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if (!defined('SERVER_INSTANCE')) {
    // The Server Instance constant is used to help ease web applications with multiple environments.
    // Feel free to use, change or ignore.
    define('SERVER_INSTANCE', 'dev');

    /** Define constants here to control the differences between your development, test and production environments. */

    switch (SERVER_INSTANCE) {
        case 'dev':
            define('__DESIGN_MODE__', 1);
            define('ALLOW_REMOTE_ADMIN', true);

        case 'test':
        case 'stage':
            /* Constant to allow/disallow remote access to the admin pages
             * e.g. the generated form_drafts, codegen, or any other script that calls QApplication::CheckRemoteAdmin()
             * If set to TRUE, anyone can access those pages.
             * If set to FALSE, only localhost can access those pages.
             * If set to an IP address (e.g. ""), then only localhost and can access those pages.
             * If set to a comma-separate list of IP addresses, then localhoost and any of those IP addresses can access those pages.
             * Of course, you can also feel free to remove QApplication::CheckRemoteAdmin() call on any of these pages,
             * which will completely ignore ALLOW_REMOTE_ADMIN altogether.
            define('ALLOW_REMOTE_ADMIN', true);

        case 'prod':
            define('__MINIMIZE__', true);    // remove comments and minimize html output on production server
            define('ALLOW_REMOTE_ADMIN', false);

     * The constants below are initially setup for a development environment. As your product matures, move specific
     * constants into the switch statement above as needed.

    /* Constants for Document Root (and Virtual Directories / Subfoldering)
     * Please note that all paths should use standard "forward" slashes instead of "backslashes".
     * So windows paths would look like "c:/wwwroot" instead of "c:\wwwroot".
     * QCubed uses __DOCROOT__, __VIRTUAL_DIRECTORY__, and __SUBDIRECTORY__ as shortcuts to help
     * specify the various paths to files using the constants later in this file. However, you
     * are free to define the individual constants how you would like, in order to set up a custom
     * configuration on your sever.
     * For purposes here, 'http://hostname/' . __VIRTUAL_DIRECTORY__ . __SUBDIRECTORY__ when entered into a
     * browser should correspond to __DOCROOT__ . __SUBDIRECTORY__ in your file system.
     * For example, if your example web application where http://my.domain.com/index.php points to
     * /home/web/htdocs/index.php, then you should specify:
     *        __DOCROOT__ = '/home/web/htdocs' (note the leading slash and no ending slash)
     * On Windows, if you have http://my.domain.com/index.php pointing to c:\webroot\files\index.php, then:
     *        __DOCROOT__ = 'c:/webroot/files' (again, note the leading c:/ and no ending slash)
     * If you are using Virtual Directories, where http://not.my.domain.com/~my_user/index.php
     * points to /home/my_user/public_html/index.php, then:
     *        __DOCROOT__ = '/home/my_user/public_html'
     *        __SUBDIRECTORY__ = ''
     *        __VIRTUAL_DIRECTORY__ = '/~my_user'
     * If you have installed QCubed within a SubDirectory of the Document Root, so for example
     * the QCubed "index.php" page is accessible at http://my.domain.com/frameworks/qcubed/index.php, and
     * is located on your server at /home/my_user/public_html/frameworks/qcubed/index.php, then:
     *        __DOCROOT__ = '/home/my_user/public_html'
     *        __SUBDIRECTORY__ = '/frameworks/qcubed' (again, note the leading and no ending slash)
     *        __VIRTUAL_DIRECTORY__ = ''
     * In combination with Virtual Directories, if you (for example) have the QCubed "index.php" page
     * accessible at http://not.my.domain.com/~my_user/qcubed/index.php, and the index.php resides at
     * c:\users\my_user\public_html\index.php, then:
     *        __DOCROOT__ = 'c:/users/my_user/public_html'
     *        __VIRTUAL_DIRECTORY__ = '/~my_user'
     *        __SUBDIRECTORY__ = '/qcubed'

    define ('__DOCROOT__', '{docroot}');
    define ('__VIRTUAL_DIRECTORY__', '{vd}');
    define ('__SUBDIRECTORY__', '{subdir}');

     * The project directory is where your editable project files go. These include files
     * that will be generated by the code generator.
    define ('__PROJECT__', __DOCROOT__ . __SUBDIRECTORY__ . '/project');
    define ('__INCLUDES__', __PROJECT__ . '/includes');
    define ('__QCUBED__', __INCLUDES__); // on the way to deprecation

