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Test Coverage
  "SNTable.Accessibility.Ascending": {
    "value": "Croissant",
    "comment": "Tooltip showing that column is in ascending order. (tew 230411)",
    "version": "pzaCJbp56ZfIKkvOiwLLAw=="
  "SNTable.Accessibility.ColumnOptions": {
    "value": "Options de colonne",
    "comment": "aria label for the button in the header that opens the column menu (buy 230705)",
    "version": "5dZfsGOWJ50iDc9axBC/Zw=="
  "SNTable.Accessibility.Descending": {
    "value": "Décroissant",
    "comment": "Tooltip showing that column is in descending order. (tew 230411)",
    "version": "YKKchv03VWxWB+sZEj5CWQ=="
  "SNTable.Accessibility.NavigationInstructions": {
    "value": "Utilisez les touches fléchées pour parcourir les cellules du tableau et la tabulation pour accéder aux commandes de pagination. Pour connaître la gamme complète des commandes de navigation au clavier, voir la documentation.",
    "comment": "Instructions read by screen reader when first focusing inside the table. (tew 211130)",
    "version": "rON9K1cUvIGtROZHqXNfbg=="
  "SNTable.Accessibility.RowsAndColumns": {
    "value": "Affichage de {0} lignes et de {1} colonnes.",
    "comment": "number of rows and columns announced by the screen reader. (tew 210929)",
    "version": "HKjzXNhL9hPs/kFY0XyjTQ=="
  "SNTable.MenuItem.AdjustColumnSize": {
    "value": "Ajuster la taille de colonne",
    "comment": "label for adjust column size menu in field. (tew 230411)",
    "version": "cazeI83TxjT1S9TB/jDl2g=="
  "SNTable.MenuItem.ClearSelections": {
    "value": "Effacer les sélections",
    "comment": "label for clearing all selected items in field. (tew 230411)",
    "version": "0ShfyMZ1vmQIolPkZpe+Lg=="
  "SNTable.MenuItem.Search": {
    "value": "Rechercher",
    "comment": "label for menu item to search in field. (tew 230411)",
    "version": "4hsJfdIfcQEmU/eVRgfN3w=="
  "SNTable.MenuItem.SelectAll": {
    "value": "Sélectionner tout",
    "comment": "label for select all items in field. (tew 230411)",
    "version": "fB/W0v2Kef7V3Fx0MBL7wQ=="
  "SNTable.MenuItem.SelectAlternative": {
    "value": "Sélectionner des valeurs alternatives",
    "comment": "label for select alternative items in field. (tew 230411)",
    "version": "koIIyXBzKhypDNOaWZH3sA=="
  "SNTable.MenuItem.SelectExcluded": {
    "value": "Sélectionner les valeurs exclues",
    "comment": "label for select excluded items in field. (tew 230411)",
    "version": "PsqM+dOdScQGNNfVnXG/Ag=="
  "SNTable.MenuItem.SelectPossible": {
    "value": "Sélectionner les valeurs possibles",
    "comment": "label for select possible items in field. (tew 230411)",
    "version": "Dj82SB0re1gwa5sn4xHGTg=="
  "SNTable.MenuItem.Selections": {
    "value": "Sélections",
    "comment": "label for selections menu in field. (tew 230411)",
    "version": "KE12AF0HAQjOLLj2WLvgQg=="
  "SNTable.MenuItem.SortAscending": {
    "value": "Tri par ordre croissant",
    "comment": "label for menu item to sort ascending. (tew 221116)",
    "version": "g6ZRLI/3yCFWc8tq56E5nA=="
  "SNTable.MenuItem.SortDescending": {
    "value": "Tri par ordre décroissant",
    "comment": "label for menu item to sort descending. (tew 221116)",
    "version": "NelZ0Zonmd4DCfix1e3tGA=="
  "SNTable.Pagination.DisplayedRowsLabel": {
    "value": "{0} sur {1}",
    "comment": "label for the displayed rows, e.g. '1-100 of 234' (tew 211004)",
    "version": "aQJbyf9x9LTIhITOr45yXA=="
  "SNTable.Pagination.FirstPage": {
    "value": "Accéder à la première page",
    "comment": "tooltip and aria-label for the first page button. (tew 220125)",
    "version": "02xtL9RTBrrFoJ6sKxknMg=="
  "SNTable.Pagination.LastPage": {
    "value": "Accéder à la dernière page",
    "comment": "tooltip and aria-label for the last page button. (tew 220125)",
    "version": "r2oxhoCXSRbLzLA5mLygUg=="
  "SNTable.Pagination.NextPage": {
    "value": "Accéder à la page suivante",
