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    // These Aid with the PHP 5.2 DateTime error handling
    class QDateTimeNullException extends QCallerException {}
    function QDateTimeErrorHandler() {}

     * QDateTime
     * This DateTime class provides a nice wrapper around the PHP DateTime class,
     * which is included with all versions of PHP >= 5.2.0. It includes many enhancements,
     * including the ability to specify a null date or time portion to represent a date only or
     * time only object.
     * Inherits from the php DateTime object, and the built-in methods are available for you to call
     * as well. In particular, note that the built-in format, and the qFormat routines here take different
     * specifiers. Feel free to use either.
     * @property null|integer   $Month
     * @property null|integer   $Day
     * @property null|integer   $Year
     * @property null|integer   $Hour
     * @property null|integer   $Minute
     * @property null|integer   $Second
     * @property integer        $Timestamp
     * @property-read string    $Age                A string representation of the age relative to now.
     * @property-read QDateTime $LastDayOfTheMonth  A new QDateTime representing the last day of this date's month.
     * @property-read QDateTime $FirstDayOfTheMonth A new QDateTime representing the first day of this date's month.
    class QDateTime extends DateTime implements JsonSerializable, Serializable {
        /** Used to specify the time right now (used when creating new instances of this class) */
        const Now = 'now';
        /** Date and time in ISO format */
        const FormatIso = 'YYYY-MM-DD hhhh:mm:ss';
        /** Date and time in ISO compressed format */
        const FormatIsoCompressed = 'YYYYMMDDhhhhmmss';
        /** Format used for displaying short date */
        const FormatDisplayDate = 'MMM DD YYYY';
        /** Format used for displaying the full date */
        const FormatDisplayDateFull = 'DDD, MMMM D, YYYY';
        /** Format used for displaying the short date and time */
        const FormatDisplayDateTime = 'MMM DD YYYY hh:mm zz';
        /** Format used for displaying the full date and time */
        const FormatDisplayDateTimeFull = 'DDDD, MMMM D, YYYY, h:mm:ss zz';
        /** Format to display only the time */
        const FormatDisplayTime = 'hh:mm:ss zz';
        /** Date and time format according to RFC 822 */
        const FormatRfc822 = 'DDD, DD MMM YYYY hhhh:mm:ss ttt';
        /** Date and time format according to RFC 5322 */
        const FormatRfc5322 = 'DDD, DD MMM YYYY hhhh:mm:ss ttttt';

        /** Format used to represent date for SOAP */
        const FormatSoap = 'YYYY-MM-DDThhhh:mm:ss';

        /* Type in which the date and time has to be interpreted */
        /** Unknown type interpretation */
        const UnknownType = 0;
        /** Interpret as only date (used in QDateTimePicket and MySqli database type) */
        const DateOnlyType = 1;
        /** Interpret as only time (used in QDateTimePicket and MySqli database type) */
        const TimeOnlyType = 2;
        /** Interpret as both date and type (used in QDateTimePicket and MySqli database type) */
        const DateAndTimeType = 3;

        /** @var bool true if date is null */
        protected $blnDateNull = true;
        /** @var bool  true if time is null, rather than just zero (beginning of day) */
        protected $blnTimeNull = true;

         * The "Default" Display Format
         * @var string $DefaultFormat
        public static $DefaultFormat = QDateTime::FormatDisplayDateTime;
         * The "Default" Display Format for Times
         * @var string $DefaultTimeFormat
        public static $DefaultTimeFormat = QDateTime::FormatDisplayTime;

         * The "Default" Display Format for Dates with null times
         * @var string $DefaultDateOnlyFormat
        public static $DefaultDateOnlyFormat = QDateTime::FormatDisplayDate;

         * Returns a new QDateTime object that's set to "Now"
         * Set blnTimeValue to true (default) for a DateTime, and set blnTimeValue to false for just a Date
         * @param boolean $blnTimeValue whether or not to include the time value
         * @return QDateTime the current date and/or time
        public static function Now($blnTimeValue = true) {
            $dttToReturn = new QDateTime(QDateTime::Now);
            if (!$blnTimeValue) {
                $dttToReturn->blnTimeNull = true;
            return $dttToReturn;

         * Return Now as a string. Uses the default datetime format if none speicifed.
         * @param string|null $strFormat
         * @return string
        public static function NowToString($strFormat = null) {
            $dttNow = new QDateTime(QDateTime::Now);
            return $dttNow->qFormat($strFormat);

         * @return bool
        public function IsDateNull() {
            return $this->blnDateNull;

         * @return bool
        public function IsNull() {
            return ($this->blnDateNull && $this->blnTimeNull);

         * @return bool
        public function IsTimeNull() {
            return $this->blnTimeNull;

