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1 wk
Test Coverage
     * This EmailServer (and its dependent EmailMessage class) allows the application to send
     * messages via any accessible SMTP server.
     * The QEmailServer class, specifically, is an abstract class and is NOT meant to be instantiated.
     * It has one public static method, Send, which takes in a QEmailMessage object.
    abstract class QEmailServer extends QBaseClass {
         * Server Hostname or IP Address of the server running the SMTP service.
         * Using an IP address is slightly faster, but using a Hostname is easier to manage.
         * Defaults to "localhost".
         * @var string SmtpServer
        public static $SmtpServer = 'localhost';

         * Port of the SMTP Service on the SmtpServer, usually 25
         * @var integer SmtpPort
        public static $SmtpPort = 25;

         * IP Address of the Originating Server (e.g. the IP address of this server)
         * used for the EHLO command in the SMTP protocol.  Defaults to the
         * QApplication::$ServerAddress variable, which uses the PHP $_SERVER
         * constants to determine the correct IP address.
         * @var string OriginatingServerIp
        public static $OriginatingServerIp;

         * Whether or not we are running in Test Mode.  Test Mode allows you
         * to develop e-mail-based applications without actually having access to
         * an SMTP server or the Internet.  Instead of messages being sent out,
         * the messages and corresponding SMTP communication will be saved to disk.
         * @var boolean $TestMode
        public static $TestMode = false;

         * The directory where TestMode e-mail files will be saved to.  The process
         * running the webserver *must* have write access to this directory.  Default
         * is "/tmp", which makes sense in unix/linux/mac environments.  Windows users
         * will likely need to set up their own temp directories.
         * @var string $TestModeDirectory
        public static $TestModeDirectory = __TMP__;

         * Boolean flag signifying whether SMTP's AUTH PLAIN should be used
         * @var bool $AuthPlain
        public static $AuthPlain = false;

         * Boolean flag signifying whether SMTP's AUTH LOGIN should be used
         * @var bool $AuthLogin
        public static $AuthLogin = false;

         * SMTP Username to use for AUTH PLAIN or LOGIN
         * @var string $SmtpUsername
        public static $SmtpUsername = '';

         * SMTP Password to use for AUTH PLAIN or LOGIN
         * @var string $SmtpPassword
        public static $SmtpPassword = '';

         * Encoding Type (if null, will default to the QApplication::$EncodingType)
         * @var string $EncodingType
        public static $EncodingType = null;

         * Uses regular expression matching to return an array of valid e-mail addresses
         * @param string $strAddresses Single string containing e-mail addresses and anything else
         * @return string[] An array of e-mail addresses only, or NULL if none
        public static function GetEmailAddresses($strAddresses) {
            $strAddressArray = null;

            // Address Lines cannot have any linebreaks
            if ((strpos($strAddresses, "\r") !== false) ||
                (strpos($strAddresses, "\n") !== false))
                return null;

            preg_match_all ("/[a-zA-Z0-9_.'%+-]+[@][\-a-zA-Z0-9_.]+/", $strAddresses, $strAddressArray);
            if ((is_array($strAddressArray)) &&
                (array_key_exists(0, $strAddressArray)) &&
                (is_array($strAddressArray[0])) &&
                (array_key_exists(0, $strAddressArray[0]))) {
                return $strAddressArray[0];
            // If we're here, then no addresses were found in $strAddress
            // so return null
            return null;

         * This will check to see if an email address is considered "Valid" according to RFC 2822.
         * It utilizes the GetEmailAddresses static method, which does the actual logic work of checking.
         * @param string $strEmailAddress
         * @return boolean
        public static function IsEmailValid($strEmailAddress) {
            $strEmailAddressArray = QEmailServer::GetEmailAddresses($strEmailAddress);
            return ((count($strEmailAddressArray) == 1) && ($strEmailAddressArray[0] == $strEmailAddress));  