     * These definitions will hardly change, but you may change them based on your setup
    define ('__CONFIGURATION__', __INCLUDES__ . '/configuration');
    // The directory where the external libraries are placed, that are not in composer
    define ('__EXTERNAL_LIBRARIES__', __DOCROOT__ . __SUBDIRECTORY__ . '/vendor');
    // The application includes directory
    define ('__APP_INCLUDES__', __INCLUDES__ . '/app_includes');

     * If you are using Apache-based mod_rewrite to perform URL rewrites, please specify "apache" here.
     * Otherwise, specify as "none"
    define ('__URL_REWRITE__', 'none');

    /* Absolute File Paths for Internal Directories
     * Please specify the absolute file path for all the following directories in your QCubed-based web
     * application.
     * Note that all paths must start with a slash or 'x:\' (for windows users) and must have
     * no ending slashes.  (We take advantage of the __INCLUDES__ to help simplify this section.
     * But note that this is NOT required.  These directories can also reside outside of the
     * Document Root altogether.  So feel free to use or not use the __DOCROOT__ and __INCLUDES__
     * constants as you wish/need in defining your other directory constants.)

    // The QCubed Directories
    // Includes subdirectories for QCubed Customizations in CodeGen and QForms, i18n PO files, QCache storage, etc.
    // Also includes the _core subdirectory for the QCubed Core
    define ('__PLUGINS__', __DOCROOT__ . __SUBDIRECTORY__ . '/vendor/qcubed/plugin');

    define ('__TMP__', __PROJECT__  . '/tmp');
    define ('__FILE_CACHE__', __TMP__ . '/cache');
    define ('__PLUGIN_TMP__', __TMP__ . '/plugin.tmp/');

    // The QCubed Core
    define ('__QCUBED_CORE__', __DOCROOT__ . __SUBDIRECTORY__ . '/vendor/qcubed/qcubed/includes');

    // Destination for Code Generated class files
    define ('__MODEL__', __INCLUDES__ . '/model' );
    define ('__MODEL_GEN__', __PROJECT__ . '/generated/model_base' );
    define ('__MODEL_CONNECTOR__', __INCLUDES__ . '/connector' );
    define ('__MODEL_CONNECTOR_GEN__', __PROJECT__ . '/generated/connector_base' );
    define ('__DIALOG__', __INCLUDES__ . '/dialog' );
    define ('__DIALOG_GEN__', __PROJECT__ . '/generated/dialog_base' );
    define ('__PANEL__', __INCLUDES__ . '/panel' );
    define ('__PANEL_GEN__', __PROJECT__ . '/generated/panel_base' );

    /* Relative File Paths for Web Accessible Directories
     * Please specify the file path RELATIVE FROM THE DOCROOT for all the following web-accessible directories
     * in your QCubed-based web application.
     * For some directories (e.g. the Examples site), if you are no longer using it, you STILL need to
     * have the constant defined.  But feel free to define the directory constant as blank (e.g. '') or null.
     * Note that constants must have a leading slash and no ending slash, and they MUST reside within
     * the Document Root.
     * (We take advantage of the __SUBDIRECTORY__ constant defined above to help simplify this section.
     * Note that this is NOT required.  Feel free to use or ignore.)

    // Destination for generated forms. Relative to __DOCROOT__.
    define ('__FORMS__', __SUBDIRECTORY__ . '/project/forms');

    define ('__FORM_LIST_ITEMS_PER_PAGE__', 20);

    // __DOCROOT__ relative location of QCubed-specific Web Assets (JavaScripts, CSS, Images, and PHP Pages/Popups)
    // Note: These locations are for use by the framework only. You should put your own files in __APP*_ASSETS__ directories defined below
    define ('__PROJECT_ASSETS__', __SUBDIRECTORY__ . '/project/assets');
    define ('__VENDOR_ASSETS__', __SUBDIRECTORY__ . '/vendor');
    define ('__QCUBED_ASSETS__', __VENDOR_ASSETS__ . '/qcubed/qcubed/assets');
    define ('__PLUGIN_ASSETS__',  __VENDOR_ASSETS__ . '/qcubed/plugin');

    define ('__JS_ASSETS__', __QCUBED_ASSETS__ . '/js');
    define ('__CSS_ASSETS__', __QCUBED_ASSETS__ . '/css');
    define ('__IMAGE_ASSETS__', __QCUBED_ASSETS__ . '/images');
    define ('__PHP_ASSETS__', __QCUBED_ASSETS__ . '/php');

    define ('__CACHE_ASSETS__', __QCUBED_ASSETS__ . '/cache');
    define ('__CACHE__', __DOCROOT__ . __CACHE_ASSETS__);

    define ('__IMAGE_CACHE_ASSETS__', __CACHE_ASSETS__ . '/images');
    define ('__IMAGE_CACHE__', __DOCROOT__ . __IMAGE_CACHE_ASSETS__);

