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Test Coverage
  "scriptappy": "1.0.0",
  "info": {
    "name": "@nebula.js/sn-scatter-plot:plugins",
    "description": "Scatter plot plugins API definitions",
    "version": "3.56.0",
    "license": "MIT",
    "stability": "experimental",
    "x-qlik-visibility": "public"
  "entries": {
    "pluginArguments": {
      "description": "The arguments that are passed to the fn function of the plugin definition.\nFor example, the layout and keys in the following plugin:\n       const pointPlugin = {\n        info: {\n          name: 'point-plugin',\n          type: 'component-definition',\n        },\n        fn: ({ layout, keys }) => {\n          const componentDefinition = {\n            key: keys.components.point,\n            type: 'point',\n            settings: {\n              // Some new settings that make use of\n              // the data in layout and keys\n            },\n          };\n          return componentDefinition;\n        },\n       ;",
      "kind": "namespace",
      "entries": {
        "keys": {
          "description": "The keys (references) to different types of chart internals",
          "kind": "object",
          "entries": {
            "COMPONENT": {
              "description": "The unique keys of the existing components available in the chart.\nThey are useful if you want to extend or override the existing components.",
              "kind": "object",
              "entries": {
                "POINT": {
                  "description": "The point component",
                  "type": "string"
                "X_AXIS": {
                  "description": "The x-axis component",
                  "type": "string"
                "Y_AXIS": {
                  "description": "The y-axis component",
                  "type": "string"
            "SCALE": {
              "description": "The scales associated with the measures.\nThey are useful if you want to, via plugin, add a new component that\nuses the same scale as one of the measures.",
              "kind": "object",
              "entries": {
                "X": {
                  "description": "The scale used for positioning items along the x axis",
                  "type": "string"
                "Y": {
                  "description": "The scale used for positioning items along the y axis",
                  "type": "string"
        "layout": {
          "description": "The layout from the enigma model.",
          "kind": "object",
          "entries": {}
  "definitions": {}