         * Encodes given 8 bit string to a quoted-printable string,
         * @param string $strString
         * @param boolean $blnSubject
         * @return encoded string
        private static function QuotedPrintableEncode($strString, $blnSubject = false) {
            if ( function_exists('quoted_printable_encode') )
                $strText = quoted_printable_encode($strString);
            else {
                $strText = preg_replace( '/[^\x21-\x3C\x3E-\x7E\x09\x20]/e', 'sprintf( "=%02X", ord ( "$0" ) ) ;', $strString );
                preg_match_all( '/.{1,73}([^=]{0,2})?/', $strText, $arrMatch );
                $strText = implode( '=' . "\r\n", $arrMatch[0] );
            if ($blnSubject) {
                // Replace spaces with undercores, see RFC 1342
                $strText = str_replace("_", "=5F", $strText);
                $strText = str_replace(" ", "_", $strText);

                // Remove newlines
                $strText = str_replace("=\r\n", "", $strText);
            } else {
                // Escape leading dots with another dot
                $strText = str_replace("\n.", "\n..", $strText);
            return $strText;

         * Sends a message out via SMTP according to the server, ip, etc. preferences
         * as set up on the class.  Takes in a QEmailMessage object.
         * Will throw a QEmailException exception on any error.
         * @param QEmailMessage $objMessage Message to Send
         * @throws QEmailException
         * @return void
        public static function Send(QEmailMessage $objMessage) {
            $objResource = null;

            if (QEmailServer::$TestMode) {
                // Open up a File Resource to the TestModeDirectory
                $strArray = explode(' ', microtime());
                $strFileName = sprintf('%s/email_%s%s.txt', QEmailServer::$TestModeDirectory, $strArray[1], substr($strArray[0], 1));
                $objResource = fopen($strFileName, 'w');
                if (!$objResource)
                    throw new QEmailException(sprintf('Unable to open Test SMTP connection to: %s', $strFileName));

                // Clear the Read Buffer
                if (!feof($objResource))
                    fgets($objResource, 4096);

                // Write the Connection Command
                fwrite($objResource, sprintf("telnet %s %s\r\n", QEmailServer::$SmtpServer, QEmailServer::$SmtpPort));
            } else {
                $objResource = fsockopen(QEmailServer::$SmtpServer, QEmailServer::$SmtpPort);
                if (!$objResource)
                    throw new QEmailException(sprintf('Unable to open SMTP connection to: %s %s', QEmailServer::$SmtpServer, QEmailServer::$SmtpPort));

            // Connect
            $strResponse = null;
            if (!feof($objResource)) {
                $strResponse = fgets($objResource, 4096);

                // Iterate through all "220-" responses (stop at "220 ")
                while ((substr($strResponse, 0, 3) == "220") && (substr($strResponse, 0, 4) != "220 "))
                    if (!feof($objResource))
                        $strResponse = fgets($objResource, 4096);

                // Check for a "220" response
                if (!QEmailServer::$TestMode)
                    if ((strpos($strResponse, "220") === false) || (strpos($strResponse, "220") != 0))
                        throw new QEmailException(sprintf('Error Response on Connect: %s', $strResponse));

            // Send: EHLO
            fwrite($objResource, sprintf("EHLO %s\r\n", QEmailServer::$OriginatingServerIp));
            if (!feof($objResource)) {
                $strResponse = fgets($objResource, 4096);

                // Iterate through all "250-" responses (stop at "250 ")
                while ((substr($strResponse, 0, 3) == "250") && (substr($strResponse, 0, 4) != "250 "))
                    if (!feof($objResource))
                        $strResponse = fgets($objResource, 4096);

                // Check for a "250" response
                if (!QEmailServer::$TestMode)
                    if ((strpos($strResponse, "250") === false) || (strpos($strResponse, "250") != 0))
                        throw new QEmailException(sprintf('Error Response on EHLO: %s', $strResponse));

            // Send Authentication
            if (QEmailServer::$AuthPlain) {
                fwrite($objResource, "AUTH PLAIN " . base64_encode(QEmailServer::$SmtpUsername . "\0" . QEmailServer::$SmtpUsername . "\0" . QEmailServer::$SmtpPassword) . "\r\n");
                if (!feof($objResource)) {
                    $strResponse = fgets($objResource, 4096);
                    if ((strpos($strResponse, "235") === false) || (strpos($strResponse, "235") != 0))
                        throw new QEmailException(sprintf('Error in response from AUTH PLAIN: %s', $strResponse));