    "comment": "tooltip and aria-label for the next page button. (tew 220125)",
    "version": "zcTT0KquBNduHyvU9hnhoA=="
  "SNTable.Pagination.PageStatusReport": {
    "value": "La page a changé. Affichage de la page {0} sur {1}.",
    "comment": "Read via screenreader when the page has changed. {0} is replaced with the current page number. {1} is replaced with the total page number. (tew 211122)",
    "version": "AOFznLoJupPIAwS7SchRcA=="
  "SNTable.Pagination.PreviousPage": {
    "value": "Accéder à la page précédente",
    "comment": "tooltip and aria-label for the previous page button. (tew 220125)",
    "version": "0HFoHIB1i+ZETBO3YI76/g=="
  "SNTable.Pagination.RowsPerPage": {
    "value": "Lignes par page",
    "comment": "label for the rows per page dropdown. (tew 210929)",
    "version": "zuWpMmMSoOG/QRsKoVx3OA=="
  "SNTable.Pagination.RowsPerPageChange": {
    "value": "Le nombre de lignes par page a été remplacé par {0}. Affichage en cours de la première page.",
    "comment": "Read via screenreader when the number rows per page changes. {0} is replaced with the number of rows per page. (tew 211122)",
    "version": "pMOIMgdSzJmSIj7NLXkS6g=="
  "SNTable.Pagination.SelectPage": {
    "value": "Sélectionner une page",
    "comment": "Label for the dropdown to select a page. (tew 230411)",
    "version": "rGCuUAFX86UuAXmkOs27zw=="
  "SNTable.SelectionLabel.DeselectedValue": {
    "value": "La valeur est désélectionnée.",
    "comment": "announced by screen readers when a value is deselected. (tew 210929)",
    "version": "76E/5nke7HRRMEcF1fQbrA=="
  "SNTable.SelectionLabel.ExitedSelectionMode": {
    "value": "La valeur est désélectionnée. Mode de sélection désactivé.",
    "comment": "Announced by screen readers when deselecting and no values are selecting, causing the the chart to exit selection mode. (tew 210929)",
    "version": "A4NCF1GIsCVwVg0MjPHUqw=="
  "SNTable.SelectionLabel.NotSelectedValue": {
    "value": "La valeur n'est pas sélectionnée.",
    "comment": "announced by screen readers when focus is on an unselected value. (tew 210929)",
    "version": "oj/qLPcfANXpS2oVVUzTdQ=="
  "SNTable.SelectionLabel.OneSelectedValue": {
    "value": "Actuellement, une valeur est sélectionnée.",
    "comment": "the amount of selected values in a dimension, announced by screen readers. (tew 210929)",
    "version": "5llYYux+meuJItZE6XJhcQ=="
  "SNTable.SelectionLabel.SelectedValue": {
    "value": "La valeur est sélectionnée.",
    "comment": "announced by screen readers when a value is selected. (tew 210929)",
    "version": "ZJO4WnSdc7Wk5mDyEj4hug=="
  "SNTable.SelectionLabel.SelectedValues": {
    "value": "Actuellement, {0} valeurs sont sélectionnées.",
    "comment": "the amount of selected values in a dimension, announced by screen readers. (tew 210929)",
    "version": "58lPVnscmLNuN+pvnPhkYA=="
  "SNTable.SelectionLabel.SelectionsConfirmed": {
    "value": "Sélections confirmées.",
    "comment": "announced by screen readers when selections are confirmed. (tew 210929)",
    "version": "g2xbBOIYPMUM0bFIQp5hDg=="
  "SNTable.SelectionLabel.selected": {
    "value": "Sélectionné",
    "comment": "announced by screen readers for a selected value. (tew 210929)",
    "version": "57xiDyOBQ0x8VcdHGd5tzg=="
  "SNTable.SortLabel.PressSpaceToSort": {
    "value": "Appuyez sur Espace pour trier en fonction de cette colonne.",
    "comment": "instructions for sorting, announced by screen readers. (tew 210929)",
    "version": "Qqrq+G7uktBDlaLsccl7ng=="
  "SNTable.SortLabel.SortedAscending": {
    "value": "Tri dans l'ordre croissant.",
    "comment": "direction of sorting for a column, announced by screen readers. (tew 210929)",
    "version": "LrRndbCXiDS4JMC+VCnW4A=="
  "SNTable.SortLabel.SortedDescending": {
    "value": "Tri dans l'ordre décroissant.",
    "comment": "direction of sorting for a column, announced by screen readers. (tew 210929)",
    "version": "81l9u+cBWloC+4R4s9akDQ=="