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import { getStylingPanelDefinition } from "./styling-panel-definition";
import actions, { checkShowAction, getActionsList } from "./utils/actions";
import getAutomationProps from "./utils/automation-props";
import importProperties from "./utils/conversion";
import luiIcons from "./utils/lui-icons";
import { checkShowNavigation, getNavigationsList } from "./utils/navigation-actions";
import propertyResolver from "./utils/property-resolver";
import { toggleOptions } from "./utils/style-utils";

let automationsList = null;

const getAutomations = async () => {
  if (!automationsList) {
    const automationsResponse = await fetch("../api/v1/automations?limit=100");
    const automations = await automationsResponse.json();
    automationsList = automations.data.map((a) => ({
      value: a.id,
      label: a.name,
  return automationsList;
export default function ext({ translator, shouldHide, senseNavigation, theme, isGoToChartEnabled }) {
  const multiUserAutomation =
    shouldHide.isEnabled && shouldHide.isEnabled("SENSECLIENT_IM_1855_AUTOMATIONS_MULTI_USER");
  return {
    definition: {
      type: "items",
      component: "accordion",
      items: {
        actions: {
          type: "items",
          translation: "Object.ActionButton.ActionsAndNavigation",
          grouped: true,
          items: {
            actionArray: {
              type: "items",
              items: {
                actionExecution: {
                  type: "boolean",
                  ref: "runtimeExpressionEvaluation",
                  translation: "Object.ActionButton.RuntimeExpressionEvaluation",
                  show: shouldHide.isEnabled("IM-5699_RUNTIME_EXPRESSION_EVALUATION"),
                actions: {
                  type: "array",
                  translation: "Object.ActionButton.Actions",
                  ref: "actions",
                  itemTitleRef: (data) => {
                    if (data.actionLabel) {
                      return data.actionLabel;
                    // If actionType exists but it's not found in the actions list,
                    // the action is invalid for the current version of the button
                    const fallbackTitle = data.actionType
                      ? "Object.ActionButton.InvalidAction"
                      : "Object.ActionButton.NewAction";
                    const action = actions.find((act) => data.actionType === act.value);
                    return translator.get((action && action.translation) || fallbackTitle);
                  allowAdd: true,
                  allowRemove: true,
                  allowMove: true,
                  addTranslation: "Object.ActionButton.AddAction",
                  items: {
                    label: {
                      component: "string",
                      ref: "actionLabel",
                      translation: "Common.Label",
                      expression: "optional",
                      defaultValue: "",
                    actionType: {
                      type: "string",
                      ref: "actionType",
                      component: "expression-with-dropdown",
                      translation: "Object.ActionButton.Action",
                      defaultValue: "",
                      options: getActionsList(shouldHide),
                      dropdownOnly: true,
                    bookmark: {
                      type: "string",
                      ref: "bookmark",
                      component: "expression-with-dropdown",
                      translation: "ExpressionEditor.SetExpresions.Bookmark",
                      defaultValue: "",
                      dropdownOnly: true,
                      options: async (action, hyperCubeHandler) => {
                        const bms = await hyperCubeHandler.app.getBookmarkList();
                        return bms.map((bookmark) => ({
                          label: bookmark.qData.title,
                          value: bookmark.qInfo.qId,
                      show: (data) => checkShowAction(data, "bookmark"),
                    field: {
                      type: "string",
                      ref: "field",
                      component: "expression-with-dropdown",
                      translation: "Common.Field",
                      defaultValue: "",
                      dropdownOnly: true,
                      options: async (action, hyperCubeHandler) => {
                        const fields = await hyperCubeHandler.app.getFieldList();
                        return fields.map((field) => ({
                          label: field.qName,
                          value: field.qName,
                      show: (data) => checkShowAction(data, "field"),
                    variable: {
                      type: "string",
                      ref: "variable",
                      component: "expression-with-dropdown",
                      translation: "Common.Variable",
                      defaultValue: "",
                      expressionType: "StringExpression",
                      options: async (action, hyperCubeHandler) => {
                        const variables = await hyperCubeHandler.app.getVariableList();
                        return variables
                          .filter((v) => !v.qIsReserved || (v.qIsReserved && action.showSystemVariables))
                          .map((v) => ({
                            label: v.qName,
