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Test Coverage
 * PDO_SqLite3 database driver
 * @package DatabaseAdapters
 * @author Christophe Damour [sigeal at sigeal dot com dot fr]
 * Adapted from PDO_PGSQL database driver by Marcos S�nchez [marcosdsanchez at thinkclear dot com dot ar]

class QSqLite3PdoDatabase extends QPdoDatabase {
    const Adapter = 'SqLite3 PDO Database Adapter';
    const PDO_SQLITE3_DSN_IDENTIFIER = 'sqlite';

    protected $strEscapeIdentifierBegin = '';
    protected $strEscapeIdentifierEnd = '';

    protected $strEscapeIdentifierBeginInternal = '\'';
    protected $strEscapeIdentifierEndInternal = '\'';    

        public function InsertOrUpdate($strTable, $mixColumnsAndValuesArray, $strPKNames = null) {
            $strEscapedArray = $this->EscapeIdentifiersAndValues($mixColumnsAndValuesArray);
            $strSql = sprintf('INSERT OR REPLACE INTO %s%s%s (%s) VALUES (%s)',
                $this->EscapeIdentifierBegin, $strTable, $this->EscapeIdentifierEnd,
                implode(', ', array_keys($strEscapedArray)),
                implode(', ', array_values($strEscapedArray))

        public function Connect() {
                // Lookup Adapter-Specific Connection Properties
                $strDsn = sprintf('%s:%s', QSqLite3PdoDatabase::PDO_SQLITE3_DSN_IDENTIFIER, $this->Database);
                // Connect to the Database Server
                try {
                        $this->objPdo = new PDO($strDsn);
                } catch (PDOException $expPgSql) {
                        throw new QSqLite3PdoDatabaseException(sprintf('Unable to connect to Database: %s',$expPgSql->getMessage()), -1, null);
                // Update Connected Flag
                $this->blnConnectedFlag = true;

        public function Close() {

            // Update Connected Flag
            $this->blnConnectedFlag = false;

        public function SqlVariable($mixData, $blnIncludeEquality = false, $blnReverseEquality = false) {
                // Are we SqlVariabling a BOOLEAN value?
                if (is_bool($mixData)) {
                        // Yes
                        if ($blnIncludeEquality) {
                                // We must include the inequality

                                if ($blnReverseEquality) {
                                        // Do a "Reverse Equality"

                                        // Check against NULL, True then False
                                        if (is_null($mixData))
                                                return 'IS NOT NULL';
                                        else if ($mixData)
                                                return "= '0'";
                                                return "!= '0'";
                                } else {
                                        // Check against NULL, True then False
                                        if (is_null($mixData))
                                                return 'IS NULL';
                                        else if ($mixData)
                                                return "!= '0'";
                                                return "= '0'";
                        } else {
                                // Check against NULL, True then False
                                if (is_null($mixData))
                                        return 'NULL';
                                else if ($mixData)
                                        return "'1'";
                                        return "'0'";

                // Check for Equality Inclusion
                if ($blnIncludeEquality) {
                        if ($blnReverseEquality) {
                                if (is_null($mixData))
                                        $strToReturn = 'IS NOT ';
                                        $strToReturn = '!= ';
                        } else {
                                if (is_null($mixData))
                                        $strToReturn = 'IS ';
                                        $strToReturn = '= ';
                } else
                        $strToReturn = '';

                // Check for NULL Value
                if (is_null($mixData))
                        return $strToReturn . 'NULL';

                // Check for NUMERIC Value
                if (is_integer($mixData) || is_float($mixData))
                        return $strToReturn . sprintf('%s', $mixData);

                // Check for DATE Value
                if ($mixData instanceof QDateTime) {
                        if ($mixData->IsTimeNull())
                                return $strToReturn . sprintf("'%s'", $mixData->__toString('YYYY-MM-DD'));
                                return $strToReturn . sprintf("'%s'", $mixData->__toString(QDateTime::FormatIso));

                // Assume it's some kind of string value
                return $strToReturn . sprintf("'%s'", addslashes($mixData));

        public function SqlLimitVariablePrefix($strLimitInfo) {
                // SqLite3 uses Limit by Suffixes (via a LIMIT clause)
                // Prefix is not used, therefore, return null
                return null;

        public function SqlLimitVariableSuffix($strLimitInfo) {
                // Setup limit suffix (if applicable) via a LIMIT clause
                if (strlen($strLimitInfo)) {
                        if (strpos($strLimitInfo, ';') !== false)
                                throw new Exception('Invalid Semicolon in LIMIT Info');
                        if (strpos($strLimitInfo, '`') !== false)
                                throw new Exception('Invalid Backtick in LIMIT Info');

                        // First figure out if we HAVE an offset
                        $strArray = explode(',', $strLimitInfo);

