"""Quantum circuit representation and simulation.""" import osimport inspectfrom io import BytesIOfrom itertools import productfrom functools import partialmethodfrom typing import Optional, Union, Tuple, List, Dict, Anyfrom import Iterable import numpy as npfrom copy import deepcopy from .texrenderer import TeXRenderer, CONVERTERSfrom ._decompose import _resolve_to_universal, _resolve_2q_basisfrom ..operations import ( Gate, Measurement, expand_operator, GATE_CLASS_MAP,)from .circuitsimulator import ( CircuitSimulator, CircuitResult,)from qutip import Qobj, qeye try: from IPython.display import Image as DisplayImage, SVG as DisplaySVGexcept ImportError: # If IPython doesn't exist, then we set the nice display hooks to be simple # pass-throughs. def DisplayImage(data, *args, **kwargs): return data def DisplaySVG(data, *args, **kwargs): return data __all__ = [ "QubitCircuit", "CircuitResult",] class QubitCircuit: """ Representation of a quantum program/algorithm, maintaining a sequence of gates. Parameters ---------- N : int Number of qubits in the system. user_gates : dict Define a dictionary of the custom gates. See examples for detail. input_states : list A list of string such as `0`,'+', "A", "Y". Only used for latex. dims : list A list of integer for the dimension of each composite system. e.g [2,2,2,2,2] for 5 qubits system. If None, qubits system will be the default option. num_cbits : int Number of classical bits in the system. Examples -------- >>> from qutip_qip.circuit import QubitCircuit >>> def user_gate(): ... mat = np.array([[1., 0], ... [0., 1.j]]) ... return Qobj(mat, dims=[[2], [2]]) >>> qubit_circuit = QubitCircuit(2, user_gates={"T":user_gate}) >>> qubit_circuit.add_gate("T", targets=[0]) """ def __init__( self, N, input_states=None, output_states=None, reverse_states=True, user_gates=None, dims=None, num_cbits=0, ): # number of qubits in the register self.N = N self.reverse_states = reverse_states self.gates = [] self.dims = dims if dims is not None else [2] * N self.num_cbits = num_cbits if input_states: self.input_states = input_states else: self.input_states = [None for i in range(N + num_cbits)] if output_states: self.output_states = output_states else: self.output_states = [None for i in range(N + num_cbits)] if user_gates is None: self.user_gates = {} else: if isinstance(user_gates, dict): self.user_gates = user_gates else: raise ValueError( "`user_gate` takes a python dictionary of the form" "{{str: gate_function}}, not {}".format(user_gates) ) def __repr__(self) -> str: return "" def _repr_png_(self): """ Provide PNG representation for Jupyter Notebook. """ try: self.draw(renderer="matplotlib") except ImportError: self.draw("text") def add_state(self, state, targets=None, state_type="input"): """ Add an input or ouput state to the circuit. By default all the input and output states will be initialized to `None`. A particular state can be added by specifying the state and the qubit where it has to be added along with the type as input or output. Parameters ---------- state: str The state that has to be added. It can be any string such as `0`, '+', "A", "Y" targets: list A list of qubit positions where the given state has to be added. state_type: str One of either "input" or "output". This specifies whether the state to be added is an input or output. default: "input" """ if state_type == "input": for i in targets: self.input_states[i] = state if state_type == "output": for i in targets: self.output_states[i] = state def add_measurement( self, measurement, targets=None, index=None, classical_store=None ): """ Adds a measurement with specified parameters to the circuit. Parameters ---------- measurement: string Measurement name. If name is an instance of `Measuremnent`, parameters are unpacked and added. targets: list Gate targets index : list Positions to add the gate. classical_store : int Classical register where result of measurement is stored. """ if isinstance(measurement, Measurement): name = targets = measurement.targets classical_store = measurement.classical_store else: name = measurement if index is None: self.gates.append( Measurement( name, targets=targets, classical_store=classical_store ) ) else: for position in index: self.gates.insert( position, Measurement( name, targets=targets, classical_store=classical_store ), ) def add_gate( self, gate, targets=None, controls=None, arg_value=None, arg_label=None, index=None, classical_controls=None, control_value=None, classical_control_value=None, style=None, ): """ Adds a gate with specified parameters to the circuit. Parameters ---------- gate: string or :class:`~.operations.Gate` Gate name. If gate is an instance of :class:`~.operations.Gate`, parameters are unpacked and added. targets: int or list, optional Index for the target qubits. controls: int or list, optional Indices for the (quantum) control qubits. arg_value: Any, optional Arguments for the gate. It will be used when generating the unitary matrix. For predefined gates, they are used when calling the ``get_compact_qobj`` methods of a gate. arg_label: string, optional Label for gate representation. index : list, optional Positions to add the gate. Each index in the supplied list refers to a position in the original list of gates. classical_controls : int or list of int, optional Indices of classical bits to control the gate. control_value : int, optional Value of classical bits to control on, the classical controls are interpreted as an integer with the lowest bit being the first one. If not specified, then the value is interpreted to be 2 ** len(classical_controls) - 1 (i.e. all classical controls are 1). """ if not isinstance(gate, Gate): if gate in GATE_CLASS_MAP: gate_class = GATE_CLASS_MAP[gate] else: gate_class = Gate gate = gate_class( name=gate, targets=targets, controls=controls, arg_value=arg_value, arg_label=arg_label, classical_controls=classical_controls, control_value=control_value, classical_control_value=classical_control_value, style=style, ) if index is None: self.gates.append(gate) else: # NOTE: Every insertion shifts the indices in the original list of # gates by an additional position to the right. shifted_inds = np.sort(index) + np.arange(len(index)) for position in shifted_inds: self.gates.insert(position, gate) def add_gates(self, gates): """ Adds a sequence of gates to the circuit in a positive order, i.e. the first gate in the sequence will be applied first to the state. Parameters ---------- gates: Iterable (e.g., list) The sequence of gates to be added. """ for g in gates: self.add_gate(g) def add_1q_gate( self, name, start=None, end=None, qubits=None, **kwargs, ): """ Adds a single qubit gate with specified parameters on a variable number of qubits in the circuit. By default, it applies the given gate to all the qubits in the register. Parameters ---------- name : string Gate name or the :class:`~.operations.Gate` object. start : int Starting location of qubits. end : int Last qubit for the gate. qubits : list Specific qubits for applying gates. kwargs : dict Keyword arguments for the gate, except for `targets`. See :class:`~.QubitCircuit.add_gate`. """ if qubits is None: if start is None or end is None: raise ValueError( "Both start and end must be specified if target qubits" " are not provided." ) qubits = range(start, end + 1) if not isinstance(qubits, Iterable): qubits = [qubits] for q in qubits: self.add_gate(name, targets=q, **kwargs) def add_circuit(self, qc, start=0, overwrite_user_gates=False): """ Adds a block of a qubit circuit to the main circuit. Globalphase gates are not added. Parameters ---------- qc : :class:`.QubitCircuit` The circuit block to be added to the main circuit. start : int The qubit on which the first gate is applied. """ if self.N - start < qc.N: raise NotImplementedError("Targets exceed number of qubits.") # Inherit the user gates for user_gate in qc.user_gates: if user_gate in self.user_gates and not