from copy import deepcopy
import numpy as np
from qutip import qeye, tensor, destroy, basis
from .processor import Model
from .modelprocessor import ModelProcessor, _to_array
from ..transpiler import to_chain_structure
from ..compiler import SCQubitsCompiler
from ..noise import ZZCrossTalk
from ..operations import expand_operator
__all__ = ["SCQubits"]
class SCQubits(ModelProcessor):
A chain of superconducting qubits with fixed frequency
Single-qubit control is realized by rotation around the X and Y axis
while two-qubit gates are implemented with Cross Resonance gates.
A 3-level system is used to simulate the superconducting qubit system,
in order to simulation leakage.
Various types of interaction can be realized on a superconducting
system, as a demonstration and
for simplicity, we only use a ZX Hamiltonian for
the two-qubit interaction.
See the mathematical details in
:obj:`.SCQubitsCompiler` and :obj:`.SCQubitsModel`.
num_qubits: int
The number of qubits in the system.
dims: list, optional
The dimension of each component system.
Default value is a qubit system of ``dim=[2,2,2,...,2]``.
zz_crosstalk: bool, optional
If ZZ cross-talk is included.
Hardware parameters. See :obj:`SCQubitsModel`.
.. testcode::
import numpy as np
import qutip
from qutip_qip.circuit import QubitCircuit
from qutip_qip.device import SCQubits
qc = QubitCircuit(2)
qc.add_gate("RZ", 0, arg_value=np.pi)
qc.add_gate("RY", 1, arg_value=np.pi)
qc.add_gate("CNOT", targets=0, controls=1)
processor = SCQubits(2)
init_state = qutip.basis([3, 3], [0, 0])
result = processor.run_state(init_state)
def __init__(self, num_qubits, dims=None, zz_crosstalk=False, **params):
if dims is None:
dims = [3] * num_qubits
model = SCQubitsModel(
super(SCQubits, self).__init__(model=model)
self.native_gates = ["RX", "RY", "CNOT", "RZX"]
self._default_compiler = SCQubitsCompiler
self.pulse_mode = "continuous"
def topology_map(self, qc):
return to_chain_structure(qc)
class SCQubitsModel(Model):
The physical model for superconducting-qubit model processor
(:obj:`.SCQubits`) with fixed frequency.
Each qubit is simulated by a multi-level Duffing model
in which the qubit subspace is provided by the ground state
and the first excited state.
By default, the creation and annihilation operators are
truncated at the third level, which can be adjusted.
The multi-level representation can capture the leakage of the population
out of the qubit subspace during single-qubit gates.
The single-qubit control is generated by two orthogonal quadratures
:math:`a_j^{\\dagger}+a_j` and :math:`i(a_j^{\\dagger}-a_j)`.
The interaction is possible only between adjacent qubits.
Although this interaction is mediated by a resonator, for simplicity,
we replace the complicated dynamics among two superconducting qubits
and the resonator with a two-qubit effective Hamiltonian
derived in Ref. :cite:`magesan2020effective`.
As an example, we choose the cross resonance interaction
in the form of :math:`\\sigma^z_{j} \\sigma^x_{j+1}`,
acting only on the two-qubit levels,
which is widely used, e.g., in fixed-frequency superconducting qubits.
We can write the Hamiltonian as
.. math::
H &= H_{\\rm{d}}
+ \\sum_{j=0}^{N-1} \\Omega^x_{j} (a_j^{\\dagger} + a_j)
+ \\Omega^y_{j} i(a_j^{\\dagger} - a_j) \\\\
+ \\sum_{j=0}^{N-2} \\Omega^{\\rm{cr}1}_{j} \\sigma^z_j \\sigma^x_{j+1}
+ \\Omega^{\\rm{cr}2}_{j} \\sigma^x_j \\sigma^z_{j+1}
where the drift Hamiltonian is defined as
.. math::
H_{\\rm{d}} = \\sum_{j=0}^{N-1}
\\frac{\\alpha_j}{2} a_j^{\\dagger}a_j^{\\dagger}a_j a_j
num_qubits: int
The number of qubits.
dims: list, optional
The dimension of each component system.
Default value is a qubit system of ``dim=[2,2,2,...,2]``.
zz_crosstalk: bool, optional
If ZZ cross-talk is included.
Keyword arguments for hardware parameters, in the unit of GHz.
Each should be given as list:
- wq : list, optional
Qubits bare frequency, default 5.15 and 5.09
for each pair of superconducting qubits,
default ``[5.15, 5.09, 5.15, ...]``.
- wr : list, optional
Resonator bare frequency, default ``[5.96]*num_qubits``.
- g : list, optional
The coupling strength between the resonator and the qubits,
default ``[0.1]*(num_qubits - 1)``.
- alpha : list, optional
Anharmonicity for each superconducting qubit,
default ``[-0.3]*num_qubits``.
- omega_single : list, optional
The maximal control strength for single-qubit gate,
:math:`\\Omega^x` and :math:`\\Omega^y`,
default ``[0.01]*num_qubits``.
- omega_cr : list, optional
Control strength for cross resonance gate,
default ``[0.01]*num_qubits``.
- t1 : float or list, optional
Characterize the amplitude damping for each qubit.
