldType::Integer);
            switch (($intColType < 256) ? $intColType : $intColType - 256  ) {
                case 0: //char
                    $this->strType = QDatabaseFieldType::Char;
                case 1: //smallint
                    $this->strType = QDatabaseFieldType::Integer;
                case 2: //integer
                    $this->strType = QDatabaseFieldType::Integer;
                case 3: //float
                    $this->strType = QDatabaseFieldType::Float;
                case 4: //smallfloat
                    $this->strType = QDatabaseFieldType::Float;
                case 5: //decimal
                    $this->intMaxLength = ((($objDatabaseRow->GetColumn('collength', QDatabaseFieldType::Integer))>>8) & 0xff);
                case 6: //serial
                    $this->strType = QDatabaseFieldType::Integer;
                    $this->blnIdentity = true; //if a serial is found: this is the identity column
                case 7: //date
                    $this->strType = QDatabaseFieldType::Date;
                case 8: //money
                    $this->strType = QDatabaseFieldType::Float;
                    $this->intMaxLength = ((($objDatabaseRow->GetColumn('collength', QDatabaseFieldType::Integer))>>8) & 0xff);
                case 'bit':
                    $this->strType = QDatabaseFieldType::Bit;
                case 10: //datetime
                    $this->strType = QDatabaseFieldType::DateTime;
                case 11: //byte
                    $this->strType = QDatabaseFieldType::Integer;
                case 12: //text
                    $this->strType = QDatabaseFieldType::Blob;
                case 13: //varchar
                    $this->strType = QDatabaseFieldType::VarChar;
                    $this->intMaxLength = (($objDatabaseRow->GetColumn('collength', QDatabaseFieldType::Integer)) & 0x00ff);
                                        // BG added Q  -> QDatabsseFieldType 
                case 14: //interval
                    $this->strType = QDatabaseFieldType::Integer;
                case 15: //nchar
                    $this->strType = QDatabaseFieldType::VarChar;
                case 16: //nvarchar
                    $this->intMaxLength = (($objDatabaseRow->GetColumn('collength', QDatabaseFieldType::Integer)) & 0x00ff);
                    $this->strType = QDatabaseFieldType::VarChar;
                    throw new QInformixSqlDatabaseException('Unsupported Field Type: ' . $intColType, 0, null);
        } else {
            // Passed in fielddata is a ifx_fetch_field field result
            $this->strName = $mixFieldData->name;
            $this->strOriginalName = $mixFieldData->name;
            $this->strTable = $mixFieldData->column_source;
            $this->strOriginalTable = $mixFieldData->column_source;
            $this->intMaxLength = $mixFieldData->max_length;

/** Postgres 
 * class QInformixPdoDatabaseField extends QDatabaseFieldBase {
 *     public function __construct($mixFieldData, $objDb = null) {
 *         $this->strName = $mixFieldData->GetColumn('column_name');
 *         $this->strOriginalName = $this->strName;
 *         $this->strTable = $mixFieldData->GetColumn('table_name');
 *         $this->strOriginalTable = $this->strTable;
 *         $this->strDefault = $mixFieldData->GetColumn('column_default');
 *         $this->intMaxLength = $mixFieldData->GetColumn('character_maximum_length', QDatabaseFieldType::Integer);
 *         $this->blnNotNull = ($mixFieldData->GetColumn('is_nullable') == "NO") ? true : false;

 *         // If the first column of the table was created as SERIAL, we assume it's the identity field.
 *         // Otherwise, no identity field will be set for this table.
 *         $ordinalPos = $mixFieldData->GetColumn('ordinal_position', QDatabaseFieldType::Integer);
 *         $isSerial = $mixFieldData->GetColumn('is_serial');
 *         $this->blnIdentity = ($ordinalPos == 1 && $isSerial) ? true : false;

 *         // Determine Primary Key
 *         $objResult = $objDb->Query(sprintf('
 *                 SELECT
 *                     kcu.column_name
 *                 FROM
 *                     information_schema.table_constraints tc,
 *                     information_schema.key_column_usage kcu
 *                 WHERE
 *                     tc.table_name = %s
 *                 AND
 *                     tc.table_schema = current_schema()
 *                 AND
 *                     tc.constraint_type = \'PRIMARY KEY\'
 *                 AND
 *                     kcu.table_name = tc.table_name
 *                 AND
 *                     kcu.table_schema = tc.table_schema
 *                 AND
 *                     kcu.constraint_name = tc.constraint_name
 *             ', $objDb->SqlVariable($this->strTable)));