overwrite_user_gates: continue self.user_gates[user_gate] = qc.user_gates[user_gate] for circuit_op in qc.gates: if isinstance(circuit_op, Gate): if circuit_op.targets is not None: tar = [target + start for target in circuit_op.targets] else: tar = None if circuit_op.controls is not None: ctrl = [control + start for control in circuit_op.controls] else: ctrl = None self.add_gate(, targets=tar, controls=ctrl, arg_value=circuit_op.arg_value, ) elif isinstance(circuit_op, Measurement): self.add_measurement(, targets=[target + start for target in circuit_op.targets], classical_store=circuit_op.classical_store, ) else: raise TypeError( "The circuit to be added contains unknown \ operator {}".format( circuit_op ) ) Function `remove_gate_or_measurement` has a Cognitive Complexity of 29 (exceeds 20 allowed). Consider refactoring. def remove_gate_or_measurement( self, index=None, end=None, name=None, remove="first" ): """ Remove a gate from a specific index or between two indexes or the first, last or all instances of a particular gate. Parameters ---------- index : int Location of gate or measurement to be removed. name : string Gate or Measurement name to be removed. remove : string If first or all gates/measurements are to be removed. """ if index is not None: if index > len(self.gates): raise ValueError( "Index exceeds number \ of gates + measurements." ) if end is not None and end <= len(self.gates): for i in range(end - index): self.gates.pop(index + i) elif end is not None and end > self.N: raise ValueError( "End target exceeds number \ of gates + measurements." ) else: self.gates.pop(index) elif name is not None and remove == "first": for circuit_op in self.gates: if name == self.gates.remove(circuit_op) break elif name is not None and remove == "last": for i in reversed(range(len(self.gates))): if name == self.gates[i].name: self.gates.pop(i) break elif name is not None and remove == "all": for i in reversed(range(len(self.gates))): if name == self.gates[i].name: self.gates.pop(i) else: self.gates.pop() def reverse_circuit(self): """ Reverse an entire circuit of unitary gates. Returns ------- qubit_circuit : :class:`.QubitCircuit` Return :class:`.QubitCircuit` of resolved gates for the qubit circuit in the reverse order. """ temp = QubitCircuit( self.N, reverse_states=self.reverse_states, num_cbits=self.num_cbits, input_states=self.input_states, output_states=self.output_states, ) for circuit_op in reversed(self.gates): if isinstance(circuit_op, Gate): temp.add_gate(circuit_op) else: temp.add_measurement(circuit_op) return temp def run( self, state, cbits=None, U_list=None, measure_results=None, precompute_unitary=False, ): """ Calculate the result of one instance of circuit run. Parameters ---------- state : ket or oper state vector or density matrix input. cbits : List of ints, optional initialization of the classical bits. U_list: list of Qobj, optional list of predefined unitaries corresponding to circuit. measure_results : tuple of ints, optional optional specification of each measurement result to enable post-selection. If specified, the measurement results are set to the tuple of bits (sequentially) instead of being chosen at random. Returns ------- final_state : Qobj output state of the circuit run. """ if state.isket: mode = "state_vector_simulator" elif state.isoper: mode = "density_matrix_simulator" else: raise TypeError("State is not a ket or a density matrix.") sim = CircuitSimulator( self, mode, precompute_unitary, ) return, cbits, measure_results).get_final_states(0) def run_statistics( self, state, U_list=None, cbits=None, precompute_unitary=False ): """ Calculate all the possible outputs of a circuit (varied by measurement gates). Parameters ---------- state : ket or oper state vector or density matrix input. cbits : List of ints, optional initialization of the classical bits. U_list: list of Qobj, optional list of predefined unitaries corresponding to circuit. Returns ------- result: CircuitResult Return a CircuitResult object containing output states and and their probabilities. """ if state.isket: mode = "state_vector_simulator" elif state.isoper: mode = "density_matrix_simulator" else: raise TypeError("State is not a ket or a density matrix.") sim = CircuitSimulator(self, mode, precompute_unitary) return sim.run_statistics(state, cbits) Function `resolve_gates` has a Cognitive Complexity of 39 (exceeds 20 allowed). Consider refactoring. def resolve_gates(self, basis=["CNOT", "RX", "RY", "RZ"]): """ Unitary matrix calculator for N qubits returning the individual steps as unitary matrices operating from left to right in the specified basis. Calls '_resolve_to_universal' for each gate, this function maps each 'GATENAME' with its corresponding '_gate_basis_2q' Subsequently calls _resolve_2q_basis for each basis, this function maps each '2QGATENAME' with its corresponding '_basis_' Parameters ---------- basis : list. Basis of the resolved circuit. Returns ------- qc : :class:`.QubitCircuit` Return :class:`.QubitCircuit` of resolved gates for the qubit circuit in the desired basis. """ qc_temp = QubitCircuit( self.N, reverse_states=self.reverse_states, num_cbits=self.num_cbits, ) temp_resolved = [] basis_1q_valid = ["RX", "RY", "RZ", "IDLE"] basis_2q_valid = ["CNOT", "CSIGN", "ISWAP", "SQRTSWAP", "SQRTISWAP"] num_measurements = len( list(filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, Measurement), self.gates)) ) if num_measurements > 0: raise NotImplementedError( "adjacent_gates must be called before \ measurements are added to the circuit" ) if isinstance(basis, list): basis_1q = [] basis_2q = [] for gate in basis: if gate in basis_2q_valid: basis_2q.append(gate) elif gate in basis_1q_valid: basis_1q.append(gate) else: pass if len(basis_1q) == 1: raise ValueError("Not sufficient single-qubit gates in basis") if len(basis_1q) == 0: basis_1q = ["RX", "RY", "RZ"] else: # only one 2q gate is given as basis basis_1q = ["RX", "RY", "RZ"] if basis in basis_2q_valid: basis_2q = [basis] else: raise ValueError( "%s is not a valid two-qubit basis gate" % basis ) for gate in self.gates: if in ("X", "Y", "Z"): qc_temp.gates.append(Gate("GLOBALPHASE", arg_value=np.pi / 2)) gate = Gate( "R" +, targets=gate.targets, arg_value=np.pi ) try: _resolve_to_universal(gate, temp_resolved, basis_1q, basis_2q) except KeyError: if in basis: temp_resolved.append(gate) else: exception = f"Gate {} cannot be resolved." raise NotImplementedError(exception) match = False for basis_unit in ["CSIGN", "ISWAP", "SQRTSWAP", "SQRTISWAP"]: if basis_unit in basis_2q: match = True _resolve_2q_basis(basis_unit, qc_temp, temp_resolved) break if not match: qc_temp.gates = temp_resolved if len(basis_1q) == 2: temp_resolved = qc_temp.gates qc_temp.gates = [] half_pi = np.pi / 2 for gate in temp_resolved:Similar blocks of code found in 3 locations. Consider refactoring. if == "RX" and "RX" not in basis_1q: qc_temp.gates.append( Gate( "RY", gate.targets, None, arg_value=-half_pi, arg_label=r"-\pi/2", ) ) qc_temp.gates.append( Gate( "RZ", gate.targets, None, gate.arg_value, gate.arg_label, ) ) qc_temp.gates.append( Gate( "RY", gate.targets, None, arg_value=half_pi, arg_label=r"\pi/2", ) )Similar blocks of code found in 3 locations. Consider refactoring. elif == "RY" and "RY" not in basis_1q: qc_temp.gates.append( Gate( "RZ", gate.targets, None, arg_value=-half_pi, arg_label=r"-\pi/2", ) ) qc_temp.gates.append( Gate( "RX", gate.targets, None, gate.arg_value, gate.arg_label, ) ) qc_temp.gates.append( Gate( "RZ", gate.targets, None, arg_value=half_pi, arg_label=r"\pi/2", ) )Similar blocks of code found in 3 locations. Consider refactoring. elif == "RZ" and "RZ" not in basis_1q: qc_temp.gates.append( Gate( "RX", gate.targets, None, arg_value=-half_pi, arg_label=r"-\pi/2", ) ) qc_temp.gates.append( Gate( "RY", gate.targets, None, gate.arg_value, gate.arg_label, ) ) qc_temp.gates.append( Gate( "RX", gate.targets, None, arg_value=half_pi, arg_label=r"\pi/2", ) ) else: qc_temp.gates.append(gate) qc_temp.gates = deepcopy(qc_temp.gates) return qc_temp Function `adjacent_gates` has a Cognitive Complexity of 41 (exceeds 20 allowed). Consider refactoring. def adjacent_gates(self): """ Method to resolve two qubit gates with non-adjacent control/s or target/s in terms of gates with adjacent interactions. Returns ------- qubit_circuit: :class:`.QubitCircuit` Return :class:`.QubitCircuit` of the gates for the qubit circuit with the resolved non-adjacent gates. """ temp = QubitCircuit( self.N, reverse_states=self.reverse_states, num_cbits=self.num_cbits, ) swap_gates = [ "SWAP", "ISWAP", "SQRTISWAP", "SQRTSWAP", "BERKELEY", "SWAPalpha", ] num_measurements = len( list(filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, Measurement), self.gates)) ) if num_measurements > 0: raise NotImplementedError( "adjacent_gates must be called before \ measurements are added to the circuit" ) for gate in self.gates: if == "CNOT" or == "CSIGN": start = min([gate.targets[0], gate.controls[0]]) end = max([gate.targets[0], gate.controls[0]]) i = start while i < end: if start + end - i - i == 1 and (end - start + 1) % 2 == 0: # Apply required gate if control, target are adjacent # to each other, provided |control-target| is even.Avoid deeply nested control flow statements. if end == gate.controls[0]: temp.gates.append( Gate(, targets=[i], controls=[i + 1]) ) else: temp.gates.append( Gate(, targets=[i + 1], controls=[i]) )Identical blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring. elif ( start + end - i - i == 2 and (end - start + 1) % 2 == 1 ): # Apply a swap between i and its adjacent gate, then # the required gate if and then another swap if control # and target have one qubit between them, provided # |control-target| is odd. temp.gates.append(Gate("SWAP", targets=[i, i + 1]))Avoid deeply nested control flow statements. if end == gate.controls[0]: temp.gates.append( Gate(, targets=[i + 1], controls=[i + 2], ) ) else: temp.gates.append( Gate(, targets=[i + 2], controls=[i + 1], ) ) temp.gates.append(Gate("SWAP", targets=[i, i + 1])) i += 1 else: # Swap the target/s and/or control with their adjacent # qubit to bring them closer. temp.gates.append(Gate("SWAP", targets=[i, i + 1])) temp.gates.append( Gate( "SWAP", targets=[start + end - i - 1, start + end - i], ) ) i += 1 elif in swap_gates: start = min([gate.targets[0], gate.targets[1]]) end = max([gate.targets[0], gate.targets[1]]) i = start while i < end: if start + end - i - i == 1 and (end - start + 1) % 2 == 0: temp.gates.append(Gate(, targets=[i, i + 1]))Identical blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring. elif (start + end - i - i) == 2 and ( end - start + 1 ) % 2 == 1: temp.gates.append(Gate("SWAP", targets=[i, i + 1])) temp.gates.append( Gate(, targets=[i + 1, i + 2]) ) temp.gates.append(Gate("SWAP", targets=[i, i + 1])) i += 1 else: temp.gates.append(Gate("SWAP", targets=[i, i + 1])) temp.gates.append( Gate( "SWAP", targets=[start + end - i - 1, start + end - i], ) ) i += 1 else: raise NotImplementedError( "`adjacent_gates` is not defined for " "gate {}.".format( ) temp.gates = deepcopy(temp.gates) return temp def propagators(self, expand=True, ignore_measurement=False): """ Propagator matrix calculator returning the individual steps as unitary matrices operating from left to right. Parameters ---------- expand : bool, optional Whether to expand the unitary matrices for the individual steps to the full Hilbert space for N qubits. Defaults to ``True``. If ``False``, the unitary matrices will not be expanded and the list of unitaries will need to be combined with the list of gates in order to determine which qubits the unitaries should act on. ignore_measurement: bool, optional Whether :class:`.Measurement` operators should be ignored. If set False, it will raise an error when the circuit has measurement. Returns ------- U_list : list Return list of unitary matrices for