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Test Coverage
  "SNTable.Accessibility.Ascending": {
    "value": "遞增",
    "comment": "Tooltip showing that column is in ascending order. (tew 230411)",
    "version": "pzaCJbp56ZfIKkvOiwLLAw=="
  "SNTable.Accessibility.ColumnOptions": {
    "value": "欄選項",
    "comment": "aria label for the button in the header that opens the column menu (buy 230705)",
    "version": "5dZfsGOWJ50iDc9axBC/Zw=="
  "SNTable.Accessibility.Descending": {
    "value": "遞減",
    "comment": "Tooltip showing that column is in descending order. (tew 230411)",
    "version": "YKKchv03VWxWB+sZEj5CWQ=="
  "SNTable.Accessibility.NavigationInstructions": {
    "value": "使用方向鍵以在表格儲存格中導覽,並使用 Tab 以前往分頁控制。如需完整的鍵盤導覽,請參閱文件。",
    "comment": "Instructions read by screen reader when first focusing inside the table. (tew 211130)",
    "version": "rON9K1cUvIGtROZHqXNfbg=="
  "SNTable.Accessibility.RowsAndColumns": {
    "value": "顯示 {0} 列和 {1} 欄。",
    "comment": "number of rows and columns announced by the screen reader. (tew 210929)",
    "version": "HKjzXNhL9hPs/kFY0XyjTQ=="
  "SNTable.MenuItem.AdjustColumnSize": {
    "value": "調整欄大小",
    "comment": "label for adjust column size menu in field. (tew 230411)",
    "version": "cazeI83TxjT1S9TB/jDl2g=="
  "SNTable.MenuItem.ClearSelections": {
    "value": "清除選項",
    "comment": "label for clearing all selected items in field. (tew 230411)",
    "version": "0ShfyMZ1vmQIolPkZpe+Lg=="
  "SNTable.MenuItem.Search": {
    "value": "搜尋",
    "comment": "label for menu item to search in field. (tew 230411)",
    "version": "4hsJfdIfcQEmU/eVRgfN3w=="
  "SNTable.MenuItem.SelectAll": {
    "value": "全選",
    "comment": "label for select all items in field. (tew 230411)",
    "version": "fB/W0v2Kef7V3Fx0MBL7wQ=="
  "SNTable.MenuItem.SelectAlternative": {
    "value": "選取替代選項",
    "comment": "label for select alternative items in field. (tew 230411)",
    "version": "koIIyXBzKhypDNOaWZH3sA=="
  "SNTable.MenuItem.SelectExcluded": {
    "value": "選取排除值",
    "comment": "label for select excluded items in field. (tew 230411)",
    "version": "PsqM+dOdScQGNNfVnXG/Ag=="
  "SNTable.MenuItem.SelectPossible": {
    "value": "選取可能值",
    "comment": "label for select possible items in field. (tew 230411)",
    "version": "Dj82SB0re1gwa5sn4xHGTg=="
  "SNTable.MenuItem.Selections": {
    "value": "選項",
    "comment": "label for selections menu in field. (tew 230411)",
    "version": "KE12AF0HAQjOLLj2WLvgQg=="
  "SNTable.MenuItem.SortAscending": {
    "value": "以遞增方式排序",
    "comment": "label for menu item to sort ascending. (tew 221116)",
    "version": "g6ZRLI/3yCFWc8tq56E5nA=="
  "SNTable.MenuItem.SortDescending": {
    "value": "以遞減方式排序",
    "comment": "label for menu item to sort descending. (tew 221116)",
    "version": "NelZ0Zonmd4DCfix1e3tGA=="
  "SNTable.Pagination.DisplayedRowsLabel": {
    "value": "{0} / {1}",
    "comment": "label for the displayed rows, e.g. '1-100 of 234' (tew 211004)",
    "version": "aQJbyf9x9LTIhITOr45yXA=="
  "SNTable.Pagination.FirstPage": {
    "value": "移至第一頁",
    "comment": "tooltip and aria-label for the first page button. (tew 220125)",
    "version": "02xtL9RTBrrFoJ6sKxknMg=="
  "SNTable.Pagination.LastPage": {
    "value": "移至最後一頁",
    "comment": "tooltip and aria-label for the last page button. (tew 220125)",
    "version": "r2oxhoCXSRbLzLA5mLygUg=="
  "SNTable.Pagination.NextPage": {
    "value": "移至下一頁",
