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        include_once __QCUBED_CORE__ . '/framework/QAbstractCacheProvider.class.php';
     * The interface for cache actions to be queued and replayed.
    interface ICacheAction {
         * Executes action on the given cache object
         * @param QAbstractCacheProvider $objCache The cache object to apply this action to.
        public function Execute(QAbstractCacheProvider $objCache);
     * The Set cache action to be queued and replayed.
    class QCacheSetAction implements ICacheAction {
         * @var string the key to use for the object
        protected $strKey;
         * @var object the object to put in the cache
        protected $objValue;

         * @var null|int Time after which the object is to be invalidated/expired
        protected $intExpirationTime = null;

         * Construct the new QCacheSetAction object.
         * @param string   $strKey            the key to use for the object
         * @param object   $objValue          the object to put in the cache
         * @param null|int $intExpirationTime Number of seconds after which the value has to expire
        public function __construct($strKey, $objValue, $intExpirationTime = null) {
            $this->strKey = $strKey;
            $this->objValue = $objValue;
            $this->intExpirationTime = (int)$intExpirationTime;

         * Executes action on the given cache object
         * @param QAbstractCacheProvider $objCache The cache object to apply this action to.
        public function Execute(QAbstractCacheProvider $objCache) {
            $objCache->Set($this->strKey, $this->objValue, $this->intExpirationTime);
     * The Delete cache action to be queued and replayed.
    class QCacheDeleteAction implements ICacheAction {
         * @var string the key to use for the object
        protected $strKey;

         * Construct the new QCacheDeleteAction object.
         * @param string $strKey the key to use for the object
        public function __construct($strKey) {
            $this->strKey = $strKey;

         * Executes action on the given cache object
         * @param QAbstractCacheProvider $objCache The cache object to apply this action to.
        public function Execute(QAbstractCacheProvider $objCache) {
     * The DeleteAll cache action to be queued and replayed.
    class QCacheDeleteAllAction implements ICacheAction {
         * Construct the new QCacheDeleteAction object.
        public function __construct() {

         * Executes action on the given cache object
         * @param QAbstractCacheProvider $objCache The cache object to apply this action to.
        public function Execute(QAbstractCacheProvider $objCache) {
     * Cache provider that records all additions and removals from the cache,
     * and provides an interface to replay them on another instance of an QAbstractCacheProvider
    class QCacheProviderProxy extends QAbstractCacheProvider {
         * @var array Additions to cache
        protected $arrLocalCacheAdditions;

         * @var array Removals from cache
        protected $arrLocalCacheRemovals;

         * @var QAbstractCacheProvider The super cache to query values from.
        protected $objSuperCache;

         * @var ICacheAction[] The queue of actions performed on this cache. 
        protected $objCacheActionQueue;

         * @param QAbstractCacheProvider $objSuperCache The super cache to query values from.
        public function __construct($objSuperCache) {
            $this->objSuperCache = $objSuperCache;
            $this->objCacheActionQueue = array();
            $this->arrLocalCacheAdditions = array();
            $this->arrLocalCacheRemovals = array();
         * Apply changes to the cache object supplyed.
         * @param QAbstractCacheProvider $objAbstractCacheProvider The cache object to apply changes.
        public function Replay($objAbstractCacheProvider) {
            foreach ($this->objCacheActionQueue as $objCacheAction) {
            $this->objCacheActionQueue = array();
        public function Get($strKey) {
            if (isset($this->arrLocalCacheAdditions[$strKey])) {
                return $this->arrLocalCacheAdditions[$strKey];
            if (!isset($this->arrLocalCacheRemovals[$strKey])) {
                if ($this->objSuperCache) {
                    return $this->objSuperCache->Get($strKey);
            return false;

        public function Set($strKey, $objValue, $intExpirationTime = null) {
            $this->arrLocalCacheAdditions[$strKey] = $objValue;
            if (isset($this->arrLocalCacheRemovals[$strKey])) {
            $this->objCacheActionQueue[] = new QCacheSetAction($strKey, $objValue, $intExpirationTime);

        public function Delete($strKey) {
            if (isset($this->arrLocalCacheAdditions[$strKey])) {
            $this->arrLocalCacheRemovals[$strKey] = true;
            $this->objCacheActionQueue[] = new QCacheDeleteAction($strKey);

        public function DeleteAll() {
            $this->arrLocalCacheAdditions = array();
            $this->arrLocalCacheRemovals = array();
            $this->objCacheActionQueue[] = new QCacheDeleteAllAction;