the qubit circuit. Notes ----- If ``expand=False``, the global phase gate only returns a number. Also, classical controls are be ignored. """ U_list = [] gates = [g for g in self.gates if not isinstance(g, Measurement)] if len(gates) < len(self.gates) and not ignore_measurement: raise TypeError( "Cannot compute the propagator of a measurement operator." "Please set ignore_measurement=True." ) for gate in gates: if == "GLOBALPHASE": qobj = gate.get_qobj(self.N) else: qobj = self._get_gate_unitary(gate) if expand: all_targets = gate.get_all_qubits() qobj = expand_operator( qobj, dims=self.dims, targets=all_targets ) U_list.append(qobj) return U_list def _get_gate_unitary(self, gate): if in self.user_gates: if gate.controls is not None: raise ValueError( "A user defined gate {} takes only " "`targets` variable.".format( ) func_or_oper = self.user_gates[] if inspect.isfunction(func_or_oper): func = func_or_oper para_num = len(inspect.getfullargspec(func)[0]) if para_num == 0: qobj = func() elif para_num == 1: qobj = func(gate.arg_value) else: raise ValueError( "gate function takes at most one parameters." ) elif isinstance(func_or_oper, Qobj): qobj = func_or_oper else: raise ValueError("gate is neither function nor operator") else: qobj = gate.get_compact_qobj() return qobj def compute_unitary(self): """Evaluates the matrix of all the gates in a quantum circuit. Returns ------- circuit_unitary : :class:`qutip.Qobj` Product of all gate arrays in the quantum circuit. """ sim = CircuitSimulator(self) result = circuit_unitary = result.get_final_states()[0] return circuit_unitary # This slightly convoluted dance with the conversion formats is because def draw( self, renderer="matplotlib", file_type="png", dpi=None, file_path="circuit", save=False, **kwargs, ): """ Export circuit object as an image file in a supported format. Parameters ---------- renderer : str, optional The renderer to use for the circuit. Options are 'latex', 'matplotlib', or 'text'. Default is 'matplotlib'. file_type : str, optional The type of the image file to export. Supported types are 'svg' and 'png'. Default is 'png'. dpi : int, optional The image density in dots per inch (dpi). Applicable for PNG, not for SVG. Default is None (set to 100 internally for PNG). file_path : str, optional The path to save the image file. Default is the current working directory. save : bool, optional If True, the image will be saved to the specified path. Default is False. kwargs : dict Additional keyword arguments passed to the renderer. Passed to StyleConfig Dataclass under, pls refer to the file for more details. See Also -------- :class:`~qutip_qip.circuit.base_renderer.StyleConfig` Configuration class for detailed style options. """ if renderer == "latex": if file_type == "png" and dpi is None: dpi = 100 latex = TeXRenderer(self) image_data = latex.raw_img(file_type, dpi) if save: mode = "w" if file_type == "svg" else "wb" with open(f"{file_path}.{file_type}", mode) as file: file.write(image_data) return ( DisplaySVG(data=image_data) if file_type == "svg" else DisplayImage(data=image_data) ) elif renderer == "matplotlib": from .mat_renderer import MatRenderer if dpi is not None: kwargs["dpi"] = dpi mat = MatRenderer(self, **kwargs) mat.canvas_plot() if save: elif renderer == "text": from .text_renderer import TextRenderer text = TextRenderer(self, **kwargs) text.layout() if save: else: raise ValueError( f"Unknown renderer '{renderer}' not supported. Please choose from 'latex', 'matplotlib', 'text'." ) def _to_qasm(self, qasm_out): """ Pipe output of circuit object to QasmOutput object. Parameters ---------- qasm_out: QasmOutput object to store QASM output. """ qasm_out.output("qreg q[{}];".format(self.N)) if self.num_cbits: qasm_out.output("creg c[{}];".format(self.num_cbits)) qasm_out.output(n=1) for op in self.gates: if (not isinstance(op, Measurement)) and not qasm_out.is_defined( ): qasm_out._qasm_defns(op) for op in self.gates: op._to_qasm(qasm_out)