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# inside-out-promise
Produces promises with chainable resolvers and observable state.

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## Install
npm add inside-out-promise
yarn add inside-out-promise

## Key features
* Chainable `resolve` and `reject` methods
* Exposed promise `state` and `result` fields
* Configurable `Promise` implementation
* **TS** and **Flow** typings out of box

## Usage
import {factory} from 'inside-out-promise'

const promise = factory() // produces a promise
promise.then((data) => {  // standard `thenable` iface

const data = await fetch({...})
promise.resolve(data)     // internal resolver is exposed as public promise field
promise.result            // data ref
promise.value             // same data ref, result alias
promise.state             // 'Fulfilled'
promise.status            // status alias: 'Fulfilled'
promise.isPending()       // false
promise.isFulfilled()     // true
promise.isResolved()      // true

// Or the same in OOP style
import {InsideOutPromise} from 'inside-out-promise'
const p = new InsideOutPromise()
## API
#### Resolvers
Both `executor` args — `resolve` and `reject` — are available as chainable public methods:
const promise = factory()

promise.resolve('foo')            // This's a promise
promise.reject(new Error('bar'))  // and this is too

#### Chains
factory().resolve('value').then(data => {
  // here's the value: data === 'value'

factory().catch(error => {
  // the error goes here
}).reject(new Error())

You're able to combine steps in Java-like style: first build the "[CompletableFuture](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/concurrent/CompletableFuture.html)" chain and `resolve` it after
const p = new InsideOutPromise()
  .then(data => data.repeat(2))
    .then(data => data.toUpperCase())
      .then(data => data + 'bar')

const res = await p // 'FOOFOObar'

Each step return `InsideOutPromise` instance inherited from `Promise`, `Bluebird` (see [Configuration](#Configuration) for details), etc, so the `intanceof` check still works.
const p1 = new InsideOutPromise()
const p2 = p1.then(data => data)

const v1 = await(p1)
const v2 = await(p2)


#### State
Promise [state](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/JavaScript_code_modules/Promise.jsm/Promise) field may take values: `Pending`, `Fulfilled` and `Rejected` 
const promise = factory()
promise.state // 'Pending'

promise.state // 'Fulfilled'

There're also 3 helper methods:
* `isPending()`
* `isRejected()`
* `isFulfilled()`

#### InsideOutPromise
import InsideOutPromise from 'inside-out-promise'

const promise = new InsideOutPromise((resolve, reject) => {
  // Legacy executor flow is still supported
  // ...

promise.then(data => console.log(data)) // It's `foo`

## <a name="Configuration"></a>Configuration
import factory from 'inside-out-promise'
import * as Bluebird from 'bluebird'

factory.Promise = Bluebird // Native `Promise` by default

## Refs
* [Fulfill vs resolve](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35398365/js-promises-fulfill-vs-resolve)
* [States and fates](https://github.com/domenic/promises-unwrapping/blob/master/docs/states-and-fates.md)
* [esimorp](https://github.com/WebReflection/esimorp)