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     * Cache provider based on Redis.
     * This adapter needs the predis/predis library to be installed.
     * Please see http://github.com/nrk/predis
    class QCacheProviderRedis extends QAbstractCacheProvider {
        /** @var Predis\Client */
        protected $objPredisClient;

         * Construct the Memcache based cache provider
         * @param array $objOptionsArray array of server options. Each item in the array contains an associative
         *                               arrays with options for the server to add to memcache
         * @throws QCallerException
        public function __construct($objOptionsArray) {
            // There must be keys named 'parameters' and 'options' in the configuration
            if(!array_key_exists('parameters', $objOptionsArray) || !array_key_exists('options', $objOptionsArray)) {
                // Needed keys do not exist
                throw new QCallerException('The configuration parameters for creating predis client in the configuration file are wrong. The config array must contain the "parameters" and "options" keys');

            if(class_exists('Predis\Client')) {
                // We have the predis client
                $this->objPredisClient = new Predis\Client($objOptionsArray['parameters'], $objOptionsArray['options']);
            } else {
                throw new QCallerException('QCacheProviderRedis expects the Predis library to be installed. Please see http://github.com/nrk/predis for more.');

         * Get the object that has the given key from the cache
         * @param string $strKey the key of the object in the cache
         * @return object
        public function Get($strKey) {
            return unserialize($this->objPredisClient->get($strKey));

         * Set the object into the cache with the given key and (optional) expire duration
         * Refer documentation (in docs/Caching/Redis.md) to learn about expiration for redis.
         * @param string $strKey                the key to use for the object
         * @param string $objValue              the object to put in the cache
         * @param null   $intExpireAfterSeconds Number of seconds after which the key will be expired
         *                                      If this value is numeric, key will expire in that many seconds
         *                                      If the value is null and _REDIS_CACHE_PROVIDER_DEFAULT_TTL_ is not set or is negative, then the key will not expire
         *                                      If _REDIS_CACHE_PROVIDER_DEFAULT_TTL_ is set and is positive, then key will expire in that many seconds.
         * @return void
        public function Set($strKey, $objValue, $intExpireAfterSeconds = null) {
            if ($intExpireAfterSeconds !== null) {
                $this->objPredisClient->set($strKey, serialize($objValue), 'ex', (int)$intExpireAfterSeconds);
            } else {
                    $this->objPredisClient->set($strKey, serialize($objValue), 'ex', (int)_REDIS_CACHE_PROVIDER_DEFAULT_TTL_);
                } else {
                    $this->objPredisClient->set($strKey, serialize($objValue));

         * Delete the object that has the given key from the cache
         * @param string $strKey the key of the object in the cache
         * @return void
        public function Delete($strKey) {

         * Invalidate all the objects in the cache
         * @return void
        public function DeleteAll() {

         * Let other redis methods work
         * @param $commandID
         * @param $arguments
         * @return mixed
        public function __call($commandID, $arguments) {
            return $this->objPredisClient->executeCommand(
                $this->objPredisClient->createCommand($commandID, $arguments)