- t2 : list of list, optional
Characterize the total dephasing for each qubit.
def __init__(self, num_qubits, dims=None, zz_crosstalk=False, **params):
self.num_qubits = num_qubits
self.dims = dims if dims is not None else [3] * num_qubits
self.params = {
"wq": np.array(
((5.15, 5.09) * int(np.ceil(self.num_qubits / 2)))[
: self.num_qubits
"wr": 5.96,
"alpha": -0.3,
"g": 0.1,
"omega_single": 0.01,
"omega_cr": 0.01,
self._drift = []
self._controls = self._set_up_controls()
self._noise = []
if zz_crosstalk:
def _set_up_drift(self):
for m in range(self.num_qubits):
destroy_op = destroy(self.dims[m])
coeff = 2 * np.pi * self.params["alpha"][m] / 2.0
(coeff * destroy_op.dag() ** 2 * destroy_op**2, [m])
def _old_index_label_map(self):
num_qubits = self.num_qubits
return (
["sx" + str(i) for i in range(num_qubits)]
+ ["sy" + str(i) for i in range(num_qubits)]
+ ["zx" + str(i) + str(i + 1) for i in range(num_qubits)]
+ ["zx" + str(i + 1) + str(i) for i in range(num_qubits)]
def _set_up_controls(self):
Setup the operators.
We use 2π σ/2 as the single-qubit control Hamiltonian and
-2πZX/4 as the two-qubit Hamiltonian.
num_qubits = self.num_qubits
dims = self.dims
controls = {}
for m in range(num_qubits):
destroy_op = destroy(dims[m])
op = destroy_op + destroy_op.dag()
controls["sx" + str(m)] = (2 * np.pi / 2 * op, [m])
for m in range(num_qubits):
destroy_op = destroy(dims[m])
op = destroy_op * (-1.0j) + destroy_op.dag() * 1.0j
controls["sy" + str(m)] = (2 * np.pi / 2 * op, [m])
for m in range(num_qubits):
destroy_op = destroy(dims[m])
op = destroy_op.dag() * destroy_op
controls["sz" + str(m)] = (2 * np.pi * op, [m])
for m in range(num_qubits - 1):
# For simplicity, we neglect leakage in two-qubit gates.
d1 = dims[m]
d2 = dims[m + 1]
# projector to the 0 and 1 subspace
projector1 = (
basis(d1, 0) * basis(d1, 0).dag()
+ basis(d1, 1) * basis(d1, 1).dag()
projector2 = (
basis(d2, 0) * basis(d2, 0).dag()
+ basis(d2, 1) * basis(d2, 1).dag()
destroy_op1 = destroy(d1)
# Notice that this is actually 2πZX/4
z = (
* (-destroy_op1.dag() * destroy_op1 * 2 + qeye(d1))
/ 2
* projector1
destroy_op2 = destroy(d2)
x = projector2 * (destroy_op2.dag() + destroy_op2) / 2 * projector2
controls["zx" + str(m) + str(m + 1)] = (
2 * np.pi * tensor([z, x]),
[m, m + 1],
controls["zx" + str(m + 1) + str(m)] = (
2 * np.pi * tensor([x, z]),
[m, m + 1],
return controls
def _compute_params(self):
Compute the dressed frequency and the interaction strength.
num_qubits = self.num_qubits
for name in ["alpha", "omega_single", "omega_cr"]:
self.params[name] = _to_array(self.params[name], num_qubits)
self.params["wr"] = _to_array(self.params["wr"], num_qubits - 1)
self.params["g"] = _to_array(self.params["g"], 2 * (num_qubits - 1))
g = self.params["g"]
wq = self.params["wq"]
wr = self.params["wr"]
alpha = self.params["alpha"]
# Dressed qubit frequency
wq_dr = []
for i in range(num_qubits):
tmp = wq[i]
if i != 0:
tmp += g[2 * i - 1] ** 2 / (wq[i] - wr[i - 1])
if i != (num_qubits - 1):
tmp += g[2 * i] ** 2 / (wq[i] - wr[i])
self.params["wq_dressed"] = wq_dr
# Dressed resonator frequency
wr_dr = []
for i in range(num_qubits - 1):
tmp = wr[i]
tmp -= g[2 * i] ** 2 / (wq[i] - wr[i] + alpha[i])
tmp -= g[2 * i + 1] ** 2 / (wq[i + 1] - wr[i] + alpha[i])
self.params["wr_dressed"] = wr_dr
# Effective qubit coupling strength
J = []
for i in range(num_qubits - 1):
tmp = (
g[2 * i]
* g[2 * i + 1]
* (wq[i] + wq[i + 1] - 2 * wr[i])
/ 2
/ (wq[i] - wr[i])
/ (wq[i + 1] - wr[i])
self.params["J"] = J
# Effective ZX strength
zx_coeff = []
omega_cr = self.params["omega_cr"]
for i in range(num_qubits - 1):
tmp = (
* omega_cr[i]
* (
1 / (wq[i] - wq[i + 1] + alpha[i])
- 1 / (wq[i] - wq[i + 1])
tmp = (
* omega_cr[i + 1]
* (
1 / (wq[i + 1] - wq[i] + alpha[i + 1])
- 1 / (wq[i + 1] - wq[i])
# Times 2 because we use -2πZX/4 as operators
self.params["zx_coeff"] = np.asarray(zx_coeff) * 2
def get_control_latex(self):
Get the labels for each Hamiltonian.
It is used in the method method :meth:`.Processor.plot_pulses`.
It is a 2-d nested list, in the plot,
a different color will be used for each sublist.
num_qubits = self.num_qubits
labels = [
{f"sx{n}": r"$\sigma_x" + f"^{n}$" for n in range(num_qubits)},
{f"sy{n}": r"$\sigma_y" + f"^{n}$" for n in range(num_qubits)},
{f"sz{n}": r"$\sigma_z" + f"^{n}$" for n in range(num_qubits)},
label_zx = {}
for m in range(num_qubits - 1):
label_zx[f"zx{m}{m+1}"] = r"$ZX^{" + f"{m}{m+1}" + r"}$"
label_zx[f"zx{m+1}{m}"] = r"$ZX^{" + f"{m+1}{m}" + r"}$"
return labels