         * @param $strFormat
         * @return string
        public function PhpDate($strFormat) {
            // This just makes a call to format
            return parent::format($strFormat);

         * @param QDateTime[] $dttArray
         * @return array
        public function GetSoapDateTimeArray($dttArray) {
            if (!$dttArray)
                return null;

            $strArrayToReturn = array();
            foreach ($dttArray as $dttItem)
                array_push($strArrayToReturn, $dttItem->qFormat(QDateTime::FormatSoap));
            return $strArrayToReturn;

         * Create from a unix timestamp. Improves over php by taking into consideration the
         * timezone, so that the internal format is automatically converted to the internal timezone,
         * or the default timezone.
         * @param integer $intTimestamp
         * @param DateTimeZone $objTimeZone
         * @return QDateTime
        public static function FromTimestamp($intTimestamp, DateTimeZone $objTimeZone = null) {
            return new QDateTime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $intTimestamp), $objTimeZone);

         * Construct a QDateTime. Does a few things differently than the php version:
         * - Always stores timestamps in local or given timezone, so time extraction is easy
         * - Has settings to determine if you want a date only or time only type
         * - Will NOT throw exceptions. Errors simply result in a null datetime.
         * @param null|integer|string|QDateTime|DateTime $mixValue
         * @param DateTimeZone                           $objTimeZone
         * @param int                                    $intType
         * @throws QCallerException
        public function __construct($mixValue = null, DateTimeZone $objTimeZone = null, $intType = QDateTime::UnknownType) {
            if ($mixValue instanceof QDateTime) {
                // Cloning from another QDateTime object
                if ($objTimeZone)
                    throw new QCallerException('QDateTime cloning cannot take in a DateTimeZone parameter');
                parent::__construct($mixValue->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $mixValue->GetTimeZone());
                $this->blnDateNull = $mixValue->IsDateNull();
                $this->blnTimeNull = $mixValue->IsTimeNull();

            } else if ($mixValue instanceof DateTime) {
                // Subclassing from a PHP DateTime object
                if ($objTimeZone)
                    throw new QCallerException('QDateTime subclassing of a DateTime object cannot take in a DateTimeZone parameter');
                parent::__construct($mixValue->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $mixValue->getTimezone());

                // By definition, a DateTime object doesn't have anything nulled
                $this->blnDateNull = false;
                $this->blnTimeNull = false;
            } else if (!$mixValue) {
                // Set to "null date"
                // And Do Nothing Else -- Default Values are already set to Nulled out
                parent::__construct('2000-01-01 00:00:00', $objTimeZone);
            } else if (strtolower($mixValue) == QDateTime::Now) {
                // very common, so quickly deal with now string
                parent::__construct('now', $objTimeZone);
                $this->blnDateNull = false;
                $this->blnTimeNull = false;
            } else if (substr($mixValue, 0, 1) == '@') {
                // unix timestamp. PHP superclass will always store ts in UTC. Our class will store in given timezone, or local tz
                parent::__construct(date('Y-m-d H:i:s', substr($mixValue, 1)), $objTimeZone);
                $this->blnDateNull = false;
                $this->blnTimeNull = false;
            else {
                // string relative date or time
                if ($intTime = strtotime($mixValue)) {
                    // The documentation states that:
                    // The valid range of a timestamp is typically from 
                    // Fri, 13 Dec 1901 20:45:54 GMT to Tue, 19 Jan 2038 03:14:07 GMT. 
                    // (These are the dates that correspond to the minimum and maximum values 
                    // for a 32-bit signed integer).
                    // But experimentally, 0000-01-01 00:00:00 is the least date displayed correctly
                    if ($intTime < -62167241486) {
                        // Set to "null date"
                        // And Do Nothing Else -- Default Values are already set to Nulled out
                        parent::__construct('2000-01-01 00:00:00', $objTimeZone);
                    } else {
                        parent::__construct(date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $intTime), $objTimeZone);
                        $this->blnDateNull = false;
                        $this->blnTimeNull = false;
                } else { // error
                    $this->blnDateNull = true;
                    $this->blnTimeNull = true;

            // User is requesting to force a particular type.
            switch ($intType) {
                case QDateTime::DateOnlyType:
                    $this->blnTimeNull = true;
                case QDateTime::TimeOnlyType:
                    $this->blnDateNull = true;
                case QDateTime::DateAndTimeType:    // forcing both a date and time type to not be null
                    $this->blnDateNull = false;
                    $this->blnTimeNull = false;
        * Returns a new QDateTime object set to the last day of the specified month.
        * @param int $intMonth
        * @param int $intYear
        * @return QDateTime the last day to a month in a year
        public static function LastDayOfTheMonth($intMonth, $intYear) {
            $temp = date('Y-m-t',mktime(0,0,0,$intMonth,1,$intYear));
            return new QDateTime($temp);
        * Returns a new QDateTime object set to the first day of the specified month.
        * @param int $intMonth
        * @param int $intYear
        * @return QDateTime the first day of the month
        public static function FirstDayOfTheMonth($intMonth, $intYear) {
            $temp = date('Y-m-d',mktime(0,0,0,$intMonth,1,$intYear));
            return new QDateTime($temp);