                        if (count($strArray) == 2) {
                                // Yep -- there's an offset
                                return sprintf('LIMIT %s OFFSET %s', $strArray[1], $strArray[0]);
                        } else if (count($strArray) == 1) {
                                return sprintf('LIMIT %s', $strArray[0]);
                        } else {
                                throw new QSqLite3DatabaseException('Invalid Limit Info: ' . $strLimitInfo, 0, null);
                return null;

        public function SqlSortByVariable($strSortByInfo) {
                // Setup sorting information (if applicable) via a ORDER BY clause
                if (strlen($strSortByInfo)) {
                        if (strpos($strSortByInfo, ';') !== false)
                                throw new Exception('Invalid Semicolon in ORDER BY Info');
                        if (strpos($strSortByInfo, '`') !== false)
                                throw new Exception('Invalid Backtick in ORDER BY Info');

                        return 'ORDER BY ' . $strSortByInfo;
                return null;

        public function GetTables() {
                $objResult = $this->Query('SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = "table"');
                $strToReturn = array();
                while ($strRowArray = $objResult->FetchRow())
            if (strpos($strRowArray[0], 'sqlite') === false) 
                array_push($strToReturn, $strRowArray[0]);
                return $strToReturn;

        public function GetFieldsForTable($strTableName) {
        $strQuery = sprintf('PRAGMA table_info (%s%s%s)',
        $objResult = $this->Query($strQuery);

                $objFields = array();

                while ($objRow = $objResult->GetNextRow()) {
                        array_push($objFields, new QSqLite3PdoDatabaseField($objRow, $this));
                return $objFields;

        public function InsertId($strTableName = null, $strColumnName = null) {
        return $this->objPdo->lastInsertId();

        private function ParseColumnNameArrayFromKeyDefinition($strKeyDefinition) {
                $strKeyDefinition = trim($strKeyDefinition);

                // Get rid of the opening "(" and the closing ")"
                $intPosition = strpos($strKeyDefinition, '(');
                if ($intPosition === false)
                        throw new Exception('Invalid Key Definition: ' . $strKeyDefinition);
                $strKeyDefinition = trim(substr($strKeyDefinition, $intPosition + 1));

                $intPosition = strpos($strKeyDefinition, ')');
                if ($intPosition === false)
                        throw new Exception('Invalid Key Definition: ' . $strKeyDefinition);
                $strKeyDefinition = trim(substr($strKeyDefinition, 0, $intPosition));
                $strKeyDefinition = str_replace(' ', '', $strKeyDefinition);

                // Create the Array
                // TODO: Current method doesn't support key names with commas or parenthesis in them!
                $strToReturn = explode(',', $strKeyDefinition);

                // Take out trailing and leading '"' character in each name (if applicable)
                for ($intIndex = 0; $intIndex < count($strToReturn); $intIndex++) {
                        $strColumn = $strToReturn[$intIndex];

                        if (substr($strColumn, 0, 1) == '"')
                                $strColumn = substr($strColumn, 1, strpos($strColumn, '"', 1) - 1);

                        $strToReturn[$intIndex] = $strColumn;
                return $strToReturn;

        public function GetIndexesForTable($strTableName) {
                $objIndexArray = array();

        $objResult = $this->Query(sprintf(
            'PRAGMA index_list (%s%s%s)',
            $this->strEscapeIdentifierBeginInternal, $strTableName,

        while ($objIndexList = $objResult->GetNextRow()) {
            $objResultIndex = $this->Query(sprintf('PRAGMA index_info (%s%s%s)', $this->strEscapeIdentifierBeginInternal, $objIndexList->GetColumn('name'), $this->strEscapeIdentifierEndInternal));
            $blnUnique = ($objIndexList->GetColumn('unique') == 1) ? true : false;
            $arrIndex = array();
            while($objIndex= $objResultIndex->GetNextRow()) {
                $arrIndex[] = $objIndex->GetColumn('name');
            if(count($arrIndex)>0) {
                $objIndex = new QDatabaseIndex($objIndexList->GetColumn('name'), false, $blnUnique, $arrIndex);    
                array_push($objIndexArray, $objIndex);    