            if (QEmailServer::$AuthLogin) {
                fwrite($objResource,"AUTH LOGIN\r\n");
                if (!feof($objResource)) {
                    $strResponse = fgets($objResource, 4096);
                    if (!QEmailServer::$TestMode)
                        if ((strpos($strResponse, "334") === false) || (strpos($strResponse, "334") != 0))
                            throw new QEmailException(sprintf('Error in response from AUTH LOGIN: %s', $strResponse));

                fwrite($objResource, base64_encode(QEmailServer::$SmtpUsername) . "\r\n");
                if (!feof($objResource)) {
                    $strResponse = fgets($objResource, 4096);
                    if (!QEmailServer::$TestMode)
                        if ((strpos($strResponse, "334") === false) || (strpos($strResponse, "334") != 0))
                            throw new QEmailException(sprintf('Error in response from AUTH LOGIN: %s', $strResponse));

                fwrite($objResource, base64_encode(QEmailServer::$SmtpPassword) . "\r\n");
                if (!feof($objResource)) {
                     $strResponse = fgets($objResource, 4096);
                    if (!QEmailServer::$TestMode)
                        if ((strpos($strResponse, "235") === false) || (strpos($strResponse, "235") != 0))
                            throw new QEmailException(sprintf('Error in response from AUTH LOGIN: %s', $strResponse));

            // Setup MAIL FROM line
            $strAddressArray = QEmailServer::GetEmailAddresses($objMessage->From);
            if (count($strAddressArray) != 1)
                throw new QEmailException(sprintf('Not a valid From address: %s', $objMessage->From));

            // Send: MAIL FROM line
            fwrite($objResource, sprintf("MAIL FROM: <%s>\r\n", $strAddressArray[0]));            
            if (!feof($objResource)) {
                $strResponse = fgets($objResource, 4096);
                // Check for a "250" response
                if (!QEmailServer::$TestMode)
                    if ((strpos($strResponse, "250") === false) || (strpos($strResponse, "250") != 0))
                        throw new QEmailException(sprintf('Error Response on MAIL FROM: %s', $strResponse));

            // Setup RCPT TO line(s)
            $strAddressToArray = QEmailServer::GetEmailAddresses($objMessage->To);
            if (!$strAddressToArray)
                throw new QEmailException(sprintf('Not a valid To address: %s', $objMessage->To));

            $strAddressCcArray = QEmailServer::GetEmailAddresses($objMessage->Cc);
            if (!$strAddressCcArray)
                $strAddressCcArray = array();

            $strAddressBccArray = QEmailServer::GetEmailAddresses($objMessage->Bcc);
            if (!$strAddressBccArray)
                $strAddressBccArray = array();

            $strAddressCcBccArray = array_merge($strAddressCcArray, $strAddressBccArray);
            $strAddressArray = array_merge($strAddressToArray, $strAddressCcBccArray);

            // Send: RCPT TO line(s)
            foreach ($strAddressArray as $strAddress) {
                fwrite($objResource, sprintf("RCPT TO: <%s>\r\n", $strAddress));
                if (!feof($objResource)) {
                    $strResponse = fgets($objResource, 4096);
                    // Check for a "250" response
                    if (!QEmailServer::$TestMode)
                        if ((strpos($strResponse, "250") === false) || (strpos($strResponse, "250") != 0))
                            throw new QEmailException(sprintf('Error Response on RCPT TO: %s', $strResponse));

            // Send: DATA
            fwrite($objResource, "DATA\r\n");
            if (!feof($objResource)) {
                $strResponse = fgets($objResource, 4096);
                // Check for a "354" response
                if (!QEmailServer::$TestMode)
                    if ((strpos($strResponse, "354") === false) || (strpos($strResponse, "354") != 0))
                        throw new QEmailException(sprintf('Error Response on DATA: %s', $strResponse));

            // Send: Required Headers
            fwrite($objResource, sprintf("Date: %s\r\n", QDateTime::NowToString(QDateTime::FormatRfc5322)));
            fwrite($objResource, sprintf("To: %s\r\n", $objMessage->To));
            fwrite($objResource, sprintf("From: %s\r\n", $objMessage->From));
            if($objMessage->ReplyTo) {
                fwrite($objResource, sprintf("Reply-To: %s\r\n", $objMessage->ReplyTo));
            if($objMessage->Sender) {
                fwrite($objResource, sprintf("Sender: %s\r\n", $objMessage->Sender));
            // Setup Encoding Type (use QEmailServer if specified, otherwise default to QApplication's)
            if (!($strEncodingType = QEmailServer::$EncodingType))
                $strEncodingType = QApplication::$EncodingType;