         * Formats a date as a string using the default format type.
         * @return string
        public function __toString() {
            return $this->qFormat();

         * The following code is a workaround for a PHP bug in 5.2 and greater (at least to 5.4).
        //protected $strSerializedData;
        //protected $strSerializedTZ;
        public function serialize() {
            $tz = $this->getTimezone();
            if ($tz && in_array ($tz->getName(), timezone_identifiers_list())) {
                $strTz = $tz->getName();
                $strDate = parent::format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
            } else {
                $strTz = null;
                $strDate = parent::format (DateTime::ISO8601);
            return serialize([
                1, // version number of serialized data, in case format changes
        public function unserialize($s) {
            $a = unserialize($s);
            $this->blnDateNull = $a[1];
            $this->blnTimeNull = $a[2];
            $tz = $a[4];
            if ($tz) {
                $tz = new DateTimeZone($tz);
            } else {
                $tz = null;
            parent::__construct($a[3], $tz);

         * Outputs the date as a string given the format strFormat.  Will use
         * the static defaults if none given.
         * Properties of strFormat are (using Sunday, March 2, 1977 at 1:15:35 pm
         * in the following examples):
         *    M - Month as an integer (e.g., 3)
         *    MM - Month as an integer with leading zero (e.g., 03)
         *    MMM - Month as three-letters (e.g., Mar)
         *    MMMM - Month as full name (e.g., March)
         *    D - Day as an integer (e.g., 2)
         *    DD - Day as an integer with leading zero (e.g., 02)
         *    DDD - Day of week as three-letters (e.g., Wed)
         *    DDDD - Day of week as full name (e.g., Wednesday)
         *    YY - Year as a two-digit integer (e.g., 77)
         *    YYYY - Year as a four-digit integer (e.g., 1977)
         *    h - Hour as an integer in 12-hour format (e.g., 1)
         *    hh - Hour as an integer in 12-hour format with leading zero (e.g., 01)
         *    hhh - Hour as an integer in 24-hour format (e.g., 13)
         *    hhhh - Hour as an integer in 24-hour format with leading zero (e.g., 13)
         *    mm - Minute as a two-digit integer
         *    ss - Second as a two-digit integer
         *    z - "pm" or "am"
         *    zz - "PM" or "AM"
         *    zzz - "p.m." or "a.m."
         *    zzzz - "P.M." or "A.M."
         *  ttt - Timezone Abbreviation as a three-letter code (e.g. PDT, GMT)
         *  tttt - Timezone Identifier (e.g. America/Los_Angeles)
         * @param string $strFormat the format of the date
         * @return string the formatted date as a string
        public function qFormat($strFormat = null) {
            if ($this->blnDateNull && $this->blnTimeNull) {
                return '';

            if (is_null($strFormat)) {
                if ($this->blnDateNull && !$this->blnTimeNull) {
                    $strFormat = QDateTime::$DefaultTimeFormat;
                } elseif (!$this->blnDateNull && $this->blnTimeNull) {
                    $strFormat = QDateTime::$DefaultDateOnlyFormat;
                } else {
                    $strFormat = QDateTime::$DefaultFormat;


//            $strArray = preg_split('/([^D^M^Y^h^m^s^z^t])+/', $strFormat);
            preg_match_all('/(?(?=D)([D]+)|(?(?=M)([M]+)|(?(?=Y)([Y]+)|(?(?=h)([h]+)|(?(?=m)([m]+)|(?(?=s)([s]+)|(?(?=z)([z]+)|(?(?=t)([t]+)|))))))))/', $strFormat, $strArray);
            $strArray = $strArray[0];
            $strToReturn = '';