     * Every database adapter must implement the following 5 classes (all of which are abstract):
     * * DatabaseBase
     * * DatabaseFieldBase
     * * DatabaseResultBase
     * * DatabaseRowBase
     * * DatabaseExceptionBase
     * This Database library also has the following classes already defined, and
     * Database adapters are assumed to use them internally:
     * * DatabaseIndex
     * * DatabaseForeignKey
     * * DatabaseFieldType (which is an abstract class that solely contains constants)
     * @property-read string  $EscapeIdentifierBegin
     * @property-read string  $EscapeIdentifierEnd
     * @property-read boolean $EnableProfiling
     * @property-read int     $AffectedRows
     * @property-read string  $Profile
     * @property-read int     $DatabaseIndex
     * @property-read int     $Adapter
     * @property-read string  $Server
     * @property-read string  $Port
     * @property-read string  $Database
     * @property-read string  $Service
     * @property-read string  $Protocol
     * @property-read string  $Host
     * @property-read string  $Username
     * @property-read string  $Password
     * @property boolean      $Caching         if true objects loaded from this database will be kept in cache (assuming a cache provider is also configured)
     * @property-read string  $DateFormat
     * @property-read boolean $OnlyFullGroupBy database adapter sub-classes can override and set this property to true
     *          to prevent the behavior of automatically adding all the columns to the select clause when the query has
     *          an aggregation clause.
     * @package DatabaseAdapters
    abstract class QDatabaseBase extends QBaseClass {
        // Must be updated for all Adapters
        /** Adapter name */
        const Adapter = 'Generic Database Adapter (Abstract)';

        // Protected Member Variables for ALL Database Adapters
        /** @var int Database Index according to the configuration file */
        protected $intDatabaseIndex;
        /** @var bool Has the profiling been enabled? */
        protected $blnEnableProfiling;
        protected $strProfileArray;

        protected $objConfigArray;
        protected $blnConnectedFlag = false;

        /** @var string The beginning part of characters which can escape identifiers in a SQL query for the database */
        protected $strEscapeIdentifierBegin = '"';
        /** @var string The ending part of characters which can escape identifiers in a SQL query for the database */
        protected $strEscapeIdentifierEnd = '"';
        protected $blnOnlyFullGroupBy = false; // should be set in sub-classes as appropriate
         * @var int The transaction depth value.
         * It is incremented on a transaction begin,
         * decremented on a transaction commit, and reset to zero on a roll back.
         * It is used to implement the recursive transaction functionality.
        protected $intTransactionDepth = 0;
         * @var QStack The stack of cache providers.
         * It is populated with cache providers from different databases,
         * if there are transaction of one DB in the middle of the transaction of another DB.
        protected static $objCacheProviderStack;

        // Abstract Methods that ALL Database Adapters MUST implement
         * Connects to the database
        abstract public function Connect();
        // these are protected - externally, the "Query/NonQuery" wrappers are meant to be called
         * Sends a SQL query for execution to the database
         * In this regard, a query is a 'SELECT' statement
         * @param string $strQuery The Query to be executed
         * @return mixed Result that the database returns after running the query.
        abstract protected function ExecuteQuery($strQuery);

         * Sends a non-SELECT query (such as INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, TRUNCATE) to DB server.
         * In most cases, the results of this function are not used and you should not send
         * 'SELECT' queries using this method because a result is not guaranteed to be returned
         * If there was an error, it would most probably be caught as an exception.
         * @param string $strNonQuery The Query to be executed
         * @return mixed Result that the database returns after running the query
        abstract protected function ExecuteNonQuery($strNonQuery);

         * Returns the list of tables in the database (as string)
         * @return mixed|string[] List of tables
        abstract public function GetTables();

         * Returns the ID to be inserted in a table column (normally it an autoincrement column)
         * @param null|string $strTableName  Table name where the ID has to be inserted
         * @param null|string $strColumnName Column name where the ID has to be inserted
         * @return mixed
        abstract public function InsertId($strTableName = null, $strColumnName = null);

         * Get the list of columns/fields for a given table
         * @param string $strTableName Name of table whose fields we have to get
         * @return mixed
        abstract public function GetFieldsForTable($strTableName);

         * Get list of indexes for a table
         * @param string $strTableName Name of table whose column indexes we have to get
         * @return mixed
        abstract public function GetIndexesForTable($strTableName);

         * Get list of foreign keys for a table
         * @param string $strTableName Name of table whose foreign keys we are trying to get
         * @return mixed
        abstract public function GetForeignKeysForTable($strTableName);

         * This function actually begins the database transaction.
         * Must be implemented in all subclasses.
         * The "TransactionBegin" wrapper are meant to be called by end-user code
         * @return void Nothing
        abstract protected function ExecuteTransactionBegin();

         * This function actually commits the database transaction.
         * Must be implemented in all subclasses.
         * The "TransactionCommit" wrapper are meant to be called by end-user code
         * @return void Nothing
        abstract protected function ExecuteTransactionCommit();

