from import Iterable
import numbers
import numpy as np
from qutip import Qobj, QobjEvo, tensor, mesolve, basis
from ..operations import globalphase
from ..circuit import QubitCircuit
from .processor import Processor
from ..compiler import GateCompiler
from ..pulse import Pulse
__all__ = ["ModelProcessor"]
class ModelProcessor(Processor):
The base class for a circuit processor simulating a physical device,
e.g cavityQED, spinchain.
The available Hamiltonian of the system is predefined.
The processor can simulate the evolution under the given
control pulses either numerically or analytically.
It cannot be used alone, please refer to the sub-classes.
(Only additional attributes are documented here, for others please
refer to the parent class :class:`.Processor`)
num_qubits: int, optional
The number of qubits.
It replaces the old API ``N``.
dims: list, optional
The dimension of each component system.
Default value is a qubit system of ``dim=[2,2,2,...,2]``.
correct_global_phase: boolean, optional
If true, the analytical solution will track the global phase. It
has no effect on the numerical solution.
- t1: float or list, optional
Characterize the amplitude damping for each qubit.
A list of size `num_qubits` or a float for all qubits.
- t2: float or list, optional
Characterize the total dephasing for each qubit.
A list of size `num_qubits` or a float for all qubits.
def __init__(
super(ModelProcessor, self).__init__(
num_qubits=num_qubits, dims=dims, model=model, **params
self.correct_global_phase = correct_global_phase
self.global_phase = 0.0
self.native_gates = None
self.transpile_functions = []
self._default_compiler = None
def set_up_params(self):
Save the parameters in the attribute `params` and check the validity.
(Defined in subclasses)
All parameters will be multiplied by 2*pi for simplicity
raise NotImplementedError("Parameters should be defined in subclass.")
def run_state(
self, init_state=None, analytical=False, qc=None, states=None, **kwargs
If ``analytical`` is False, use :func:`qutip.mesolve` to
calculate the time of the state evolution
and return the result.
Other arguments of :func:`qutip.mesolve` can be
given as keyword arguments.
If ``analytical`` is True, calculate the propagator
with matrix exponentiation and return a list of matrices.
init_state: Qobj
Initial density matrix or state vector (ket).
analytical: boolean
If True, calculate the evolution with matrices exponentiation.
qc : :class:`.QubitCircuit`, optional
A quantum circuit. If given, it first calls the ``load_circuit``
and then calculate the evolution.
states : :class:`qutip.Qobj`, optional
Old API, same as init_state.
Keyword arguments for the qutip solver.
evo_result: :class:`qutip.Result`
If ``analytical`` is False, an instance of the class
:class:`qutip.Result` will be returned.
If ``analytical`` is True, a list of matrices representation
is returned.
if qc is not None:
return super(ModelProcessor, self).run_state(
def get_ops_and_u(self):
Get the labels for each Hamiltonian.
ctrls: list
The list of Hamiltonians
coeffs: array_like
The transposed pulse matrix
return (self.ctrls, self.get_full_coeffs().T)
def pulse_matrix(self, dt=0.01):
Generates the pulse matrix for the desired physical system.
t, u, labels:
Returns the total time and label for every operation.
ctrls = self.ctrls
coeffs = self.get_full_coeffs().T
# FIXME This might becomes a problem if new tlist other than
# int the default pulses are added.
tlist = self.get_full_tlist()
dt_list = tlist[1:] - tlist[:-1]
t_tot = tlist[-1]
num_step = int(np.ceil(t_tot / dt))
t = np.linspace(0, t_tot, num_step)
u = np.zeros((len(ctrls), num_step))
t_start = 0
for n in range(len(dt_list)):
t_idx_len = int(np.floor(dt_list[n] / dt))
mm = 0
for m in range(len(ctrls)):
u[mm, t_start : (t_start + t_idx_len)] = (
np.ones(t_idx_len) * coeffs[n, m]
mm += 1
t_start += t_idx_len
return t, u, self.get_operators_labels()
def topology_map(self, qc):
Map the circuit to the hardware topology.
raise NotImplementedError
def transpile(self, qc):
Convert the circuit to one that can be executed on given hardware.
If there is a method ``topology_map`` defined,
it will use it to map the circuit to the hardware topology.
If the processor has a set of native gates defined, it will decompose
the given circuit to the native gates.
qc: :class:`.QubitCircuit`
The input quantum circuit.
qc: :class:`.QubitCircuit`
The transpiled quantum circuit.
qc = self.topology_map(qc)
except NotImplementedError:
if self.native_gates is not None:
qc = qc.resolve_gates(basis=self.native_gates)
return qc
def load_circuit(self, qc, schedule_mode="ASAP", compiler=None):
The default routine of compilation.
It first calls the :meth:`.transpile` to convert the circuit to
a suitable format for the hardware model.
Then it calls the compiler and save the compiled pulses.
qc : :class:`.QubitCircuit`
Takes the quantum circuit to be implemented.
schedule_mode: string
"ASAP" or "ALAP" or None.
compiler: subclass of :class:`.GateCompiler`
The used compiler.
tlist, coeffs: dict of 1D NumPy array
A dictionary of pulse label and the time sequence and
compiled pulse coefficients.
qc = self.transpile(qc)
# Choose a compiler and compile the circuit
if compiler is None and self._default_compiler is not None:
compiler = self._default_compiler(self.num_qubits, self.params)
if compiler is not None:
tlist, coeffs = compiler.compile(
qc.gates, schedule_mode=schedule_mode
raise ValueError("No compiler defined.")
# Save compiler pulses
return tlist, coeffs
def generate_init_processor_state(
self, init_circuit_state: Qobj = None
) -> Qobj:
Generate the initial state with the dimensions of the processor.
init_circuit_state : :class:`qutip.Qobj`
Initial state provided with the dimensions of the circuit.
Return the initial state with the dimensions
of the processor model. If initial_circuit_state
was not provided, return the zero state.
if init_circuit_state is None:
return basis([2] * self.num_qubits, [0] * self.num_qubits)
return init_circuit_state
def get_final_circuit_state(self, final_processor_state: Qobj) -> Qobj:
Convert the state with the dimensions of the processor model to
a state with the dimensions of the circuit.
final_processor_state : :class:`qutip.Qobj`
State provided with the dimensions of the processor model.
Return the final state with the dimensions of the circuit.
return final_processor_state
def _to_array(params, num_qubits):
Transfer a parameter to an array.
if isinstance(params, numbers.Real):
return np.asarray([params] * num_qubits)
elif isinstance(params, Iterable):
return np.asarray(params)