            $intStartPosition = 0;
            for ($intIndex = 0; $intIndex < count($strArray); $intIndex++) {
                $strToken = trim($strArray[$intIndex]);
                if ($strToken) {
                    $intEndPosition = strpos($strFormat, $strArray[$intIndex], $intStartPosition);
                    $strToReturn .= substr($strFormat, $intStartPosition, $intEndPosition - $intStartPosition);
                    $intStartPosition = $intEndPosition + strlen($strArray[$intIndex]);

                    switch ($strArray[$intIndex]) {
                        case 'M':
                            $strToReturn .= parent::format('n');
                        case 'MM':
                            $strToReturn .= parent::format('m');
                        case 'MMM':
                            $strToReturn .= parent::format('M');
                        case 'MMMM':
                            $strToReturn .= parent::format('F');
                        case 'D':
                            $strToReturn .= parent::format('j');
                        case 'DD':
                            $strToReturn .= parent::format('d');
                        case 'DDD':
                            $strToReturn .= parent::format('D');
                        case 'DDDD':
                            $strToReturn .= parent::format('l');
                        case 'YY':
                            $strToReturn .= parent::format('y');
                        case 'YYYY':
                            $strToReturn .= parent::format('Y');
                        case 'h':
                            $strToReturn .= parent::format('g');
                        case 'hh':
                            $strToReturn .= parent::format('h');
                        case 'hhh':
                            $strToReturn .= parent::format('G');
                        case 'hhhh':
                            $strToReturn .= parent::format('H');

                        case 'mm':
                            $strToReturn .= parent::format('i');
                        case 'ss':
                            $strToReturn .= parent::format('s');
                        case 'z':
                            $strToReturn .= parent::format('a');
                        case 'zz':
                            $strToReturn .= parent::format('A');
                        case 'zzz':
                            $strToReturn .= sprintf('%s.m.', substr(parent::format('a'), 0, 1));
                        case 'zzzz':
                            $strToReturn .= sprintf('%s.M.', substr(parent::format('A'), 0, 1));

                        case 'ttt':
                            $strToReturn .= parent::format('T');
                        case 'tttt':
                            $strToReturn .= parent::format('e');
                        case 'ttttt':
                            $strToReturn .= parent::format('O');

                            $strToReturn .= $strArray[$intIndex];

            if ($intStartPosition < strlen($strFormat))
                $strToReturn .= substr($strFormat, $intStartPosition);

            return $strToReturn;

         * Sets the time portion to the given time. If a QDateTime is given, will use the time portion of that object.
         * Works around a problem in php that if you set the time across a daylight savings time boundary, the timezone
         * does not advance. This version will detect that and advance the timezone.
         * @param int|QDateTime $mixValue
         * @param int|null $intMinute
         * @param int|null $intSecond
         * @return QDateTime
        public function setTime($mixValue, $intMinute = null, $intSecond = null, $intMicroSeconds = null) {
            if ($mixValue instanceof QDateTime) {
                if ($mixValue->IsTimeNull()) {
                    $this->blnTimeNull = true;
                    return $this;
                // normalize the timezones
                $tz = $this->getTimezone();
                if ($tz && in_array ($tz->getName(), timezone_identifiers_list())) {
                    // php limits you to ID only timezones here, so make sure we have one of those
                    $mixValue->setTimezone ($tz);
                $intHour = $mixValue->Hour;
                $intMinute = $mixValue->Minute;
                $intSecond = $mixValue->Second;
            } else {
                $intHour = $mixValue;
            // If HOUR or MINUTE is NULL...
            if (is_null($intHour) || is_null($intMinute)) {
                if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.2.0', '>=')) {
                    parent::setTime($intHour, $intMinute, $intSecond, $intMicroSeconds);
                } else {
                    parent::setTime($intHour, $intMinute, $intSecond);
                $this->blnTimeNull = true;
                return $this;

            $intHour = QType::Cast($intHour, QType::Integer);
            $intMinute = QType::Cast($intMinute, QType::Integer);
            $intSecond = QType::Cast($intSecond, QType::Integer);
            $this->blnTimeNull = false;

            // Possible fix for a PHP problem. Can't reproduce, so leaving code here just in case it comes back.
            // The problem is with setting times across dst barriers
            if ($this->Hour == 0 && preg_match('/[0-9]+/', $this->getTimezone()->getName())) {
                // fix a php problem with GMT and relative timezones
                $s = 'PT' . $intHour . 'H' . $intMinute . 'M' . $intSecond . 'S';
                $this->add (new DateInterval ($s));
                // will continue and set again to make sure, because boundary crossing will change the time

            if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.2.0', '>=')) {
                parent::setTime($intHour, $intMinute, $intSecond, $intMicroSeconds);
            } else {
                parent::setTime($intHour, $intMinute, $intSecond);

            return $this;

         * Set the date.
         * @param int $intYear
         * @param int $intMonth
         * @param int $intDay
         * @return $this|DateTime
        public function setDate($intYear, $intMonth, $intDay) {
            $intYear = QType::Cast($intYear, QType::Integer);
            $intMonth = QType::Cast($intMonth, QType::Integer);
            $intDay = QType::Cast($intDay, QType::Integer);
            $this->blnDateNull = false;
            parent::setDate($intYear, $intMonth, $intDay);
            return $this;

        protected function ReinforceNullProperties() {
            if ($this->blnDateNull)
                parent::setDate(2000, 1, 1);
            if ($this->blnTimeNull) {
                parent::setTime(0, 0, 0);