 *         while ($objRow = $objResult->GetNextRow()) {
 *             if ($objRow->GetColumn('column_name') == $this->strName)
 *                 $this->blnPrimaryKey = true;
 *         }

 *         if (!$this->blnPrimaryKey)
 *             $this->blnPrimaryKey = false;

 *         // UNIQUE
 *         $objResult = $objDb->Query(sprintf('
 *                 SELECT
 *                     kcu.column_name, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM information_schema.key_column_usage kcu2 WHERE kcu2.constraint_name=kcu.constraint_name ) as unique_fields
 *                 FROM
 *                     information_schema.table_constraints tc,
 *                     information_schema.key_column_usage kcu
 *                 WHERE
 *                     tc.table_name = %s
 *                 AND
 *                     tc.table_schema = current_schema()
 *                 AND
 *                     tc.constraint_type = \'UNIQUE\'
 *                 AND
 *                     kcu.table_name = tc.table_name
 *                 AND
 *                     kcu.table_schema = tc.table_schema
 *                 AND
 *                     kcu.constraint_name = tc.constraint_name
 *                 GROUP BY
 *                     kcu.constraint_name, kcu.column_name
 *             ', $objDb->SqlVariable($this->strTable)));
 *         while ($objRow = $objResult->GetNextRow()) {
 *             if ($objRow->GetColumn('column_name') == $this->strName && $objRow->GetColumn('unique_fields') == 1)
 *                 $this->blnUnique = true;
 *         }
 *         if (!$this->blnUnique)
 *             $this->blnUnique = false;

 *         // Determine Type
 *         $this->strType = $mixFieldData->GetColumn('data_type');

 *         switch ($this->strType) {
 *             case 'integer':
 *             case 'smallint':
 *                 $this->strType = QDatabaseFieldType::Integer;
 *                 break;
 *             case 'money':
 *             // NOTE: The money type is deprecated in Informix.
 *                 throw new QInformixDatabaseException('Unsupported Field Type: money.  Use numeric or decimal instead.', 0,null);
 *                 break;
 *             case 'bigint':
 *             case 'decimal':
 *             case 'numeric':
 *             case 'real':
 *             // "BIGINT" must be specified here as a float so that PHP can support it's size
 *             // http://www.Informix.org/docs/8.2/static/datatype-numeric.html
 *                 $this->strType = QDatabaseFieldType::Float;
 *                 break;
 *             case 'bit':
 *                 if ($this->intMaxLength == 1)
 *                     $this->strType = QDatabaseFieldType::Bit;
 *                 else
 *                     throw new QInformixDatabaseException('Unsupported Field Type: bit with MaxLength > 1', 0, null);
 *                 break;
 *             case 'boolean':
 *                 $this->strType = QDatabaseFieldType::Bit;
 *                 break;
 *             case 'character':
 *                 $this->strType = QDatabaseFieldType::Char;
 *                 break;
 *             case 'character varying':
 *             case 'double precision':
 *             // NOTE: PHP does not offer full support of double-precision floats.
 *             // Value will be set as a VarChar which will guarantee that the precision will be maintained.
 *             //    However, you will not be able to support full typing control (e.g. you would
 *             //    not be able to use a QFloatTextBox -- only a regular QTextBox)
 *                 $this->strType = QDatabaseFieldType::VarChar;
 *                 break;
 *             case 'text':
 *                 $this->strType = QDatabaseFieldType::Blob;
 *                 break;
 *             case 'timestamp':
 *             case 'timestamp without time zone':
 *             // System-generated Timestamp values need to be treated as plain text
 *                 $this->strType = QDatabaseFieldType::VarChar;
 *                 $this->blnTimestamp = true;
 *                 break;
 *             case 'date':
 *                 $this->strType = QDatabaseFieldType::Date;
 *                 break;
 *             case 'time':
 *             case 'time without time zone':
 *                 $this->strType = QDatabaseFieldType::Time;
 *                 break;
 *             default:
 *                 throw new QInformixDatabaseException('Unsupported Field Type: ' . $this->strType, 0, null);
 *         }
 *     }
 * }
 * QInformixPdoDatabaseException
class QInformixPdoDatabaseException extends QPdoDatabaseException {