                            value: v.qName,
                      show: (data) => checkShowAction(data, "variable"),
                    showSystemVariables: {
                      type: "boolean",
                      ref: "showSystemVariables",
                      translation: "ExpressionEditor.SystemVariables",
                      defaultValue: false,
                      show: (data) => checkShowAction(data, "variable"),
                    softLock: {
                      type: "boolean",
                      ref: "softLock",
                      translation: "Object.ActionButton.Softlock",
                      defaultValue: false,
                      show: (data) => checkShowAction(data, "softLock"),
                    value: {
                      type: "string",
                      ref: "value",
                      component: "string",
                      translation: "properties.value",
                      expression: "optional",
                      show: (data) => checkShowAction(data, "value"),
                    partial: {
                      type: "boolean",
                      ref: "partial",
                      translation: "Object.ActionButton.Partial",
                      defaultValue: false,
                      show: (data) => checkShowAction(data, "partial"),
                    automationProps: {
                      type: "items",
                      grouped: false,
                      items: getAutomationProps(multiUserAutomation, getAutomations),
                      show: (data) => checkShowAction(data, "automation"),
                    cyclicDimension: {
                      type: "string",
                      ref: "cyclicDimensionId",
                      component: "expression-with-dropdown",
                      translation: "Common.Dimension",
                      defaultValue: "",
                      dropdownOnly: true,
                      options: async (action, hyperCubeHandler) => {
                        const dimensions = await hyperCubeHandler.app.getDimensionList();
                        return dimensions
                          .filter((dim) => dim.qData.grouping === "C")
                          .map((dim) => ({
                            label: dim.qMeta.title,
                            value: dim.qInfo.qId,
                      show: (data) => checkShowAction(data, "cyclicDimension"),
                    indexStepper: {
                      type: "string",
                      ref: "indexStepper",
                      component: "expression-with-dropdown",
                      translation: "Object.ActionButton.Step",
                      defaultValue: 1,
                      dropdownOnly: true,
                      options: async () => [
                          translation: "Object.ActionButton.Forward",
                          value: 1,
                          translation: "Object.ActionButton.Backward",
                          value: -1,
                      show: (data) => checkShowAction(data, "indexStepper"),
            navigation: {
              translation: "Object.ActionButton.Navigation",
              type: "items",
              items: {
                action: {
                  ref: "navigation.action",
                  translation: "Object.ActionButton.Navigation",
                  component: "expression-with-dropdown",
                  defaultValue: null,
                  options: getNavigationsList(shouldHide),
                  dropdownOnly: true,
                appId: {
                  type: "string",
                  expression: "optional",
                  ref: "navigation.appId",
                  translation: "properties.appId",
                  show: (data) => checkShowNavigation(data, "appId"),
                sheetId: {
                  type: "string",
                  ref: "navigation.sheet",
                  translation: "properties.sheet",
                  expression: "optional",
                  show: (data) => checkShowNavigation(data, "sheetId"),
                sheet: {
                  type: "string",
                  ref: "navigation.sheet",
                  translation: "properties.sheet",
                  component: "expression-with-dropdown",
                  expressionType: "StringExpression",
                  show: (data) => checkShowNavigation(data, "sheet"),
                  options: async (action, hyperCubeHandler) => {
                    const sheets = await hyperCubeHandler.app.getSheetList();
                    return sheets.map((sheet) => ({
                      value: sheet.qInfo.qId,
                      label: sheet.qMeta.title,
                      showCondition: sheet.qData.showCondition,
                chartId: {
                  type: "string",
                  ref: "navigation.chartId",
                  translation: "properties.chartPicker.chartId",
                  component: "expression-with-dropdown",
                  expressionType: "StringExpression",
                  show: (data) => (isGoToChartEnabled ? checkShowNavigation(data, "chartId") : false),
                  options: async (data, action, hyperCubeHandler) => {
                    const sheetId = data.navigation.sheet;
                    const sheet = sheetId && (await hyperCubeHandler.app.getObject(sheetId));
                    return sheet?.properties.cells.map((cell) => ({
                      value: cell.name,