         * Converts the current QDateTime object to a different TimeZone.
         * TimeZone should be passed in as a string-based identifier.
         * Note that this is different than the built-in DateTime::SetTimezone() method which expicitly
         * takes in a DateTimeZone object.  QDateTime::ConvertToTimezone allows you to specify any
         * string-based Timezone identifier.  If none is specified and/or if the specified timezone
         * is not a valid identifier, it will simply remain unchanged as opposed to throwing an exeception
         * or error.
         * @param string $strTimezoneIdentifier a string-based parameter specifying a timezone identifier (e.g. America/Los_Angeles)
         * @return void
        public function ConvertToTimezone($strTimezoneIdentifier) {
            try {
                $dtzNewTimezone = new DateTimeZone($strTimezoneIdentifier);
            } catch (Exception $objExc) {}

         * Returns true if give QDateTime is the same.
         * @param QDateTime $dttCompare
         * @return bool
        public function IsEqualTo(QDateTime $dttCompare) {
            // All comparison operations MUST have operands with matching Date Nullstates
            if ($this->blnDateNull != $dttCompare->blnDateNull)
                return false;

            // If mismatched Time nullstates, then only compare the Date portions
            if ($this->blnTimeNull != $dttCompare->blnTimeNull) {
                // Let's "Null Out" the Time
                $dttThis = new QDateTime($this);
                $dttThat = new QDateTime($dttCompare);
                $dttThis->Hour = null;
                $dttThat->Hour = null;

                // Return the Result
                return ($dttThis->Timestamp == $dttThat->Timestamp);
            } else {
                // Return the Result for the both Date and Time components
                return ($this->Timestamp == $dttCompare->Timestamp);

         * Returns true if current date time is earlier than the given one.
         * @param QDateTime $dttCompare
         * @return bool
        public function IsEarlierThan(QDateTime $dttCompare) {
            // All comparison operations MUST have operands with matching Date Nullstates
            if ($this->blnDateNull != $dttCompare->blnDateNull)
                return false;

            // If mismatched Time nullstates, then only compare the Date portions
            if ($this->blnTimeNull != $dttCompare->blnTimeNull) {
                // Let's "Null Out" the Time
                $dttThis = new QDateTime($this);
                $dttThat = new QDateTime($dttCompare);
                $dttThis->Hour = null;
                $dttThat->Hour = null;

                // Return the Result
                return ($dttThis->Timestamp < $dttThat->Timestamp);
            } else {
                // Return the Result for the both Date and Time components
                return ($this->Timestamp < $dttCompare->Timestamp);

         * Returns true if current date time is earlier than the given one.
         * @param QDateTime $dttCompare
         * @return bool
        public function IsEarlierOrEqualTo(QDateTime $dttCompare) {
            // All comparison operations MUST have operands with matching Date Nullstates
            if ($this->blnDateNull != $dttCompare->blnDateNull)
                return false;

            // If mismatched Time nullstates, then only compare the Date portions
            if ($this->blnTimeNull != $dttCompare->blnTimeNull) {
                // Let's "Null Out" the Time
                $dttThis = new QDateTime($this);
                $dttThat = new QDateTime($dttCompare);
                $dttThis->Hour = null;
                $dttThat->Hour = null;

                // Return the Result
                return ($dttThis->Timestamp <= $dttThat->Timestamp);
            } else {
                // Return the Result for the both Date and Time components
                return ($this->Timestamp <= $dttCompare->Timestamp);

         * Returns true if current date time is later than the given one.
         * @param QDateTime $dttCompare
         * @return bool
        public function IsLaterThan(QDateTime $dttCompare) {
            // All comparison operations MUST have operands with matching Date Nullstates
            if ($this->blnDateNull != $dttCompare->blnDateNull)
                return false;

            // If mismatched Time nullstates, then only compare the Date portions
            if ($this->blnTimeNull != $dttCompare->blnTimeNull) {
                // Let's "Null Out" the Time
                $dttThis = new QDateTime($this);
                $dttThat = new QDateTime($dttCompare);
                $dttThis->Hour = null;
                $dttThat->Hour = null;

                // Return the Result
                return ($dttThis->Timestamp > $dttThat->Timestamp);
            } else {
                // Return the Result for the both Date and Time components
                return ($this->Timestamp > $dttCompare->Timestamp);