    // For special situations that support viewing of uploaded files in the browser. You can remove this define for addeed security
    define ('__QCUBED_UPLOAD_ASSETS__', __QCUBED_ASSETS__ . '/upload');

    // Location of asset files for your application
    /** The path prefix for your publicly accessible javascript files to be used in URI generation */
    //define ('__APP_JS_ASSETS__', __PROJECT_ASSETS__ . '/js');
    /** The path prefix for your publicly accessible CSS files to be used in URI generation */
    //define ('__APP_CSS_ASSETS__', __PROJECT_ASSETS__ . '/css');
    /** The path prefix for your publicly accessible image files to be used in URI generation */
    //define ('__APP_IMAGE_ASSETS__', __PROJECT_ASSETS__ . '/images');
    /** The path prefix for your publicly accessible php files to be used in URI generation */
    //define ('__APP_PHP_ASSETS__', __PROJECT_ASSETS__ . '/php');

    /** The path prefix for your publicly accessible cache files to be used in URI generation */
    //define ('__APP_CACHE_ASSETS__', __PROJECT_ASSETS__ . '/cache');
    /** The path prefix for your cache files to be used in the filesystem path generation */
    //define ('__APP_CACHE__', __DOCROOT__ . __APP_CACHE_ASSETS__);

    /** The path prefix for your publicly accessible image cache files to be used in URI generation */
    //define ('__APP_IMAGE_CACHE_ASSETS__', __APP_CACHE_ASSETS__ . '/images');
    /** The path prefix for your image cache files to be used in the filesystem path generation */
    //define ('__APP_IMAGE_CACHE__', __DOCROOT__ . __APP_IMAGE_CACHE_ASSETS__);

    /** The path prefix for your publicly accessible upload directory to be used in URI generation */
    //define ('__APP_UPLOAD_ASSETS__', __PROJECT_ASSETS__ . '/upload');
    /** The path prefix for your publicly accessible upload directory to be used in the filesystem path generation */
    //define ('__APP_UPLOAD__', __DOCROOT__ . __APP_UPLOAD_ASSETS__);

    // There are two ways to add jQuery JS files to QCubed. Either by absolute paths (Google CDN of
    // the jQuery library is awesome! It's the default option below) - or by using the jQuery
    // installation that's local to QCubed (in that case, paths must be relative to __JS_ASSETS__

    define ('__JQUERY_BASE__', ' http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js');
    define ('__JQUERY_EFFECTS__', ' http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.11.2/jquery-ui.min.js');

    // The original, non-minified jQuery for debugging purposes.
    //define ('__JQUERY_BASE__', ' http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.js');
    //define ('__JQUERY_EFFECTS__', ' http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.11.2/jquery-ui.js');

    // If you want to use the local jQuery files, specify the paths relative to __JS_ASSETS__
    // or just uncomment the 2 lines below.
    // define ('__JQUERY_BASE__',  'jquery/jquery.min.js,jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js');
    // define ('__JQUERY_EFFECTS__',   'jquery/jquery-ui.custom.min.js');

    // The original, non-minified jQuery for debugging purposes.
    // define ('__JQUERY_BASE__',  'jquery/jquery.js,jquery/jquery-migrate.js');
    // define ('__JQUERY_EFFECTS__',   'jquery/jquery-ui.custom.js');

    // The core qcubed javascript file to be used.
    define ('__QCUBED_JS_CORE__',  'qcubed.js');

    define ('__JQUERY_CSS__', 'jquery-ui-themes/ui-qcubed/jquery-ui.custom.css');

    // Location of the QCubed-specific web-based development tools, like codegen.php
    define ('__DEVTOOLS_ASSETS__', __PHP_ASSETS__ . '/_devtools');