                story: {
                  type: "string",
                  ref: "navigation.story",
                  translation: "properties.story",
                  component: "expression-with-dropdown",
                  expressionType: "StringExpression",
                  show: (data) => checkShowNavigation(data, "story"),
                  options: async (action, hyperCubeHandler) => {
                    const stories = await hyperCubeHandler.app.getStoryList();
                    return stories.map((story) => ({
                      value: story.qInfo.qId,
                      label: story.qMeta.title,
                websiteUrl: {
                  type: "string",
                  expression: "optional",
                  ref: "navigation.websiteUrl",
                  translation: "properties.website",
                  show: (data) => checkShowNavigation(data, "websiteUrl"),
                sameWindow: {
                  type: "boolean",
                  ref: "navigation.sameWindow",
                  translation: "properties.sameWindow",
                  show: (data) => checkShowNavigation(data, "sameWindow"),
                  defaultValue: false,
                odagLink: {
                  type: "string",
                  ref: "navigation.odagLink",
                  component: "dropdown",
                  translation: "ExpressionEditor.SetExpresions.OdagAppLinks",
                  options: async (action, hyperCubeHandler) => {
                    const odagLinks = await senseNavigation.getOdagLinks(hyperCubeHandler.app);
                    return odagLinks
                      .filter((link) => link.properties.type === "odaglink")
                      .map((odagLink) => ({
                        label: odagLink.properties.data.name,
                        value: odagLink.properties.data.id,
                  show: (data) => checkShowNavigation(data, "odagLink"),
        enableCondition: {
          type: "items",
          translation: "properties.enableConditionSection",
          items: {
            useCondition: {
              type: "boolean",
              component: "switch",
              translation: "properties.enableToggle",
              ref: "useEnabledCondition",
              options: [
                  value: true,
                  translation: "properties.on",
                  value: false,
                  translation: "properties.off",
            condition: {
              ref: "enabledCondition",
              translation: "properties.enableCondition",
              type: "integer",
              expression: "optional",
              show: (data) => data.useEnabledCondition,
        settings: {
          component: "expandable-items",
          translation: "Common.Appearance",
          uses: "settings",
          items: {
            general: {
              type: "items",
              translation: "properties.general",
              items: {
                showTitles: {},
                details: {
                  show: false,
                cellNavMenu: {
                  show: false,
                labelGroup: {
                  type: "items",
                  items: {
                    label: {
                      component: "string",
                      ref: "style.label",
                      translation: "Common.Label",
                      expression: "optional",
                    showLabelToggle: {
                      component: "switch",
                      type: "boolean",
                      ref: "style.showLabel",
                      translation: "properties.referenceLines.showLabel",
                      defaultValue: true,
                      options: toggleOptions,
            icon: {
              type: "items",
              grouped: true,
              translation: "properties.icon",
              items: {
                iconSettings: {
                  type: "items",
                  items: {
                    useIcon: {
                      ref: "style.icon.useIcon",
                      type: "boolean",
                      translation: "properties.icon.use",
                      component: "switch",
                      options: toggleOptions,
                    iconType: {
                      ref: "style.icon.iconType",
                      component: "expression-with-dropdown",
                      translation: "properties.icon",
                      defaultValue: "",
                      options: luiIcons,
                      expressionType: "StringExpression",
                      show: (data) => propertyResolver.getValue(data, "style.icon.useIcon"),
                    iconPosition: {
                      ref: "style.icon.position",
                      component: "dropdown",
                      translation: "Common.Position",
                      options: [
                          translation: "properties.dock.left",
                          value: "left",
                          translation: "properties.dock.right",
                          value: "right",
                      show: (data) => propertyResolver.getValue(data, "style.icon.useIcon"),
            presentation: getStylingPanelDefinition({ flags: shouldHide, theme, translator }),
    exportProperties: null,
    support: {
      export: false,
      exportData: false,
      snapshot: false,
      viewData: false,
      quickMobile: true,
      fullscreen: false,