         * Returns true if current date time is later than or equal to the given one.
         * @param QDateTime $dttCompare
         * @return bool
        public function IsLaterOrEqualTo(QDateTime $dttCompare) {
            // All comparison operations MUST have operands with matching Date Nullstates
            if ($this->blnDateNull != $dttCompare->blnDateNull)
                return false;

            // If mismatched Time nullstates, then only compare the Date portions
            if ($this->blnTimeNull != $dttCompare->blnTimeNull) {
                // Let's "Null Out" the Time
                $dttThis = new QDateTime($this);
                $dttThat = new QDateTime($dttCompare);
                $dttThis->Hour = null;
                $dttThat->Hour = null;

                // Return the Result
                return ($dttThis->Timestamp >= $dttThat->Timestamp);
            } else {
                // Return the Result for the both Date and Time components
                return ($this->Timestamp >= $dttCompare->Timestamp);

         * Compare the current date with the given date. Return -1 if current date is less than given date, 0 if equal,
         * and 1 if greater. Null dates are considered the earliest possible date.
         * @param QDateTime $dttCompare
         * @return int
        public function Compare(QDateTime $dttCompare) {
            // All comparison operations MUST have operands with matching Date Nullstates
            if ($this->blnDateNull && !$dttCompare->blnDateNull) {
                return -1;
            } elseif (!$this->blnDateNull && $dttCompare->blnDateNull) {
                return 1;

            // If mismatched Time nullstates, then only compare the Date portions
            if ($this->blnTimeNull != $dttCompare->blnTimeNull) {
                // Let's "Null Out" the Time
                $dttThis = new QDateTime($this);
                $dttThat = new QDateTime($dttCompare);
                $dttThis->Hour = null;
                $dttThat->Hour = null;
            } else {
                $dttThis = $this;
                $dttThat = $dttCompare;
            return ($dttThis->Timestamp < $dttThat->Timestamp ? -1 : ($dttThis->Timestamp == $dttThat->Timestamp ? 0 : 1));

         * Returns the difference as a QDateSpan, which is easier to work with and more full featured than
         * the php DateTimeInterval class.
         * @param QDateTime $dttDateTime
         * @return QDateTimeSpan
        public function Difference(QDateTime $dttDateTime) {
            $intDifference = $this->Timestamp - $dttDateTime->Timestamp;
            return new QDateTimeSpan($intDifference);

         * Add a datespan or interval to the current date.
         * @param DateInterval|QDateTimeSpan $dtsSpan
         * @return QDateTime
         * @throws QCallerException
        public function Add($dtsSpan){
            if ($dtsSpan instanceof DateInterval) {
                return $this;
            elseif (!$dtsSpan instanceof QDateTimeSpan) {
                throw new QCallerException("Can only add DateTimeInterval or QDateTimeSpan objects");

            // And add the Span Second count to it
            $this->Timestamp = $this->Timestamp + $dtsSpan->Seconds;
            return $this;

         * Add a number of seconds. Use negative value to go earlier in time.
         * @param integer $intSeconds
         * @return QDateTime
        public function AddSeconds($intSeconds){
            $this->Second += $intSeconds;
            return $this;

         * Add minutes to the time.
         * @param integer $intMinutes
         * @return QDateTime
        public function AddMinutes($intMinutes){
            $this->Minute += $intMinutes;
            return $this;

         * Add hours to the time.
         * @param integer $intHours
         * @return QDateTime
        public function AddHours($intHours){
            $this->Hour += $intHours;
            return $this;

         * Add days to the time.
         * @param integer $intDays
         * @return QDateTIme
        public function AddDays($intDays){
            $this->Day += $intDays;
            return $this;

         * Add months to the time. If the day on the new month is greater than the month will allow, the day is adjusted
         * to be the last day of that month.
         * @param integer $intMonths
         * @return QDateTime
        public function AddMonths($intMonths){
            $prevDay = $this->Day;
            $this->Month += $intMonths;
            if ($this->Day != $prevDay) {
                $this->Day = 1;
                $this->AddDays (-1);
            return $this;

         * Add years to the time.
         * @param integer $intYears
         * @return QDateTime
        public function AddYears($intYears){
            $this->Year += $intYears;
            return $this;

         * Modifies the date or time based on values found int a string.
         * @see DateTime::modify()
         * @param string $mixValue
         * @return QDateTime
        public function Modify($mixValue) {
            return $this;