        //Get the PK-key
        $objPKList = $this->Query(sprintf('PRAGMA table_info (%s%s%s)', $this->strEscapeIdentifierBeginInternal, $strTableName, $this->strEscapeIdentifierEndInternal));
        while ($objPK = $objPKList->GetNextRow()) {
            if ($objPK->GetColumn('pk') == 1) {
                $tmp[] = $objPK->GetColumn('name');
                $objIndex = new QDatabaseIndex('(' . $strTableName . ' autoindex 1)', true, true, $tmp);    
                array_push($objIndexArray, $objIndex);                        
                return $objIndexArray;

        public function GetForeignKeysForTable($strTableName) {
        $objForeignKeyArray = array();
        $objForeignKeyArrayReturn = array();
        $strQuery = sprintf('PRAGMA foreign_key_list (%s%s%s)',
        $objForeignKeyList = $this->Query($strQuery);
        //get an list of all foreignkeys
        while($objForeignKeyResult = $objForeignKeyList->GetNextRow()) {
            $objForeignKeyArray[$objForeignKeyResult->GetColumn('seq')][] = array(
                $objForeignKeyResult->GetColumn('from') . '_' .
                $objForeignKeyResult->GetColumn('table') . '_' .
        //put the keys of the same seq together
        foreach($objForeignKeyArray as $objForeignKeySeq) {
            $arrFrom = array();
            $arrTo = array();
            foreach($objForeignKeySeq as $Key) {
                $arrFrom[] = $Key[1];
                $arrTo[] = $Key[3];
            $objForeignKey = new QDatabaseForeignKey($Key[0], $arrFrom, $Key[2], $arrTo);
            array_push($objForeignKeyArrayReturn, $objForeignKey);
                return $objForeignKeyArrayReturn;

        protected function ExecuteQuery($strQuery) {
                // Perform the Query
                $objResult = $this->objPdo->query($strQuery);
                if ($objResult === false)
                    throw new QSqLite3PdoDatabaseException($this->objPdo->errorInfo(), $this->objPdo->errorCode(), $strQuery);

                // Return the Result
                $this->objMostRecentResult = $objResult;
                $objPdoStatementDatabaseResult = new QSqLite3PdoDatabaseResult($objResult, $this);
                return $objPdoStatementDatabaseResult;

 * QSqLite3PdoDatabaseResult: Class to handle results sent by database upon querying
class QSqLite3PdoDatabaseResult extends QPdoDatabaseResult {

        public function GetNextRow() {
                $strColumnArray = $this->FetchArray();

                if ($strColumnArray)
                        return new QSqLite3PdoDatabaseRow($strColumnArray);
                        return null;

        public function FetchFields() {
                $objArrayToReturn = array();
                while ($objField = $this->FetchColumn()) {
                        array_push($objArrayToReturn, new QSqLite3PdoDatabaseField($objField, $this->objDb));
                return $objArrayToReturn;

        public function FetchField() {
                if ($objField = $this->FetchColumn())
                        return new QSqLite3PdoDatabaseField($objField, $this->objDb);

 * QSqLite3PdoDatabaseRow
class QSqLite3PdoDatabaseRow extends QDatabaseRowBase {
    protected $strColumnArray;

    public function __construct($strColumnArray) {
        $this->strColumnArray = $strColumnArray;

     * Gets the value of a column from a result row returned by the database
     * @param string                  $strColumnName Name of te column
     * @param null|QDatabaseFieldType $strColumnType Data type
     * @return mixed
    public function GetColumn($strColumnName, $strColumnType = null) {
        if (!isset($this->strColumnArray[$strColumnName])) {
            return null;
        $strColumnValue = $this->strColumnArray[$strColumnName];

        switch ($strColumnType) {
            case QDatabaseFieldType::Bit:
                if (!$strColumnValue) {
                    return false;
                } else {
                    return ($strColumnValue) ? true : false;

            case QDatabaseFieldType::Blob:
            case QDatabaseFieldType::Char:
            case QDatabaseFieldType::VarChar:
                return QType::Cast($strColumnValue, QType::String);

            case QDatabaseFieldType::Date:
            case QDatabaseFieldType::DateTime:
            case QDatabaseFieldType::Time:
                return new QDateTime($strColumnValue);

            case QDatabaseFieldType::Float:
                return QType::Cast($strColumnValue, QType::Float);

            case QDatabaseFieldType::Integer:
                return QType::Cast($strColumnValue, QType::Integer);

                return $strColumnValue;

     * Tells whether a particular column exists in a returned database row
     * @param string $strColumnName Name of te column
     * @return bool
    public function ColumnExists($strColumnName) {
        return array_key_exists($strColumnName, $this->strColumnArray);
    public function GetColumnNameArray() {
            return $this->strColumnArray;

 * QSqLite3PdoDatabaseField
class QSqLite3PdoDatabaseField extends QDatabaseFieldBase {
    //TODO: Tables and Unique
    public function __construct($mixFieldData, $objDb = null, $strTableName=null) {
        $this->strName = $mixFieldData->GetColumn('name');
        // Set strOriginalName to Name if it isn't set
        if (!$this->strOriginalName)
            $this->strOriginalName = $this->strName;
            $this->strOriginalName = $mixFieldData->GetColumn('orgname');
        $this->strTable = $strTableName;
        $this->strOriginalTable = $strTableName;
        $this->strDefault = $mixFieldData->GetColumn('dflt_value');
        $this->intMaxLength = null;

