

1 hr
Test Coverage
package utils

import (



// AppRoot app root path
var AppRoot, _ = os.Getwd()

// ContextKey defined type used for context's key
type ContextKey string

// ContextDBName db name used for context
var ContextDBName ContextKey = "ContextDB"

// HTMLSanitizer html sanitizer to avoid XSS
var HTMLSanitizer = bluemonday.UGCPolicy()

func init() {
    if path := os.Getenv("WEB_ROOT"); path != "" {
        AppRoot = path

// GOPATH return GOPATH from env
func GOPATH() []string {
    paths := strings.Split(os.Getenv("GOPATH"), string(os.PathListSeparator))
    if len(paths) == 0 {
        fmt.Println("GOPATH doesn't exist")
    return paths

// GetDBFromRequest get database from request
var GetDBFromRequest = func(req *http.Request) *gorm.DB {
    db := req.Context().Value(ContextDBName)
    if tx, ok := db.(*gorm.DB); ok {
        return tx

    return nil

// HumanizeString Humanize separates string based on capitalizd letters
// e.g. "OrderItem" -> "Order Item"
func HumanizeString(str string) string {
    var human []rune
    for i, l := range str {
        if i > 0 && isUppercase(byte(l)) {
            if (!isUppercase(str[i-1]) && str[i-1] != ' ') || (i+1 < len(str) && !isUppercase(str[i+1]) && str[i+1] != ' ' && str[i-1] != ' ') {
                human = append(human, rune(' '))
        human = append(human, l)
    return strings.Title(string(human))

func isUppercase(char byte) bool {
    return 'A' <= char && char <= 'Z'

var asicsiiRegexp = regexp.MustCompile("^(\\w|\\s|-|!)*$")

// ToParamString replaces spaces and separates words (by uppercase letters) with
// underscores in a string, also downcase it
// e.g. ToParamString -> to_param_string, To ParamString -> to_param_string
func ToParamString(str string) string {
    if asicsiiRegexp.MatchString(str) {
        return gorm.ToDBName(strings.Replace(str, " ", "_", -1))
    return slug.Make(str)

// PatchURL updates the query part of the request url.
//     PatchURL("google.com","key","value") => "google.com?key=value"
func PatchURL(originalURL string, params ...interface{}) (patchedURL string, err error) {
    url, err := url.Parse(originalURL)
    if err != nil {

    query := url.Query()
    for i := 0; i < len(params)/2; i++ {
        // Check if params is key&value pair
        key := fmt.Sprintf("%v", params[i*2])
        value := fmt.Sprintf("%v", params[i*2+1])

        if value == "" {
        } else {
            query.Set(key, value)

    url.RawQuery = query.Encode()
    patchedURL = url.String()

// JoinURL updates the path part of the request url.
//     JoinURL("google.com", "admin") => "google.com/admin"
//     JoinURL("google.com?q=keyword", "admin") => "google.com/admin?q=keyword"
func JoinURL(originalURL string, paths ...interface{}) (joinedURL string, err error) {
    u, err := url.Parse(originalURL)
    if err != nil {

    var urlPaths = []string{u.Path}
    for _, p := range paths {
        urlPaths = append(urlPaths, fmt.Sprint(p))

    if strings.HasSuffix(strings.Join(urlPaths, ""), "/") {
        u.Path = path.Join(urlPaths...) + "/"
    } else {
        u.Path = path.Join(urlPaths...)

    joinedURL = u.String()

// SetCookie set cookie for context
func SetCookie(cookie http.Cookie, context *qor.Context) {
    cookie.HttpOnly = true

    // set https cookie
    if context.Request != nil && context.Request.URL.Scheme == "https" {
        cookie.Secure = true

    // set default path
    if cookie.Path == "" {
        cookie.Path = "/"

    http.SetCookie(context.Writer, &cookie)

// Stringify stringify any data, if it is a struct, will try to use its Name, Title, Code field, else will use its primary key
func Stringify(object interface{}) string {
    if obj, ok := object.(interface {
        Stringify() string
    }); ok {
        return obj.Stringify()

    scope := gorm.Scope{Value: object}
    for _, column := range []string{"Name", "Title", "Code"} {
        if field, ok := scope.FieldByName(column); ok {
            if field.Field.IsValid() {
                result := field.Field.Interface()
                if valuer, ok := result.(driver.Valuer); ok {
                    if result, err := valuer.Value(); err == nil {
                        return fmt.Sprint(result)
                return fmt.Sprint(result)

    if scope.PrimaryField() != nil {
        if scope.PrimaryKeyZero() {
            return ""
        return fmt.Sprintf("%v#%v", scope.GetModelStruct().ModelType.Name(), scope.PrimaryKeyValue())

    return fmt.Sprint(reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(object)).Interface())

// ModelType get value's model type
func ModelType(value interface{}) reflect.Type {
    reflectType := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(value)).Type()

    for reflectType.Kind() == reflect.Ptr || reflectType.Kind() == reflect.Slice {
        reflectType = reflectType.Elem()

    return reflectType

// ParseTagOption parse tag options to hash
func ParseTagOption(str string) map[string]string {
    tags := strings.Split(str, ";")
    setting := map[string]string{}
    for _, value := range tags {
        v := strings.Split(value, ":")
        k := strings.TrimSpace(strings.ToUpper(v[0]))
        if len(v) == 2 {
            setting[k] = v[1]
        } else {
            setting[k] = k
    return setting

// ExitWithMsg debug error messages and print stack
func ExitWithMsg(msg interface{}, value ...interface{}) {
    fmt.Printf("\n"+filenameWithLineNum()+"\n"+fmt.Sprint(msg)+"\n", value...)