         * Convert the object to a javascript object. This is code that if executed in javascript would produce a Date
         * javascript object. Note that the date will be created in the browser's local timezone, so convert to the
         * browser's timezone first if that is important for you.
         * @return string
        public function toJsObject() {
            if ($this->blnDateNull) {
                $dt = self::Now();    // time only will use today's date.
            } else {
                $dt = clone $this;

            if ($this->blnTimeNull) {
                return sprintf ('new Date(%s, %s, %s)', $dt->Year, $dt->Month - 1, $dt->Day);
            } else {
                return sprintf ('new Date(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)', $dt->Year, $dt->Month - 1, $dt->Day, $dt->Hour, $dt->Minute, $dt->Second);

         * Returns a datetime in a way that it will pass through a json_encode and be decodalbe in qcubed.js.
         * qcubed.unpackParams looks for this.
         * @return array|mixed;
        public function jsonSerialize() {
            if ($this->blnDateNull) {
                $dt = self::Now();    // time only will use today's date.
            } else {
                $dt = clone $this;

            if ($this->blnTimeNull) {
                return [JavaScriptHelper::ObjectType=>'qDateTime', 'year'=>$dt->Year, 'month'=>$dt->Month - 1,

            } else {
                return [JavaScriptHelper::ObjectType=>'qDateTime', 'year'=>$dt->Year, 'month'=>$dt->Month - 1,
                    'day'=>$dt->Day, 'hour'=>$dt->Hour, 'minute'=>$dt->Minute, 'second'=>$dt->Second];

         * PHP magic method
         * @param $strName
         * @return QDateTime|string
         * @throws QUndefinedPropertyException
        public function __get($strName) {
            switch ($strName) {
                case 'Month':
                    if ($this->blnDateNull)
                        return null;
                        return (int) parent::format('m');

                case 'Day':
                    if ($this->blnDateNull)
                        return null;
                        return (int) parent::format('d');

                case 'Year':
                    if ($this->blnDateNull)
                        return null;
                        return (int) parent::format('Y');

                case 'Hour':
                    if ($this->blnTimeNull)
                        return null;
                        return (int) parent::format('H');

                case 'Minute':
                    if ($this->blnTimeNull)
                        return null;
                        return (int) parent::format('i');

                case 'Second':
                    if ($this->blnTimeNull)
                        return null;
                        return (int) parent::format('s');

                case 'Timestamp':
                    return (int) parent::format('U'); // range depends on the platform's max and min integer values

                case 'Age':
                    // Figure out the Difference from "Now"
                    $dtsFromCurrent = $this->Difference(QDateTime::Now());
                    // It's in the future ('about 2 hours from now')
                    if ($dtsFromCurrent->IsPositive())
                        return $dtsFromCurrent->SimpleDisplay() . QApplication::Translate(' from now');

                    // It's in the past ('about 5 hours ago')
                    else if ($dtsFromCurrent->IsNegative()) {
                        $dtsFromCurrent->Seconds = abs($dtsFromCurrent->Seconds);
                        return $dtsFromCurrent->SimpleDisplay() . QApplication::Translate(' ago');

                    // It's current
                    } else
                        return QApplication::Translate('right now');

                case 'LastDayOfTheMonth':
                    return self::LastDayOfTheMonth($this->Month, $this->Year);
                case 'FirstDayOfTheMonth':
                    return self::FirstDayOfTheMonth($this->Month, $this->Year);
                    throw new QUndefinedPropertyException('GET', 'QDateTime', $strName);

         * PHP magic method
         * @param $strName
         * @param $mixValue
         * @return mixed
         * @throws Exception|QCallerException|QDateTimeNullException|QInvalidCastException|QUndefinedPropertyException
        public function __set($strName, $mixValue) {
            try {
                switch ($strName) {
                    case 'Month':
                        if ($this->blnDateNull && (!is_null($mixValue)))
                            throw new QDateTimeNullException('Cannot set the Month property on a null date.  Use SetDate().');
                        if (is_null($mixValue)) {
                            $this->blnDateNull = true;
                            return null;
                        $mixValue = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::Integer);
                        parent::setDate(parent::format('Y'), $mixValue, parent::format('d'));
                        return $mixValue;

                    case 'Day':
                        if ($this->blnDateNull && (!is_null($mixValue)))
                            throw new QDateTimeNullException('Cannot set the Day property on a null date.  Use SetDate().');
                        if (is_null($mixValue)) {
                            $this->blnDateNull = true;
                            return null;
                        $mixValue = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::Integer);
                        parent::setDate(parent::format('Y'), parent::format('m'), $mixValue);
                        return $mixValue;

                    case 'Year':
                        if ($this->blnDateNull && (!is_null($mixValue)))
                            throw new QDateTimeNullException('Cannot set the Year property on a null date.  Use SetDate().');
                        if (is_null($mixValue)) {
                            $this->blnDateNull = true;
                            return null;
                        $mixValue = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::Integer);
                        parent::setDate($mixValue, parent::format('m'), parent::format('d'));
                        return $mixValue;