         * This function actually rolls back the database transaction.
         * Must be implemented in all subclasses.
         * The "TransactionRollBack" wrapper are meant to be called by end-user code
         * @return void Nothing
        abstract protected function ExecuteTransactionRollBack();

         * Template for executing stored procedures. Optional, for those database drivers that support it.
         * @param $strProcName
         * @param null $params
         * @return mixed
        public function ExecuteProcedure($strProcName, $params = null) {}

         * This function begins the database transaction.
         * @return void Nothing
        public final function TransactionBegin() {
            if (0 == $this->intTransactionDepth) {
                $objCacheProvider = QApplication::$objCacheProvider;
                if ($objCacheProvider && $this->Caching && !($objCacheProvider instanceof QCacheProviderNoCache)) {
                    if (!self::$objCacheProviderStack) {
                        self::$objCacheProviderStack = new QStack;
                    QApplication::$objCacheProvider = new QCacheProviderProxy($objCacheProvider);

         * This function commits the database transaction.
         * @throws QCallerException
         * @return void Nothing
        public final function TransactionCommit() {
            if (1 == $this->intTransactionDepth) {
            if ($this->intTransactionDepth <= 0) {
                throw new QCallerException("The transaction commit call is called before the transaction begin was called.");

         * This function rolls back the database transaction.
         * @return void Nothing
        public final function TransactionRollBack() {
            $this->intTransactionDepth = 0;
         * Flushes all objects from the local cache to the actual one.
        protected final function transactionCacheFlush() {
            if (!self::$objCacheProviderStack || self::$objCacheProviderStack->IsEmpty()) {
            $objCacheProvider = self::$objCacheProviderStack->PeekLast();

         * Restores the actual cache to the QApplication variable.
        protected final function transactionCacheRestore() {
            if (!self::$objCacheProviderStack || self::$objCacheProviderStack->IsEmpty()) {
            $objCacheProvider = self::$objCacheProviderStack->Pop();
            // restore the actual cache to the QApplication variable.
            QApplication::$objCacheProvider = $objCacheProvider;

        abstract public function SqlLimitVariablePrefix($strLimitInfo);
        abstract public function SqlLimitVariableSuffix($strLimitInfo);
        abstract public function SqlSortByVariable($strSortByInfo);

         * Closes the database connection
         * @return mixed
        abstract public function Close();

         * Given an identifier for a SQL query, this method returns the escaped identifier
         * @param string $strIdentifier Identifier to be escaped
         * @return string Escaped identifier string
        public function EscapeIdentifier($strIdentifier) {
            return $this->strEscapeIdentifierBegin . $strIdentifier . $this->strEscapeIdentifierEnd;

         * Given an array of identifiers, this method returns array of escaped identifiers
         * For corner case handling, if a single identifier is supplied, a single escaped identifier is returned
         * @param array|string $mixIdentifiers Array of escaped identifiers (array) or one unescaped identifier (string)
         * @return array|string Array of escaped identifiers (array) or one escaped identifier (string)
        public function EscapeIdentifiers($mixIdentifiers) {
            if (is_array($mixIdentifiers)) {
                return array_map(array($this, 'EscapeIdentifier'), $mixIdentifiers);
            } else {
                return $this->EscapeIdentifier($mixIdentifiers);

         * Escapes values (or single value) which we can then send to the database
         * @param array|mixed $mixValues Array of values (or a single value) to be escaped
         * @return array|string Array of (or a single) escaped value(s)
        public function EscapeValues($mixValues) {
            if (is_array($mixValues)) {
                return array_map(array($this, 'SqlVariable'), $mixValues);
            } else {
                return $this->SqlVariable($mixValues);

         * Escapes both column and values when supplied as an array
         * @param array $mixColumnsAndValuesArray Array with column=>value format with both (column and value) sides unescaped
         * @return array Array with column=>value format data with both column and value escaped
        public function EscapeIdentifiersAndValues($mixColumnsAndValuesArray) {
            $result = array();
            foreach ($mixColumnsAndValuesArray as $strColumn => $mixValue) {
                $result[$this->EscapeIdentifier($strColumn)] = $this->SqlVariable($mixValue);
            return $result;

