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from functools import partial
import numpy as np
import scipy

from ..circuit import QubitCircuit
from ..operations import Gate
from ..compiler import GateCompiler, Instruction

__all__ = ["CavityQEDCompiler"]

class CavityQEDCompiler(GateCompiler):
    Compiler for :obj:`.DispersiveCavityQED`.
    Compiled pulse strength is in the unit of GHz.

    Supported native gates: "RX", "RY", "RZ", "ISWAP", "SQRTISWAP",

    Default configuration (see :obj:`.GateCompiler.args` and

        | key             | value              |
        | ``shape``       | ``rectangular``    |
        |``params``       | Hardware Parameters|

    num_qubits: int
        The number of qubits in the system.

    params: dict
        A Python dictionary contains the name and the value of the parameters.
        See :obj:`.CavityQEDModel` for the definition.

    global_phase: float, optional
        Record of the global phase change and will be returned.

    gate_compiler: dict
        The Python dictionary in the form of {gate_name: decompose_function}.
        It saves the decomposition scheme for each gate.

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from qutip_qip.circuit import QubitCircuit
    >>> from qutip_qip.device import ModelProcessor, CavityQEDModel
    >>> from qutip_qip.compiler import CavityQEDCompiler
    >>> qc = QubitCircuit(2)
    >>> qc.add_gate("ISWAP", targets=[0, 1])
    >>> model = CavityQEDModel(2)
    >>> processor = ModelProcessor(model=model)
    >>> compiler = CavityQEDCompiler(2, params=model.params)
    >>> processor.load_circuit(
    ...     qc, compiler=compiler)  # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
    ({'sz0': array([   0.        , 2500.        , 2500.01316]),
    'sz1': array([   0.        , 2500.        , 2500.01316]),
    'g0': array([   0.        , 2500.        , 2500.01316]),
    'g1': array([   0.        , 2500.        , 2500.01316])},
    {'sz0': array([-0.5, -9.5]),
    'sz1': array([-0.5, -9.5]),
    'g0': array([0.01, 0.  ]),
    'g1': array([0.01, 0.  ])})

    Notice that the above example is equivalent to using directly
    the :obj:`.DispersiveCavityQED`.

    def __init__(
        self, num_qubits, params, global_phase=0.0, pulse_dict=None, N=None
        super(CavityQEDCompiler, self).__init__(
            num_qubits, params=params, pulse_dict=pulse_dict, N=N
                "ISWAP": self.iswap_compiler,
                "SQRTISWAP": self.sqrtiswap_compiler,
                "RZ": self.rz_compiler,
                "RX": self.rx_compiler,
                "GLOBALPHASE": self.globalphase_compiler,
        self.wq = np.sqrt(self.params["eps"] ** 2 + self.params["delta"] ** 2)
        self.Delta = self.wq - self.params["w0"]
        self.global_phase = global_phase

    def _rotation_compiler(self, gate, op_label, param_label, args):
        Single qubit rotation compiler.

        gate : :obj:`~.operations.Gate`:
            The quantum gate to be compiled.
        op_label : str
            Label of the corresponding control Hamiltonian.
        param_label : str
            Label of the hardware parameters saved in
        args : dict
            The compilation configuration defined in the attributes
            :obj:`.GateCompiler.args` or given as a parameter in

        A list of :obj:`.Instruction`, including the compiled pulse
        information for this gate.
        targets = gate.targets
        coeff, tlist = self.generate_pulse_shape(
            # The operator is Pauli Z/X/Y, without 1/2.
            area=gate.arg_value / 2.0 / np.pi * 0.5,
        pulse_info = [(op_label + str(targets[0]), coeff)]
        return [Instruction(gate, tlist, pulse_info)]

    def rz_compiler(self, gate, args):
        Compiler for the RZ gate

        gate : :obj:`~.operations.Gate`:
            The quantum gate to be compiled.
        args : dict
            The compilation configuration defined in the attributes
            :obj:`.GateCompiler.args` or given as a parameter in

        A list of :obj:`.Instruction`, including the compiled pulse
        information for this gate.
        return self._rotation_compiler(gate, "sz", "sz", args)

    def rx_compiler(self, gate, args):
        Compiler for the RX gate

        gate : :obj:`~.operations.Gate`:
            The quantum gate to be compiled.
        args : dict
            The compilation configuration defined in the attributes
            :obj:`.GateCompiler.args` or given as a parameter in

        A list of :obj:`.Instruction`, including the compiled pulse
        information for this gate.
        return self._rotation_compiler(gate, "sx", "sx", args)

    def _swap_compiler(self, gate, area, correction_angle, args):
        q1, q2 = gate.targets
        pulse_info = []
        pulse_name = "sz" + str(q1)
        coeff = self.wq[q1] - self.params["w0"]
        pulse_info += [(pulse_name, coeff)]
        pulse_name = "sz" + str(q2)
        coeff = self.wq[q2] - self.params["w0"]
        pulse_info += [(pulse_name, coeff)]
        pulse_name = "g" + str(q1)
        coeff = self.params["g"][q1]
        pulse_info += [(pulse_name, coeff)]
        pulse_name = "g" + str(q2)
        coeff = self.params["g"][q2]
        pulse_info += [(pulse_name, coeff)]

        J = (
            * self.params["g"][q2]
            * (1.0 / self.Delta[q1] + 1.0 / self.Delta[q2])
            / 2.0
        coeff, tlist = self.generate_pulse_shape(
            args["shape"], args["num_samples"], maximum=J, area=area
        instruction_list = [Instruction(gate, tlist, pulse_info)]

        # corrections
        gate1 = Gate("RZ", [q1], None, arg_value=correction_angle)
        compiled_gate1 = self.gate_compiler["RZ"](gate1, args)
        instruction_list += compiled_gate1
        gate2 = Gate("RZ", [q2], None, arg_value=correction_angle)
        compiled_gate2 = self.gate_compiler["RZ"](gate2, args)
        instruction_list += compiled_gate2
        gate3 = Gate("GLOBALPHASE", None, None, arg_value=correction_angle)
        self.globalphase_compiler(gate3, args)
        return instruction_list

    def sqrtiswap_compiler(self, gate, args):
        Compiler for the SQRTISWAP gate.

        gate : :obj:`~.operations.Gate`:
            The quantum gate to be compiled.
        args : dict
            The compilation configuration defined in the attributes
            :obj:`.GateCompiler.args` or given as a parameter in

        A list of :obj:`.Instruction`, including the compiled pulse
        information for this gate.

        This version of sqrtiswap_compiler has very low fidelity, please use
        # FIXME This decomposition has poor behaviour.
        return self._swap_compiler(
            gate, area=1 / 4, correction_angle=-np.pi / 4, args=args

    def iswap_compiler(self, gate, args):
        Compiler for the ISWAP gate.

        gate : :obj:`~.operations.Gate`:
            The quantum gate to be compiled.
        args : dict
            The compilation configuration defined in the attributes
            :obj:`.GateCompiler.args` or given as a parameter in

        A list of :obj:`.Instruction`, including the compiled pulse
        information for this gate.
        return self._swap_compiler(
            gate, area=1 / 2, correction_angle=-np.pi / 2, args=args

    def globalphase_compiler(self, gate, args):
        Compiler for the GLOBALPHASE gate
        self.global_phase += gate.arg_value