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# card-info
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Complex utility for getting card info by its PAN.
Supported providers:
* preservice (dumb checks on client-side)
* [Binlist](https://binlist.net/)
* [Braintree](https://github.com/braintree/credit-card-type)
* [Freebinchecker](https://www.freebinchecker.com/bin-api)
* `<CustomService>`

#### Glossary
* BIN/INN — The first six digits of a card number (including the initial [MII digit](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO/IEC_7812)) are known as the [issuer identification number](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Payment_card_number#Issuer_identification_number_(IIN))
* PAN — primary account number

#### Install
    npm i @qiwi/card-info
    yarn add @qiwi/card-info

#### Usage examples

    import BinlistnetService from '@qiwi/card-info/service/binlistnet'
    const service = new BinlistnetService({...})

    service.getPaymentSystem('4111111111111111')    // Promise<'Visa'>
    service.getPaymentSystem('1234')                // Promise<null>

##### `Promise` and `transport` customization
By default card-info uses native `Promise` and `fetch`. You may replace them with any compatible api. For example, `Bluebird` and `Axios`
    import cardInfo from '@qiwi/card-info'
    import bluebird from 'bluebird'
    import axios from 'axios'
    cardInfo.Promise = bluebird
    cardInfo.transport = axios // or any polyfill, pull-fetch-iso, etc.

#### Service configuration
Each service implementation has own supported opts list, but there is a common part:  

| Option        | Type    | Default       | Description                                                          |
| ------------- | ------- | ------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| skipError     | bool    | true          | means, that any fetch exception would be converted to null response  |
| url           | string  | null          | endpoint url                                                         |
| transport     | Object  | null          | optional extras, merged to fetch arg.<br>For example, `{retries: [{delay: 100},{delay: 2000}}`|

##### Service composition
    import {composer} from '@qiwi/card-info'
    import {PreService, BinlistnetService} from '@qiwi/card-info/service'
    const preService = new PreService()
    const binlistnetService = new BinlistnetService()
    const composed = compose(preService, binlistnetService)
    composed.getPaymentSystem('5321 4012 3456 7890')  // 'Mastercard'
    composed.getCardInfo('5321 4012 3456 7890')       // if preService returns null, the request would be processed with binlist.net backend

#### `Braintree`
    import {BraintreeService} from '@qiwi/card-info/service'
    const service = new BraintreeService({...})

    service.getPaymentSystem('6759649826438453')    // Promise<'Maestro'>
    service.getPaymentSystem('1234')                // Promise<null>
Braintree's `credit-card-type` lib is exposed as static property of the class, so you're able to use its API. For example, add custom definitions:
        niceType: 'Foo',
        type: 'foo',
        prefixPattern: /^(12345)$/,
        exactPattern: /^(12345)\d*$/,
        gaps: [4, 8, 12],
        lengths: [16],
        code: {
            name: 'CVV',
            size: 3
    const service = new BraintreeService()
    service.getPaymentSystem('1234567890123456')    // Promise<'FOO'>

##### `CustomService`
Composer supports any impl of [IService](./src/interface.js), so you're let to create your own class.
    import AbstractService from '@qiwi/card-info/service/abstract'

    class CustomService extends AbstractService implements IService {
        getPaymentSystem(pan: string): Promise<?IPaymentSystem> {
            // ...
        getCardInfo(pan: string): Promise<?ICardInfo> {
            // ...

##### What's `PreService`
It's client-side implementation of service. The mostly used paysystems and bins are `hardcoded` for performance purposes.

##### Alternatives
* [braintree/credit-card-type](https://github.com/braintree/credit-card-type)
* [paylike/binlookup](https://github.com/paylike/binlookup)