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## Install Quickstrap
At a Terminal prompt paste the following:

[TODO] _This doesn't work yet_

php -r "copy('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/quickstrap/installer/master/src/setup.php', 'quickstrap-setup.php');"
php quickstrap-setup.php
php -r "unlink('quickstrap-setup.php');"

The script explains what it will do and then pauses before it does it.

## What does Quickstrap do?
Quickstrap remembers how to configure things so you don't have to.
cd path/to/my/project
quickstrap testsuites:phpunit

It guides the user through configuration via prompts.

What version of PHPUnit ?
    [1] 4.8
    [2] 5.7
> 2
Verbose output? [Y|n]: y
Stop on failure? [Y|n]: y
... other prompts

And generates the configuration files.

Generated ./phpunit.xml.dist

## There are many helpers
This will install Behat, and setup your feature directory and behat.yml configuration for you.

quickstrap testsuites:behat
This will install Code Sniffer.

quickstrap analyzers:codesniffer
This will generate a .travis-ci.yml configuration for you. If you've got phpunit or behat installed it will automatically
add them to the configuration. [TODO]

quickstrap ci:travis-ci
This will generate a .gitlab-ci.yml configuration for you. If you've got phpunit or behat installed it will automatically
add them to the configuration. [TODO]

quickstrap ci:gitlab-ci
This will setup a zend framework apigility skeleton project for you. [TODO]

quickstrap frameworks:apigility
This will setup a slimframework skeleton project for you. [TODO]

quickstrap frameworks:slim
This will setup a silex skeleton project for you. [TODO]

quickstrap frameworks:silex

## Making more helpers
Easily create your own configuration helpers

quickstrap create my-php-helper
Created barebone helper project at ./my-php-helper
And publish your package as a git repository somewhere (github/bitbucket/gitlab etc).

Install new helpers 

quickstrap install https://github.com/vendor/package-name.git