            // Send: Optional Headers
            if ($objMessage->Subject) {
                if ($objMessage->EncodeSubject) {
                    fwrite($objResource, sprintf("Subject: =?%s?Q?%s?=\r\n", $strEncodingType, self::QuotedPrintableEncode($objMessage->Subject, true)));
                } else {
                    fwrite($objResource, sprintf("Subject: %s\r\n", $objMessage->Subject));

            if ($objMessage->Cc)
                fwrite($objResource, sprintf("Cc: %s\r\n", $objMessage->Cc));

            // Send: Content-Type Header (if applicable)

            // First, setup boundaries (may be needed if multipart)
            $strBoundary = sprintf('qcubed_mixed_boundary_%s', md5(microtime()));
            $strAltBoundary = sprintf('qcubed_alt_boundary_%s', md5(microtime()));

            // Send: Other Headers (if any)
            foreach ($objArray = $objMessage->HeaderArray as $strKey => $strValue)
                fwrite($objResource, sprintf("%s: %s\r\n", $strKey, $strValue));            

            // if we are adding an html or files to the message we need these headers.
            if ($objMessage->HasFiles || $objMessage->HtmlBody)  {
                fwrite($objResource, "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n");
                fwrite($objResource, sprintf("Content-Type: multipart/mixed;\r\n boundary=\"%s\"\r\n", $strBoundary));
                fwrite($objResource, sprintf("This is a multipart message in MIME format.\r\n\r\n", $strBoundary));
                fwrite($objResource, sprintf("--%s\r\n", $strBoundary));                

            // Send: Body
            if ($objMessage->HtmlBody) {
                fwrite($objResource, sprintf("Content-Type: multipart/alternative;\r\n boundary=\"%s\"\r\n\r\n", $strAltBoundary));
                fwrite($objResource, sprintf("--%s\r\n", $strAltBoundary));
                fwrite($objResource, sprintf("Content-Type: text/plain; charset=\"%s\"\r\n", $strEncodingType));
                fwrite($objResource, sprintf("Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\r\n\r\n"));

                fwrite($objResource, self::QuotedPrintableEncode($objMessage->Body));
                fwrite($objResource, "\r\n\r\n");

                fwrite($objResource, sprintf("--%s\r\n", $strAltBoundary));
                fwrite($objResource, sprintf("Content-Type: text/html; charset=\"%s\"\r\n", $strEncodingType));
                fwrite($objResource, sprintf("Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\r\n\r\n"));                                
                fwrite($objResource, self::QuotedPrintableEncode($objMessage->HtmlBody));
                fwrite($objResource, "\r\n\r\n");
                fwrite($objResource, sprintf("--%s--\r\n", $strAltBoundary));
            } else if($objMessage->HasFiles) {
                fwrite($objResource, sprintf("Content-Type: multipart/alternative;\r\n boundary=\"%s\"\r\n\r\n", $strAltBoundary));                
                fwrite($objResource, sprintf("--%s\r\n", $strAltBoundary));
                fwrite($objResource, sprintf("Content-Type: text/plain; charset=\"%s\"\r\n", $strEncodingType));
                fwrite($objResource, sprintf("Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\r\n\r\n"));
                fwrite($objResource, self::QuotedPrintableEncode($objMessage->Body));
                fwrite($objResource, "\r\n\r\n");
                fwrite($objResource, sprintf("--%s--\r\n", $strAltBoundary));
            } else {
                fwrite($objResource, sprintf("Content-Type: text/plain; charset=\"%s\"\r\n", $strEncodingType));
                fwrite($objResource, sprintf("Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\r\n\r\n"));
                fwrite($objResource, "\r\n" . self::QuotedPrintableEncode($objMessage->Body));