        $strLengthArray = explode('(', $mixFieldData->GetColumn('type'));
        if (count($strLengthArray) > 1) {
            //$mixFieldData->type = $strLengthArray[0];
            $strLengthArray = explode(')', $strLengthArray[1]);
            $this->intMaxLength = $strLengthArray[0];

            // If the length is something like (7,2), then let's pull out just the "7"
            $intCommaPosition = strpos($this->intMaxLength, ',');
            if ($intCommaPosition !== false) {
                $this->intMaxLength = substr($this->intMaxLength, 0, $intCommaPosition);
                $this->intMaxLength++; // make room for decimal point

            if (!is_numeric($this->intMaxLength))
                throw new Exception('Not a valid Column Length: ' . $mixFieldData->GetColumn('type'));

        $this->blnNotNull = $mixFieldData->GetColumn('notnull');
        $this->blnPrimaryKey = $mixFieldData->GetColumn('pk');
        //this is the way you define a auto_increment in Sqlite3
        if (($this->blnPrimaryKey == true) && ($mixFieldData->GetColumn('type') == 'INTEGER'))
            $this->blnIdentity = true;
            $this->blnIdentity = false;
        //check if is unique
        if ($strTableName && $objDb) {
            $objResultList = $objDb->Query(sprintf('PRAGMA index_list (%s%s%s)', "'", $strTableName, "'"));
            $this->blnUnique = false;
            while ($objIndexList = $objResultList->FetchObject()) {
                if ($objIndexList->unique == 1) {
                    $objResult = $objDb->Query(sprintf('PRAGMA index_info (%s%s%s)', "'", $objIndexList->name, "'"));
                    while ($objIndex = $objResult->FetchObject()) {
                        if ($objIndex->name == $this->strName)
                            $this->blnUnique = true;
        $strSqlite3FieldType = $mixFieldData->GetColumn('type');
        if (($intPos = strpos($strSqlite3FieldType, '(')) > 0)
            $strSqlite3FieldType = substr($strSqlite3FieldType, 0, $intPos);
        $strSqlite3FieldType = strtoupper($strSqlite3FieldType);

    protected function SetFieldType($strSqlite3FieldType) {
        switch ($strSqlite3FieldType) {
            case 'TINYINT':
            case 'BOOLEAN':
                if ($this->intMaxLength == 1)
                    $this->strType = QDatabaseFieldType::Bit;
                    $this->strType = QDatabaseFieldType::Integer;
            case 'INTEGER':
            case 'INT':
            case 'BIGINT':
            case 'SMALLINT':
            case 'MEDIUMINT':
                $this->strType = QDatabaseFieldType::Integer;
            case 'FLOAT':
                $this->strType = QDatabaseFieldType::Float;

            case 'DECIMAL':
                // NOTE: PHP's best response to fixed point exact precision numbers is to use the bcmath library.
                // bcmath requires string inputs. If you try to do math directly on these, PHP will convert to float,
                // so for those who care, they will need to be careful. For those who do not care, then PHP will do
                // the conversion anyway.
                $this->strType = QDatabaseFieldType::VarChar;

            case 'DOUBLE':
                // NOTE: PHP does not offer full support of double-precision floats.
                // Value will be set as a VarChar which will guarantee that the precision will be maintained.
                //    However, you will not be able to support full typing control (e.g. you would
                //    not be able to use a QFloatTextBox -- only a regular QTextBox)
                $this->strType = QDatabaseFieldType::VarChar;
            case 'DATE':
                $this->strType = QDatabaseFieldType::Date;
            case 'TIME':
                $this->strType = QDatabaseFieldType::Time;
            case 'TIMESTAMP':    // Timestamps do not exist
            case 'DATETIME':
                $this->strType = QDatabaseFieldType::DateTime;
            case 'TINYBLOB':
            case 'MEDIUMBLOB':
            case 'LONGBLOB':
            case 'BLOB':
                $this->strType = QDatabaseFieldType::Blob;
            case 'VARCHAR':
            case 'TEXT':
            case 'MEMO':
            case 'LONGTEXT':
            case 'MEDIUMTEXT':
                $this->strType = QDatabaseFieldType::VarChar;
            case 'CHAR':
                $this->strType = QDatabaseFieldType::Char;
            case 'YEAR':
                $this->strType = QDatabaseFieldType::Integer;
                throw new Exception('Unable to determine Sqlite3 Database Field Type: ' . $strSqlite3FieldType);

 * QSqLite3PdoDatabaseException
class QSqLite3PdoDatabaseException extends QPdoDatabaseException {