         * INSERTs or UPDATEs a table
         * @param string            $strTable                 Table name
         * @param array             $mixColumnsAndValuesArray column=>value array
         *                                                    (they are given to 'EscapeIdentifiersAndValues' method)
         * @param null|string|array $strPKNames               Name(s) of primary key column(s) (expressed as string or array)
        public function InsertOrUpdate($strTable, $mixColumnsAndValuesArray, $strPKNames = null) {
            $strEscapedArray = $this->EscapeIdentifiersAndValues($mixColumnsAndValuesArray);
            $strColumns = array_keys($strEscapedArray);
            $strUpdateStatement = '';
            foreach ($strEscapedArray as $strColumn => $strValue) {
                if ($strUpdateStatement) $strUpdateStatement .= ', ';
                $strUpdateStatement .= $strColumn . ' = ' . $strValue;
            if (is_null($strPKNames)) {
                $strMatchCondition = 'target_.'.$strColumns[0].' = source_.'.$strColumns[0];
            } else if (is_array($strPKNames)) {
                $strMatchCondition = '';
                foreach ($strPKNames as $strPKName) {
                    if ($strMatchCondition) $strMatchCondition .= ' AND ';
                    $strMatchCondition .= 'target_.'.$this->EscapeIdentifier($strPKName).' = source_.'.$this->EscapeIdentifier($strPKName);
            } else {
                $strMatchCondition = 'target_.'.$this->EscapeIdentifier($strPKNames).' = source_.'.$this->EscapeIdentifier($strPKNames);
            $strTable = $this->EscapeIdentifierBegin . $strTable . $this->EscapeIdentifierEnd;
            $strSql = sprintf('MERGE INTO %s AS target_ USING %s AS source_ ON %s WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET %s WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (%s) VALUES (%s)',
                $strTable, $strTable,
                $strMatchCondition, $strUpdateStatement,
                implode(', ', $strColumns),
                implode(', ', array_values($strEscapedArray))

         * Sends the 'SELECT' query to the database and returns the result
         * @param string $strQuery query string
         * @return QDatabaseResultBase
        public final function Query($strQuery) {
            $timerName = null;
            if (!$this->blnConnectedFlag) {
            if ($this->blnEnableProfiling) {
                $timerName = 'queryExec' . mt_rand() ;
            $result = $this->ExecuteQuery($strQuery);
            if ($this->blnEnableProfiling) {
                $dblQueryTime = QTimer::Stop($timerName);
                // Log Query (for Profiling, if applicable)
                $this->LogQuery($strQuery, $dblQueryTime);

            return $result;

         * This is basically the same as 'Query' but is used when SQL statements other than 'SELECT'
         * @param string $strNonQuery The SQL to be sent
         * @return mixed
         * @throws QCallerException
        public final function NonQuery($strNonQuery) {
            if (!$this->blnConnectedFlag) {
            $timerName = '';
            if ($this->blnEnableProfiling) {
                $timerName = 'queryExec' . mt_rand() ;
            $result = $this->ExecuteNonQuery($strNonQuery);

            if ($this->blnEnableProfiling) {
                $dblQueryTime = QTimer::Stop($timerName);
                // Log Query (for Profiling, if applicable)
                $this->LogQuery($strNonQuery, $dblQueryTime);
            return $result;

         * PHP magic method
         * @param string $strName Property name
         * @return mixed
         * @throws Exception|QCallerException
        public function __get($strName) {
            switch ($strName) {
                case 'EscapeIdentifierBegin':
                    return $this->strEscapeIdentifierBegin;
                case 'EscapeIdentifierEnd':
                    return $this->strEscapeIdentifierEnd;
                case 'EnableProfiling':
                    return $this->blnEnableProfiling;
                case 'AffectedRows':
                    return -1;
                case 'Profile':
                    return $this->strProfileArray;
                case 'DatabaseIndex':
                    return $this->intDatabaseIndex;                    
                case 'Adapter':
                    $strConstantName = get_class($this) . '::Adapter';
                    return constant($strConstantName) . ' (' . $this->objConfigArray['adapter'] . ')';
                case 'Server':
                case 'Port':
                case 'Database':
                // Informix naming
                case 'Service':
                case 'Protocol':
                case 'Host':
                case 'Username':
                case 'Password':
                case 'Caching':
                    return $this->objConfigArray[strtolower($strName)];
                case 'DateFormat':
                    return (is_null($this->objConfigArray[strtolower($strName)])) ? (QDateTime::FormatIso) : ($this->objConfigArray[strtolower($strName)]);
                case 'OnlyFullGroupBy':
                    return (!isset($this->objConfigArray[strtolower($strName)])) ? $this->blnOnlyFullGroupBy : $this->objConfigArray[strtolower($strName)];

                    try {
                        return parent::__get($strName);
                    } catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
                        throw $objExc;

         * PHP magic method to set class properties
         * @param string $strName  Property name
         * @param string $mixValue Property value
         * @return mixed|void
         * @throws Exception|QCallerException
        public function __set($strName, $mixValue) {
            switch ($strName) {
                case 'Caching':
                    $this->objConfigArray[strtolower($strName)] = $mixValue;

                    try {
                        parent::__set($strName, $mixValue);
                    } catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
                        throw $objExc;