// FileServer file server that disabled file listing
func FileServer(dir http.Dir) http.Handler {
    return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        p := path.Join(string(dir), r.URL.Path)
        if f, err := os.Stat(p); err == nil && !f.IsDir() {
            http.ServeFile(w, r, p)

        http.NotFound(w, r)

func filenameWithLineNum() string {
    var total = 10
    var results []string
    for i := 2; i < 15; i++ {
        if _, file, line, ok := runtime.Caller(i); ok {
            results = append(results[:0],
                    []string{fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v", strings.TrimPrefix(file, os.Getenv("GOPATH")+"src/"), line)},

            if total == 0 {
                return strings.Join(results, "\n")
    return ""

// GetLocale get locale from request, cookie, after get the locale, will write the locale to the cookie if possible
// Overwrite the default logic with
//     utils.GetLocale = func(context *qor.Context) string {
//         // ....
//     }
var GetLocale = func(context *qor.Context) string {
    if locale := context.Request.Header.Get("Locale"); locale != "" {
        return locale

    if locale := context.Request.URL.Query().Get("locale"); locale != "" {
        if context.Writer != nil {
            context.Request.Header.Set("Locale", locale)
            SetCookie(http.Cookie{Name: "locale", Value: locale, Expires: time.Now().AddDate(1, 0, 0)}, context)
        return locale

    if locale, err := context.Request.Cookie("locale"); err == nil {
        return locale.Value

    return ""

// ParseTime parse time from string
// Overwrite the default logic with
//     utils.ParseTime = func(timeStr string, context *qor.Context) (time.Time, error) {
//         // ....
//     }
var ParseTime = func(timeStr string, context *qor.Context) (time.Time, error) {
    return now.Parse(timeStr)

// FormatTime format time to string
// Overwrite the default logic with
//     utils.FormatTime = func(time time.Time, format string, context *qor.Context) string {
//         // ....
//     }
var FormatTime = func(date time.Time, format string, context *qor.Context) string {
    return date.Format(format)

var replaceIdxRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`\[\d+\]`)

// SortFormKeys sort form keys
func SortFormKeys(strs []string) {
    sort.Slice(strs, func(i, j int) bool { // true for first
        str1 := strs[i]
        str2 := strs[j]
        matched1 := replaceIdxRegexp.FindAllStringIndex(str1, -1)
        matched2 := replaceIdxRegexp.FindAllStringIndex(str2, -1)

        for x := 0; x < len(matched1); x++ {
            prefix1 := str1[:matched1[x][0]]
            prefix2 := str2

            if len(matched2) >= x+1 {
                prefix2 = str2[:matched2[x][0]]

            if prefix1 != prefix2 {
                return strings.Compare(prefix1, prefix2) < 0

            if len(matched2) < x+1 {
                return false

            number1 := str1[matched1[x][0]:matched1[x][1]]
            number2 := str2[matched2[x][0]:matched2[x][1]]

            if number1 != number2 {
                if len(number1) != len(number2) {
                    return len(number1) < len(number2)
                return strings.Compare(number1, number2) < 0

        return strings.Compare(str1, str2) < 0

// GetAbsURL get absolute URL from request, refer: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6899069/why-are-request-url-host-and-scheme-blank-in-the-development-server
func GetAbsURL(req *http.Request) url.URL {
    if req.URL.IsAbs() {
        return *req.URL

    var result *url.URL
    if domain := req.Header.Get("Origin"); domain != "" {
        result, _ = url.Parse(domain)
    } else {
        if req.TLS == nil {
            result, _ = url.Parse("http://" + req.Host)
        } else {
            result, _ = url.Parse("https://" + req.Host)

    return *result

// Indirect returns last value that v points to
func Indirect(v reflect.Value) reflect.Value {
    for v.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
        v = reflect.Indirect(v)
    return v

// SliceUniq removes duplicate values in given slice
func SliceUniq(s []string) []string {
    for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
        for i2 := i + 1; i2 < len(s); i2++ {
            if s[i] == s[i2] {
                // delete
                s = append(s[:i2], s[i2+1:]...)
    return s

// SafeJoin safe join https://snyk.io/research/zip-slip-vulnerability#go
func SafeJoin(paths ...string) (string, error) {
    result := path.Join(paths...)
    // check filepath
    if !strings.HasPrefix(result, filepath.Clean(paths[0])+string(os.PathSeparator)) {
        return "", errors.New("invalid filepath")

    return result, nil