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# env-vars-validator

A library who will validate your environment variables from AJV schema.

## Usage

const { validateEnv } = require("env-vars-validator")

    NODE_ENV: { type: 'string' },
    PORT: { type: 'integer' },
    requiredProperties: ['NODE_ENV'],

## API

### validateEnv(schema, options?)

Return: `void`

Able to validate env var from [Ajv Properties Fields](https://ajv.js.org/json-schema.html).


| Field Name | Type | Default | Description |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| requiredProperties | string[] | []  | Indicate if field is required (*More Information :* [JSON Schema Required](https://ajv.js.org/json-schema.html#required)) |
| coercevars         | boolean  | true | Indicate if fields will be cast to type (*Example:* NODE_ENV will be cast to number in our usage example) |

### currentEnv()

Default: `development`

Return: `Boolean`

Return current NODE_ENV without space and in lowercase format

### isProductionEnv()

Return: `Boolean`

Return if NODE_ENV is equal to `production`

### isPreproductionEnv()

Return: `Boolean`

Return if NODE_ENV is equal to `preproduction`

### isStagingEnv()

Return: `Boolean`

Return if NODE_ENV is equal to `staging`

### isDevelopmentEnv()

Return: `Boolean`

Return if NODE_ENV is equal to `development`

### isTestEnv()

Return: `Boolean`

Return if NODE_ENV is equal to `test`

### isDeployedEnv()

Return: `Boolean`

Return if NODE_ENV is **not equal** to `development` and to `test`

## Maintain

This package use [TSdx](https://github.com/jaredpalmer/tsdx). Please check documentation to update this package.