         * Constructs a Database Adapter based on the database index and the configuration array of properties
         * for this particular adapter. Sets up the base-level configuration properties for this database,
         * namely DB Profiling and Database Index
         * @param integer  $intDatabaseIndex
         * @param string[] $objConfigArray configuration array as passed in to the constructor
         *                                 by QApplicationBase::InitializeDatabaseConnections();
         * @throws Exception|QCallerException|QInvalidCastException
         * @return QDatabaseBase
        public function __construct($intDatabaseIndex, $objConfigArray) {
            // Setup DatabaseIndex
            $this->intDatabaseIndex = $intDatabaseIndex;

            // Save the ConfigArray
            $this->objConfigArray = $objConfigArray;

            // Setup Profiling Array (if applicable)
            $this->blnEnableProfiling = QType::Cast($objConfigArray['profiling'], QType::Boolean);
            if ($this->blnEnableProfiling)
                $this->strProfileArray = array();

         * Allows for the enabling of DB profiling while in middle of the script
         * @return void
        public function EnableProfiling() {
            // Only perform profiling initialization if profiling is not yet enabled
            if (!$this->blnEnableProfiling) {
                $this->blnEnableProfiling = true;
                $this->strProfileArray = array();

         * If EnableProfiling is on, then log the query to the profile array
         * @param string $strQuery
         * @param double $dblQueryTime query execution time in milliseconds
         * @return void
        private function LogQuery($strQuery, $dblQueryTime) {
            if ($this->blnEnableProfiling) {
                // Dereference-ize Backtrace Information
                $objDebugBacktrace = debug_backtrace();
                // get rid of unnecessary backtrace info in case of:
                // query
                if ((count($objDebugBacktrace) > 3) &&
                    (array_key_exists('function', $objDebugBacktrace[2])) &&
                    (($objDebugBacktrace[2]['function'] == 'QueryArray') ||
                     ($objDebugBacktrace[2]['function'] == 'QuerySingle') ||
                     ($objDebugBacktrace[2]['function'] == 'QueryCount')))
                    $objBacktrace = $objDebugBacktrace[3];
                    if (isset($objDebugBacktrace[2]))
                        // non query
                        $objBacktrace = $objDebugBacktrace[2];
                        // ad hoc query
                        $objBacktrace = $objDebugBacktrace[1];
                // get rid of reference to current object in backtrace array
                if( isset($objBacktrace['object']))
                    $objBacktrace['object'] = null;
                for ($intIndex = 0, $intMax = count($objBacktrace['args']); $intIndex < $intMax; $intIndex++) {
                    $obj = $objBacktrace['args'][$intIndex];
                    if (($obj instanceof QQClause) || ($obj instanceof QQCondition))
                        $obj = sprintf("[%s]", $obj->__toString());
                    else if (is_null($obj))
                        $obj = 'null';
                    else if (gettype($obj) == 'integer') {}
                    else if (gettype($obj) == 'object')
                        $obj = 'Object';
                    else if (is_array($obj))
                        $obj = 'Array';
                        $obj = sprintf("'%s'", $obj);
                    $objBacktrace['args'][$intIndex] = $obj;
                // Push it onto the profiling information array
                $arrProfile = array(
                    'objBacktrace'     => $objBacktrace,
                    'strQuery'            => $strQuery,
                    'dblTimeInfo'        => $dblQueryTime);
                array_push( $this->strProfileArray, $arrProfile);

         * Properly escapes $mixData to be used as a SQL query parameter.
         * If IncludeEquality is set (usually not), then include an equality operator.
         * So for most data, it would just be "=".  But, for example,
         * if $mixData is NULL, then most RDBMS's require the use of "IS".
         * @param mixed $mixData
         * @param boolean $blnIncludeEquality whether or not to include an equality operator
         * @param boolean $blnReverseEquality whether the included equality operator should be a "NOT EQUAL", e.g. "!="
         * @return string the properly formatted SQL variable
        public function SqlVariable($mixData, $blnIncludeEquality = false, $blnReverseEquality = false) {
            // Are we SqlVariabling a BOOLEAN value?
            if (is_bool($mixData)) {
                // Yes
                if ($blnIncludeEquality) {
                    // We must include the inequality

                    if ($blnReverseEquality) {
                        // Do a "Reverse Equality"

                        // Check against NULL, True then False
                        if (is_null($mixData))
                            return 'IS NOT NULL';
                        else if ($mixData)
                            return '= 0';
                            return '!= 0';
                    } else {
                        // Check against NULL, True then False
                        if (is_null($mixData))
                            return 'IS NULL';
                        else if ($mixData)
                            return '!= 0';
                            return '= 0';
                } else {
                    // Check against NULL, True then False
                    if (is_null($mixData))
                        return 'NULL';
                    else if ($mixData)
                        return '1';
                        return '0';