            // Send: File Attachments
            if($objMessage->HasFiles) {
                foreach ($objArray = $objMessage->FileArray as $objFile) {
                    fwrite($objResource, sprintf("--%s\r\n", $strBoundary));
                    fwrite($objResource, sprintf("Content-Type: %s;\r\n", $objFile->MimeType ));
                    fwrite($objResource, sprintf("      name=\"%s\"\r\n", $objFile->FileName ));
                    fwrite($objResource, "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\r\n");
                    fwrite($objResource, sprintf("Content-Length: %s\r\n", strlen($objFile->EncodedFileData)));
                    fwrite($objResource, "Content-Disposition: attachment;\r\n");
                    fwrite($objResource, sprintf("      filename=\"%s\"\r\n\r\n", $objFile->FileName));
                    fwrite($objResource, $objFile->EncodedFileData);
//                    foreach (explode("\r\n", $objFile->EncodedFileData) as $strLine) {
//                        $strLine = trim($strLine);
//                        fwrite($objResource, $strLine . "\r\n");
//                    }

            // close a message with these boundaries if the message had files or had html
            if($objMessage->HasFiles || $objMessage->HtmlBody)
                   fwrite($objResource, sprintf("\r\n\r\n--%s--\r\n", $strBoundary)); // send end of file attachments...

            // Send: Message End
            fwrite($objResource, "\r\n.\r\n");
            if (!feof($objResource)) {
                $strResponse = fgets($objResource, 4096);
                // Check for a "250" response
                if (!QEmailServer::$TestMode)
                    if ((strpos($strResponse, "250") === false) || (strpos($strResponse, "250") != 0))
                        throw new QEmailException(sprintf('Error Response on DATA finish: %s', $strResponse));

            // Send: QUIT
            fwrite($objResource, "QUIT\r\n");
            if (!feof($objResource))
                $strResponse = fgets($objResource, 4096);
            // Close the Resource
            if (QEmailServer::$TestMode)
                chmod($strFileName, 0777);

    // PHP does not allow Static Class Variables to be set to non-constants.
    // So we set QEmailServer's OriginatingServerIp to QApplication's ServerAddress here.
    QEmailServer::$OriginatingServerIp = QApplication::$ServerAddress;

    class QEmailException extends QCallerException {}
    class QEmailAttachment extends QBaseClass {
        protected $strFilePath;
        protected $strMimeType;
        protected $strFileName;
        protected $strEncodedFileData;

        public function __construct($strFilePath, $strSpecifiedMimeType = null, $strSpecifiedFileName = null) {
            // Set File Path
            if (!is_file(realpath($strFilePath)))
                throw new QCallerException('File Not Found: ' . $strFilePath);
            $this->strFilePath = realpath($strFilePath);

            // Set the File MIME Type -- if Explicitly Set, use it
            if ($strSpecifiedMimeType)
                $this->strMimeType = $strSpecifiedMimeType;
            // otherwise, use QMimeType to determine
                $this->strMimeType = QMimeType::GetMimeTypeForFile($this->strFilePath);

            // Set the File Name -- if explicitly set, use it
            if ($strSpecifiedFileName)
                $this->strFileName = $strSpecifiedFileName;
            // Otherwise, use basename() to determine
                $this->strFileName = basename($this->strFilePath);

            // Read file into a Base64 Encoded Data Stream
            $strFileContents = file_get_contents($this->strFilePath, false);
            $this->strEncodedFileData = chunk_split(base64_encode($strFileContents));

        public function __get($strName) {
            switch ($strName) {
                case 'FilePath': return $this->strFilePath;
                case 'MimeType': return $this->strMimeType; 
                case 'FileName': return $this->strFileName;
                case 'EncodedFileData': return $this->strEncodedFileData;
                    try {
                        return parent::__get($strName);
                    } catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
                        throw $objExc;
    class QEmailStringAttachment extends QEmailAttachment {
        public function __construct($strContent, $strSpecifiedMimeType, $strSpecifiedFileName) {
            // Set the File MIME Type -- if Explicitly Set, use it
            if ($strSpecifiedMimeType) {
                $this->strMimeType = $strSpecifiedMimeType;
            // Set the File Name -- if explicitly set, use it
            if ($strSpecifiedFileName) {
                $this->strFileName = $strSpecifiedFileName;
            // Read file into a Base64 Encoded Data Stream
            $this->strEncodedFileData = chunk_split(base64_encode($strContent));

