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2 days
Test Coverage
// jscs:disable disallowQuotedKeysInObjects
export default {
  messages: {
    local: 'english',
    'local.siteLocale': 'Site Language',
    'local.changeLocal': 'Choose the language you want the site to display in',
    'local.navtiveName': 'English',
    'local.selectLabel': 'Language',
    'setting.title': 'Settings',
    'setting.chapters': 'Surahs',
    'setting.verses': 'Go to verse',
    'setting.reciters.title': 'Reciters',
    'setting.translations.title': 'Translations',
    'setting.translations.removeAll': 'Remove all',
    'setting.translations.english': 'English',
    'setting.translations.other': 'Other Languages',
    'setting.fontSize': 'Font size',
    'setting.fontSize.arabic': 'Arabic',
    'setting.reading': 'Reading',
    'setting.tooltip': 'Tooltip content',
    'setting.tooltip.title': 'Tooltip display',
    'setting.tooltip.translation': 'Translation',
    'setting.tooltip.transliteration': 'Transliteration',
    'setting.nightMode': 'Night Mode',
    'setting.nightMode.dayTip': 'Switch to day mode',
    'setting.nightMode.nightTip': 'Switch to night mode',

    'ayah.media.lectureFrom': 'Watch video commentary from {from}',
    'ayah.bookmarked': 'Bookmarked',
    'ayah.bookmark': 'Bookmark',
    'ayah.notFound': 'Ayah not found',

    'search.placeholder': 'Search "Noah"',
    'search.resultHeading': '{from}-{to} OF <span> {total} </span> SEARCH RESULTS FOR: <span>{query}</span>', // eslint-disable-line max-len
    'search.error': 'Sorry, there was an error with your search.',
    'search.nothing': 'No search query.',
    'search.noResult': 'No results found.',

    'surah.next': 'NEXT',
    'surah.previous': 'PREVIOUS',
    'surah.info': 'Surah Info',
    'surah.index.heading': 'SURAHS (CHAPTERS)',
    'surah.index.continue': 'Continue',
    'surah.index.quickLinks': 'Quick links',
    'surah.goToBeginning': 'Beginning of Surah',
    'surah.read': 'Read full Surah',

    'player.currentVerse': 'Ayah',
    'player.nextAyah': 'Next Ayah',
    'player.previousAyah': 'Previous Ayah',
    'player.repeat.title': 'TOGGLE REPEAT',
    'player.repeat.single': 'Single',
    'player.repeat.range': 'Range',
    'player.repeat.rangeStart': 'From',
    'player.repeat.rangeEnd': 'To',
    'player.repeat.times': 'Times',
    'player.repeat.loop': 'loop',
    'player.scrollButtonTip': 'Automatically scrolls to the currently playing ayah', // eslint-disable-line max-len

    'app.loading': 'Loading...',
    'actions.copy': 'Copy',
    'actions.copied': 'Copied!',
    'actions.play': 'Play',
    'actions.pause': 'Pause',

    'nav.title': 'Quran',
    'nav.settings': 'Settings',
    'nav.contribute': 'Contribute',
    'nav.aboutUs': 'About us',
    'nav.developers': 'Developers',
    'nav.usefulSites': 'Useful sites',
    'nav.otherLinks': 'Other links',
    'nav.contactUs': 'Contact us',
    'nav.help': 'Help & feedback',
    'nav.aboutQuranProject': 'Quran.com (also known as The Noble Quran, Al Quran, Holy Quran, Koran) is a pro bono project.', // eslint-disable-line max-len
    'nav.rightsReserved': 'All Rights Reserved',
    'nav.mobile': 'Mobile Apps',
    'nav.navigate': 'Navigate',
    'nav.legacySite': 'Legacy Quran.com',

    'login.message': 'Sign in to Quran.com to store all your bookmarks, notes, and activities.',
    'error.invalid-surah': "Surah is out of range. Please go to <a href='/'> home page</a> and select a Surah",
    'error.invalid-ayah': "Ayah is out of range. Please go to <a href='/'> home page </a> and select a Surah/Ayah"