            // Check for Equality Inclusion
            if ($blnIncludeEquality) {
                if ($blnReverseEquality) {
                    if (is_null($mixData))
                        $strToReturn = 'IS NOT ';
                        $strToReturn = '!= ';
                } else {
                    if (is_null($mixData))
                        $strToReturn = 'IS ';
                        $strToReturn = '= ';
            } else
                $strToReturn = '';

            // Check for NULL Value
            if (is_null($mixData))
                return $strToReturn . 'NULL';

            // Check for NUMERIC Value
            if (is_integer($mixData) || is_float($mixData))
                return $strToReturn . sprintf('%s', $mixData);

            // Check for DATE Value
            if ($mixData instanceof QDateTime) {
                /** @var QDateTime $mixData */
                if ($mixData->IsTimeNull()) {
                    if ($mixData->IsDateNull()) {
                        return $strToReturn . 'NULL'; // null date and time is a null value
                    return $strToReturn . sprintf("'%s'", $mixData->qFormat('YYYY-MM-DD'));
                elseif ($mixData->IsDateNull()) {
                    return  $strToReturn . sprintf("'%s'", $mixData->qFormat('hhhh:mm:ss'));
                return $strToReturn . sprintf("'%s'", $mixData->qFormat(QDateTime::FormatIso));

            // an array. Assume we are using it in an array context, like an IN clause
            if (is_array($mixData)) {
                $items = [];
                foreach ($mixData as $item) {
                    $items[] = $this->SqlVariable($item);    // recurse
                return '(' . implode(',', $items) . ')';

            // Assume it's some kind of string value
            return $strToReturn . sprintf("'%s'", addslashes($mixData));

        public function PrepareStatement($strQuery, $mixParameterArray) {
            foreach ($mixParameterArray as $strKey => $mixValue) {
                if (is_array($mixValue)) {
                    $strParameters = array();
                    foreach ($mixValue as $mixParameter)
                        array_push($strParameters, $this->SqlVariable($mixParameter));
                    $strQuery = str_replace(chr(QQNamedValue::DelimiterCode) . '{' . $strKey . '}', implode(',', $strParameters) . ')', $strQuery);
                } else {
                    $strQuery = str_replace(chr(QQNamedValue::DelimiterCode) . '{=' . $strKey . '=}', $this->SqlVariable($mixValue, true, false), $strQuery);
                    $strQuery = str_replace(chr(QQNamedValue::DelimiterCode) . '{!' . $strKey . '!}', $this->SqlVariable($mixValue, true, true), $strQuery);
                    $strQuery = str_replace(chr(QQNamedValue::DelimiterCode) . '{' . $strKey . '}', $this->SqlVariable($mixValue), $strQuery);

            return $strQuery;

         * Displays the OutputProfiling results, plus a link which will popup the details of the profiling.
         * @param bool $blnPrintOutput
         * @return null|string
        public function OutputProfiling($blnPrintOutput = true) {

            $strOut = '<div class="qDbProfile">';
            if ($this->blnEnableProfiling) {
                $strOut .= sprintf('<form method="post" id="frmDbProfile%s" action="%s/profile.php"><div>',
                    $this->intDatabaseIndex, __VIRTUAL_DIRECTORY__ . __PHP_ASSETS__);
                $strOut.= sprintf('<input type="hidden" name="strProfileData" value="%s" />',
                $strOut .= sprintf('<input type="hidden" name="intDatabaseIndex" value="%s" />', $this->intDatabaseIndex);
                $strOut .= sprintf('<input type="hidden" name="strReferrer" value="%s" /></div></form>', QApplication::HtmlEntities(QApplication::$RequestUri));

                $intCount = round(count($this->strProfileArray));
                if ($intCount == 0)
                    $strQueryString =  'No queries';
                else if ($intCount == 1)
                    $strQueryString =  '1 query';
                    $strQueryString =  $intCount . ' queries';

                $strOut .= sprintf('<b>PROFILING INFORMATION FOR DATABASE CONNECTION #%s</b>: %s performed.  Please <a href="#" onclick="var frmDbProfile = document.getElementById(\'frmDbProfile%s\'); frmDbProfile.target = \'_blank\'; frmDbProfile.submit(); return false;">click here to view profiling detail</a><br />',
                    $this->intDatabaseIndex, $strQueryString, $this->intDatabaseIndex);
            } else {
                $strOut .= '<form></form><b>Profiling was not enabled for this database connection (#' . $this->intDatabaseIndex . ').</b>  To enable, ensure that ENABLE_PROFILING is set to TRUE.';
            $strOut .= '</div>';

