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Test Coverage
     * This is a SAMPLE of a custom QControl that you could write.  Think of this as a "starting point".
     * Remember: EVERYTHING here is meant to be customized!  To use, simply make a copy of this file,
     * rename the file, and edit the renamed file.  Remember to specify a control Class name which matches the
     * name of your file.  And then implement your own logic for GetControlHtml().
     * Additionally, you can add customizable logic for any or all of the following, as well:
     *  - __construct()
     *  - ParsePostData()
     *  - Validate()
     *  - GetEndScript()
     *  - GetEndHtml()
     * @package Controls
    class QSampleControl extends QControl {
        protected $intExample;
        protected $strFoo;

         * If this control needs to update itself from the $_POST data, the logic to do so
         * will be performed in this method.
        public function ParsePostData() {}

         * If this control has validation rules, the logic to do so
         * will be performed in this method.
         * @return boolean
        public function Validate() {return true;}

         * Get the HTML for this Control.
         * @return string
        public function GetControlHtml() {
            // Pull any Attributes
            $strAttributes = $this->GetAttributes();

            // Pull any styles
            if ($strStyle = $this->GetStyleAttributes())
                $strStyle = 'style="' . $strStyle . '"';

            // Return the HTML.
            return sprintf('<span id="%s" %s%s>Sample Control: %s - %s</span>',
                $this->strControlId, $strAttributes, $strStyle, $this->intExample, $this->strFoo);

         * Constructor for this control
         * @param mixed $objParentObject Parent QForm or QControl that is responsible for rendering this control
         * @param string $strControlId optional control ID
        public function __construct($objParentObject, $strControlId = null) {
            try {
                parent::__construct($objParentObject, $strControlId);
            } catch (QCallerException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; }

            // Setup Control-specific CSS and JS files to be loaded
            // Paths are relative to the __CSS_ASSETS__ and __JS_ASSETS__ directories
            // Multiple files can be specified, as well, by separating with a comma
//            $this->strJavaScripts = 'custom.js, ../path/to/prototype.js, etc.js';
//            $this->strStyleSheets = 'custom.css';

            // Additional Setup Performed here
            $this->intExample = 28;
            $this->strFoo = 'Hello!';

        // For any JavaScript calls that need to be made whenever this control is rendered or re-rendered
//        public function GetEndScript() {
//            $strToReturn = parent::GetEndScript();
//            return $strToReturn;
//        }

        // For any HTML code that needs to be rendered at the END of the QForm when this control is INITIALLY rendered.
//        public function GetEndHtml() {
//            $strToReturn = parent::GetEndHtml();
//            return $strToReturn;
//        }

        // Public Properties: GET
        public function __get($strName) {
            switch ($strName) {
                case 'Example': return $this->intExample;
                case 'Foo': return $this->strFoo;

                    try {
                        return parent::__get($strName);
                    } catch (QCallerException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; }

        // Public Properties: SET
        public function __set($strName, $mixValue) {
            $this->blnModified = true;

            switch ($strName) {

                case 'Example': 
                    try {
                        return ($this->intExample = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::Integer));
                    } catch (QCallerException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; }
                case 'Foo': 
                    try {
                        return ($this->strFoo = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::String));
                    } catch (QCallerException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; }

                    try {
                        return (parent::__set($strName, $mixValue));
                    } catch (QCallerException $objExc) { $objExc->IncrementOffset(); throw $objExc; }