    // Location of the Examples site
    define ('__EXAMPLES__', __PHP_ASSETS__ . '/examples');

    // Location of .po translation files
    define ('__QI18N_PO_PATH__', __INCLUDES__ . '/i18n');

    /* Database Connection SerialArrays
     * Note that all Database Connections are defined as constant serialized arrays.  QCubed supports
     * connections to an unlimited number of different database sources.  Each database source, referenced by
     * a numeric index, will have its DB Connection SerialArray stored in a DB_CONNECTION_# constant
     * (where # is the numeric index).
     * The SerialArray can have the following keys:
     * "adapter" (Required), options are:
     *        MySql (MySQL v4.x, using the old mysql extension)
     *        MySqli (MySQL v4.x, using the new mysqli extension)
     *        MySqli5 (MySQL v5.x, using the new mysqli extension)
     *        SqlServer (Microsoft SQL Server)
     *        SqlServer2005 (Microsoft SQL Server 2005/2008 using new sqlsrv extension, Windows only)
     *        PostgreSql (PostgreSQL)
     * "server" (Required) is the db server's name or IP address, e.g. localhost,, etc.
     * "port" is the port number - default is the server-specified default
     * "database", "username", "password" should be self explanatory
     * "dateformat" is an optional value for the desired db date format, the default value is
     *        'YYYY-MM-DD hhhh:mm:ss' if not defined or null
     * "profiling" is true or false, defining whether or not you want to enable DB profiling - default is false
     *        NOTE: Profiling should only be enabled when you are actively wanting to profile a
     *        specific PHP script or scripts.  Because of SIGNIFICANT performance degradation,
     *        it should otherwise always be OFF.
     * "encoding": Only used for MYSQL. Specifies the encoding for traffic between the client and the database.
     * "onlyfullgroupby": This controls whether your database can accept ambiguous select fields when doing
     *   aggregate clauses (see the QQ::Select example for more detail). You only need to set this if your
     *   database adapter doesn't have the right value. In some databases, this is configurable.
     *   In particular, MYSQL 5.7.5 changed the default of this value to true.  Our adapter has this set to false.
     *   You can see what your setting is by executing 'SELECT @@sql_mode' in mysql; If ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY appears
     *   in the list, you should set this configuration value to true.
     * Note: any option not used or set to blank will result in using the default value for that option

    define('DB_CONNECTION_1', serialize(array(
        'adapter' => '{db1_adapter}',
        'server' => '{db1_serverAddress}',
        'port' => {db1_serverport},
        'database' => '{db1_dbname}',
        'username' => '{db1_username}',
        'password' => '{db1_password}',
        'caching' => false,
        'profiling' => false,
        'encoding' => 'utf8',
        'dateformat' => null,
        'onlyfullgroupby' => {db1_onlyfullgroupby})));

    // Additional Database Connection Strings can be defined here (e.g. for connection #2, #3, #4, #5, etc.)
    //            define('DB_CONNECTION_2', serialize(array('adapter'=>'SqlServer', 'server'=>'localhost', 'port'=>null, 'database'=>'qcubed', 'username'=>'root', 'password'=>'', 'profiling'=>false, 'encoding' => 'utf8')));
    //            define('DB_CONNECTION_3', serialize(array('adapter'=>'MySqli', 'server'=>'localhost', 'port'=>null, 'database'=>'qcubed', 'username'=>'root', 'password'=>'', 'profiling'=>false, 'encoding' => 'utf8')));
    //            define('DB_CONNECTION_4', serialize(array('adapter'=>'MySql', 'server'=>'localhost', 'port'=>null, 'database'=>'qcubed', 'username'=>'root', 'password'=>'', 'profiling'=>false, 'encoding' => 'utf8')));
    //            define('DB_CONNECTION_5', serialize(array('adapter'=>'PostgreSql', 'server'=>'localhost', 'port'=>null, 'database'=>'qcubed', 'username'=>'root', 'password'=>'', 'profiling'=>false, 'encoding' => 'utf8')));
    //            define('DB_CONNECTION_6', serialize(array('adapter' => 'InformixPdo', 'host' => 'maxdata', 'server' => 'maxdata', 'service' => 9088, 'protocol' => 'onsoctcp', 'database' => 'qcubed', 'username' => 'root', 'password' => '', 'profiling' => false, 'encoding' => 'utf8')));