            $strOut .= '<script>$j(function() {$j(".qDbProfile").draggable();});</script>';    // make it draggable so you can move it out of the way if needed.

            if ($blnPrintOutput) {
                print ($strOut);
                return null;
            else {
                return $strOut;

         * Executes the explain statement for a given query and returns the output without any transformation.
         * If the database adapter does not support EXPLAIN statements, returns null.
         * @param $strSql
         * @return null
        public function ExplainStatement($strSql) {
            return null;

         * Utility function to extract the json embedded options structure from the comments.
         * Usage:
         * <code>
         *     list($strComment, $options) = QDatabaseFieldBase::ExtractCommentOptions($strComment);
         * </code>
         * @param string $strComment    The comment to analyze
         * @return array A two item array, with first item the comment with the options removed, and 2nd item the options array.
        public static function ExtractCommentOptions($strComment) {
            $ret[0] = null; // comment string without options
            $ret[1] = null; // the options array
            if (($strComment) &&
                ($pos1 = strpos ($strComment, '{')) !== false &&
                ($pos2 = strrpos ($strComment, '}', $pos1))) {

                $strJson = substr ($strComment, $pos1, $pos2 - $pos1 + 1);
                $a = json_decode($strJson, true);

                if ($a) {
                    $ret[0] = substr ($strComment, 0, $pos1) . substr ($strComment, $pos2 + 1); // return comment without options
                    $ret[1] = $a;
                } else {
                    $ret[0] = $strComment;

            return $ret;


    abstract class QDatabaseFieldBase extends QBaseClass {
        protected $strName;
        protected $strOriginalName;
        protected $strTable;
        protected $strOriginalTable;
        protected $strDefault;
        protected $intMaxLength;
        protected $strComment;

        // Bool
        protected $blnIdentity;
        protected $blnNotNull;
        protected $blnPrimaryKey;
        protected $blnUnique;
        protected $blnTimestamp;

        protected $strType;

         * PHP magic method
         * @param string $strName Property name
         * @return mixed
         * @throws Exception|QCallerException
        public function __get($strName) {
            switch ($strName) {
                case "Name":
                    return $this->strName;
                case "OriginalName":
                    return $this->strOriginalName;
                case "Table":
                    return $this->strTable;
                case "OriginalTable":
                    return $this->strOriginalTable;
                case "Default":
                    return $this->strDefault;
                case "MaxLength":
                    return $this->intMaxLength;
                case "Identity":
                    return $this->blnIdentity;
                case "NotNull":
                    return $this->blnNotNull;
                case "PrimaryKey":
                    return $this->blnPrimaryKey;
                case "Unique":
                    return $this->blnUnique;
                case "Timestamp":
                    return $this->blnTimestamp;
                case "Type":
                    return $this->strType;
                case "Comment":
                    return $this->strComment;
                    try {
                        return parent::__get($strName);
                    } catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
                        throw $objExc;

     * Class to handle results sent by database upon querying
     * @property QQueryBuilder $QueryBuilder
    abstract class QDatabaseResultBase extends QBaseClass {
        // Allow to attach a QQueryBuilder object to use the result object as cursor resource for cursor queries.
        /** @var QQueryBuilder Query builder object */
        protected $objQueryBuilder;

         * Fetches one row as indexed (column=>value style) array from the result set
         * @abstract
         * @return mixed
        abstract public function FetchArray();

         * Fetches one row as enumerated (with numerical indexes) array from the result set
         * @abstract
         * @return mixed
        abstract public function FetchRow();

        abstract public function FetchField();
        abstract public function FetchFields();
        abstract public function CountRows();
        abstract public function CountFields();

        abstract public function GetNextRow();
        abstract public function GetRows();

        abstract public function Close();

         * PHP magic method
         * @param string $strName Property name
         * @return mixed
         * @throws Exception|QCallerException
        public function __get($strName) {
            switch ($strName) {
                case 'QueryBuilder':
                    return $this->objQueryBuilder;
                    try {
                        return parent::__get($strName);
                    } catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
                        throw $objExc;

        public function __set($strName, $mixValue) {
            switch ($strName) {
                case 'QueryBuilder':
                    try {
                        return ($this->objQueryBuilder = QType::Cast($mixValue, 'QQueryBuilder'));
                    } catch (QInvalidCastException $objExc) {
                        throw $objExc;
                    try {
                        return parent::__set($strName, $mixValue);
                    } catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
                        throw $objExc;
     * Base class for all Database rows. Implemented by Database adapters
     * @package DatabaseAdapters
    abstract class QDatabaseRowBase extends QBaseClass {
         * Gets the value of a column from a result row returned by the database
         * @param string      $strColumnName Name of the column
         * @param null|string $strColumnType Data type
         * @return mixed
        abstract public function GetColumn($strColumnName, $strColumnType = null);
         * Tells whether a particular column exists in a returned database row
         * @param string $strColumnName Name of te column
         * @return bool
        abstract public function ColumnExists($strColumnName);
        abstract public function GetColumnNameArray();