    "comment": "tooltip and aria-label for the next page button. (tew 220125)",
    "version": "zcTT0KquBNduHyvU9hnhoA=="
  "SNTable.Pagination.PageStatusReport": {
    "value": "頁面已變更。顯示第 {0} 頁,共 {1} 頁。",
    "comment": "Read via screenreader when the page has changed. {0} is replaced with the current page number. {1} is replaced with the total page number. (tew 211122)",
    "version": "AOFznLoJupPIAwS7SchRcA=="
  "SNTable.Pagination.PreviousPage": {
    "value": "移至上一頁",
    "comment": "tooltip and aria-label for the previous page button. (tew 220125)",
    "version": "0HFoHIB1i+ZETBO3YI76/g=="
  "SNTable.Pagination.RowsPerPage": {
    "value": "每頁列數",
    "comment": "label for the rows per page dropdown. (tew 210929)",
    "version": "zuWpMmMSoOG/QRsKoVx3OA=="
  "SNTable.Pagination.RowsPerPageChange": {
    "value": "每頁列數已變更為 {0}。現在顯示第一頁。",
    "comment": "Read via screenreader when the number rows per page changes. {0} is replaced with the number of rows per page. (tew 211122)",
    "version": "pMOIMgdSzJmSIj7NLXkS6g=="
  "SNTable.Pagination.SelectPage": {
    "value": "選取頁面",
    "comment": "Label for the dropdown to select a page. (tew 230411)",
    "version": "rGCuUAFX86UuAXmkOs27zw=="
  "SNTable.SelectionLabel.DeselectedValue": {
    "value": "值已取消選取。",
    "comment": "announced by screen readers when a value is deselected. (tew 210929)",
    "version": "76E/5nke7HRRMEcF1fQbrA=="
  "SNTable.SelectionLabel.ExitedSelectionMode": {
    "value": "值已取消選取。輸入的選取模式。",
    "comment": "Announced by screen readers when deselecting and no values are selecting, causing the the chart to exit selection mode. (tew 210929)",
    "version": "A4NCF1GIsCVwVg0MjPHUqw=="
  "SNTable.SelectionLabel.NotSelectedValue": {
    "value": "未選取值。",
    "comment": "announced by screen readers when focus is on an unselected value. (tew 210929)",
    "version": "oj/qLPcfANXpS2oVVUzTdQ=="
  "SNTable.SelectionLabel.OneSelectedValue": {
    "value": "目前有一個選取的值。",
    "comment": "the amount of selected values in a dimension, announced by screen readers. (tew 210929)",
    "version": "5llYYux+meuJItZE6XJhcQ=="
  "SNTable.SelectionLabel.SelectedValue": {
    "value": "已選取值。",
    "comment": "announced by screen readers when a value is selected. (tew 210929)",
    "version": "ZJO4WnSdc7Wk5mDyEj4hug=="
  "SNTable.SelectionLabel.SelectedValues": {
    "value": "目前有 {0} 個選取的值。",
    "comment": "the amount of selected values in a dimension, announced by screen readers. (tew 210929)",
    "version": "58lPVnscmLNuN+pvnPhkYA=="
  "SNTable.SelectionLabel.SelectionsConfirmed": {
    "value": "選項已確認。",
    "comment": "announced by screen readers when selections are confirmed. (tew 210929)",
    "version": "g2xbBOIYPMUM0bFIQp5hDg=="
  "SNTable.SelectionLabel.selected": {
    "value": "已選取",
    "comment": "announced by screen readers for a selected value. (tew 210929)",
    "version": "57xiDyOBQ0x8VcdHGd5tzg=="
  "SNTable.SortLabel.PressSpaceToSort": {
    "value": "在此欄按下空格鍵以進行排序",
    "comment": "instructions for sorting, announced by screen readers. (tew 210929)",
    "version": "Qqrq+G7uktBDlaLsccl7ng=="
  "SNTable.SortLabel.SortedAscending": {
    "value": "已依遞增順序排序。",
    "comment": "direction of sorting for a column, announced by screen readers. (tew 210929)",
    "version": "LrRndbCXiDS4JMC+VCnW4A=="
  "SNTable.SortLabel.SortedDescending": {
    "value": "已依遞減順序排序。",
    "comment": "direction of sorting for a column, announced by screen readers. (tew 210929)",
    "version": "81l9u+cBWloC+4R4s9akDQ=="