    // Maximum index of the DB connections defined by DB_CONNECTION_# constants above
    // When reading the DB_CONNECTION_# constants, it will only go up to (and including) the index defined here
    // See ApplicationBase::InitializeDatabaseConnections()
    define ('MAX_DB_CONNECTION_INDEX', 1);

    /** The value for QApplication::$EncodingType constant */
    define('__QAPPLICATION_ENCODING_TYPE__', 'UTF-8');

    // (For PHP > v5.1) Setup the default timezone (if not already specified in php.ini)
    if ((function_exists('date_default_timezone_set')) && (!ini_get('date.timezone'))) {

     * Caching support for QCubed (Vaibhav Kaushal Jan 21, 2012)
     * Determines which class as a Cache Provider. It should be a subclass of QAbstractCacheProvider.
     * Setting it to null will disable caching. Current implentations are
     * "QCacheProviderMemcache": this will use Memcache as the caching provider.
     *   You must have the 'php5-memcache' extension installed for this provider to work.
     * "QCacheProviderRedis": this will use a Redis server instance as the caching provider.
     *   You must have the 'predis/predis' library installed for this provider to work.
     *   See https://github.com/nrk/predis for more info.
     * "QCacheProviderLocalMemory": a local memory cache provider with a lifespan of the request
     *   or session (if KeepInSession is configured).
     * "QCacheProviderAPC": supports the APC interface. To use it, use PECL to install either
     * APC or APCu.
     * "QCacheProviderNoCahce": provider which does no caching at all
     * "QMultiLevelCacheProvider": a provider that can combine multiple providers into one.
     *   This can be used for example to combine the LocalMemory cache provider with the Memcache based provider.
    define("CACHE_PROVIDER_CLASS", null);

     * Options passed to the constructor of the Caching Provider class above.
     * For QCacheProviderMemcache, it's an array, where each item is an associative array of
     * server configuration options.
     * Please see the documentation for the constructor for each provider for a description of the accepted
     * options.
    define ('CACHE_PROVIDER_OPTIONS' , serialize(
             array('host' => '', 'port' => 11211, ),
             //array('host' => '', 'port' => 11211, ), // adds a second server
    ) );

     * For Redis caching (using Predis Library)
     * Please see https://github.com/nrk/predis/blob/v1.1/README.md for understanding the usage
     * of parameters and options
     * Leaving them empty here enables default configuration:
     *      tcp://
    define ('CACHE_PROVIDER_OPTIONS', serialize(
            'parameters' => array(),
            'options' => array()

     * If you want to enable a default TTL for all elements using QCacheProviderRedis,
     * set the value below to greater than 0.
     * Setting it to 0 or below will disable the TTL functionality.
     * The value specified here is in seconds.

     * This is the default algorithm to be used
     * QCryptography module can help in encrypting or decrypting
     * It utilizes the openssl library functions built into PHP
     * NOTE: QCryptography uses only symmetric algorithms
     * AES 256-bit is strong enough for most usecases and is recommended by US Government for secret documents.
     * CBC or Cipher Block Chaining is considered considerably safer than ECB (Electronic CodeBook) methods.
     * For more background: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Block_cipher_mode_of_operation

     * If you plan to use QCryptography in your application, we highly recommend changing the default key and IV below.
     * If you are unsure about what you should use for IV and key, we recommend you to
     *  - Keep them both 16 characters long (remember that if you use an algorithm which does not use an IV of 16 characters, you will have to update the length of the IV)
     *  - Use a random mix of capital and small letters with some digits and special characters in between

     * Default IV for the encryption method
     * NOTE: IVs are not used in ECB algorithms
     * AES-256-CBC needs a 16 character IV
     * If you are changing the default algorithm, do not forget to update the IV
     * and set it to a length required by the selected algorithm.
    define('QCRYPTOGRAPHY_DEFAULT_IV', 'qCub3D!d3F@lT.!V');
     * Default KEY (used as a password) for AES-256-CBC
    define('QCRYPTOGRAPHY_DEFAULT_KEY', 'qc0Do!d3F@lT.k3Y');

     * Support for Watchers and automated updating of objects that display the results of table queries.
     * The preferred way to setup your watcher is to make changes to the
     * public/includes/controls/QWatcher.class.php file. However, you can also set up your watcher here
     * using the following define. The main purpose of the define is to help with automated testing
     * and the examples site.
    //define ('WATCHER_CLASS', 'QWatcherDB');