         * Returns the boolean value corresponding to whatever a boolean column returns. Some database types
         * return strings that represent the boolean values. Default is to use a PHP cast.
         * @param $mixValue Value of the BIT column
         * @return bool
        public function ResolveBooleanValue ($mixValue) {
            if ($mixValue === null) {
                return null;
            return ((bool)$mixValue);


     * Class to handle exceptions related to database querying
     * @property-read int $ErrorNumber The number of error provided by the SQL server
     * @property-read string $Query The query caused the error
     * @package DatabaseAdapters
    abstract class QDatabaseExceptionBase extends QCallerException {
        /** @var int Error number */
        protected $intErrorNumber;
        /** @var string Query which produced the error */
        protected $strQuery;

         * PHP magic function to get property values
         * @param string $strName
         * @return array|int|mixed
        public function __get($strName) {
            switch ($strName) {
                case "ErrorNumber":
                    return $this->intErrorNumber;
                case "Query";
                    return $this->strQuery;
                    return parent::__get($strName);

     * @package DatabaseAdapters
    class QDatabaseForeignKey extends QBaseClass {
        protected $strKeyName;
        protected $strColumnNameArray;
        protected $strReferenceTableName;
        protected $strReferenceColumnNameArray;

        public function __construct($strKeyName, $strColumnNameArray, $strReferenceTableName, $strReferenceColumnNameArray) {
            $this->strKeyName = $strKeyName;
            $this->strColumnNameArray = $strColumnNameArray;
            $this->strReferenceTableName = $strReferenceTableName;
            $this->strReferenceColumnNameArray = $strReferenceColumnNameArray;

         * PHP magic method
         * @param string $strName Property name
         * @return mixed
         * @throws Exception|QCallerException
        public function __get($strName) {
            switch ($strName) {
                case "KeyName":
                    return $this->strKeyName;
                case "ColumnNameArray":
                    return $this->strColumnNameArray;
                case "ReferenceTableName":
                    return $this->strReferenceTableName;
                case "ReferenceColumnNameArray":
                    return $this->strReferenceColumnNameArray;
                    try {
                        return parent::__get($strName);
                    } catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
                        throw $objExc;

     * To handle index in a table in database
     * @package DatabaseAdapters
    class QDatabaseIndex extends QBaseClass {
        /** @var string Name of the index */
        protected $strKeyName;
        /** @var bool Is the Index a primary key index? */
        protected $blnPrimaryKey;
        /** @var bool Is this a Unique index? */
        protected $blnUnique;
        /** @var array Array of column names on which this index is defined */
        protected $strColumnNameArray;

         * @param string $strKeyName         Name of the index
         * @param string $blnPrimaryKey      Is this index a Primary key index?
         * @param string $blnUnique          Is this index unique?
         * @param array  $strColumnNameArray Columns on which this index is defined
        public function __construct($strKeyName, $blnPrimaryKey, $blnUnique, $strColumnNameArray) {
            $this->strKeyName = $strKeyName;
            $this->blnPrimaryKey = $blnPrimaryKey;
            $this->blnUnique = $blnUnique;
            $this->strColumnNameArray = $strColumnNameArray;

         * PHP magic function
         * @param string $strName
         * @return mixed
         * @throws Exception|QCallerException
        public function __get($strName) {
            switch ($strName) {
                case "KeyName":
                    return $this->strKeyName;
                case "PrimaryKey":
                    return $this->blnPrimaryKey;
                case "Unique":
                    return $this->blnUnique;
                case "ColumnNameArray":
                    return $this->strColumnNameArray;
                    try {
                        return parent::__get($strName);
                    } catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
                        throw $objExc;

     * Data types in a database
     * @package DatabaseAdapters
    abstract class QDatabaseFieldType {
        /** Binary Data (Binary Large OBjects/BLOBs) */
        const Blob = "Blob";
        /** Character sequence - variable length */
        const VarChar = "VarChar";
        /** Character sequence - fixed length */
        const Char = "Char";
        /** Integers */
        const Integer = "Integer";
        /** Date and Time together */
        const DateTime = "DateTime";
        /** Date only */
        const Date = "Date";
        /** Time only */
        const Time = "Time";
        /** Float, Double and real (postgresql) */
        const Float = "Float";
        /** Boolean */
        const Bit = "Bit";
        /** New JSON type */
        const Json = "Json";