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     * This will store the formstate in a Redis DB.
     * This offers significant speed advantage over PHP SESSION because EACH form state
     * is saved using a unique key with Redis, and only the form state that is needed for loading will
     * be accessed (as opposed to with session, ALL the form states are loaded into memory
     * every time). This is very similar to how DbBackedFormStateHandler works, only this one uses
     * Redis for storing the FormStates
     * Garbage collection is handled by Redis automatically because we set the FormState keys with
     * an expiration time. The expiration time is determined by self::$intExpireFormstatesAfterDays
     * variable which is the number of days after which the FormState is automatically deleted by
     * Redis. As such, the minimum value should be 1.
     * This handler can handle asynchronous calls.
    class QRedisBackedFormStateHandler extends QBaseClass {
         * The number of days after which the formstate will expire.
         * Expiration will happen at exact time (number specified here * 24 hours) after the creation.
         * Value must be a positive integer
         * @var integer
        public static $intExpireFormstatesAfterDays = 7;

        /** @var bool Whether to compress the formstate data. */
        public static $blnCompress = true;

         * @var bool Whether to base64 encode the formstate data.
        public static $blnBase64 = false;

         * Returns the client using which the formstate handler can work
         * @return \Predis\Client
         * @throws QCallerException
        private static function GetClient() {
            if (!class_exists('Predis\Client')) {
                throw new QCallerException('Predis library needs to be installed for Redis Formstate Handler to work');

            // There must be keys named 'parameters' and 'options' in the configuration
            if (defined('__REDIS_BACKED_FORM_STATE_HANDLER_CONFIG__')) {
                $objOptionsArray = unserialize(__REDIS_BACKED_FORM_STATE_HANDLER_CONFIG__);
                if (!array_key_exists('parameters', $objOptionsArray) || !array_key_exists('options', $objOptionsArray)) {
                    // Needed keys do not exist
                    throw new QCallerException('The configuration parameters for creating predis client in the configuration file are wrong. The config array must contain the "parameters" and "options" keys');

                return new Predis\Client($objOptionsArray['parameters'], $objOptionsArray['options']);
            } else {
                return new Predis\Client();

         * Save the formstate into the data store
         * @static
         * @param string $strFormState Serialized Formstate
         * @param bool $blnBackButtonFlag Back button
         * @return string
         * @throws Exception
        public static function Save($strFormState, $blnBackButtonFlag) {
            $objClient = self::GetClient();

            $strOriginal = $strFormState;

            // compress (if available)
            if (function_exists('gzcompress') && self::$blnCompress) {
                $strFormState = gzcompress($strFormState, 9);

            if (
                defined('__REDIS_BACKED_FORM_STATE_HANDLER_ENCRYPTION_KEY__') &&
            ) {
                try {
                    $crypt = new QCryptography(__REDIS_BACKED_FORM_STATE_HANDLER_ENCRYPTION_KEY__, false, null, __REDIS_BACKED_FORM_STATE_HANDLER_IV_HASH_KEY__);
                    $strFormState = $crypt->Encrypt($strFormState);
                } catch (Exception $e) {

            if (self::$blnBase64) {
                $encoded = base64_encode($strFormState);
                if ($strFormState && !$encoded) {
                    throw new Exception ("Base64 Encoding Failed on " . $strOriginal);
                } else {
                    $strFormState = $encoded;

            $strPageId = '';
            if (!empty($_POST['Qform__FormState']) && QApplication::$RequestMode == QRequestMode::Ajax) {
                // update the current form state if possible
                $strPageId = $_POST['Qform__FormState'];
            } else {
                // Figure Out Session Id (if applicable)
                $strSessionId = session_id();

                // Calculate a new unique Page Id
                $strPageId = md5(microtime());

                // Figure Out Page ID to be saved onto the database
                $strPageId = sprintf('%s_%s', $strSessionId, $strPageId);

            if(self::$intExpireFormstatesAfterDays < 1 || self::$intExpireFormstatesAfterDays > 365) {
                self::$intExpireFormstatesAfterDays = 7;

            $objClient->set('qc_formstate:' . $strPageId, $strFormState, 'ex', (self::$intExpireFormstatesAfterDays * 86400));

            // Return the Page Id
            return $strPageId;

         * Load the formstate from data store
         * @param $strPostDataState
         * @return null|string
         * @throws Exception
        public static function Load($strPostDataState) {
            $objClient = self::GetClient();

            $strPageId = $strPostDataState;

            $strSerializedForm = $objClient->get('qc_formstate:' . $strPageId);

            if (!$strSerializedForm) {
                // Form does not exist or it expired
                return null;

            if (self::$blnBase64) {
                $strSerializedForm = base64_decode($strSerializedForm);

                if ($strSerializedForm === false) {
                    throw new Exception("Failed decoding formstate " . $strSerializedForm);

                try {
                    $crypt = new QCryptography(__REDIS_BACKED_FORM_STATE_HANDLER_ENCRYPTION_KEY__, false, null, __REDIS_BACKED_FORM_STATE_HANDLER_IV_HASH_KEY__);
                    $strSerializedForm = $crypt->Decrypt($strSerializedForm);
                } catch (Exception $e) {

            if (function_exists('gzcompress') && self::$blnCompress) {
                try {
                    $strSerializedForm = gzuncompress($strSerializedForm);
                } catch (Exception $e) {
                    print ("Error on uncompress of page id " . $strPageId);
                    throw $e;

            return $strSerializedForm;

         * @static
         * If PHP SESSION is enabled, then this method will delete all formstate files specifically
         * for this SESSION user (and no one else). This can be used in lieu of or in addition to the
         * standard interval-based garbage collection mechanism.
         * Also, for standard web applications with logins, it might be a good idea to call
         * this method whenever the user logs out.
        public static function DeleteFormStateForSession() {
            $objClient = self::GetClient();
            // Figure Out Session Id (if applicable)
            $strSessionId = session_id();

            $objClient->eval("for i, name in ipairs(redis.call('KEYS', KEYS[1])) do redis.call('DEL', name); end", 1, 'qc_formstate:' . $strSessionId . '*');