    /* Form State Handler. Determines which class is used to serialize the form in-between Ajax callbacks.
     * Possible values are:
     * "QFormStateHandler": This is the "standard" FormState handler, storing the base64 encoded session data
     *    (and if requested by QForm, encrypted) as a hidden form variable on the page, itself.
     * "QSessionFormStateHandler": Simple Session-based FormState handler.  Uses PHP Sessions so it's very straightforward
     *    and simple, utilizing the session handling and cleanup functionality in PHP, itself.
     *    The downside is that for long running sessions, each individual session file can get
     *    very, very large, storing all hte various formstate data.  Eventually (if individual
     *    session files are larger than 10MB), you can theoretically observe a geometrical
     *    degradation of performance.
     * "QFileFormStateHandler": This will store the formstate in a pre-specified directory (__FILE_FORM_STATE_HANDLER_PATH__)
     *    on the file system. This offers significant speed advantage over PHP SESSION because EACH
     *    form state is saved in its own file, and only the form state that is needed for loading will
     *    be accessed (as opposed to with session, ALL the form states are loaded into memory
     *    every time).
     *    The downside is that because it doesn't utilize PHP's session management subsystem,
     *    this class must take care of its own garbage collection/deleting of old/outdated
     *    formstate files.
     * "QDbBackedFormStateHandler": This will store the formstate in a predefined table in one of the DBs in the array above.
     *    It provides a way to maintain the FormStates without creating too many files on the server.
     *    It also makes sure that the application remains fast and provides all the features of QFileFormStateHandler.
     *    The algorithm to periodically clean up the DB is also provided (just like QFileFormStateHandler) .
     *    To use the QDbBackedFormStateHandler, the following two constants must be defined:
     *       1. __DB_BACKED_FORM_STATE_HANDLER_DB_INDEX__ : It is the numerical index of the DB from the list of DBs defined
     *             above where the table to store the FormStates is present. Note, it is the numerical Index, not the DB name.
     *             e.g. If it is present in the DB_CONNECTION_1, then the value must be defined as '1'.
     *       2. __DB_BACKED_FORM_STATE_HANDLER_TABLE_NAME__ : It is the name of the table where the FormStates must be stored
     *              It must have following 4 columns:
     *                  i) page_id: varchar(80) - It must be the primary key.
     *                 ii) save_time: integer - This column should be indexed for performance reasons
     *                iii) session_id: varchar(32) - This column should be indexed for performance reasons
     *                 iv) state_data: text - This column must NOT be indexed otherwise it will degrade the performance.
     * NOTE: Formstates can be large, depending on the complexity of your forms.
     *       For MySQL, you might have to increase the max_allowed_packet variable in your my.cnf file to the maximum size of a formstate.
     *       Also for MySQL, you should choose a MEDIUMTEXT type of column, rather than TEXT. TEXT is limited to 64KB,
     *       which will not be big enough for moderately complex forms, and will result in data errors.
    define('__FORM_STATE_HANDLER__', 'QSessionFormStateHandler');

    // If using the QFileFormStateHandler, specify the path where QCubed will save the session state files (has to be writeable!)
    define('__FILE_FORM_STATE_HANDLER_PATH__', __PROJECT__ . '/tmp');

    // If using the QDbBackedSessionHandler, define the DB index where the table to store the formstates is present
    // If using QDbBackedSessionHandler, specify the table name which would hold the formstates (must meet the requirements laid out above)
    define('__DB_BACKED_FORM_STATE_HANDLER_TABLE_NAME__', 'qc_formstate');

     * For Redis FormState (using Predis Library)
     * Please see https://github.com/nrk/predis/blob/v1.1/README.md for understanding the usage
     * of parameters and options
     * Leaving them empty here enables default configuration:
     *      tcp://
    define ('__REDIS_BACKED_FORM_STATE_HANDLER_CONFIG__', serialize(
            'parameters' => array(),
            'options' => array()
     * For encrypting formstates with Redis Formstate Handler
     * NOTE:
     *  - Leaving them empty will make the system use the default QCryptography Key and Hash
     *  - Removing/Commenting the definitions will disable the Encryption of Formstates

    // Uncomment the following and provide your own random keys if you want the form state to be encrypted before it is inserted into your database.
    // You will need both keys.
    //define('__DB_BACKED_FORM_STATE_HANDLER_ENCRYPTION_KEY__', 'a243$5@13');
    //define('__DB_BACKED_FORM_STATE_HANDLER_HASH_KEY__', '0293()aih');