                    case 'Hour':
                        if ($this->blnTimeNull && (!is_null($mixValue)))
                            throw new QDateTimeNullException('Cannot set the Hour property on a null time.  Use SetTime().');
                        if (is_null($mixValue)) {
                            $this->blnTimeNull = true;
                            return null;
                        $mixValue = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::Integer);
                        parent::setTime($mixValue, parent::format('i'), parent::format('s'));
                        return $mixValue;

                    case 'Minute':
                        if ($this->blnTimeNull && (!is_null($mixValue)))
                            throw new QDateTimeNullException('Cannot set the Minute property on a null time.  Use SetTime().');
                        if (is_null($mixValue)) {
                            $this->blnTimeNull = true;
                            return null;
                        $mixValue = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::Integer);
                        parent::setTime(parent::format('H'), $mixValue, parent::format('s'));
                        return $mixValue;

                    case 'Second':
                        if ($this->blnTimeNull && (!is_null($mixValue)))
                            throw new QDateTimeNullException('Cannot set the Second property on a null time.  Use SetTime().');
                        if (is_null($mixValue)) {
                            $this->blnTimeNull = true;
                            return null;
                        $mixValue = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::Integer);
                        parent::setTime(parent::format('H'), parent::format('i'), $mixValue);
                        return $mixValue;

                    case 'Timestamp':
                        $mixValue = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::Integer);
                        $this->blnDateNull = false;
                        $this->blnTimeNull = false;
                        return $mixValue;

                        throw new QUndefinedPropertyException('SET', 'QDateTime', $strName);
            } catch (QInvalidCastException $objExc) {
                throw $objExc;

    This is a reference to the documentation for hte PHP DateTime classes (as of PHP 5.2)


      DateTime::__construct([string time[, DateTimeZone object]])
      - Returns new DateTime object
      string DateTime::format(string format)
      - Returns date formatted according to given format
      long DateTime::getOffset()
      - Returns the DST offset
      DateTimeZone DateTime::getTimezone()
      - Return new DateTimeZone object relative to give DateTime
      void DateTime::modify(string modify)
      - Alters the timestamp
      array DateTime::parse(string date)
      - Returns associative array with detailed info about given date
      void DateTime::setDate(long year, long month, long day)
      - Sets the date
      void DateTime::setISODate(long year, long week[, long day])
      - Sets the ISO date
      void DateTime::setTime(long hour, long minute[, long second])
      - Sets the time
      void DateTime::setTimezone(DateTimeZone object)
      - Sets the timezone for the DateTime object

/* Some quick and dirty test harnesses
    $dtt1 = new QDateTime();
    $dtt2 = new QDateTime();
    printTable($dtt1, $dtt2);
    $dtt2->setDate(2000, 1, 1);
//    $dtt2->Month++;
    printTable($dtt1, $dtt2);

    function printTable($dtt1, $dtt2) {
        print('<table border="1" cellpadding="2"><tr><td>');
        print ('</td></tr>');
        print ('<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">IsEqualTo: <b>' . (($dtt1->IsEqualTo($dtt2)) ? 'Yes' : 'No') . '</b></td></tr>');
        print ('<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">IsEarlierThan: <b>' . (($dtt1->IsEarlierThan($dtt2)) ? 'Yes' : 'No') . '</b></td></tr>');
        print ('<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">IsLaterThan: <b>' . (($dtt1->IsLaterThan($dtt2)) ? 'Yes' : 'No') . '</b></td></tr>');
        print ('<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">IsEarlierOrEqualTo: <b>' . (($dtt1->IsEarlierOrEqualTo($dtt2)) ? 'Yes' : 'No') . '</b></td></tr>');
        print ('<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">IsLaterOrEqualTo: <b>' . (($dtt1->IsLaterOrEqualTo($dtt2)) ? 'Yes' : 'No') . '</b></td></tr>');
    function printDate($dtt) {
        print ('Time Null: ' . (($dtt->IsTimeNull()) ? 'Yes' : 'No'));
        print ('<br/>');
        print ('Date Null: ' . (($dtt->IsDateNull()) ? 'Yes' : 'No'));
        print ('<br/>');
        print ('Date: ' . $dtt->qFormat(QDateTime::FormatDisplayDateTimeFull));
        print ('<br/>');
        print ('Month: ' . $dtt->Month . '<br/>');
        print ('Day: ' . $dtt->Day . '<br/>');
        print ('Year: ' . $dtt->Year . '<br/>');
        print ('Hour: ' . $dtt->Hour . '<br/>');
        print ('Minute: ' . $dtt->Minute . '<br/>');
        print ('Second: ' . $dtt->Second . '<br/>');