     * An email message that you can send with QEmailServer
     * @property string $From
     * @property string $ReplyTo
     * @property string $Sender
     * @property string $To
     * @property string $Cc
     * @property string $Bcc
     * @property string $Subject
     * @property string $Body
     * @property string $HtmlBody
     * @property boolean $EncodeSubject  Whether to encode the subject of the email using UTF-8. Default is true. You might want to turn this off if sending to text message portals (i.e. 123-4567@sprint.message.com)
    class QEmailMessage extends QBaseClass {
        protected $strFrom;
        protected $strReplyTo;
        protected $strSender;
        protected $strTo;
        protected $strSubject;
        protected $strBody;
        protected $strHtmlBody;

        protected $strCc;
        protected $strBcc;
        protected $strHeaderArray = array();
        protected $objFileArray = array();

        protected $blnEncodeSubject = true;    // useful for sending to text message hubs, they don't like charset declaractions

        public function AddAttachment(QEmailAttachment $objFile) {                        
            $this->objFileArray[$objFile->FileName] = $objFile;

        public function Attach($strFilePath, $strSpecifiedMimeType = null, $strSpecifiedFileName = null) {
            $this->AddAttachment(new QEmailAttachment($strFilePath, $strSpecifiedMimeType, $strSpecifiedFileName));

        public function RemoveAttachment($strName) {
            if (array_key_exists($strName, $this->objFileArray))

        public function SetHeader($strName, $strValue) {
            $this->strHeaderArray[$strName] = $strValue;

        public function GetHeader($strName) {
            if (array_key_exists($strName, $this->strHeaderArray))
                return $this->strHeaderArray[$strName];
            return null;

        public function RemoveHeader($strName) {
            if (array_key_exists($strName, $this->strHeaderArray))

        public function __construct($strFrom = null, $strTo = null, $strSubject = null, $strBody = null) {
            $this->strFrom = $strFrom;
            $this->strTo = $strTo;

            // We must cleanup the Subject and Body -- use the Property to set
            $this->Subject = $strSubject;
            $this->Body = $strBody;

        public function __get($strName) {
            switch ($strName) {
                case 'From'        : return $this->strFrom;
                case 'ReplyTo'        : return $this->strReplyTo;
                case 'Sender'        : return $this->strSender;
                case 'To'        : return $this->strTo;
                case 'Subject': return $this->strSubject;
                case 'Body': return $this->strBody;
                case 'HtmlBody': return $this->strHtmlBody;

                case 'Cc': return $this->strCc;
                case 'Bcc': return $this->strBcc;

                case 'HeaderArray': return $this->strHeaderArray;
                case 'FileArray': return $this->objFileArray;
                case 'HasFiles': return (count($this->objFileArray) > 0) ? true : false;
                case 'EncodeSubject': return $this->blnEncodeSubject;

                    try {
                        return parent::__get($strName);
                    } catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
                        throw $objExc;

        public function __set($strName, $mixValue) {
            try {
                switch ($strName) {
                    case 'From'    : return ($this->strFrom = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::String));
                    case 'ReplyTo'    : return ($this->strReplyTo = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::String));
                    case 'Sender'    : return ($this->strSender = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::String));
                    case 'To': return ($this->strTo = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::String));
                    case 'Subject':
                        $strSubject = trim(QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::String));
                        $strSubject = str_replace("\r", "", $strSubject);
                        $strSubject = str_replace("\n", " ", $strSubject);
                        return ($this->strSubject = $strSubject);
                    case 'Body':
                        $strBody = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::String);
                        $strBody = str_replace("\r", "", $strBody);
                        $strBody = str_replace("\n", "\r\n", $strBody);
                        $strBody = str_replace("\n.", "\n..", $strBody);
                        return ($this->strBody = $strBody);
                    case 'HtmlBody':
                        $strHtmlBody = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::String);
                        $strHtmlBody = str_replace("\r", "", $strHtmlBody);
                        $strHtmlBody = str_replace("\n", "\r\n", $strHtmlBody);
                        $strHtmlBody = str_replace("\n.", "\n..", $strHtmlBody);
                        return ($this->strHtmlBody = $strHtmlBody);

                    case 'Cc': return ($this->strCc = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::String));
                    case 'Bcc': return ($this->strBcc = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::String));
                    case 'EncodeSubject': return ($this->blnEncodeSubject = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::Boolean));

                    default: return (parent::__set($strName, $mixValue));
            } catch (QInvalidCastException $objExc) {
                throw $objExc;