     * QCubed allows you to save / read / write your user PHP sessions in a database.
     * This is immensely helpful when you want to develop your QCubed based application
     * to support running on two different web servers with same data backends or with load balancing.
     * If you are using QSessionFormStateHandler, it also automatically centralizes your formstates.
     * To avail this feature, you must have a dedicated table in one of your databases above.
     * The table must have 3 columns with follwing names and datatypes (note that column names should match exactly):
     * [Column 1]
     *      Name = id
     *      Data Type = varchar / character with variable length. Must hold session number + session name. Typically this is 34 characters, but
     *                         you should make it big enough to handle any situation you may encounter.
     * [Column 2]
     *      Name = last_access_time
     *      Data type = integer
     * [Column 3]
     *      Name = data
     *      Data type = text
     * For this to work, we need to know two things:
     * 1. The DB_CONNECTION index (repeat: the numerical index) of the database from the list of databases above
     *          where this table is located.
     * 2. The name of the table in  the database.
     * Notes:
     * 1. if you do not want to use this feature, set the value of DB_BACKED_SESSION_HANDLER_DB_INDEX to 0.
     * 2. It is recommended that you create a primary key on the 'id' field and an index on the 'last_access_time' field
     *      to speed up the database queries.
     * 3. This feature does not make use of the codegen feature. So you may exclude this table from being codegened.
    // The database index where the Session storage tables are present. Remember, define it as an integer.

    // The table name to be used for session data storage (must meet the requirements laid out above)
    define("DB_BACKED_SESSION_HANDLER_TABLE_NAME", "qc_session");

    // Name of session variable used to save the state of form objects.
    define('__SESSION_SAVED_STATE__', 'QSavedState');

    // Uncomment the following and fill in your own random keys to encrypt the data that goes into the database
    //define("DB_BACKED_SESSION_HANDLER_ENCRYPTION_KEY", 'adkhjf&^ads');
    //define("DB_BACKED_SESSION_HANDLER_HASH_KEY", 'advargt434g');

    // To Log ALL errors that have occurred, set flag to true
    //            define('ERROR_LOG_FLAG', true);

    // If using HTML Purifier, the location of the writeable cache directory.
    define ('__PURIFIER_CACHE__', __FILE_CACHE__ . '/purifier');

    /** Uncomment if you are using QTimer to do performance testing. Will automatically output the results of your timers to the file. */
    //define ('__TIMER_OUT_FILE__', __TMP__ . '/timers.txt');

    // Some controls depend on FontAwesome, an open-source library of icons embedded in a font. This way of doing icons allows them to be easily scaled
    // The default define grabs it from a public repository. However, if you need it even when not connected to the internet,
    // you can also install it locally through composer.
    define('__FONT_AWESOME__', 'https://opensource.keycdn.com/fontawesome/4.6.3/font-awesome.min.css');
    // To instead install with composer:
    // composer require fortawesome/font-awesome ^4.6
    // and set your define to:
    // define('__FONT_AWESOME__', __VENDOR_ASSETS__ . '/fortawesome/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css');

    /***** Error Handling *****/

    // Define the Filepath for the error page (path MUST be relative from the DOCROOT). Should not normally need to change.
    define('ERROR_PAGE_PATH', __PHP_ASSETS__ . '/error_page.php');

    // Define the Filepath for any logged errors. Comment this out if you do not want to log errors.
    define('ERROR_LOG_PATH', __TMP__ . '/error_log');

    switch (SERVER_INSTANCE) {
        case 'prod':
            // To enable the display of "Friendly" error pages and messages, define them here (path MUST be relative from the DOCROOT)
            //            define('ERROR_FRIENDLY_PAGE_PATH', __PHP_ASSETS__ . '/friendly_error_page.php');
            //            define('ERROR_FRIENDLY_AJAX_MESSAGE', 'Oops!  An error has occurred.\r\n\r\nThe error was logged, and we will take a look into this right away.');

            // To enable emails when errors occur, define ALL the variables below:
            // define('ERROR_EMAIL', 'me@email.com');
            // define('ERROR_EMAIL_FROM', 'server@email.com');
            // define('ERROR_EMAIL_SUBJECT', 'Server Error');

